Health Care Quality: Improving Patient Safety by Promoting Medical Errors Reporting

CRS Report for Congress
Health Care Quality: Improving Patient Safety by
Promoting Medical Errors Reporting
Updated March 24, 2005
C. Stephen Redhead
Specialist in Life Sciences
Domestic Social Policy Division

Congressional Research Service ˜ The Library of Congress

Health Care Quality: Improving Patient Safety by
Promoting Medical Errors Reporting
In the 108th Congress, the House and Senate passed competing versions of the
Patient Safety and Quality Improvement Act (H.R. 663, S. 720), but the differences
between the two measures were never resolved. On March 9, 2005, the Senate
Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions unanimously approved S. 544,
which is identical to S. 720. The legislation would establish legal protections for
data and reports on medical errors in an effort to encourage voluntary reporting of
such information. The patient safety bills are in response to the 1999 Institute of
Medicine (IOM) report To Err Is Human, which concluded that preventable medical
errors cause as many as 98,000 deaths a year. The IOM found that medical errors are
primarily the result of faulty systems, processes, and conditions that lead people to
make mistakes. It recommended establishing a national mandatory reporting system
to hold hospitals accountable for serious medical errors, as well as developing
voluntary, confidential systems for reporting errors that result in little or no harm.
Analysis of such voluntarily reported data could be used to identify vulnerabilities
in health care systems.
Twenty-two states mandate medical error reporting by hospitals. However,
providers are reluctant to report adverse events in part because they fear that the
information will be used in malpractice litigation. States have sought to allay those
concerns by passing laws to protect reported data from legal discovery and by de-
identifying data and receiving reports anonymously. Such measures risk limiting the
usefulness of the data for research and quality management.
There are several national voluntary reporting systems for medical errors,
including the Patient Safety Information System within the Department of Veterans
Affairs. Analysis of these and other voluntary reporting systems — notably the
Aviation Safety Reporting System — has identified several design features associated
with effective programs. For example, the reporting process should be user-friendly
and the information kept confidential and protected from legal discovery. Also,
reports should be promptly evaluated by experts who are trained to recognize
underlying systems causes, and reporters should receive timely feedback with
recommendations for systems-based improvements.
To encourage voluntary reporting, H.R. 663 would have protected reported
information from legal discovery in civil and administrative proceeding, and from a
Freedom of Information Act request. The bill required the Agency for Healthcare
Research and Quality (AHRQ) to certify patient safety organizations to collect and
analyze the information reported by providers. Such organizations would develop
and disseminate recommendations for systems-based solutions to improve patient
safety and health care quality. H.R. 663 also would have required AHRQ to establish
a national database to receive and analyze de-identified information submitted by
patient safety organizations. S. 544 would protect information from use in criminal
as well as civil and administrative proceedings, unless a judge determined that it
contained evidence of an intentional act to directly harm the patient. This report will
be updated as legislative events in the 109th Congress warrant.

In troduction ......................................................1
Medical Errors: A Systems Problem...................................2
Medication Errors.............................................3
Medical Errors Reporting Systems....................................4
State Mandatory Reporting Systems...................................5
Data Protection................................................6
Data Disclosure...............................................8
Voluntary Reporting Systems........................................9
Aviation Safety Reporting System.................................9
National Medical Error Reporting Systems.........................10
VA Patient Safety Information System........................11
JCAHO Sentinel Events Reporting System.....................12
Medication Errors Reporting Program.........................13
MedMARx Program......................................13
Food and Drug Administration..............................14
Designing Effective Reporting Systems...........................15
Patient Safety and Quality Improvement Act...........................16
Overview of H.R. 663.........................................17
Analysis of H.R. 663 v. S. 544...................................18
Definition of Protected Information...........................18
Privilege ................................................19
Confidentiality ...........................................19
PSO Certification and Listing...............................20
Civil Penalties...........................................20
Drug and Biological Product Identification.....................21
Health Information Technology (IT) Standards, Grants and
Advisory Board......................................21
List of Tables
Table 1. Characteristics of Mandatory and Voluntary Medical Errors
Reporting Systems as Proposed by the IOM.........................5
Table 2. Design Characteristics of Voluntary Medical Errors Reporting
Systems ....................................................16
Table 3. Comparison of Patient Safety Legislation with the IOM
Recommendations ............................................22
Table 4. Side-by-Side Comparison of Patient Safety and Quality
Improvement Act.............................................23

Health Care Quality:
Improving Patient Safety by Promoting
Medical Errors Reporting
In the 108th Congress, the House and Senate passed competing versions of the
Patient Safety and Quality Improvement Act (H.R. 663, S. 720). Despite broad
bipartisan support for the legislation, no further action took place before adjournment
in December 2004. On March 9, 2005, the Senate Committee on Health, Education,
Labor, and Pensions (HELP) unanimously approved a new patient safety bill (S.
544), which is identical to last year’s Senate-passed measure. The patient safety
legislation is intended to encourage the voluntary reporting of information on medical
errors by establishing federal evidentiary privilege and confidentiality protections for
such information. Health care providers are reluctant to report medical errors
because they fear that the information will damage their reputations and be used in
medical malpractice lawsuits.
Patient safety emerged as a major health policy issue in late 1999 with the
release of the Institute of Medicine’s (IOM) report To Err Is Human.1 The IOM
report concluded that preventable medical errors cause as many as 98,000 deaths
each year and called on all parties to make improving patient safety a national health
policy priority. It recommended establishing a national mandatory reporting system
to hold hospitals and other health care facilities accountable for errors that lead to
serious injury or death. Emphasizing that medical errors are primarily the result of
faulty systems, process, and conditions that lead people to make mistakes, the IOM
also recommended the development of voluntary, confidential systems for reporting
medical errors that result in no harm (i.e., close calls) or minimal harm. Analysis of
such voluntarily reported information could then be used to identify system
vulnerabilities and develop preventive strategies. The Patient Safety and Quality
Improvement Act attempted to implement that recommendation.
The IOM based its conclusions on epidemiologic studies published in the 1980s
and early 1990s. While medical researchers were familiar with the published
estimates of the prevalence of medical errors in hospitals and other inpatient settings,
the information was new to the public and it caught the attention of federal and state
legislators and health care policymakers. Indeed, a 1999 survey showed that patient

