Department of Defense Facilities Energy Conservation Policies and Spending

Prepared for Members and Committees of Congress

In the early 1970s, Congress began mandating reductions in energy consumed by federal
agencies; primarily by improving building efficiency, and reducing fossil fuel use. Early
legislation mandated a 10% reduction in federal building energy and a recent Executive Order
mandates a 30% further reduction by 2015. President-elect Obama has included the goal of
improving public building energy efficiency in his administration’s economic recovery plan.
This report reviews energy conservation legislation and Executive Orders that apply to the
Department of Defense, directives and instructions to the military departments and agencies on
implementing the legislation and orders, Defense spending on facility energy over the last decade,
annual Defense appropriations that fund energy-conservation improvements, and Defense energy
conservation investments.
In FY2007, Defense spending on energy to operate its facilities reached almost $3.5 billion. In the
last decade, Congress has appropriated $443 million in Defense energy conservation projects, and
the value of contracts to install energy savings improvements has exceeded $2.8 billion. While
the Defense Department has reduced its energy consumption, its energy spending increased due
to higher energy prices. Congress continues to look at furthering energy efficiency improvements
in aging Defense facilities and buildings as a means to rein in energy consumption and spending.

Backgr ound ..................................................................................................................................... 1
Energy Efficiency Legislation.........................................................................................................1
Energy Policy Act of 2005 (P.L. 109-58)..................................................................................2
Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 (P.L. 110-140)...............................................3
National Defense Authorization Act for FY2007 (P.L. 109-364)..............................................4
National Defense Authorization Act for FY2009 (P.L. 110-417)..............................................4
Executive Order 13423....................................................................................................................5
Defense Energy Policies..................................................................................................................7
Defense Energy Consumption and Spending..................................................................................8
Renewable Electric Energy Purchases..........................................................................................10
Defense Energy Efficiency Improvements....................................................................................10
Energy Conservation Investment Program..............................................................................10
Energy Savings Performance Contracts...................................................................................11
Utility Energy Savings Contracts............................................................................................12
Policy Considerations and Options for Congress..........................................................................13
Figure 1. DOD Electricity Cost vs. Electricity Rates......................................................................9
Figure 2. DOD Natural Gas Costs vs. Citygate Price......................................................................9
Table 1. Meeting EPACT 2005 Renewable Energy Goals Through EO13423...............................6
Table 2. DOD Facility Energy Spending vs. O&M Budget............................................................8
Table 3. DOD Facility Energy Consumption..................................................................................8
Table 4. Renewable Electricity Use vs. Total Electricity Use.......................................................10
Table 5. National Defense Authorizations for Energy Conservation Projects................................11
Table 6. DOD Energy Conservation Investment Program.............................................................11
Table 7. DOD ESPCs....................................................................................................................12
Table 8. DOD UESCs....................................................................................................................13
Table A-1.Legislation Introduced Since the 107th Congress Addressing DOD Facility
Energy Consumption..................................................................................................................15
Table A-2. National Defense Authorization Acts..........................................................................21

Appendix. Legislation...................................................................................................................15
Author Contact Information..........................................................................................................21
Acknowledgments ......................................................................................................................... 22

The Department of Defense (DOD) accounts for approximately 63% of the energy consumed by 1
federal facilities and buildings. This makes DOD the single largest energy consumer in the 2
United States, even though consuming only 1% of national site-delivered energy. Its annual
spending on facility energy has averaged over $3.4 billion recently.
In the early 1970s, Congress began mandating reductions in energy consumed by federal
agencies, primarily by improving the efficiency of buildings and facilities, and by reducing fossil
fuel use. Initially, a 10% energy reduction goal was established for federal buildings as measured 3
against a 1985 baseline. By fiscal year (FY) 2005, DOD reported a 28.3% reduction in energy
consumption compared to the baseline. Recent legislation and Executive Orders establish further
energy reduction goals. President-elect Obama’s recently publicized economic recovery plans
include improvements in public building energy efficiency. Recently introduced bills in Congress
have called for establishing national building efficiency codes.
This report reviews the energy conservation provisions in past and recent legislation applicable to 4
DOD, Executive Orders that apply to all federal facilities and operations, and the Office of the
Secretary of Defense (OSD) directives and instructions to the military departments and agencies.
DOD spending on facility energy is annually reported to Congress as originally mandated by the
National Energy Conservation Policy Act (NECPA). Data reported over the last decade have been
summarized in this report. Annual defense appropriations that fund energy conservation measures
along with DOD energy conservation investments are also summarized. This report does not
cover the subject of transportation fuels.

Federal government initiatives aimed at reducing energy consumption can be traced back to the
start of the Federal Energy Management Program (FEMP) in 1973. The 1978 National Energy
Conservation Policy Act (NECPA), Public Law (P.L.) 95-619, began the program of retrofitting
federal buildings to improve energy efficiency. The 1985 Deficit Reduction Act (P.L. 99-272)
amended NECPA by authorizing energy savings contracts of up to 25 years.
The 1992 Energy Policy Act further amended NECPA by adopting Energy Savings Performance
Contracts (ESPCs) that offered federal agencies a novel means of making energy efficiency
improvements to aging buildings and facilities (see discussion below). NECPA required federal
agencies, including DOD, to report annually on the energy consumption by their buildings,
Assistant Secretary, Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, Annual Report to Congress on Federal Government
Energy Management Programs, U.S. Department of Energy, September 26, 2006, pp. Table A-3,
2 When measured in terms of energy delivered to the point of use or site-delivered energy consumption, the
Government consumed 1.1 quads during FY2005 of the total 99.84 quads used in the United States.
3 Measured on a Btu-per-gross-square-foot (Btu/gsf) basis.
4 For the purposes of the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007, the term ‘facility means any building,
installation, structure, or other property (including any applicable fixtures) owned or operated by, or constructed or
manufactured and leased to, the Federal Government.

