CRS Report for Congress
District of Columbia Appropriations Act for
FY2001: Comparison of General Provisions of
P.L. 106-113, and House and Senate Versions of
H.R. 4942
October 3, 2000
Eugene Boyd
Analyst in American National Government
Government and Finance Division
Congressional Research Service The Library of Congress
District of Columbia Appropriations Act for FY2001:
Comparison of General Provisions of P.L. 106-113, and
House and Senate Versions of H.R. 4942
The chronology of District of Columbia Appropriations for FY2001 is as
follows. On February 7, 2000, President Clinton submitted his budget
recommendations for FY2001. The Administration’s proposed budget includes $ 445
million in federal payments and assistance to the District of Columbia. The
Administration’s budget recommendations, unlike previous years, did not include a
general provision section. The Administration, in an effort to address city leadership
concerns about the inclusion of social riders and what some observers characterize as
intrusive provisions in past District of Columbia appropriations acts, had hoped to
negotiate with the House and Senate leadership on the contents of the general
provisions to be included in the FY2001 appropriations bill for the District of
Columbia. In previous years city officials had complained to the Administration and
the leadership of Congress about the inclusion of a number of social riders dealing
with such issues as abortion, medical marijuana, and needle and syringe exchange
The District of Columbia Financial Responsibility and Management Assistance
Authority (Authority), on June 7, 2000, approved a budget compromise reached by
the city council and the mayor, which included $4.7 billion in general fund
expenditures and $695 million in enterprise funds. The District budget, which must
be approved by Congress, requests $445 million in special federal payments.
On September 14, 2000, the House passed its version of the District’s
appropriation bill, H.R. 4942, which includes $414 million in special federal payments
to the District. On September 27, 2000, the Senate completed action on its own
version of the District’s Appropriations Act for FY2001, H.R. 4942 (previously S.
There are significant differences in the general provisions of the House and
Senate versions of H.R. 4942, and P.L. 106-113, which includes the District of
Columbia Appropriations Act for FY2000. The Senate bill would phase-out the $150
million reserve fund, instead the city would be required to phase-in and maintain as
a percentage of its operating budget two reserve funds: a 3% contingency reserve
and a 4% emergency reserve. The House bill would grant public charter schools first
priority in the acquisition of surplus public school facilities and prohibit the Public
Benefits Corporation, which manages D.C. General Hospital and several health care
satellite facilities, from exceeding its budget.
Both the House and Senate versions of H.R. 4942 include prohibitions and
restrictions on the use of federal and District funds for: abortions; needle and syringe
exchange programs; medical marijuana; statehood lobbying; medical, employment,
and government benefits to unmarried couples, including homosexuals; and court
challenges aimed at providing city residents with voting representation in Congress.
This report will be updated as events warrant.
Background .................................................... 1
District of Columbia General Provisions: P.L. 106-113, and House and
Senate Versions of H.R. 4942..................................2
District of Columbia Appropriations Act for
FY2001: Comparison of General Provisions of
P.L. 106-113, and House and Senate Versions of
H.R. 4942
On September 27, 2000, the Senate approved its version of H.R. 4942,
substituting the language of S. 3041. The House passed its version of H.R. 4942, a
bill appropriating funds for the District of Columbia for FY2001 on September 14,
2000. The Senate bill includes $448 million in special federal assistance to the District
of Columbia. This is $34 million more than included in the House bill. Differences
exist between the general provisions of the House and Senate versions of H.R. 4942,
and P.L. 106-113, which includes the District of Columbia Appropriations Act for
FY2000. The Senate bill would phase out the $150 million reserve fund, but would
require the city to maintain a 3% contingency reserve and a 4% emergency reserve.
The House bill would grant public charter schools first priority in the acquisition of
surplus public school facilities, and would prohibit the Public Benefits Corporation
from exceeding its budget.
Like the FY2000 District of Columbia Appropriations Act, both the House and
Senate versions of H.R. 4942 would continue to prohibit and restrict the use of
federal and District funds for:
! abortions;
!needle and syringe exchange programs;
!medical marijuana; statehood lobbying;
!medical, employment, and government benefits to unmarried couples,
including homosexuals; and
!court challenges aimed at providing city residents with voting
representation in Congress.