1 Institute of Medicine, To Err Is Human: Building a Safer Health System (Washington,
D.C.: National Academy Press, 1999). The report is available online at

safety was the most closely followed health policy story of the year.2 As a result of
the IOM report, numerous patient safety initiatives were initiated within the federal
government and throughout the private sector, in health plans and health care trade
organizations and accrediting and standard-setting bodies.
States responded to the IOM report by considering legislation to expand existing
mandatory reporting systems and, in some cases, enact new systems. Currently, 22
states have mandatory reporting systems. The goal is to hold hospitals and health
care providers accountable to the public for the most serious mistakes in the delivery
of health care. In an effort to encourage providers to report errors, most states have
adopted measures to protect reporting system data from use by malpractice attorneys.
Policymakers have had to balance provider concerns about the legal consequences
of making information available to attorneys and patients with the desire for public
Legislation to encourage medical errors reporting was first introduced in the
106th Congress, following the release of the IOM report.3 Much of it was
reintroduced in the 107th Congress and again in the 108th. Patient safety lies at the
heart of the current debate on medical malpractice reform. Many trial attorneys
defend the current tort system, claiming that the threat of litigation makes providers
practice safer medicine. They view tort law as an important driver of health care
quality. But experts on health care quality reject this argument. Echoing the IOM’s
recommendations, they contend that the only way to realize significant improvements
in patient safety is by improving health care systems. And that, in turn, requires the
analysis of medical errors report. By discouraging physicians from reporting such
information, the tort system is in conflict with this approach to safety improvement.
This report provides an overview and some analysis of medical errors reporting
and the House and Senate patient safety bills. It begins with background information
on the nature and causes of medical errors, followed by a brief comparison of the
differences between mandatory and voluntary reporting systems. The report then
discusses some of the legal and policy issues facing state mandatory reporting
systems and major national voluntary reporting systems, and identifies design
features of effective reporting programs. It concludes with a discussion and side-by-
side comparison of H.R. 663 and S. 544.
Medical Errors: A Systems Problem
The IOM report defined error as the failure of a planned action to be completed
as intended (an error of execution) or the use of a wrong plan to achieve an aim (an

2 Robert J. Blendon et al., “Views of Practicing Physicians and the Public on Medical
Errors,” New England Journal of Medicine, vol. 347, no. 24 (2002), pp. 1933-1939.
3 Medical errors legislation included: the Medical Error Prevention Act of 2000 (H.R. 3672);
the Medicare Comprehensive Quality of Care and Safety Act of 2000 (H.R. 5404); the
Medical Error Reduction Act of 2000 (S. 2038); the Stop All Frequent Errors in Medicare
and Medicaid Act of 2000 (S. 2378); the Patient Safety and Errors Reduction Act (S. 2738);
and the Error Reduction and Improvement in Patient Safety Act (S. 2743).

error of planning). Medical errors can happen at all stages of the process of care,
from diagnosis, to treatment, to preventive care. Not all errors result in harm. Those
that do are referred to as preventable adverse events. An adverse event is an injury
related to a medical intervention and not due to the underlying medical condition of
the patient. While adverse events are often attributable to error and, therefore,
preventable, they need not always be the result of medical mismanagement (see
discussion of adverse drug reactions below).
A limited number of published studies have examined adverse events among
hospitalized patients. Extrapolating from the results of two large, retrospective
reviews of hospital records, the IOM estimated that more than 1 million medical
errors occur each year in the United States, of which between 44,000 and 98,000 are
fatal.4 It also concluded that errors may cost the nation as much as $29 billion
annually in direct medical costs and lost income and productivity. Some researchers
have challenged the accuracy of the IOM’s numbers, but there is general agreement
that the problem is serious.5 Still others say the IOM may have underestimated the
true incidence of medical errors because it only considered errors that occur among
hospital patients, which represent a small proportion of the total population at risk.
Many patients receive increasingly complex care in ambulatory settings such as
outpatient surgical centers, physicians’ offices, and clinics.
Echoing the views of most health care analysts, the IOM emphasized that
medical errors are primarily a systemic problem and generally not attributable to
individual negligence or misconduct. Errors are the result of faulty systems,
processes, and conditions that lead people to make mistakes. According to the IOM,
health care lags behind other industries (e.g., aviation, nuclear power) that pay
attention to factors that affect performance, such as work hours, work conditions,
information technology, team relationships, and the design of tasks to make errors
more difficult to commit.
Medication Errors
While there have been few studies that examined all types of adverse events
occurring in hospitals and other provider settings, there is an abundant literature that
focuses on adverse drug events (i.e., adverse events specifically associated with
ordering and administering medication to patients). Adverse drug events are often
found to be the most common type of adverse event documented in hospital settings.
In its report, the IOM estimated that drug-related adverse events kill up to 7,000
Americans annually.

4 Lucian L. Leape et al., “The Nature of Adverse Events in Hospitalized Patients: Results
of the Harvard Medical Practice Study II,” New England Journal of Medicine, vol. 324,
(1991), pp. 377-384; Eric J. Thomas et al., “Incidence and Types of Adverse Events and
Negligent Care in Utah and Colorado,” Medical Care, vol. 38 (2000), pp. 261-271.
5 Rodney A. Hayward and Timothy P. Hofer, “Estimating Hospital Deaths Due to Medical
Errors: Preventability Is in the Eye of the Beholder,” Journal of the American Medical
Association, vol. 286 (2001), pp. 415-420.