operations, and vehicles.5 Overall federal energy consumption is reported annually to Congress 6
by the Department of Energy (DOE) Federal Energy Management Program (FEMP). The
Federal Energy Management Improvement Act of 1988 (P.L. 100-615) amended NECPA by
requiring each agency to achieve a 10% reduction in energy consumption in federal buildings by
FY1995 when measured against an FY1985 baseline in terms of British thermal units per gross 7
square foot (Btu/gsf) of building area.
More recently, two major energy bills have been enacted with provisions generally pertaining to 8
all federal agency facilities—the Energy Policy Act of 2005 (EPACT – P.L. 109-58) and the 9
Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 (EISA – P.L. 110-140). Annual DOD
appropriation bills have also included energy provisions specifically pertaining to defense
facilities. Legislation pertaining to the energy efficiency of federal and DOD buildings is th
summarized below. For bills introduced since the 107 Congress, refer to the Appendix of this
• Section 103. Energy Use Measurement and Accountability amended Section 543
of the NECPA with the mandate for using advanced meters to reduce electricity 10
use in federal buildings by October 1, 2012.
• Section 109. Federal Building Performance Standards amended the Energy 11
Conservation and Production Act by adopting the 2004 International Energy
Conservation Code, and requiring revised energy efficiency standards and a 30%
reduction in energy consumption of new federal buildings over the previous
• Section 203. Federal Purchase Requirement requires that the federal government
offset its electric energy consumption with an increasing percentage of
“renewable energy” from 3% starting in 2005 to not less than 7.5% by 2013 and 12
each fiscal year thereafter. Renewable energy is defined as electrical energy
generated from solar, wind, biomass, landfill gas, ocean (including tidal, wave,
current, and thermal), geothermal, municipal solid waste, or new hydroelectric
generation capacity achieved from increased efficiency or additions of new
capacity at an existing hydroelectric project.
42 U.S.C.A. § 8251 Sec. 303 – Annual Reports to the President.
6 See U.S. Department of Energy, Efficiency and Renewable Energy, Annual Report to Congress,
7 42 U.S.C. § 8253 (a) (1).
8 See CRS Report RL33302, Energy Policy Act of 2005: Summary and Analysis of Enacted Provisions, by Mark Holt et
9 See CRS Report RL34294, Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007: A Summary of Major Provisions, by Fred
10 See Department of Energy, Guidelines for Electric Metering in Federal Buildings, DOE/EE-0312, February 3, 2006.
11 42 U.S.C. § 6834.
12 42 U.S.C. § 15852(a).

• Section 431. Energy Reduction Goals for Federal Buildings amends the National 13
Energy Conservation Policy Act (NECPA) by mandating a 30% energy
reduction in federal buildings by 2015 relative to a 2005 baseline.
• Section 432. Management of Energy and Water Efficiency in Federal Buildings
requires DOE to issue guidelines and criteria that each federal agency will follow
for designating “covered facilities”, assigning energy managers, and
implementing comprehensive energy and water evaluations. For the purpose of
energy and water evaluations, covered facilities constitute at least 75% of facility
energy use at each facility.
• Section 433. Federal Building Energy Efficiency Performance Standards requires
55% reduced fossil energy use in new federal buildings and major renovations by

2010 relative to a 2003 baseline, and 100% by 2030.

• Section 434. Management of Federal Building Efficiency requires that federal
agencies ensure the energy life-cycle cost effectiveness of major equipment
replacements (such as heating and cooling systems) and renovations or expansion
of existing space.
• Section 435. Leasing prohibits federal agencies from leasing buildings that have 14
not earned an EPA Energy Star label.
• Section 436. High Performance Green Federal Buildings directs the
establishment of federal high-performance green building standards for all types 15
of federal facilities,and the establishment of green practices that can be used
throughout the life of a federal facility.
• Section 514. Permanent Authorization enacts permanent authorization of Energy
Savings Performance Contracts (ESPC), and restricts federal agencies from
limiting the duration of ESPCs to less than 25 years or limiting the total amount
of obligations.
• Sec. 518. Study of Energy and Cost Savings in Nonbuilding Applications directs
DOD to study the potential use of ESPCs in nonbuilding applications, which
include vehicles and federally owned equipment that generate electricity or
transport water.
• Section 526. Procurement and Acquisition of Alternative Fuels prohibits federal
agencies from procuring alternative or synthetic fuels, unless contract provisions
42 U.S.C. § 8253(a) (1).
14 In 1992 the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) introduced ENERGY STAR as a voluntary labeling
program designed to identify and promote energy-efficient products to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Computers
and monitors were the first labeled products. Through 1995, EPA expanded the label to additional office equipment
products and residential heating and cooling equipment. In 1996, EPA partnered with the US Department of Energy for
particular product categories. The ENERGY STAR label is now on major appliances, office equipment, lighting, home
electronics, and more. EPA has also extended the label to cover new homes and commercial and industrial buildings.
15 Consistent with the requirements of Section 305(a)(3)(D) of the Energy Conservation and Production Act (42 U.S.C.

stipulate that life-cycle greenhouse gas emissions do not exceed equivalent 16
conventional fuel emissions produced from conventional petroleum sources.
Subtitle E (Energy Security), reorganizes 10 U.S.C 2865 to establish new energy performance
goals for DOD, establish new goals for using renewable energy, and encourage energy efficiency
products and renewable forms of energy in new construction. More specifically:
• Section 2851. Consolidation and Enhancement of Laws to Improve Department
of Defense Energy Efficiency and Conservation reorganizes 10 U.S.C. 2865 by
the insertion of (new) Chapter 173—Energy Security, which requires the
establishment of energy performance goals for transportation systems, support
systems, utilities and infrastructure; leaves any appropriated funds equal to
energy cost savings available for obligation until expended; requires development
of a simplified method for contracting energy savings contract services; and
authorizes energy conservation construction projects not previously authorized
using appropriated funds after notification to Congress.
• Section 2852. Department of Defense Goal Regarding Use of Renewable Energy
to Meet Electricity Needs amends 10 U.S.C. 2911 by making it DOD’s goal to
produce or procure at least 25% of its electric energy consumption from
renewable sources by the year 2025.
• Section 2853. Congressional Notification of Cancellation Ceiling for Department
of Defense Energy Savings Performance Contracts requires Congressional notice
when federal agencies award an energy savings performance contract that 17
contains a clause setting forth a cancellation ceiling in excess of $7,000,000.
• Section 2854. Use of Energy Efficiency Products in New Construction requires
that to the maximum extent practicable, energy efficient products meeting
Defense Department requirements must be used in new facility construction.
• Section 902. Director of Operational Energy Plans and Programs amends 10
U.S.C. 139 by directing the appointment of a director responsible for the
oversight of energy required for training, moving, and sustaining military forces
and weapons platforms for military operations.
• Section 2831. Certification of Enhanced Use Leases for Energy-related Projects
amends 10 U.S.C. 26679(h) by requiring certification that a lease exceeding 20
years for an energy production project is consistent with DOD performance
The provision was included to ensure that federal agencies are not spending taxpayer dollars on new fuel sources that
will exacerbate global warminga response to proposals under consideration by the Air Force to develop coal-to-
liquid fuels. Letter of March 17, 2008, from Chairman, House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform to
Chairman, Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources.
17 Federal Acquisition regulations—Part 17 Special Contracting Methods—define “cancellation ceiling” to mean the
maximum cancellation charge that the contractor can receive in the event of cancellation.