The following is a side-by-side comparison of the general provisions of the
District of Columbia Appropriations Act for FY2000, P.L. 106-113, and House and
Senate versions of H.R. 4942. This report follows the structure of P.L. 106-113.
Any identical, similar, or equivalent House or Senate language that may not share the
same section number as corresponding P.L. 106-113 provisions is identified in the
same row as its P.L. 106-113 counterpart. For additional information on H.R. 4942
see the CRS report (RL30513) Appropriations for FY2001: District of Columbia by
Eugene Boyd.
District of Columbia General Provisions: P.L. 106-113, and House and Senate Versions of H.R. 4942
P.L. 106-113House version of H.R. 4942Senate version H.R. 4942/S. 3041
Consultant Contracts. All procurement contracts forIdentical to provision in P.L. 106-113.Not included in bill.
Prepayment Audits. All vouchers for payments fromIdentical to provision in P.L. 106-113.Not included in bill.
Prohibition Against Deficit Spending. The provision prohibitsIdentical to provision in P.L. 106-113.Sec. 101. of this bill
s.orUse of Private Automobiles. The provision allowsIdentical to provision in P.L. 106-113.Not included in bill.
Payment of Travel and Dues Related Expenses. The provisionIdentical to provision in P.L. 106-113.Sec. 102 of this bill.
Payment of Judgements. The provision allows District funds toIdentical to provision in P.L. 106-113.Sec. 103 of this bill.
P.L. 106-113House version of H.R. 4942Senate version H.R. 4942/S. 3041
Public Assistance and Crime Control Matching Funds. Not included in billNot included in bill.
nder Sec. 3-205.44 of the D.C.
Sec. 108 Personal Service andNot included in bill.
Consulting Contracts. Requires the
mayor to maintain an index of all
personal services and consulting
iki/CRS-RL30709contracts in effect on behalf of the
g/wDistrict of Columbia.
leakProhibition Against the Carryover of Appropriated funds. Identical to provision in P.L. 106-113.Not included in bill
Use of Public Schools. The act allows public schools to beIdentical to provision in P.L. 106-113.Identical to provision in P.L. 106-113.
Congressional Inspection of Personnel Records. TheIdentical to provision in P.L. 106-113.Sec. 104 of this bill.
P.L. 106-113House version of H.R. 4942Senate version H.R. 4942/S. 3041
Payment for Information Leading to Revenue Recovery. AsIdentical to provision in P.L. 106.113.Sec. 106 of this bill.
District funds may be used to make payments
Prohibition on the Use of Funds for Lobbying. Prohibits theIdentical to provision in P.L. 106.113.Sec. 107 of this bill.
Capital Borrowing Plan. Requires the mayor to develop anIdentical to provision in P.L. 106-113.Sec. 108 of this bill.
Council Approval for Capital Borrowing Plan. Requires theIdentical to provision in P.L. 106-113.Not included in bill.
Limitation on the Use of Capital Funds. Prohibits the use ofIdentical to provision in P.L. 106-113.Not included in bill.
P.L. 106-113House version of H.R. 4942Senate version H.R. 4942/S. 3041
Prohibition on the Reprogramming of Funds. Prohibits theIdentical to provision in P.L. 106-113.Sec. 109 of this bill.
create new programs;
eliminate a program or project;
establish or change allocations specifically denied, limited, or
increased by Congress;
increase funds for activities or personnel in areas where funds have
been denied or restricted;
re-establish funding for any project previously deferred through
iki/CRS-RL30709augment existing programs or projects by reprogramming funds thatexceed $1 million or 10% of the existing program’s funding;
g/wprohibit a 20% or greater increase in personnel assigned to a
s.orspecific project.
httpProhibition on the Use of Federal Funds for PersonalIdentical to provision in P.L. 106-113.Not included in bill.