Although the distinction is not always clear, researchers divide adverse drug
events into two types: adverse drug reactions resulting from previously known or
newly detected side effects of drugs that are correctly prescribed and administered;
and injuries that are caused by errors in prescribing, dispensing, and administering
medication. Examples of medication errors include physicians who prescribe
antibiotics to patients with documented allergies to those medications, nurses who
do not properly dilute intravenous solutions, and patients who fail to take
medications as directed.
Studies reveal that adverse drug events occur in 6.5% to more than 20% of
hospitalized patients, and that between one-quarter and one-half of these are due to
medication errors and are, therefore, avoidable.6 Newly published research on
medication safety among Medicare patients in outpatient settings suggests that the
Medicare population as a whole may experience as many as 180,000 life-threatening
or fatal adverse drug events annually.7 It is important to recognize that the majority
of medication errors do not lead to an adverse drug event, either because they are
caught before the drugs are administered, or because they result in no ill effects. In
the IOM’s analysis, medication errors typically result from one or more failures in the
increasingly complex systems of medication management, rather than from
negligence on the part of individual health care practitioners.
Medical Errors Reporting Systems
The IOM recommended establishing a nationwide mandatory reporting
system for states to collect standardized information (initially from hospitals, but
eventually from other institutional and ambulatory health care settings) on adverse
events that result in death or serious harm. The primary purpose of mandatory
reporting systems is to hold providers accountable by ensuring that serious mistakes
are reported and investigated and that appropriate follow-up action is taken.
Organizations that continue unsafe practices risk citations, penalties, sanctions,
suspension or revocation of licenses, and possible public exposure and loss of
business. The IOM proposed that mandatory reporting system data be made available
to the public once they have been validated.
To complement the mandatory reporting of serious and fatal errors, the IOM
also recommended the development of voluntary reporting systems for collecting
information on errors that result in little or no harm. The focus of voluntary reporting
is the analysis and identification of systemic problems that could lead to more serious
types of errors, and the development of prevention strategies. To encourage
reporting, the IOM further recommended that information collected under a voluntary

6 David Classen, “Medication Safety: Moving from Illusion to Reality,” Journal of the
American Medical Association, vol. 289 (2003), pp. 1154-1156.
7 Jerry H. Gurwitz et al., “Incidence and Preventability of Adverse Drug Events Among
Older Persons in the Ambulatory Setting,” Journal of the American Medical Association,
vol. 289 (2003), pp. 1107-1116.

reporting system be strictly confidential and protected from legal discovery. Table

1 summarizes the differences between mandatory and voluntary reporting systems.

State Mandatory Reporting Systems
State adverse event reporting systems date back to the 1970s. The IOM
reviewed reporting systems in 13 states to learn more about their scope and
operations during the preparation of its 1999 report. Since the report’s release, more
than half of the states have introduced legislation to address the problem of medical
errors, and several have enacted laws to create new mandatory reporting systems or
modify existing ones. Twenty-two states now have laws or regulations that require8
general and acute care hospitals to report medical errors.
Table 1. Characteristics of Mandatory and Voluntary Medical
Errors Reporting Systems as Proposed by the IOM
Mandatory reporting systemsVoluntary reporting systems
PurposeAccountabilitySafety improvements; detection and
analysis of systemic problems before
serious injury or death occurs
SystemState governmentPrivate organization
ad ministr a tio n
Obligation toEstablishes legal obligation toRelies on trust in the reporting
report errorsreport; relies on penalties andsystem and a commitment to its
sanctions to encourage compliancepurpose
Type of dataMedical errors that result in seriousMedical errors that result in no harm
reportedinjury or death(close calls) or minimal harm
Public disclosureValidated information available toStrictly confidential; only de-
of datathe publicidentified data publicly available
Use of reportedVerification of data to ensureAnalysis and interpretation of errors;
dataconsistency with reportingidentification of system
definitions and attribution to error;vulnerabilities; development of
analysis of data and identification ofpreventive strategies
ways to avoid a reoccurrence of the
error; oversight and evaluation of
corrective actions taken
Sources: Institute of Medicine; National Academy for State Health Policy.
The reporting requirements vary widely from state to state, though all require
disclosure of events that result in unanticipated death. For example, Washington
requires the reporting of medication-related errors, whereas Tennessee requires health
care facilities to report any “unusual events.” In Florida, hospitals are required to
report errors that result in certain specified injuries (e.g., brain or spinal damage),

8 According to the Health Policy Tracking Service, the states are: CA; CO; CT; FL; KS;
MA; ME; MN; MO; NV; NJ; NY; NV; OH; PA; RI; SC; SD; TN; TX; VA; and WA.

whereas in Pennsylvania they must report “any situation or occurrence that could
seriously compromise quality assurance or patient safety.” Arizona requires health
care facilities to review reports made by medical practitioners regarding violations
of professional standards or the law. In contrast, New Jersey requires hospitals and
other institutions to report “serious medical errors” to regulators and patients. Some
states also include in their reporting mandates provisions to prevent the discovery of
error information in civil or administrative proceedings. Few states have the experts
to analyze more than a fraction of the reports they receive. Most reports are not
investigated and few hospitals receive any feedback.9
States face a difficult challenge in designing their reporting systems as they
attempt to reconcile two competing objectives. They must motivate health care
providers and facilities to report errors promptly and accurately, while at the same
time holding them accountable through a system of public disclosure of information
about errors. The IOM concluded that the public has a right to information
concerning the safety of the health care system. Providers, however, are reluctant to
report adverse events. They fear that publicly released data will lead to an increase
in malpractice lawsuits. The more comprehensive and organized the reporting
system database, the greater the legal threat it may pose to providers.
In a 2003 report on state error reporting systems, the National Academy for
State Health Policy (NASHP) concluded that the balance between protecting data
from legal discovery and disclosing information to the public appears to be tipped in
favor of data protection.10
Data Protection
Attorneys may compel disclosure of information considered confidential by the
state through a variety of legal processes including: (1) Freedom of Information or
Open Records requests; (2) subpoenas; (3) legal discovery; and (4) admission into
evidence in a civil or administrative proceeding. To allay providers’ concerns about
litigation, states have pursued a variety of legal options to protect mandatory
reporting system data.11 Some states have exempted reporting system data from their
public disclosure (i.e., Freedom of Information) laws, while others have relied on
their existing peer review statutes.12 Peer review laws can provide strong protections
for reporting system data if they cover (or are interpreted to cover) all activities

9 Lucian L. Leape, “Reporting of Adverse Events,” New England Journal of Medicine, vol.

347 (2002), pp. 1633-1638. (Hereafter cited as Leape, “Reporting of Adverse Events.”)