• Section 2832. Annual Report on Department of Defense Installations Energy
Management amends 10 U.S.C. 29259(a) by revising the subsection heading to
“Annual Report Related to Installations Energy Management” and adding the
reporting requirement for a description and estimate of the progress made by the
military departments in meeting the certification requirements for sustainable
green-building standards in construction and major renovations as required by
Section 433 of EISA 2007.

In signing Executive Order (EO) 13423 - Strengthening Federal Environmental, Energy and
Transportation Management, President Bush revoked five earlier executive orders affecting 18
federal agencies’ energy and environmental management. Section 11 of the order consolidates
and strengthens the five Executive Orders and two Memorandums of Understanding (MOU) and
establishes new and updated goals, practices, and reporting requirements for environmental, 19
energy, and transportation performance and accountability. In some cases the new executive
order puts in place replacement energy and environmental efficiency goals for previous goals
with target dates that have passed.
The new Executive Order also implements and supplements provisions of the EPACT dealing
with energy and environmental management by federal agencies. The combination of EPACT
(Title I, Part A) and EO13423 define the current energy efficiency objectives for federal agencies.
EO13423 directs all federal agencies, including DOD, to improve energy efficiency and reduce
greenhouse gas emissions through reduction of energy intensity (3% annually through the end of
FY2015, and 30% by the end of FY2015, relative to each agency’s baseline energy use in
FY2003). Progress in reaching building energy efficiency goals are scored by agencies in terms of
reductions in energy consumption versus gross building area (Btu/gsf). For the energy reduction
goals of EPACT and EO13423, some inherently inefficient industrial types of buildings are
excluded from this scoring.
EO13423 (Section 2f) mandates specific energy reduction targets for new construction and
renovations. Executive branch agencies are directed to meet objectives set in the Federal
Leadership in High Performance and Sustainable Buildings Memorandum of Understanding 20
(“Sustainable Buildings MOU”). The Sustainable Buildings MOU calls for new buildings to be
30% more cost efficient than industry standards, and for buildings undergoing major renovations
to be 20% more cost efficient than a pre-renovation, 2003 baseline. Federal agencies are
The President, “Strengthening Federal Environmental, Energy, and Transportation Management,” 72 Federal
Register 3919-3923, January 26, 2007.
19 Specifically, Section 11 of EO13423 revokes the following prior executive orders: EO13101 Greening the
Government Through Waste Prevention, Recycling, and Federal Acquisition (September 14, 1998), EO13123 Greening
the Government Through Efficient Energy Management (June 3, 1999), EO13134 Developing and Promoting Biobased
Products and Bioenergy (August 12, 1999), EO13148 Greening the Government Through Leadership in Environmental
Management (April 21, 2000), and EO13149 Greening the Government Through Federal Fleet and Transportation
Efficiency (April 21, 2000). See “Fact Sheet, Executive Order 13423, Strengthening Federal Environmental, Energy
and Transportation Management,” Office of the Federal Environmental Executive at
EO_13423FactSheet.pdf accessed (Accessed November 17, 2008).
20 The Sustainable Building MOU is available at
actions.cfm?action=Show&item_id=4713&destination=ShowItem (accessed on November 17, 2008).

encouraged to incorporate sustainable practices into projects underway, and are also encouraged 21
to sell or dispose of unneeded assets.
Executive Order 13123, now revoked, had directed improvements in building energy efficiency,
promoted the use of renewable energy, and set goals for reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG)
emissions associated with energy use in buildings, among other energy-related requirements. The
revoked order had also served as the basis of DOD’s instruction to the services on energy use. In
contrast, the new Executive Order 13423 has no specific GHG reduction target. However, Section
2.a of the new Executive Order does include the goal of cutting GHG emissions by federal
agencies through reductions in the energy intensity of agency operations, but does not specify a
GHG reduction target.
EPACT only credited electricity from renewable energy sources in meeting federal purchase
requirements. EO13423 now requires that at least half of the EPACT renewable energy
requirement comes from new (put in service after January 1, 1999) renewable energy sources.
Agencies may also use new non-electric renewable energy sources to meet the requirement for
new renewable energy. (Examples of non-electric renewable energy include thermal energy from
solar ventilation pre-heat systems, solar heating and cooling systems, solar water heating, ground
source heat pumps, biomass heating and cooling, thermal uses of geothermal and ocean
resources.) However, these non-electric renewable energy sources cannot be used to meet the 22
EPACT renewable electricity requirement (see Table 1).
Table 1. Meeting EPACT 2005 Renewable Energy Goals Through EO13423
Renewable energy sources credited in meeting federal purchase requirements
Source Energy 2007-2009 2009-2012 2013-out
EPACT ‘05 Electric 3% 5% 7.5%
EO 13423 Old Electric 1.5% 2.5% 3.75%
Minimum Goal New Electric 1.5% 2.5% 3.75%
Total 3% 5% 7.5%
EO 13423 Old Electric 3% 5% 7.5%
Full Goal New Non-Electric 1.5% 2.5% 3.75%
Total 4.5% 7.5% 11.25%
Source: U.S. DOE/FEMP Renewable Energy Requirement Guidance for EPACT and Executive Order 13423.
Notes: Old renewable energy sources are those put into service prior to January 1, 1999. Between minimum
and full goal, federal agencies can use any combination of new non-renewable electric and electric renewable
energy sources to meet EO13423 requirements. For purposes of EPACT and EO 13423, purchases of
Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs) are treated the same as renewable energy purchases; however RECs from
qualified renewable sources of non-electric energy can only be used to the EO 12423 requirement..
Office of Management and Budget, Instructions for Implementing Executive Order 13423, March 29, 2007, p. 25,
22 U.S. Department of Energy, Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, Renewable Energy Requirement Guidance
for EPACT and Executive Order 13423, January 28, 2008, p. 5,

For the purpose of meeting the energy intensity reduction goals under EPACT (Btu/gsf), the
credit agencies receive for renewable energy purchases started to phase out in FY2008, and will
be reduced to zero by FY2011.
Finally, EO13423 requires each federal agency to annually report to the President. The Office of
Management and Budget (OMB) provides general reporting guidance in Circular No. A-11
(Section 55 – Information on Energy Use, Costs, and Efficiency). Detailed reporting guidance is 23
provided in a recent DOE memorandum to federal agency energy coordinators.

The Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD) has issued directives and instructions to the
military departments and agencies on implementing EO13423 and complying with energy
legislation. In an October 23, 2007 Energy Awareness Campaign memorandum to the service
departments and agencies, the Under Secretary of Defense underscored the energy conservation
goals of EO13423 and established October as an Energy Awareness month. The memorandum
effectively superseded an earlier January 2005 memorandum that referenced EO13123 - Greening
the Government through Efficient Energy Management.
DOD’s primary guidance on installation energy management appears in DOD Instruction 24
4170.11. The instruction applies to all military departments and agencies, and pertains to all
phases of administration, planning, programming, budgeting, operations, maintenance, training,
and materiel acquisition activities that affect the supply, reliability and consumption of facilities
energy. In reference to Instruction 4170.11, a November 18, 2005 memorandum on Installation
Energy Policy Goals establishes goals of reducing greenhouse gases, reducing energy and water
consumption, expanding renewable energy procurement, and reducing petroleum use. It also
directs the completion of eligible utility privatization in a process established under the Deputy
Secretary of Defense. Further guidance to DOD’s installation and facility managers is provided in 25
the DOD Energy Managers Handbook. In particular, the guidance endorses the sustainable
building design approach for building and facility life-cycles, and encourages DOD components
to obtain the U.S. Green Building Council’s Leadership in Energy and Environment Design 26
(LEED) certification.
DOD responded to the EPACT Section 103 electric metering provision by revising instructions on
installation energy management to require metering at all appropriate facilities in Department of
Defense Metering Plan.
Letter from Richard Kidd, Program Manager, Federal Energy Management Program, Office of Energy Efficiency
and Renewable Energy, to Federal Agency Energy Coordinators, Reporting Guidance for FY2008 Annual Report on
Federal Government Energy Management, September 8, 2008,
24 Office of the Deputy Under Secretary of Defense / Installations and Environment, Department of Defense
Installations Energy Management Program, November 22, 2005,
25 Office of the Under Secretary of Defense, Department of Defense Energy Managers Handbook, August 25, 2005,
26 See U.S. Green Building Council,

DOD reportedly occupies over 545,000 facilities on 536 military installations worldwide.27 In
FY2007 DOD spent over $3.4 billion on energy consumed by its facilities as shown in Table 2;
roughly 13% of Defense-wide operations and maintenance (O&M) budget obligation authority.
(In FY2001, it ran as high as 23%.) Electricity represented 45% of energy consumed, followed by
natural gas at 33%, fuel oil at 11%. The balance was made up of coal and liquefied petroleum gas
(LPG). Renewable energy represented 8.7% of facility electricity use. As shown in the Table 3,
energy consumption (express in British Thermal Units – Btu) has been decreasing over the same
period, as has gross building area.
Table 2. DOD Facility Energy Spending vs. O&M Budget
($ million)
FY1999 FY2000 FY2001 FY2002 FY2003 FY2004 FY2005 FY2006 FY2007
FE 2,253.9 2,403.6 2,792.2 2,614.1 2,564.9 2,812.2 2,971.4 3,496.9 3,436.7
O&M 11,380.2 11,661.4 12,202.3 13,540.1 14,816.7 16,570.8 21,219.6 21,025.1 26,000.6
Source: Office of the Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Installations and Environment, Energy
Management Report, Office of the Under Secretary of Defense
(Comptroller), Military Personnel (M-1) and Operation and Maintenance (O-1) programs,
Notes: FE represents Defense Facility energy spending. O&M represents Defense-Wide total budget obligation
authority for operations and maintenance.
Table 3. DOD Facility Energy Consumption
Building Area (million square feet) vs. Consumption (billion Btu)
FY1999 FY2000 FY2001 FY2002 FY2003 FY2004 FY2005 FY2006 FY2007
Bld. Area 2,199.8 2,200.4 2,182.4 2,183.7 2,174.0 2,093.3 2,112.1 1,957.1 1,954.2
Consumption 250,877 253,736 251,317 244,019 242,240 237,660 234,615 223,354 218,062
Source: Office of the Deputy Under Secretary of Defense (Installations and Environment), Energy Management
Notes: Consumption takes into account standard, industrial, and exempt buildings; and includes electricity, fuel
oil, natural gas, LPG/propane, coal, purchased steam, and other energy types. Electric energy consumption is
reported in megawatt-hours by DOD and converted to Btu for purposes of measuring overall building energy
consumption in terms of in Btu-per-gross-square-foot.
Over the current decade, both electricity rates and natural gas prices steadily increased. DOD’s
average electricity costs in cents per kilowatt-hr (kWh) have stayed between the range of rates
charged to commercial and industrial customers, as shown in Figure 1.
Office of the Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Installations and Environment, Facility Energy Directorate

Figure 1. DOD Electricity Cost vs. Electricity Rates
5 kWhDOD average
4s /Industrial
9 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07
19 9 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20
Source: U.S DOE/EIA Table 8.10 Average Retail Prices of Electricity, 1960-2007
aer/txt/ptb0810.html; and Office of the Deputy Under Secretary of Defense (Installations and Environment),
Energy Management Report,
Notes: Previous to EPACT, energy consumption was reported under three categories: standard, industrial, and
exempt building types. Reporting under EPACT combined standard and industrial facility types. Exempt facilities
are structures that are particularly energy intensive.
DOD natural gas costs have generally tracked the price of gas at the local distribution company
(LDC) citygate (Figure 2). The citygate is the point at which the LDC takes gas from the
transmission pipeline for distribution to it customers. The spike in DOD’s cost relative to the
falling citygate price is not explained in any DOD reporting.
Figure 2. DOD Natural Gas Costs vs. Citygate Price
$ Per Thousand Cubic Feet
12.0 0
10.0 0t
8.0 0
6.00DOD CostCitygate Price
hou Cu F
4.0 0
$ / T
2.0 0
0.0 0
01 00 2 003 004 005 00 6 00 7
1999 2000 2 0 2 2 2 2 2 2
Source: U.S DOE/EIA Table 6.7 Natural Gas Wellhead, City Gate, and Imports Prices, 1949-2007; and Office of the Deputy Under Secretary of Defense
(Installations and Environment), Energy Management Report,
Notes: Citygate price represents the local distribution company’s cost. Typically, LDCs take ownership of the
natural gas at the citygate, and deliver it to each individual customer’s location of use.

