Members of the U.S. Congress Who Have Died of Other Than Natural Causes while in Office

Prepared for Members and Committees of Congress

This report provides an alphabetical list of the 61 Members of Congress who have died of other
than natural causes while serving in the U.S. House of Representatives or the U.S. Senate. Each
entry includes party affiliation, the name of the state that the Member represented, dates of
service, chamber in which the Member served, and cause of death.
The report does not presume to be a complete list of Members who have died from other than
natural causes while in office. CRS relied exclusively on available sources, and the report reflects
only the extent to which they indicated the cause of a Member’s death.

Table 1. Members of the U.S. Congress Who Have Died of Other Than Natural Causes
While in Office.............................................................................................................................1
Author Contact Information............................................................................................................5

Table 1. Members of the U.S. Congress Who Have Died of Other Than Natural Causes While in Office
Member Party State Dates of Servicea Chamber Cause of Death and Date of Death
ANDERSON, Carl Carey D OH 03/04/1909- 10/01/1912 House Died in an automobile accident near Fostoria, OH on 10/01/1912.
R IL 03/04/1845-01/15/1847 House BAKER, Edward Dickinson Killed in the Battle of Balls Bluff, VA on 10/21/1861.
R OR 10/21/1860-10/21/1861 Senate
BATES, George Joseph R MA 01/03/1937-11/01/1949 House Died in an airplane accident at Washington National Airport on 11/01/1949.
BEGICH, Nicholas D AL 01/03/1971-10/16/1972 House Died in a plane crash in the Alaskan wilderness on 10/16/1972.
BOGGS, Thomas Hale D LA 01/03/1941-01/03/1943 House Died in a plane crash in the Alaskan wilderness on 10/16/1972.
735BONO, Sonny R CA 01/03/1995-01/05/1998 House Died in a skiing accident at Lake Tahoe, NV on 01/05/1998.
BOYLE, Charles Augustus D IL 01/03/1955-11/04/1959 House Died in an automobile accident in Chicago, IL on 11/04/1959.
iki/CRS-98-BRANDEGEE, Frank B. R CT 11/05/1902-05/10/1905 House Committed suicide in Washington, DC on 10/14/1924.
g/w05/10/1905-10/14/1924 Senate
s.orBRODERICK, David Colbreth D CA 03/04/1857-09/16/1859 Senate Mortally wounded by David S. Terry, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of
leakCalifornia, in a duel in San Francisco on 09/13/1859 and died on 09/16/1859.
://wikiBYRON, William Devereux D MD 01/03/1939-02/27/1941 House Died in an airplane crash in Jonesboro, GA on 02/27/1941.
httpCHAPMAN, Virgil Mundy D KY 03/04/1925-03/03/1929 House Died from injuries received in an automobile accident in Bethesda, MD on
03/04/1931-01/03/1949 03/08/1951.
01/03/1949-03/08/1951 Senate
CHICKERING, Charles Addison R NY 03/04/1893-02/13/1900 House Died from injuries received in an accidental fall from a window of the Grand
Union Hotel in New York City on 02/13/1900.
CILLEY, Johnathan Db ME 03/04/1837-02/24/1838 House Killed in a duel on the Marlboro Pike, near Washington, DC by William J.
Graves, a Representative from Kentucky on 02/24/1838.
CLARKE, John Davenport R NY 03/04/1921-03/03/1925 House Died as a result of an automobile collision near Delhi, NY on 11/05/1933.
COFFEY, Robert Lewis, Jr. D PA 01/03/1949-04/20/1949 House Died in an airplane accident in Albuquerque, NM on 04/20/1949.
COLLINS, George W. D IL 11/03/1970-12/08/1972 House Died in an airplane crash in Chicago, IL on 12/08/1972.
CUTTING, Bronson Murray R NM 12/29/1927-12/06/1928 Senate Died in an airplane crash near Atlanta, MO on 05/06/1935.
DITTER, John William R PA 03/04/1933-11/21/1943 House Died in an airplane crash near Columbia, PA on 11/21/1943.