10 National Academy for State Health Policy, How States Report Medical Errors to the
Public: Issues and Barriers (Portland, ME: NASHP, Oct. 2003). This report, hereafter cited
as NASHP, Oct. 2003, is one of several NASHP publications on patient safety and medical
errors. For more information, go to [].
11 NASHP, Oct. 2003.
12 Peer review refers to a process by which physicians review and analyze the performance
of their colleagues to evaluate and improve the quality of health care. To encourage
participation and candor in the process, all states except New Jersey have enacted laws that
protect peer review information and participants from the legal process.

related to the administration of the reporting system. However, courts have
occasionally found that the rights of an individual to information relating to a
personal lawsuit trumps peer review protection.
For these reasons, most of the mandatory reporting systems established since the
IOM report have comprehensive, system-specific protections of data and reporters
built into the authorizing statute. For example, information may be protected from
discovery, subpoena, search warrant, and evidence in civil or administrative
proceedings. Protections for reporters may include exclusion from civil and criminal
lawsuits, monetary liability, state antitrust lawsuits, compelled testimony, and
employer retaliation (i.e., “whistleblower” protection).
System design features, such as de-identifying data and receiving reports
anonymously, may reduce the need for strong legal protections by making it more
difficult to link specific incidents to individuals or institutions. Of course, such
measures also limit the utility of the information to analysts.
Despite their efforts to shield error information from legal discovery and public
disclosure, states have had limited success in encouraging providers to report adverse
events. Underreporting is a serious issue for state reporting systems and it can have
important consequences for health care quality.13 Failure to inform a patient of a
medical error may delay or deprive prompt treatment, which in turn may expose the
physician to greater liability. Underreporting also hinders research on the prevalence
and root causes of errors, hampering quality improvement initiatives.
While providers’ fears of legal exposure are real and must be addressed, it
remains unclear whether they have merit. There are no studies on whether reported
error information is being used in malpractice litigation. Moreover, there is little
research on the influence of specific laws on reporting behavior. Further
complicating the issue is the fact that fear of liability is just one of several factors that
lead to the underreporting of medical errors. Other factors include facilities’ lack of
internal systems to identify events, the culture of medical practice that discourages
drawing attention to errors, fear of institutional sanctions, anxiety about maintaining
good relationships with peers, loss of business, damage to reputation, and whether
the amount of feedback and the potential benefits from reporting justify the time and
effort it takes to report. There is not enough evidence to predict the impact that
eliminating one or more of these disincentives would have on reporting behavior.14
Some degree of legal protection may be necessary to encourage reporting, but it may
not be sufficient to create an environmental conducive to reporting.15

13 NASHP, Oct. 2003.
14 Wendy K. Miller and Frances H. Miller, Medical Error Reporting: Professional Tensions
Between Confidentiality and Liability, Massachusetts Health Policy Forum Issue Brief no.

13 (2001).

15 NASHP, Oct. 2003.

Data Disclosure
The IOM recommended that mandatory reporting systems publicly disclose all
information uncovered during investigations. Polls indicate broad public support for
such disclosure, and some analysts argue that disclosure is necessary to drive
improvements in health care. However, according to NASHP, public disclosure of
adverse event information is “sporadic and inconsistent.” While some states are
prohibited from releasing certain data by statute, others that are permitted to
disclosure certain information refrain from doing so because of concerns that the data
are incomplete and unreliable and may be misinterpreted by the public. In some
cases, states are also reluctant to disclose information in order to alleviate the
concerns of hospitals and practitioners.16
NASHP found that seven states with mandatory reporting systems release
incident-specific data. The remaining states issue or plan to issue aggregate reports.
Incident-specific data are most commonly provided on a request only basis. Where
information is available to the public, it is often difficult to access or requires specific
information on how and where to request the information in order to access it. The
data may be provided in raw form without accompanying analysis to assist with
interpretation. 17
Overall, it appears that state reporting systems have had at best a modest impact
on improving patient safety. Evidence from hospitals that the reporting and
investigation of serious events has led to improvement in patient safety is largely
anecdotal. As noted above, most state programs are plagued by underreporting,
especially in their early years of operation. The IOM report observed that few states
aggregate the data or analyze them to identify general trends. Analysis and follow-up
tend to occur on a case-by-case basis. The report cited limited resources and the
absence of standard reporting requirements as major impediments to making greater
use of the reported data. It concluded that “state programs appear to provide a public
response for investigation of specific events, but are less successful in synthesizing
information to analyze where broad system improvements might take place or in
communicating alerts and concerns to other institutions.” In some states, reporting
systems established by law are not operating due to a lack of funds.
The IOM recommended that state regulatory programs continue to operate
mandatory reporting systems as they have the authority to investigate specific cases
and issue penalties or fines. However, in order to establish a nationwide mandatory
reporting system, the IOM recommended that Congress (1) designate the National
Quality Forum as the entity responsible for issuing and maintaining reporting
standards to be used by states, (2) require health care institutions to report
standardized information on a defined list of adverse events, and (3) provide funds
and technical expertise to state governments to establish or improve their error
reporting systems.