Prohibits the use of federal funds for personal services
Prohibition on the Purchase of Low Mileage Vehicles.Identical to provision in P.L. 106-113.Not included in bill.
The provision does not apply to security,
City Administrator’s Pay Ceiling. Increases the pay ceiling ofNot included in billNot included in bill.
P.L. 106-113House version of H.R. 4942Senate version H.R. 4942/S. 3041
Merit Personnel Act Responsibility of the Mayor. States thatSec. 119 of this bill.Sec. 110 of this bill.
Council Review of Revised Revenue Estimates. Requires theSec. 120 of this bill.Sec. 112 of this bill.
Sole Source Contracts. Prohibits sole source contracts forSec. 121 of this bill.Sec. 113 of this bill.
leakSequestration under the Balanced Budget. In order to complySec. 122 of this bill.Sec. 114 of this bill.
Sequestration Protocol. Outlines the protocol to be used whenSec. 123 of this bill.Sec. 115 of this bill.
Gifts and Donations. Allows District government agencies andSec. 124 of this bill.Sec. 116 of this bill.
Cthe mayor approves, (this provision does not apply in cases of
gifts or donation to the city council);
Cthe gift or donation is used to carry out an agency function;
Cthe government entity receiving the gift or donation keeps
records of all gifts and donations available for audit and public
P.L. 106-113House version of H.R. 4942Senate version H.R. 4942/S. 3041
Prohibits the Use of Funds for Statehood lobbying. ProhibitsSec. 125 of this bill.Sec. 117 of this bill.
UDC Quarterly Reports. Requires the University of theSec. 126 of this bill.Sec. 118. UDC/DCPS Quarterly
Reports. Revises Sec. 127 to include
public schools. UDC and DCPS required
Cexpenditures;to submit an annual report detailing the
Ccontracts awarded in excess of $10,000;number of validated personnel positions;
Creprogrammed funds; and a revised appropriated funds operating
Corganizational changes.budget to the mayor, city council,
Consensus Commission, Authority, and
congressional committees. .
Sec. 127. EPA and FederalSame as Sec. 141 of this bill.
://wikiCooperative Agreement Act. Allows
httpEPA to enter into cooperative agreements
and grants in DC if principal purpose is
to provide comparable benefits to federal
and non-federal properties in the District
Rollover of Funds for Financial Management System. AllowsNot included in bill Sec. 119 of this bill.
P.L. 106-113House version of H.R. 4942Senate version H.R. 4942/S. 3041
Sec. 128. Disposition of Surplus PublicNot included in bill.
School Facilities to Charter Schools.
Grants public chartered schools priority
in the distribution of surplus public
school facilities. The bill would establish
the procedure for the disposition of
surplus schools to charter schools.
Charter schools may purchase or lease
surplus schools. The purchase price for
a surplus school by a charter school is
fair market value minus 25%.
Disabled Students Attorney’s Fees. Limits the compensationNot included in billSec. 120. of this bill.
Sec. 129. Charter School contractingNot included in bill
://wikiand Procurement. Would require charter
httpschools to publish request for proposals
in District Register and newspapers for
procurement contracts that equal or
exceed $25,000. Public charter schools
that include preschool or pre-
kindergarten classes must meet city’s
licensing requirements.
Abortion. Prohibits the use of funds for abortion servicesIdentical to provision in P.L. 106-113.Sec. 121 of this bill.
Health Care Benefits Expansion Act. Prohibits the use ofIdentical to provision in P.L. 106-113.Sec. 122 of this bill.
P.L. 106-113House version of H.R. 4942Senate version H.R. 4942/S. 3041
DCPS Quarterly Reports. Requires the superintendent ofIdentical to provision in P.L. 106-113.Not included in bill
Ccurrent quarterly expenditures;
Clist of frozen accounts;
Call active contracts exceeding $10,000;
Creprogrammed funds; and
Corganizational changes
UDC/DCPS Annual Reports to Congress. Requires theIdentical to provision in P.L. 106-113.Not included in bill
g/wth of each
://wikiUDC/DCPS Revised Budget Submissions. Requires theIdentical to provision in P.L. 106-113.Not included in bill
Control Board Approval of Budget for UDC, DCPS, and DCIdentical to provision in P.L. 106-113.Sec. 124 of this bill.