Member Party State Dates of Servicea Chamber Cause of Death and Date of Death
EAST, John P. R NC 01/03/1981-06/29/1986 Senate Committed suicide in Greenville, NC on 06/29/1986.
ELLIOTT, Douglas R PA 04/26/1960-06/19/1960 House Committed suicide in Horse Valley, PA on 06/19/1960.
ERVIN, Joseph W. D NC 01/03/1945-12/25/1945 House Committed suicide in Washington, DC on 12/25/1945.
FOLGER, Alonzo Dillard D NC 01/03/1939-04/30/1941 House Died in an automobile accident in Mount Airy, NC on 04/30/1941.
GANLY, James Vincent D NY 03/04/1919-03/03/1921 House Died in an automobile accident in New York City on 09/07/1923.
HAMILTON, Cornelius Springer R OH 03/04/1867-12/22/1867 House Killed by an insane son in Marysville, OH on 12/22/1867.
HEINKE, George Henry R NE 01/03/1939-01/02/1940 House Died as a result of injuries received in an automobile accident near Morrilton,
AR while en route to Washington DC to attend the opening of the 3rd session th
of the 76 Congress on 01/02/1940.
735HEINZ, H. John III R PA 11/02/1971-01/03/1977 House Died in a mid-air collision between his charter plane and a helicopter over a
01/03/1977-04/04/1991 Senate suburban Philadelphia schoolyard on 04/04/1991.
iki/CRS-98-HINDS, James R AR 06/22/1868-10/22/1868 House Assassinated near Indian Bays, AR on 10/22/1868.
g/wHUNT, Lester C. D WY 01/03/1949-06/19/1954 Senate Committed suicide in Washington, DC on 06/19/1954.
s.orHUSTING, Paul Oscar D WI 03/04/1915-10/21/1917 Senate Died accidentally while duck hunting on Rush Lake, near Picketts, WI on
c VA 03/04/1831-06/17/1832 House Drowned near one of the docks in Alexandria, VA on 06/17/1832.
://wikiJOHNSTON, Charles Clement D
httpJOHNSTON, Josiah Stoddard D LA 03/04/1821-03/03/1823 01/15/1824-05/19/1833 House Senate Killed by an explosion on the steamboat Lioness on the Red River in Louisiana on 05/19/1833.
KAYNOR, William Kirk R MA 03/04/1929-12/20/1929 House Died in an airplane accident near Washington, DC on 12/20/1929.
KENDALL, Samuel A. R PA 03/04/1919-01/08/1933 House Committed suicide in his office in the House Office Building on 01/08/1933
KENNEDY, Robert F. D NY 03/03/1965-06/06/1968 Senate Assassinated in Los Angeles, CA on 06/06/1968.
KINNARD, George L. D IN 03/04/1833-11/26/1836 House Died from injuries received in an explosion on the steamer Flora on the Ohio
River on 11/26/1836.
LANE, James H. D IN 03/04/1853-03/03/1855 House Committed suicide near Ft. Leavenworth, KS on 07/11/1866.
R KS 04/04/1861-07/11/1866 Senate
LANHAM, Henderson Lovelace D GA 01/03/1947-11/10/1957 House Killed when his automobile collided with a train at a crossing in Rome, GA on
LELAND, George T. (Mickey) D TX 01/03/1979-08/07/1989 House Died in a plane crash on 08/07/1989 in Ethiopia while on a fact-finding tour to
study hunger among refugees.