Reporting requirements for renewable energy have changed over the last decade due to new
legislated mandates and Executive Orders. EPACT Section 203 requires federal agencies to
replace electricity consumption with increasing amounts of renewable energy. Federal agencies
must also meet the new renewable energy requirements of EO13423. In 1999, DOD had not yet
begun reporting on renewable energy. A limited capacity of photovoltaic (solar) panels had been
installed, but operating statistics under the category of self-generated power had not been
compiled until FY2001. As shown in Table 4, DOD began reporting grid-purchased renewable
energy in FY2000. For FY2007, DOD reported using over 1.6 million MWH of renewable
electricity, which represented 5.5% of overall electricity consumption. The renewable energy goal
by 2025 is 25% of total electricity use.
Table 4. Renewable Electricity Use vs. Total Electricity Use
FY2000 FY2001 FY2002 FY2003 FY2004 FY2005 FY2006 FY2007
Renewable 164,076 252,972 321,592 431,000 504,223 1,425,151 1,238,282 1,639,924
Total Elec. 30,242,318 29,963,594 30,352,859 29,747,453 30,666,157 29,594,692 29,792,539 29,656,103
% 0.5 0.8 1.0 1.4 1.6 4.8 4.1 5.5
Source: Office of the Deputy Under Secretary of Defense (Installations and Environment), Energy Management
Notes: Renewable includes purchased renewable electricity credits and self-generated electricity. Total
electricity includes standard, industrial, and exempt buildings.

Despite reductions in energy consumption, annual energy spending increased up through FY2006
and would likely have been higher without investment in energy efficiency improvements. DOD
programs improvements through the Defense Energy Conservation Investment Program (ECIP),
and takes advantage of ESPCs, and Utility Energy Savings Contracts (UESCs). Improvements are
funded directly through the Defense Military Construction (MILCON) program, and indirectly
through Operation and Maintenance (O&M) appropriations.
Between 1999 and 2009, Congress appropriated $442.9 million in Defense Energy Conservation
Projects (summarized in Table 5). These projects are accomplished through the DOD Energy
Conservation Investment Program (ECIP), which designates projects that specifically save or
reduce Defense energy costs, and are funded under MILCON.

Table 5. National Defense Authorizations for Energy Conservation Projects
FY2000- FY2009 ($ million)
00 FY2001 FY2002 FY2003 FY2004 FY2005 FY2006 FY2007 FY2008 FY2009
5 P.L. 106-P.L. 107-P.L. 107-P.L. 108-P.L. 108-P.L. 109-P.L. 109-P.L. 110-P.L. 110-
398 107 314 136 375 163 364 181 417
1.3 15.0 27.1 34.5 50.0 50.0 50.0 55.0 70.0 90.0
Note: The bill titles are provided in Table A-2 of the Appendix to this report.
According to the Office of the Secretary of Defense: “OSD centrally controls ECIP funding
allocation on a by-project basis. In FY 1999 ECIP funds were allocated to those projects with the
highest savings to investment ratio (SIR) and the best payback periods, regardless of component.
In FY 2001, the Department revised this process to allocate funds based on the components’
percentage of total DOD installations BTU consumption. Within the allocated amount, the
Component prioritizes their projects based on a combination of SIR and the priorities emphasized
by the Energy Policy Act of 2005, Executive Order (EO) 13423, and the Energy Independence
and Security Act of 2007. The Department emphasizes the use of ECIP in reducing energy 28
consumption and greenhouse gas emissions, and increasing the use of renewable energy.”
Between 2001 and 2007, DOD in turn allocated $260.3 million for 193 ECIP projects
(summarized in Table 6).
Table 6. DOD Energy Conservation Investment Program
Projects vs. Spending ($ million)
FY2001 FY2002 FY2003 FY2004 FY2005 FY2006 FY2007
Projects # 18 22 32 36 42 43 46
Spending $ 14.9 20.7 24.5 47.3 48.7 49.6 54.6
Source: Office of the Deputy Under Secretary of Defense (Installations & Energy),
Notes: Allocations for 1999 and 2000 were not reported.
ESPCs complement DOD’s Energy Conservation Investment Program and Defense Energy
Conservation appropriations by providing additional energy efficiency improvements. Qualified
Energy Service Companies (ESCOs) finance the improvements through the savings realized by 29
the facility, typically over a life-cycle of 10 to 25 years. These contracts include infrastructure
OSD Installations and Environment, Energy Conservation Investment Program
29 The Federal Energy Management Program (FEMP) established the U. S. Department of Energy Qualified List of
Energy Service Companies (DOE Qualified List) in accordance with the Energy Policy Act of 1992 and 10 CFR 436.
The DOE Qualified List (PDF 270 KB) comprises private industry firms that have submitted an application and been
qualified by the Qualification Review Board. This board consists of representatives from the Federal Interagency
Energy Management Task Force and DOE staff.