Allows the control board acting on behalf of the public schools,
P.L. 106-113House version of H.R. 4942Senate version H.R. 4942/S. 3041
Modified sec. 136. The bill does notModified sec. 136. The bill does not
include subsec. 136(a) of P.L. 106-113include subsection 136(a) of P.L. 106-
C$152,753,000 shall be from intra-District funds; 113.
C$3,113,854,000 shall be from local funds.
CAllows the ceiling to be exceeded as a result of :
Cproceeds from one-time emergency transactions approved by
the control board;
Ccertification by the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) that
additional expenditures will produce revenue returns that
exceed 200% of the expenditure.
leakCthe CFO submits a detailed report on the grant to the control board;
://wikiand Cthe control board has reviewed and approved the grant.
httpC(c) The provision:
Cprohibits the city from expending city funds in anticipation of a
grant award;
P.L. 106-113House version of H.R. 4942Senate version H.R. 4942/S. 3041
Crequires the CFO to submit to the city council and House and
Senate Appropriations Committees detailed reports regarding all
federal and private grants approved under this section;
Crequires the control board to submit to congressional appropriations
and authorizing committees a quarterly report accounting for all
non-appropriated funds.
(d) Requires that local revenues collected in excess of amounts needed
to cover operating expenses for FY2000 be used as follows:
Cthe first $250 million shall be used to establish a reserve account to
finance seasonal cash needs in lieu of short-term borrowing;
Cfunds in excess of the first $250 million may be used to accelerate
repayment of borrowed water and sewer funds; and
iki/CRS-RL30709Cthirdly, funds may be used to reduce long-term debt.
s.orCourt Ordered Receiverships. In cases where a District agencyIdentical to provision in P.L. 106-113.Sec. 125 of this bill.
DCPS Personnel System. Requires that all employees ofIdentical to provision in P.L. 106-113.Not included in bill
P.L. 106-113House version of H.R. 4942Senate version H.R. 4942/S. 3041
Use of City Vehicles. Limits a District employee’s use ofIdentical to provision in P.L. 106-113.Sec. 126 of this bill.
a police officer may use police vehicles to travel to and from work
and home only if the officer resides in the District of Columbia, or is
granted permission by the Chief of Police;
an employee of the Fire and Emergency Ambulance Department who
resides in the District and is on call 24 hours a day;
the mayor; and
chair of the city council.
g/wEmployee Details and Reductions in Force. Requires DistrictIdentical to provision in P.L. 106-113.Sec. 127. includes technical difference
s.orregarding dates governing reduction in
leakforce procedures.
://wikiSpecial Education Evaluation Time Frame. This provisionIdentical to provision in P.L. 106-113.Sec. 128 of this bill.
Buy American Act. Encourages District government to complyIdentical to provision in P.L. 106-113.Sec. 129 of this bill.
P.L. 106-113House version of H.R. 4942Senate version H.R. 4942/S. 3041
Inspector General Audits. Only the District of ColumbiaIdentical to provision in P.L. 106-113.Sec. 130 of this bill.
Approval of Agency Reorganization. Requires the controlIdentical to provision in P.L. 106-113.Not included in bill.
Teacher Evaluations under Labor Agreement. Designates theIdentical to provision in P.L. 106-113.Not included in bill
iki/CRS-RL30709Voting Representation Cost Prohibition. Prohibits the use ofIdentical to provision in P.L. 106-113.Sec. 131 of this bill.
leakPrisoner Transfers Prohibition. Prohibits the transfer ofIdentical to provision in P.L. 106-113.Not included in bill.