Member Party State Dates of Servicea Chamber Cause of Death and Date of Death
LITTON, Jerry D MO 03/03/1973-08/03/1976 House Died in a plane crash en route to Kansas City, MO on 08/03/1976, on the night
of his victory in the 1976 Democratic U.S. Senate primary.
LONG, Huey Pierce D LA 01/25/1932-09/10/1935 Senate Assassinated in the State Capitol Building, Baton Rouge, LA on 09/08/1935; died
on 09/10/1935.
LUNDEEN, Ernest Rd MN 03/04/1917-03/03/1919 House Died in an airplane crash near Lovettsville, VA on 08/31/1940.
01/03/1937-08/31/1940 Senate
McCORMICK, Joseph Medill R IL 03/04/1917-03/03/1919 House Committed suicide in Washington, DC on 02/25/1925e
03/04/1919-02/25/1925 Senate
McDONALD, Larry D GA 01/03/1975-09/01/1983 House Died in crash of Korean Airlines flight shot down by a Russian fighter plane on
735MILLER, Clement Woodnutt D CA 01/03/1959-10/07/1962 House Died in an airplane crash near Eureka, CA on 10/07/1962.
MILLS, William R MD 05/27/1971-05/24/1973 House Committed suicide near Easton, MD on 05/24/1973.
iki/CRS-98-MONTGOMERY, John Gallagher D PA 03/04/1857-04/24/1857 House Died on 04/24/1857, presumably from the effects of food poisoning contracted while staying at the National Hotel in Washington, DC.
s.orMURPHY, Richard Louis D IA 03/04/1933-07/16/1936 Senate Died in an automobile accident near Chippewa Falls, WI on 07/16/1936.
leakPETTIS, Jerry L. R CA 01/03/1967-02/14/1975 House Died in a plane crash in Banning, San Bernardino County, CA on 02/14/1975.
://wikiPETTIS, Spencer Darwin D MO 03/04/1829-08/28/1831 House During the campaign of 1830, his opinions on the U.S. Bank issue precipitated a
httpquarrel and subsequently a duel with Major Thomas Biddle, and both fell mortally wounded on 08/28/1831.
PINCKNEY, John McPherson D TX 11/17/1903-04/24/1905 House Assaulted and killed at Hempstead, TX on 04/24/1905.
QUITMAN, John Anthony D MS 03/04/1855-07/17/1858 House Died on 07/17/1858, presumably from the effects of food poisoning contracted
in 1857 while staying at the National Hotel in Washington, DC.
RYAN, Leo J. D CA 01/03/1973-11/18/1978 House Died from gunshot wounds received while visiting an American religious
commune in Guyana, South America on 11/18/1978.
SCHALL, Thomas David R MN 03/04/1915-03/03/1925 House Died after being struck by an automobile in Washington, DC on 12/22/1935.
03/04/1925-12/22/1935 Senate
SMITH, Larkin R MS 01/03/1989-08/13/1989 House Died in a plane crash in the DeSoto National Forest, MS on 08/13/1989.
STERLING, John Allen R IL 03/04/1903-03/03/1913 House Died as a result of an automobile accident near Pontiac, IL on 10/17/1918.
SULLIVAN, Timothy Daniel D NY 03/04/1903-07/27/1906 House Killed by a locomotive near Pelham Parkway, NY on 08/31/1913.


Member Party State Dates of Servicea Chamber Cause of Death and Date of Death
THOMPSON, Theo Ashton D LA 01/03/1953-07/01/1965 House Died in an automobile accident in Gastonia, NC on 07/01/1965.
WEDEMEYER, William Walter R MI 03/04/1911-01/02/1913 House Accidentally drowned in the harbor of Colon, Panama on 01/02/1913.
WELLSTONE, Paul David D MN 01/3/1991-10/25/2002 Senate Died along with his wife , their daughter, two campaign staffers, and a
Minnesota Democratic party official in a plane crash in Eveleth, MN on
WICKLIFFE, Robert Charles D LA 03/04/1909-06/11/1912 House Killed by a train while walking on a railroad track in Washington, DC on
ZIONCHECK, Marion D WA 03/04/1933-08/07/1936 House Jumped from an office building in Seattle, WA on 08/07/1936.
Sources: Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research, Ann Arbor, MI; Biographical Directory of the American Congress, 1774-1998; various editions of
Weekly Reports, published by Congressional Quarterly, Inc.; and various newspaper articles.
735a. Note that the date of the Member’s death is the same as the last date of his service.
b. Rep. Cilley was a Jacksonian Democrat.
iki/CRS-98-c. Rep. Johnston was a States Rights Democrat.
g/wd. Rep., later Sen. Lundeen, was a member of the Farmer Labor Party when elected to the House in 1933 and the Senate in 1937.
s.ore. Sen. McCormick’s death was initially not ruled a suicide. See Kristie Miller, Ruth Hanna McCormick, A Life in Politics 1880-1944 (Albuquerque: University of New Mexico
leakPress, 1992), p. 151.


Mildred Amer
Specialist on the Congress, 7-8304