improvements and new equipment to help reduce energy consumption. Examples include new
thermal storage systems, chillers, boilers, lights, motors, energy monitoring and control systems,
and water saving devices. In return for providing the financing, the ESPC contractor receives a
specified share of any resulting energy cost savings.
Between 1999 and 2007, DOD awarded 248 ESPCs for a value exceeding $2.8 billion
(summarized in Table 7). ESPCs are funded through O&M appropriations. The Congressional
Budget Office’s (CBO) view of ESPCs found that they imposed a future financial obligation on
the federal government. CBO began scoring ESPCs as mandatory spending, coinciding with the
expiration of the 1990 Budget Enforcement Act (P.L. 101-508) pay-as-you-go (PAYGO) rules.
The CBO scoring reflects how ESPCs create future commitments to appropriations, consistent 30
with how appropriations-funded ECIPs would be scored throughout the budget. The
Government Accountability Office (GAO) finds that the benefits of ESPCs could be achieved
using upfront funds (that is, fully funded in advance) and with lower financing costs, but agencies
generally do not receive sufficient funds upfront for doing so and see ESPCs as a necessary 31
supplement to upfront funding in order to achieve the energy savings benefits.
Table 7. DOD ESPCs
Contract Numbers (#) vs. Contract Value ($ million)
FY1999 FY2000 FY2001 FY2002 FY2003 FY2004 FY2005 FY2006 FY2007
ESPC # 45 58 30 32 34 5 15 19 10
Value $ 10.9 414.6 318.4 596.6 549.9 16.2 141.0 586.5 170.4
Source: Office of the Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Installations & Energy, Energy Management
Report page,
Notes: During FY2004, ESPC authority had temporarily lapsed. Federal Agencies are required to submit an
Energy Management Report annually to DOE’s Federal Energy Management Program under NECPA as amended
by EPACT 1992. The format and content has changed several times since 2004 due to EPACT and Executive
Order 13423. It will likely change again for FY2008 due to EISA 2007. DOD also provides the report directly to
the congressional defense committees.
DOD Utility Energy Savings Contracts (UESC) are financed and implemented through utility
companies, similar in some respects to ESPCs. Essentially, the same energy efficiency
improvements can be accomplished through UESCs as ESPCs. With a UESC, the utility typically
finances the capital costs of the project, and is repaid over the contract term from the cost savings 32
generated by the energy efficiency measures. The installation or facility pays for the
improvement through O&M appropriated funds. There are no statutory energy savings guarantees
for UESCs, unlike ESPCs. Although a facility manager may request such a guarantee at the time
of a project’s installation. Between 1999 and 2006, DOD reported placing 241 UESCs worth
$967.6 million (summarized in Table 8).
For further information, see CRS Report RL32543, Energy Savings Performance Contracts: Reauthorization Issues.
31 U.S. Government Accountability Office, Energy Savings - Performance Contracts Offer Benefits, but Vigilance Is
Needed to Protect Government Interests, GAO-05-340, June 2005,
32 U.S. Department of Energy Federal Energy Management Program, Financing Mechanisms, Utility Energy Savings

Table 8. DOD UESCs
Contract Numbers (#) vs. Contract Value ($ million)
FY1999 FY2000 FY2001 FY2002 FY2003 FY2004 FY2005 FY2006 FY2007
UESC # 0 41 44 41 31 20 22 17 25
Value $ 0.9 148.7 140.9 123.2 152.1 86.9 83.5 97.5 133.9
Source: Office of the Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Installations & Energy, Energy Management
Report page,

DOD spending on energy consumed by its facilities worldwide can make up as much as 23% of
its annual Operating and Maintenance budget. More than $3.4 billion was spent annually in
FY2006 and FY2007. DOD has steadily decreased its buildings’ energy-intensity in response to
mandated energy reduction goals through investment in energy conservation projects. Over the
last decade, Congress has appropriated $443 million in DOD energy conservation projects, DOD
investment in energy conservation adds another $250 million, and the value of Energy Savings
Performance Contracts (ESPCs) exceeds $2.8 billion. Despite the investments, DOD annual
energy spending has been increasing since 1999, as have electricity and particularly natural gas
prices. Further investment in energy conservation is expected to meet the future mandated energy
reduction goals.
ESPCs have become a preferred means of making energy efficiency improvements because, in
part, funds do not have to be directly appropriated (or programmed). However, as Energy Savings
Contractors (ESCOs) assume a certain risk in guaranteeing savings through ESPCs, the risk is
factored into their cost. Also, ESPC commitments may extend up to 25 years—an indication of
the time needed to recoup the ESCO’s investment. As energy efficiency improvements made
through UESCs do not necessarily come with savings guarantees and thus risk, the lower cost
may translate into higher savings. Federal agencies may not be taking full advantage of this
savings opportunity. This may be due to individual utilities limited role promoting UESCs,
installation managers’ unfamiliarity with UESCs, and ESCOs influence in promoting ESPCs.
Aging buildings may have limits in meeting energy efficiency goals, and investment in energy
conservation may eventually see diminishing returns in energy savings. Overall goals may be
achieved, ultimately, through the replacement of older building with new buildings built to LEED
standards and even newer “high-performance” building standards being developed the American 33
Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE). Whether future
investments in energy conservation projects and ESPC commitments should give way to
replacing older inefficient building with new construction is an issue that Congress may
eventually wish to consider. As an alternative, Congress may wish to consider expanding the
EISA Section 518 EPSC provision (non-building applications), to study renovating energy-
inefficient buildings to LEED and high-performance standards.
The ASHRAE initiative, known as the Standard for the Design of High-Performance Green Buildings Except Low-
Rise Residential Buildings, or Standard 189, is being developed with the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) and
the Illuminating Engineering Society of North America (IESNA), and could ultimately become a prerequisite under the
LEED rating system.

Finally, though DOD’s average utility energy costs fall in the range of national energy prices,
Congress may wish to consider how DOD’s energy costs (not just consumption) could be reduced
further. As the single largest national energy consumer, DOD might leverage its buying power in
negotiating lower utility rates.

Table A-1.Legislation Introduced Since the 107th Congress Addressing DOD Facility Energy Consumption

Congress Bill # Sponsor Bill Title Subject Area
107th H.R. 4546 Rep. Stump Bob Stump National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2003 Vehicle fuel cell technology development
12/2/2002 Became Public Law No: 107-314 Energy conservation projects by defense
[from summary of conference bill] agencies.
“(Sec. 245) Directs the Secretary to carry out a vehicle fuel cell Military housing

technology development program in cooperation with the Secretary of
Energy, appropriate Federal agencies, and industry. Earmarks specified
RDT&E funds for the program.”
iki/CRS-R40111“Title XXIV: Defense Agencies - (Sec. 2401) Authorizes the Secretary to
g/wacquire real property and carry out military construction projects in
s.orspecified amounts at specified installations and locations. Authorizes the
leakSecretary to carry out certain energy conservation projects.”
http“Title XXVIII: General Provisions - Subtitle A: Military Construction Program and Military Family Housing Changes -
“(Sec. 2803) Authorizes the Secretary of the Navy to: (1) carry out up to
three pilot projects to use the private sector for the acquisition or
construction of military unaccompanied housing in the United States,
including any U.S. territory or possession; and (2) assign members of the
armed forces to such housing. Authorizes the Secretary of Defense to
set higher rates of partial basic allowance for housing for members
assigned to such units. Utilizes the Department of Defense Housing
Improvement Fund to carry out activities under the pilot projects.
Authorizes a transfer to such Fund, subject to 90 days prior notification
of the appropriate congressional committees, from amounts
appropriated for construction of military unaccompanied housing
projects in military construction accounts. Requires a report from the
Secretary of the Navy to the appropriate congressional committees on
pilot project activities and related contractual information. Terminates