Reserve Fund. Amends the District of Columbia FinancialIdentical to provision in P.L. 106-113.Not included in bill. Note: The bill
replaces the $150 million reserve fund
requirement with new requirement that
establishes two reserve funds: a
based on criteria established by the CFO and approved by thecontingency reserve fund equal to 3% of
mayor, the city council, and the control board, but in no case maytotal operating budget, and an emergency
funds be expended before all other surplus funds have been used; reserve fund equal to 4% of total
operating budget. The reserve fund
language can be found elsewhere in the
bill under board heading Division of
P.L. 106-113House version of H.R. 4942Senate version H.R. 4942/S. 3041
funds may not be used to fund agencies under court-ordered
funds may not be used to fund shortfalls in projected productivity
savings and management reforms.
up to 50% may be used for non-recurring expenses;
not less than 50% may be used for debt reduction.
g/wRevised Operating Budget Submission. Requires the CFO toNot included in bill.Sec. 132.of this bill.
Sec. 149. Inspector General Audit.Not included in bill.
Would require the IG to annually audit
the District of Columbia Highway Trust
Fund by February 1 of each year, and to
submit the audit findings to Congress.
Needle Exchange Program. Prohibits the creation and fundingSec. 150. Does not include language thatIdentical to provision in P.L. 106-113.
would allow entities to carry-out a needle
exchange program with private funds.
P.L. 106-113House version of H.R. 4942Senate version H.R. 4942/S. 3041
Lease Agreements and Abstracts. Sixty days after enactmentIdentical to provision in P.L. 106-113.Identical to provision in P.L. 106-113.
g/wProhibition on New Lease Agreements. Prohibits the city fromIdentical to provision in P.L. 106-113.Sec. 135 of this bill.
Construction Funds for Charter Schools. Includes charterNot included in bill.Not included in bill.
P.L. 106-113House version of H.R. 4942Senate version H.R. 4942/S. 3041
Disposal of Surplus Property. Requires the mayor, the controlNot included in bill.Not included in bill.
Charter School Authority. Amends the District of ColumbiaNot included in bill.Not included in bill.
Sibling Placement Preference in Charter Schools. GrantsNot included in bill.Not included in bill.
Managed Competition. Allows for the implementation of aNot included in bill..Not included in bill.
th Street Bridge Expansion. Transfers up to $5 million fromNot included in billNot included in bill.
httpth Street Bridge. Funds are to be used for design work
Sec. 158. Allows the mayor to allocateNot included in bill
zone academy bonds to qualified zone
academies in the District.
Anacostia River Cleanup. Transfers to the mayor from theNot included in bill.Not included in bill.
P.L. 106-113House version of H.R. 4942Senate version H.R. 4942/S. 3041
Sec. 159. Corrections Trustee. CovertNot included in bill.
or treats trustee and employees for the
corrections trustee as federal employees
for retirement, health, and life insurance
Crime Victim Compensation Fund. Prohibits monies in theNot included in bill. Not included in bill.
iki/CRS-RL30709Sec. 160. Sense of the CongressNot included in bill.
g/wprovision stating that patients at St.
s.orElizabeth’s Hospital (the mentally ill) are
leakpoorly served by existing facility and
httpCFO Certifications. Funds may not be used to pay agencySec. 153. Includes additional languageSec. 136 of this bill.
that would impose civil money penalties
for failure to comply with job
requirement including the submission of
reports to Congress.
Sec. 161. Sense of the CongressNot included in bill.
provision urging the expedited sale of the
Franklin School property.
Management Saving Contingency Plans. Requires theSec. 155 of this bill.Sec. 137 slightly different language.
Ties the contingency plan to failure to
achieve “operational improvement
savings and management reform
P.L. 106-113House version of H.R. 4942Senate version H.R. 4942/S. 3041
Sec. 162. Sense of the CongressNot included in bill.
provision urging city officials including
control board to maintain a fiduciary
duty to the taxpayers of the District.
Sec. 163. Prohibits the Public HealthNot included in bill.
Benefits Corporation from exceeding its
Budget Definition of Miscellaneous and Other. RequiresSec. 156 of this billSec. 138 of this bill.
iki/CRS-RL30709Southwest Waterfront. Authorizes the Army Corps ofNot included in bill.Not included in bill
httpSec. 164. Requires the CFO to sign anNot included in bill.
affidavit certifying payment by the Public
health Benefits Corporation of cash
advances by the city.