16 NASHP, Oct. 2003.
17 NASHP, Oct. 2003.

The National Quality Forum (NQF), established in May 1999 following the
recommendation of the President’s Advisory Commission on Consumer Protection
and Quality in the Health Care Industry, is a private, nonprofit voluntary consensus
standards setting organization created to develop and implement a national strategy
for the measurement and reporting of health care quality. Acting on the IOM’s
recommendation, the NQF in 2002 released a list of 27 serious, preventable adverse
events that should be reported by all licensed health care facilities. The list includes
standardized definitions of key terms to encourage consistent use and implementation
across the country.18
The IOM further proposed that the Department of Health and Human Services
(HHS) collect error reports should a state choose not to implement a mandatory
reporting system. Currently, HHS does not require health care institutions or
providers to report information on medical errors.19 The IOM also recommended the
establishment of a Center for Patient Safety within AHRQ for states to share
information and expertise, and to receive and analyze aggregate reports from states
to identify persistent safety issues.
Voluntary Reporting Systems
As a complement to the mandatory reporting of serious errors, the IOM
recommended establishing voluntary reporting systems to collect information on less
serious mistakes that result in little or no harm. Information gathered by voluntary
reporting systems may be used to identify vulnerabilities and weaknesses in health
care systems and to make improvements to prevent serious errors from occurring.
Aviation Safety Reporting System
The IOM report and several more recent analyses have all highlighted the
Aviation Safety Reporting System (ASRS) as a potential model for establishing
national voluntary systems for reporting medical errors. ASRS was created in 1975
to encourage pilots, controllers, flight attendants, maintenance personnel, and others
in the civilian airline industry to report incidents or situations in which aviation safety
was compromised. The program has become well-established and trusted within the
airline industry and is credited with contributing to improvements in aviation safety
over the past 28 years. ASRS analyzes the voluntarily submitted aviation safety
incident reports to identify deficiencies and discrepancies in the national aviation
system so that corrective action can be taken. ASRS data are also used to support
policies and planning for improving the national aviation system, and to strengthen

18 For more information on the NQF list, go to []. In March
2003, NASHP released a report, Defining Reportable Adverse Events: A Guide for States
Tracking Medical Errors, which compares the NQF list with the requirements of existing
state reporting systems. The report is available online at [].
19 The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services has launched several initiatives
requiring hospitals and Medicare-certified nursing homes and home health agencies to report
publicly various measures of health care quality. For more information, go to
[ quality].

the foundation of aviation human factors safety research. This is especially important
given estimates that as much as two-thirds of all aviation accidents and incidents are
rooted in human performance error. ASRS provides feedback to the aviation
community in the form of alert messages identifying problems that may require
immediate action, analytical reports, an online database, a monthly safety newsletter,
and a quarterly safety bulletin.
ASRS is administered by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration
(NASA) under an agreement with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), which
provides most of the program’s funding. ASRS receives more than 3,200 reports
each month. The program’s annual operating budget of approximately $2.5 million
(or about $70 per report received) covers report processing, alert messages, data
dissemination functions, special studies, and publication activities.
Persons who submit reports are given two types of protection: confidentiality,
and limited immunity from disciplinary action in the case of a potential violation of
federal air regulations. The FAA will not impose penalties upon individuals who
complete and submit written incident reports to ASRS within 10 days after the
violation provided that:
!the violation was inadvertent and not deliberate;
!the violation did not involve a criminal offense or action which
discloses a lack of qualification or competency; and
!the person has not been found in any prior FAA enforcement action
to have committed a violation for a five-year period prior to the date
of the incident.20
ASRS administrators attribute the program’s success to various factors.21 First,
the reports are held in strict confidence and reporters are immune from disciplinary
action if they report promptly. Second, reporting is simple and involves a one-page
form. Third, the program is responsive — reporters receive timely feedback — and
viewed as worthwhile by those that use it. And finally, the program is administered
by an agency (i.e., NASA) that is independent of the FAA, which regulates the
aviation industry. ASRS is seen as complementing the work of the National
Transportation Safety Board (NTSB), which investigates aviation accidents that
result in death or serious injury or in which the aircraft sustains significant damage.
National Medical Error Reporting Systems
There are several national voluntary reporting systems for medical errors. They
include the Patient Safety Information System within the Department of Veterans
Affairs (VA) and the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations
(JCAHO) Sentinel Events Reporting System. Two national programs focus on
medication errors: the Medication Error Reporting program and the MedMARx

20 Information on the ASRS is available online at [].
21 Testimony of Linda J. Connell, Director, NASA Aviation Safety Reporting System, before
the U.S. Congress, House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs, Subcommittee on Oversight and
Investigations, Feb. 10, 2000.

program. In addition to its mandatory reporting requirements for drug and medical
device manufacturers, the Food and Drug Administration also encourages health care
providers and the public voluntarily to report suspected adverse events involving
prescription and over-the-counter drugs.
VA Patient Safety Information System. The Department of Veterans
Affairs (VA), which manages one of the largest health care networks in the United
States, is generally recognized as a leader in the growing patient safety movement.22
In 1999, the VA established a National Center for Patient Safety (NCPS) to lead the
agency’s patient safety efforts and develop a culture of safety throughout the VA
health care system. The NCPS developed an internal, confidential, non-punitive
reporting and analysis system, the Patient Safety Information System (PSIS), which
permits VA employees to report both adverse events and close calls without fear of
punishment. The PSIS is not a blame-free system. Events that are judged to be an
intentionally unsafe act (i.e., any events that result from a criminal act, a purposefully
unsafe act, or an act related to alcohol or substance abuse or patient abuse) can result
in the assignment of blame and punitive action.
Drawing on the experience of aviation and other “high-reliability” industries,
NCPS officials argue that confidential, non-punitive reporting systems are key to
identifying vulnerabilities and analyzing underlying systemic problems in health care.
They contend that an over-reliance on punitive accountability systems has been a
major impediment to improving patient safety. Accountability systems do not
encourage identification of potential problems, nor do they provide any incentive for
The PSIS is intended to supplement the VA’s existing accountability systems.
It takes a systems approach to improving patient safety based on prevention, not
punishment. Using tools developed by NCPS, multidisciplinary teams conduct a root
cause analysis of reported adverse events. Root cause analysis is a process for
identifying the causal factors that underlie an event. It focuses primarily on systems
and processes, not individual performance. The end product of a root cause analysis
is an action plan outlining strategies that the organization intends to implement to
reduce the risk of a similar event occurring in the future.
Following PSIS implementation, NCPS saw a 900-fold increase in reporting of
close calls, and a 30-fold increase in reporting of adverse events. For its efforts in
improving patient safety in the VA health care system, NCPS was awarded the
prestigious Innovations in American Government Award in 2001. The PSIS now
serves as a benchmark and is being used and emulated by other health care programs,23

nationally and internationally.
22 The VA health care system operates 163 hospitals, 137 nursing homes, 73 comprehensive
home-care programs, and more than 850 ambulatory care and community-based outpatient
clinics. In 2002, more than 4.5 million people received health care in a VA facility, and the
outpatient clinics registered approximately 46.5 million visits. For more information, go to
[ h t t p : / / .gov] .
23 Testimony of Dr. James P. Bagian, Director, National Center for Patient Safety, before