Congress Bill # Sponsor Bill Title Subject Area
pilot project authority at the end of FY 2007.”
“(Sec. 2805) Allows up to two-thirds of energy savings realized at military
installations to remain available until expended (currently, available for up
to two years).”
107th S. 1358 Sen. Bayh Federal Facility Energy Management Act of 2001. Federal buildings energy efficiency standards.
“Amends the Energy Conservation and Production Act to provide that
Federal building energy efficiency standards shall contain specifications
that meet or exceed those of the International Residential Code.
Instructs the Secretary of Energy to promulgate revised Federal building
energy efficiency performance standards following prescribed guidelines.
Amends the Department of Energy Organization Act (DOE) to establish
within DOE the Office of Federal Energy Productivity.
iki/CRS-R40111Amends the National Energy Conservation Policy Act to mandate that each agency: (1) apply energy conservation measures to its Federal
g/wfacilities so that specified energy reduction is implemented following
s.orprescribed calendar year percentages; (2) meter or submeter its energy
leakuse; and (3) procure specified energy efficient products. Instructs the
Architect of the Capitol to develop and implement energy and water
://wikisavings measures in congressional buildings. Declares that the aggregate annual payments by a Federal agency under an energy savings
httpperformance contract may take into account savings resulting from
certain reduced costs of operation and maintenance.
Establishes the Federal Energy Bank to make loans to Federal agencies to
implement energy savings performance projects.
Amends the Energy Policy Act of 1992 to prescribe: (1) minimum
average fuel economy guidelines for the Federal vehicle fleet; and (2)
operating parameters for the use of alternative fuels. “
107th S. 1418 Sen. Levin Military Construction Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2002. Energy conservation projects by defense
For further action, see S. 1438, which became P.L. 107-107 on agencies.
12/28/2001. Pilot Efficient Facilities Initiative.

“Title XXIV: Defense Agencies - Authorizes the Secretary of Defense to
acquire real property and carry out military construction projects in
specified amounts at specified installations and locations. Authorizes the
Secretary to carry out certain energy conservation projects. Authorizes

Congress Bill # Sponsor Bill Title Subject Area
appropriations to the Department of Defense (DOD) for fiscal years
after 2001 military construction, land acquisition, and military family
housing functions of DOD. Limits the total cost of construction projects
authorized by this title.”
“Subtitle B: Real Property and Facilities Administration - Amends the
Federal Property and Administrative Services Act of 1949 to make the
proceeds of sales of DOD property from a closed military installation
available for facility maintenance and repair or environmental restoration
by the military department that had jurisdiction over such property.”
“(Sec. 2812) Authorizes the Secretary to carry out a pilot program, to be
known as the Pilot Efficient Facilities Initiative, to determine the potential
for increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of the operation of military
installations. Authorizes the Secretary to designate up to two
installations of each military department to participate (requiring
notification to the defense committees of the installations chosen).
iki/CRS-R40111Requires a management plan for each installation. Establishes in the
g/wTreasury the Installation Efficiency Project Fund to manage capital assets
s.orand provide support services at participating installations. Terminates the
leakSecretary’s authority to carry out the Initiative four years after the enactment of this Act. Requires a report to Congress.”
://wiki107th S. 2514 Sen. Levin Bob Stump National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2003. Renewable energy demonstration
httpNote: H.R. 4546 and S. 2514 were defense authorization bills from the Vehicle fuel cell technology development
House and Senate Armed Services Committees respectively. On Energy conservation projects by defense
6/27/2002, the Senate substituted S. 2514 in H.R. 4546, as passed Senate. agencies.
For further action, see H.R. 4546, which became Public Law 107-314 on
12/2/2002. Military housing

[“(Sec. 218) Earmarks specified Navy RDT&E funds for the
demonstration of renewable energy use program.” Included in amended
Senate passed bill, not in final P.L.]
“(Sec. 244) Directs the Secretary to carry out a vehicle fuel cell
technology development program in cooperation with the Secretary of
Energy, the heads of appropriate Federal agencies, and industry. Earmarks
specified RDT&E funds for the program.”
“Title XXIV: Defense Agencies - Authorizes the Secretary to acquire real

Congress Bill # Sponsor Bill Title Subject Area
property and carry out military construction projects in specified
amounts at specified installations and locations. Authorizes the Secretary
to carry out certain energy conservation projects. Authorizes
appropriations to DOD for fiscal years after 2002 for military
construction, land acquisition, and military family housing functions of
DOD. Limits the total cost of construction projects authorized by this
107th S. 2515 Sen. Levin Bob Stump Department of Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year
“Note: S. 2515 corresponded to S. 2514 Division A (Department of
Defense authorization). For further action, see H.R. 4546, which became
P.L. 107-314 on 12/2/2002.”
[“(Sec. 218) Earmarks specified Navy RDT&E funds for the
demonstration of renewable energy use program.” Included in amended
Senate passed bill, not in final P.L.]
g/w“(Sec. 244) Directs the Secretary to carry out a vehicle fuel cell
s.ortechnology development program in cooperation with the Secretary of
leakEnergy, the heads of appropriate Federal agencies, and industry. Earmarks specified RDT&E funds for the program.”
://wiki108th H.R. 3339 Rep. Wilson National Defense Energy Savings Act of 2003. Energy Savings Performance Contracts
http“Authorizes the Secretary of Defense to: (1) enter into an energy savings
performance contract (for a period of up to 25 years) for the sole
purpose of achieving ancillary energy savings and benefits; and (2) incur
obligations under the contract to finance energy conservation measures
so long as guaranteed savings exceed the debt service requirements.
Directs the Secretary to issue final rules establishing implementation
procedures and methods that meet specified requirements.
Authorizes the Secretary to implement a pilot program to enter into up
to ten energy savings performance contracts in nonbuilding applications.
108th S. 2318 Sen. Collins National Defense Energy Savings Act of 2004. Energy Savings Performance Contracts

“Authorizes the Secretary of Defense to: (1) enter into an energy savings
performance contract in order to achieve energy savings and ancillary
benefits; (2) incur obligations under the contract to finance energy
conservation measures so long as guaranteed savings exceed the debt
service requirements; and (3) implement a pilot program to enter into up