Restrictions on Red Cross Building. Expresses the sense of theNot included in bill.Not included in bill.
P.L. 106-113House version of H.R. 4942Senate version H.R. 4942/S. 3041
Sec. 165. Prohibits the Public HealthNot included in bill.
Benefits Corporation from exceeding its
budget. It must certify that any
expenditure or obligation is within its
budget authority.
Sex Offender Registry. Establishes a sex offender registry to beNot included in bill.Not included in bill.
Sec. 167. The provision would requireNot included in bill.
the inclusion of a conscience clause if the
District includes a contraceptive coverage
provision in health insurance legislation.
g/wMedical Marijuana Initiative. Prohibits the use of federal orSec. 157 of this bill.Sec. 139 of this bill.
httpAssistance to Enterprise Zones. Provides $5 million forNot included in bill.Not included in bill.
P.L. 106-113House version of H.R. 4942Senate version H.R. 4942/S. 3041
Agencies Performance Accountability Plans. Transfers fromNot included in bill.Not included in bill.
Sec. 169. Prompt Payment of AppointedNot included in bill.
iki/CRS-RL30709Counsel. Provide for the payment of
g/wattorneys within 45 days of receiving a
s.orcompleted voucher. Allows for the
leakimposition of interest if payment is not
made within 45 days of the presentation
://wikiof the voucher.
Budget-linked Quality of Life Factors. Identifies a number ofNot included in bill.Not included in bill.
Sec. 170. Prohibits the distribution ofNot included in bill.
needles or syringes within 1000 feet of
day care centers, public pools, schools,
colleges, parks, video arcades, public
housing, playgrounds, and youth centers.
Imposes a $500 fine.
P.L. 106-113House version of H.R. 4942Senate version H.R. 4942/S. 3041
Medicaid Recommendations. Directs the mayor to consider theNot included in bill.Not included in bill.
Sec. 171. Bans possession of tobacco byNot included in bill.
minors and imposes fines, community
service, and revocation of driving
GAO Study of the Criminal Justice System. Directs the GeneralNot included in bill.Not included in bill.
leakCorporation Counsel Review of Private Lawsuits. Allows theSec. 166 of this bill.Sec. 140 of this bill.
See Sec. 127 of this bill. Sec. 141 is the same as Sec. 127 of
House bill H.R. 4942.
P.L. 106-113House version of H.R. 4942Senate version H.R. 4942/S. 3041
Not included in bill.Sec. 142. Comprehensive Financial
Management Policy. Requires the
District to development a set of financial
management policies including the
following components: cash
management; debt management; financial
asset management; contingency reserve
management; emergency reserve
management; and real property tax-
exempt policies. Requires an annual
review of these policies by the CFO, and
establishes the procedure for the
iki/CRS-RL30709development of the first comprehensivefinancial management policy. The
g/wprocess is to involve the CFO, mayor,
s.orcouncil, authority, and Congress.
Not included in bill.Sec. 143 Responsibilities of the CFO.
://wikiDetails the responsibilities of the CFO.
httpIdentifies 24 specific duties and
responsibilities of the CFO.
Not included in bill Sec. 144. Overtime Compensation.
Limits overtime compensation to work in
excess of 40 hours a week in accord with
the Fair Labor Standards Act.
Not included in bill.Sec. 145. Drug Free Workplace
Program. Allows the Court Services and
Offender Supervision Agency to establish
a Drug Free Workplace Program.
P.L. 106-113House version of H.R. 4942Senate version H.R. 4942/S. 3041
Not included in bill.Sec. 146. Quality of Life Quarterly
Reports. Directs the mayor to submit
quarterly reports to the Senate
Appropriations and Governmental
Affairs Committees addressing quality of
life issues related to crime, crime
prevention, drug treatment, offender
supervision, education, federal grant
management, and child welfare.
Cellular Tower Placement. Directs the U.S. Park Service toNot included in bill.Not included in bill.
://wikiHUD Earmarks. Provides earmarks for selected programs ofNot included in bill.Not included in bill.