In May 2000, the VA signed an agreement with NASA to develop the Patient
Safety Reporting System (PSRS), an independent, external reporting system. The
PSRS, which was inaugurated in 2002 at VA hospitals nationwide, is operated by
NASA and modeled after the ASRS. It is intended to provide VA employees with a
“safety valve” that allows them confidentially to report close calls or adverse events
that, for whatever reason, would otherwise go unreported. All personnel and facility
names, facility locations, and other potentially identifying information are removed
before reports are entered into the PSRS database. Only NASA personnel assigned
to the reporting system can review data until the de-identification process is
JCAHO Sentinel Events Reporting System. JCAHO is an independent,
nonprofit organization that evaluates and accredits nearly 18,000 health care
organizations and programs in the United States, including hospitals, health care
networks, managed care organizations, and health care organizations that provide
home care, long term care, behavioral health care, laboratory, and ambulatory care
services. JCAHO initiated a sentinel event reporting system for hospitals in 1996.
A sentinel event is defined as one that results in an unanticipated death or major
permanent loss of function not related to the natural course of the patient’s illness or
underlying condition. Sentinel events also include: patient suicide in a setting that
provides round-the-clock care; rape; infant abduction or discharge to the wrong
facility; major incompatibility reactions in blood transfusion recipients; and surgery25
on the wrong patient or body part.
Accredited hospitals are expected to identify and respond to all sentinel events
by conducting a root cause analysis, implementing improvements to reduce risk, and
monitoring the effectiveness of those improvements. To encourage sentinel event
reporting, JCAHO has established a policy of not penalizing the accreditation status
of an organization that reports such events and performs a root cause analysis.
Reporting sentinel events to JCAHO is not entirely voluntary. If a hospital fails to
report an event and JCAHO learns of it from a third party, it requires the hospital to
conduct a root cause analysis or risk loss of accreditation. JCAHO analyzes the
error-related information it receives and publishes recommendations in the Sentinel
Event Alert. Despite these efforts, few hospitals report sentinel events because they
view the program as cumbersome, time-consuming, unresponsive, and potentially
risky. They are concerned about the confidentiality of the information and fear that

23 (...continued)
the U.S. Congress, Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs, Permanent Subcommittee
on Investigations, June 11, 2003. Additional information about the NCPS is available online
at [].
24 Information on the PSRS is available online at [].
25 More information is available on JCAHO’s website at [].

public disclosure of reports may damage their reputation and lead to a decline in
business, a loss of license or accreditation, and litigation.26
Medication Errors Reporting Program. The Medication Errors Reporting
(MER) program was started in 1975 by the Institute for Safe Medication Practices
(ISMP), a nonprofit organization that works with healthcare practitioners, regulatory
agencies, professional organizations, and the pharmaceutical industry to provide
education about adverse drug events and their prevention. Since 1991, the MER
program has been owned and administered by the U.S. Pharmacopeia (USP). USP
is a nonprofit, private organization that establishes legally recognized standards for
the quality, strength, purity, packaging, and labeling of medicines for human and
veterinary use.
The MER program receives voluntary and confidential reports from
practitioners — primarily pharmacists — via mail, telephone, and the Internet.
Reporters are informed that a de-identified copy of the report is routinely sent to
ISMP, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and the pharmaceutical company
whose product is mentioned in the report. With permission, the reporter’s name is
disclosed to ISMP, which provides an independent review of the report. Errors or
near-errors reported through the MER program include administering the wrong
drug, strength, or dose, confusion over look-alike and sound-alike drugs, incorrect
route of administration, and errors in prescribing and transcribing. ISMP publishes27
biweekly reports with recommendations and periodic special alerts.
MedMARx Program. USP’s MedMARx program, begun in 1998, is an
Internet-based, voluntary system for hospitals to report medication errors. Hospitals
must subscribe to MedMARx in order to use the program. Employees of hospitals
that subscribe may report a medication error anonymously to MedMARx by
completing a standardized form. Hospital management is then able to retrieve
compiled data on its own facility and also obtain nonidentifiable comparative
information on other participating hospitals. Information is not shared with FDA.
The JCAHO framework for conducting a root cause analysis is on the MedMARx
system for the convenience of reporters to download the forms, but the programs are
not integrated.
In December 2004, USP released its fifth annual national report, which
summarizes the medication error data collected by MedMARx during 2003.28 The
analysis was based on 235,159 medication errors voluntarily reported by 570
hospitals and health care facilities nationwide. The report also includes a five-year
trend analysis of data submitted to MedMARx between 1999 and 2003, with a focus
on technology related errors.

26 Testimony of Dr. Dennis S. O’Leary, President, Joint Commission on Accreditation of
Healthcare Organizations, before the U.S. Congress, House Committee on Ways and Means,
Subcommittee on Health, Feb. 10, 2000.
27 More information on the MER program is available online at [].
28 U.S. Pharmacopeia, MedMARx 5th Anniversary Data Report: A Chartbook of 2003
Findings and Trends 1999-2003 (Rockville, MD.: 2004).

