Flow of Business: Typical Day on the Senate Floor

Prepared for Members and Committees of Congress

Several authorities govern the daily work in the Senate chamber: its standing rules, standing
orders, unanimous consent agreements, precedent, and tradition. Because these authorities have
different influence at certain times, no Senate session day is truly “typical.” This report discusses
procedures that usually occur every session day, and notes certain business items that occur less
frequently. This report will be revised as events warrant. See http://www.crs.gov/products/guides/
guidehome.shtml for more information on legislative process.

Legislative and Calendar Days/Morning Hour and Morning Business....................................1
Items of Business......................................................................................................................1
Call to Order/Designating Presiding Officer/Prayer/Pledge of Allegiance.........................1
Leader Time........................................................................................................................1
Routine Morning Business..................................................................................................1
Unfinished Business............................................................................................................2
Agenda-Setting Motions and Requests...............................................................................2
Debate and Votes.................................................................................................................2
Quorum Calls......................................................................................................................2
Executive Business.............................................................................................................3
Unanimous Consent Requests.............................................................................................3
Author Contact Information............................................................................................................3

everal authorities govern the daily work in the Senate chamber: its standing rules, standing
orders, unanimous consent agreements, precedent, and tradition. Because these authorities
have different influence at certain times, no Senate session day is truly “typical.” This S

report discusses procedures that usually occur every session day, and notes certain business items
that occur less frequently. This report will be revised as events warrant. See http://www.crs.gov/
products/guides/guidehome.shtml for more information on legislative process.
How the Senate begins a daily session depends upon how the chamber ended its previous day. A
legislative day begins when the Senate next meets after adjourning its previous daily session. This
legislative day continues until the Senate again adjourns. When the Senate convenes following an
adjournment, the first two hours of session are called the “morning hour.” “Morning business” is
a time set aside within the morning hour reserved for business items specified in Rule VII. These
include referring presidential messages and executive communications to committee, disposing of
legislative and other messages from the House, receiving petitions and memorials, filing reports
from committees, introducing bills and joint resolutions, and submitting simple and concurrent
Although morning hour and morning business items are not in order under the rules except on a
new legislative day, the Senate handles such items every session day by unanimous consent or
through standing orders that are routinely renewed each Congress (see Congressional Record,
daily edition, vol. 153, January 4, 2007, p. S8).
Under Rule XXX, the Senate meets each session day at noon unless it orders otherwise. The Vice
President normally does not preside over the Senate. Instead, the President pro tempore presides,
but he may designate a Senator to act in his place. Later, other majority party Senators preside
under a set schedule. Under Rule IV, the chaplain offers a prayer after the opening of each daily
session, but he may arrange for a prayer by a guest chaplain. The presiding officer (or a
designated Senator) recites the Pledge of Allegiance.
By standing order, the majority and minority leaders (or their designees) are each reserved up to
10 minutes at the start of the daily session. Typically, the leaders use this time to alert Senators to
changes in the floor schedule, comment on issues of the day, or address other important matters.
Each leader may reserve all or part of their “leader time” for use later in the day.
By unanimous consent, the Senate sets aside time each day for Senators to present business items
specified for morning business action. Also by unanimous consent, Senators are permitted to

make brief statements not formally permitted under Rule VII. By standing order, bills,
resolutions, and committee reports may be introduced or filed anytime during a daily session.
At the conclusion of morning business, the Senate automatically resumes consideration of any
“unfinished” legislative business pending at the end of the previous day’s session. By unanimous
consent, the unfinished business may be set aside for consideration of other measures.
By custom, agenda-setting motions are only made by the majority leader or his designee.
Normally, measures are taken up by unanimous consent. If there is (or may be) objection, the
leader can offer a debatable motion to proceed to consider a particular measure. Additionally,
party floor leaders are, by custom, given preferential rights to recognition by the chair. Through
this right of recognition, floor leaders often offer amendments on behalf of their colleagues who
may not be assured of such parliamentary recognition.
Under Rule XXII, a cloture petition can be filed at any time to require a vote to limit further
debate. When the Senate agrees to take up a measure, it begins consideration at once, unless it is
slated for a later time by unanimous consent. A nondebatable motion can bring up some
privileged items of business, such as conference reports. In addition, a nondebatable motion to
proceed is permitted, but rarely used, in the morning hour at the start of a new legislative day.
When a Senate daily session adjourns, leaders normally stipulate, by unanimous consent, that no
such nondebatable motion to proceed be permitted the next day.
Debate is unlimited on all pending measures or matters except when the Senate has invoked
cloture, has limited debate by unanimous consent, is considering a tabling motion, or is
considering a measure governed by a “fast track” rule-making statute. The Senate votes on a
pending subject when no Senator wishes to debate further, when the Senate by unanimous
consent has set a time for a vote, when no debate is permitted (as on a motion to table) or when
no further debate is permitted under the rules (Rule XXII) or a time agreement. One-fifth of the
Senators present can order a roll-call vote.
A quorum call must be held before a cloture vote (Rule XXII), or before considering a unanimous
consent request to set a date for a final vote on a pending legislative matter (Rule XII). These are
routinely waived, however, by unanimous consent. Under the precedents, a quorum is deemed to
be present at all other times, unless a point of order noting its absence is raised or a vote reveals
its absence. Most quorum calls are begun to allow informal negotiations, to await the arrival of an
absent Senator, or for other reasons, and are later dispensed with by unanimous consent.

By nondebatable motion or unanimous consent, the Senate goes into open executive session to
take up Executive Calendar nominations or treaties.
By unanimous consent, the Senate may set limits on debate or amendment. If such an order (often
called a “time agreement”) is in force into the next session day, it is printed in the Senate’s
Legislative Calendar. By unanimous consent, the Senate typically recesses or adjourns at the end
of its session day after a period of “wrap-up” discussion by party leaders outlining the
parliamentary conditions to govern the agenda for the start of business the next day.
Christopher M. Davis
Analyst on the Congress and Legislative Process
cmdavis@crs.loc.gov, 7-0656