Congress Bill # Sponsor Bill Title Subject Area
to ten energy savings performance contracts for the purpose of achieving
energy savings, secondary savings, and incidental benefits, in nonbuilding
Sets forth implementation guidelines, including contract terms and
109th H.R. 3263 Rep. Wamp Energy Efficiency Cornerstone Act of 2005. Federal buildings energy efficiency standards.
“Amends the Energy Conservation and Production Act (ECPA) to: (1) Military housing Energy Star rated.
subject federal building performance standards to the 2004 International Alternative fuel use by light duty federal
Energy Conservation Code; and (2) require all housing constructed vehicles.
under the military housing privatization initiative of the Department of
Defense to be Energy Star qualified and equipped with Energy Star
appliances and FEMP designated appliances, including Energy Star
“Amends EPCA and the Energy Policy Act of 1992 to modify compliance
requirements governing alternative fuel use by light duty federal
g/w“Amends federal transportation law to modify standards for executive
s.oragency automobiles.”
leak109th S. 2025 Sen. Bayh Vehicle and Fuel Choices for American Security Act. Federal fleet reduced petroleum
://wiki“Directs the Secretary of Energy to issue regulations requiring that by FY2016 each federal agency achieve at least a 30% reduction in its fleet
httppetroleum consumption.”
109th S. 2747 Sen. Bingaman Enhanced Energy Security Act of 2006. Federal fleet reduced petroleum
“Amends the Energy Policy and Conservation Act to set forth federal consumption.
fleet conservation requirements to achieve reduced petroleum Federal government renewable energy
consumption.” consumption requirement - electricity and
.............. transportation fuel.
“Amends the Energy Policy Act of 2005 to: (1) provide loan guarantees Energy savings performance contracts.

for fuel-efficient automobile manufacturers and suppliers; and (2) require
that the federal government consume specified amounts of renewable
“Amends the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 to: (1) set
forth a federal renewable portfolio standard; and (2) require state
regulatory authorities to implement energy efficiency resource programs

Congress Bill # Sponsor Bill Title Subject Area
that include electric utilities and gas utilities.”
“Amends the National Energy Conservation Policy Act to authorize a
federal agency to: (1) enter into a separate contract for energy services
and conservation measures; and (2) provide the financing necessary to
implement such contract.”
110th H.R. 670 Rep. Engel Dependence Reduction through Innovation in Vehicles and Energy Act. Federal fleet reduced petroleum
“Directs the Secretary of Energy to: (1) require at least a 20% reduction consumption.
in the federal fleets’ petroleum consumption (including that at least 30% Federal fleet requirement for flexible fuel -
of federal vehicles required to be alternative fuel vehicles be flexible fuel hybrid or plug-in hybrid vehicles.
hybrid or flexible fuel plug-in hybrid vehicles); (2) submit to Congress an
action plan calling for a specified graduated percentage of the nation’s
ground fuel demand to be supplied by fuels derived from sources other
than oil; and (3) carry out a plug-in hybrid electric vehicle prize
110th H.R. 6729 Rep. Dingell To encourage greater energy efficiency in building codes State Building energy efficiency codes.
iki/CRS-R40111Update national Model Building Codes by 30% in editions of each model
g/wcode or standard released after 2010, and 50% after 2020.
s.or110th S. 1602 Sen. Hagel Clean, Reliable, Efficient and Secure Energy Act of 2007. Coal-to-liquid or gas-to-liquid fuel
“Requires the total amount of fuel utilized by the Department of Defense
://wikiin a calendar year to be coal-to-liquid fuel, gas-to-liquid fuel, or both.” Federal buildings energy efficiency standards
“Prescribes requirements governing energy efficiency in federal buildings
and public schools.”
Source: Compiled by Carol Glover, CRS Information Research Specialist.
Notes: From LIS Bill Summary (as introduced).

Table A-2. National Defense Authorization Acts

Public Law Title
P.L. 106-65 National Defense Authorization Act for FY2000. Sec. 2404. Energy Conservation Projects Using
amounts appropriated pursuant to the authorization of appropriations in section 2405(a)(6), the
Secretary of Defense may carry out energy conservation projects under section 2865 of title10,
United States Code, in the amount of $1,268,000.
P.L. 106-398 Floyd D. Spence National Defense Authorization Act for FY2001. Sec. 2402. Energy Conservation
Projects Using amounts appropriated pursuant to the authorization of appropriations in section
2403(a)(7), the Secretary of Defense may carry out energy conservation projects under section
2865 of title 10, United States Code, in the amount of $15,000,000.
P.L. 107-107 National Defense Authorization Act for FY2002. Sec. 2402. Energy Conservation Projects Using
amounts appropriated pursuant to the authorization of appropriations in section 2403(a)(6), the
Secretary of Defense may carry out energy conservation projects under section 2865of title10,
United States Code, in the amount of $27,100,000.
P.L. 107-314 Bob Stump National Defense Authorization Act for FY2003. Sec. 2403. Energy Conservation
Projects Using amounts appropriated pursuant to the authorization of appropriations in section
2404(a)(6), the Secretary of Defense may carry out energy conservation projects under section
2865 of title10, United States Code, in the amount of $34,531,000.
P.L. 108-136 National Defense Authorization Act for FY2004. Sec. 2404. Energy Conservation Projects Using
amounts appropriated pursuant to the authorization of appropriations in section 2405(a)(6), the
Secretary of Defense may carry out energy conservation projects under section 2865 of title 10,
United States Code, in the amount of $50,000,000.
P.L. 108-375 Ronald W. Reagan National Defense Authorization Act for FY2005. Sec. 2403 Energy Conservation
Projects Using amounts appropriated pursuant to the authorization of appropriations in section
2404(a)(7), the Secretary of Defense may carry out energy conservation projects under section
2865 of title 10, United States Code, in the amount of $50,000,000.
P.L. 109-163 National Defense Authorization Act for FY2006. Sec. 2402 Energy Conservation Projects Using
amounts appropriated pursuant to the authorization of appropriations in section 2403(a)(5), the
Secretary of Defense may carry out energy conservation projects under section 2865 of title 10,
United States Code, in the amount of $50,000,000.
P.L. 109-364 John Warner National Defense Authorization Act for FY2007. Sec. 2403 Energy Conservation
Projects Using amounts appropriated pursuant to the authorization of appropriations in section
2405(a)(6), the Secretary of Defense may carry out energy conservation projects under section
2865 of title 10, United States Code, in the amount of $55,000,000.
Anthony Andrews
Specialist in Energy and Energy Infrastructure
Policy, 7-6843

Carol Glover, Information Research Specialist