MedMARx has received generally favorable reviews from analysts. The
program incorporates some of the same design features that are found in ASRS.
Hospital employees view MedMARx reporting as relatively safe and straightforward.
Unlike JCAHO’s system for hospitals to report events with serious outcomes,
MedMARx relies on individual employees submitting anonymous reports of all types
of medication errors, whether or not they result in harm. MedMARx is also very
responsive. The data are analyzed by experts, and reporters receive timely feedback
of useful information.29
Food and Drug Administration. The FDA regulates the manufacturers of
prescription and over-the-counter drugs, medical and radiation-emitting devices, and
biological products (e.g., antitoxins, vaccines, blood), among other things. After
FDA approves a new drug or device, the agency continues to monitor its safety
through postmarketing surveillance. Adverse event reporting is a major component
of postmarketing surveillance. For medical devices, manufacturers are required to
report deaths, serious injuries, and malfunctions to FDA. Hospitals, nursing homes,
and other user facilities are also required to report deaths to both the manufacturer
and FDA, and to report serious injuries to the manufacturer. For suspected adverse
events associated with drugs, reporting is mandatory for manufacturers. Health care
professionals and consumers may voluntarily report suspected adverse drug events
and device problems through FDA’s Medical Products Reporting Program,
MedWatch, which allows reporting by phone (toll-free), fax, direct mail (using a
postage-paid form), and Internet. All MedWatch reports are evaluated and entered
into one of the agency’s databases for analysis.30
FDA receives approximately 235,000 reports annually for adverse drug events
and more than 80,000 reports on device problems. The agency decides whether any
corrective action is necessary on a case-by-case basis, by considering the
unexpectedness and seriousness of the event, the vulnerability of the population
affected, and the available options for prevention. If corrective action is warranted,
FDA generally pursues one of three strategies. The first and most common strategy
is to negotiate with the manufacturer to make the desired changes. Second, FDA may
take regulatory action to compel a manufacturer to act. Finally, the agency may
attempt to inform health care professionals and the public about the risks associated
with a particular drug through published articles, direct mailings, and the Internet.
On February 26, 2004, FDA published a final rule requiring bar codes on the
labels of most prescription drugs and all over-the-counter drugs used in hospitals and31
dispensed pursuant to a physician’s order. The agency estimates that the use of bar-
coded medications, which nurses scan to match the correct drug and dose with the
intended patient, could prevent more than 500,000 adverse events and save $93

29 Leape, “Reporting of Adverse Events.”
30 Institute of Medicine, 1999. More detailed information on FDA’s reporting requirements
may be found online at [].
31 69 Federal Register 9119, Feb. 26, 2004. Information on the bar codes rule is available
at [].

billion over the next 20 years. In addition, the rule requires bar codes on the labels
of blood and blood components used for transfusion.
On March 14, 2003, FDA proposed revising manufacturer’s reporting
requirements to improve the agency’s ability to monitor and improve the safe use of
medications.32 The proposal requires manufacturers to submit to FDA, within 15
days, all reports they receive of actual and potential (i.e., near-miss) medication
errors. An example of a potential medication error would be a pharmacist who
selects the wrong drug because of a similar sounding name but catches the mistake
before dispensing the medication. If the pharmacist elects to report the incident to
the manufacturer, then under the proposed rule the manufacturer must report it to
FDA. The proposal also requires the use of internationally agreed definitions and
reporting formats, which will allow companies to prepare a single report for
submission to major regulatory agencies worldwide.
Designing Effective Reporting Systems
Table 2 summarizes the design features that analysts have identified as essential
for an effective reporting program. An effective program is one that encourages
reporting, analyzes the data to identify vulnerabilities in the health care system, and
promotes the development of preventive strategies to improve patient safety.33 The
IOM report recommended against establishing a comprehensive national voluntary
reporting system modeled after ASRS. For one thing, several national reporting
systems already exist, particularly for medication errors. Moreover, a comprehensive
national reporting system would require an enormous investment in funding and
personnel, in view of the potential volume of reports. With an estimated 1 million
errors each year in hospital settings alone, plus an even greater number of close calls,
the analysis of even a fraction of these events would require many expert analysts,
all of whom would have to be recruited and trained.

32 68 Federal Register 12465, Mar. 14, 2003.
33 Brian Raymond and Robert M. Crane, “Design Considerations for a Patient Safety
Improvement Reporting System,” Kaiser Permanente, Institute for Health Policy, Apr. 2001.
(Hereafter cited as Raymond and Crane, “Design Considerations.”)

Table 2. Design Characteristics of
Voluntary Medical Errors Reporting Systems
Characterist ic Explanatio n
User-friendlyThe reporting process is broadly understood and report forms are readily
available and user-friendly.
NonpunitiveReporters are not subject to retaliation or punishment from others as a result
of reporting errors.
ConfidentialThe identities of the patient, reporter, and health care institution are not
revealed to a third party.
PrivilegedReports are protected from legal discovery and inadmissible in court or other
proceedings prior to de-identification.
IndependentThe system is independent of any authority with power to punish the reporter
or health care institution.
Expert analysisReports are evaluated by experts who understand the clinical circumstances
and are trained to recognize underlying systems causes.
Systems-orientedAnalysis and recommendations focus on systems, processes, and products,
rather than on individual performance.
ResponsiveReports are analyzed promptly, recommendations are rapidly disseminated,
and reporters receive timely feedback.
De-identificationAggregated, de-identified data are publicly available.
Source: Based on Leape, “Reporting of Adverse Events”; Raymond and Crane, “Design
Co nsid er atio ns.”
The IOM said that the existing reporting systems should be encouraged and
promoted within health care organizations and that better use should be made of the
reported information. New systems should be focused on specific areas of medical
care (e.g., surgery, pediatrics) and even particular care settings. That approach would
help manage the potential volume of reports and match the expertise to the problems.
There also needs to be a mechanism for sharing information across different
reporting systems. A report in one system may have relevance for another system
(e.g., errors in surgery that also involve medications). Along with its
recommendation on reporting systems, the IOM also recommended the establishment
of a federal Center for Patient Safety to set national goals, fund research, evaluate
methods for identifying and preventing medical errors, and disseminate information
on best practices.
Patient Safety and Quality Improvement Act
To encourage providers to report errors without fear of the data being used in
a medical malpractice lawsuit, the IOM recommended that information collected
under a voluntary reporting system be protected from legal discovery and admission
as evidence in civil cases. The Patient Safety and Quality Improvement Act seeks to
implement that recommendation by providing legal protection for information about

medical errors that is voluntarily submitted to patient safety organizations (PSOs).
PSOs would collect and analyze the information submitted by providers and develop
and disseminate recommendations for systems-based solutions to improve patient
safety and health care quality.
This section of the report provides an overview of H.R. 663, as passed by the
House during the 108th Congress. That is followed by some analysis of key
differences between H.R. 663 and the version that passed the Senate during the 108th
and that was recently reintroduced and approved by the HELP Committee.
Overview of H.R. 663
The House passed the Patient Safety and Quality Improvement Act (H.R. 663,
H.Rept. 108-28) on March 12, 2004, by a vote of 418-6. H.R. 663 would have
provided legal protection to certain categories of documents and communications
termed “patient safety work product,” which are developed by health care providers
for reporting to PSOs. Patient safety work product would be privileged and not
subject to: a civil or administrative subpoena; discovery in connection with a civil or
administrative proceeding; or disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act.
Moreover, it could not be used in any adverse employment action against an
employee who in good faith reports the information to a provider (with the intention
of having it reported to a patient safety organization) or reports the data directly to
a patient safety organization. Patient safety work product would not encompass
documents or communications that are part of traditional medical record keeping.
Such information includes patients’ medical records, billing records, hospital
policies, and records of drug deliveries, that is, information that has been developed,
maintained, or which exists separately from patient safety work product. Only
information specifically created for PSOs would be protected.
Under the House-passed bill, PSOs would be certified by AHRQ to collect and
analyze patient safety work product submitted by providers, and to develop and
disseminate recommendations for systems-based solutions to improve patient safety
and health care quality. Any public or private organization seeking PSO certification
would have to meet certain criteria. For example, they would have to contain
appropriately qualified staff, including licensed or certified medical professionals,
and not be part of a health insurance company. A PSO would also have to be
managed and operated independently from any provider that reported to it. The
House bill did not include any language to encourage the establishment of PSOs in
every state or region of the country.
H.R. 663 would have required AHRQ to establish a national database to receive
and analyze de-identified information submitted by PSOs. Information in the
national database would be available to the public. The bill also would have required

AHRQ to develop voluntary national standards to promote the interoperability of
health information technology systems.34
In addition to the provisions aimed at supporting voluntary reporting of medical
errors, H.R. 663 instructed the FDA to issue standards for unique product identifiers
(e.g., bar codes) on the packaging of drugs and biological products. It also would
have authorized grant programs for electronic prescribing and other information
technology to prevent errors. Finally, H.R. 663 would have created a Medical
Information Technology Advisory Board to make recommendations to HHS and
Congress on fostering the development and use of information technologies to reduce
medical errors.
Analysis of H.R. 663 v. S. 544
The Senate took up H.R. 663 on July 22, 2004, substituted alternative language
(S. 720, as amended), and passed the measure by voice vote. While S. 720 had the
same basic structure as the House-passed legislation, there were several key
differences. Lawmakers were unable to reconcile those differences before the 108th
Congress adjourned. On March 8, 2005, Senator Jeffords reintroduced the Patient
Safety and Quality Improvement Act (S. 544). S. 544, which is identical to last
year’s Senate-passed measure (S. 720), was unanimously approved by the Senate
HELP Committee on March 9, 2005. Table 3 on page 22 compares the patient safety
legislation with the IOM report’s recommendations. Table 4, which begins on page

23, provides a side-by-side comparison of H.R. 663 and S. 544.

Definition of Protected Information. As passed by the House, H.R. 663
would have provided legal protection to “patient safety work product,” which it
defined as any document or communication that is: developed by a provider for the
purpose of reporting to a PSO, and reported to a PSO; created by a PSO; or that
would reveal the workings of a “patient safety evaluation system.” The bill defined
a patient safety evaluation system as a process for collecting, managing, or analyzing
information submitted to or by a PSO. Patient safety work product would not include
a document or communication that is developed, maintained, or exists separately
from any patient safety evaluation system (e.g., a patient’s medical record or any
other patient or hospital record).
The legal protections in S. 544 apply to all “patient safety data.” When the
Senate bill was first approved by the HELP Committee during the 108th Congress,
some analysts raised concerns that the definition of patient safety data was too broad.
It included, for example, “any data ... that could result in improved patient safety or
health care quality or health care outcomes, that are ... collected from a provider ....”
Critics of this language argued that it would extend the bill’s evidentiary privilege
and confidentiality protections to a wide range of quality- and outcomes-related
information. As a result, the bill would have the unintended effect of preempting

34 Interoperability refers to the ability of two or more systems (e.g., computers,
communications devices, networks, software, and other information technology
components) to interact with one another and exchange data .

state laws that require hospitals to report infection rates, medical outcomes, and
serious adverse events.
To address those concerns, the definition of patient safety data was modified to
more closely resemble the language in H.R. 663, which was tied to the activities of
PSOs. S. 544 defines patient safety data as any data, reports, records, memoranda,
analyses, or written or oral statements that are: collected or developed by a provider
for reporting (within 60 days) to a PSO; requested by a PSO and reported within 60
days; reported to a provider by a PSO; or collected by a PSO from another PSO, or
developed by a PSO. The definition also states that “patient safety data shall not
include information (including a patient’s medical record, billing and discharge
information or any other patient or provider record) that is collected or developed
separately from and that exists separately from patient safety data.” This separate
data provision has been criticized as circular, because it says in effect that
information that is not patient safety data is not patient safety data.
S. 544 also includes a provision that is intended to protect mandatory state
reporting laws. The provision states that nothing in the bill limits the reporting of
information that is not patient safety data to a “federal, state, or local governmental
agency for public health surveillance, investigation, or other public health purposes
or health oversight purposes. H.R. 663 included comparable language. It said that
nothing in the bill preempts or otherwise affects “state law requiring a provider to
report information ... that is not patient safety work product.”
Privilege. H.R. 663 would have protected patient safety work product from
discovery in connection with a civil and administrative proceeding, and from
admission as evidence or disclosure in any such proceeding. Patient safety work
product would not be protected from use in criminal proceedings. By comparison,
S. 544 would prohibit lawyers from obtaining or using patient safety data in civil,
administrative, and criminal proceedings, unless a judge determined that the
information contained evidence of “a wanton and criminal act to directly harm the
patient.” That language was included is an effort to ensure that the legislation does
not unduly compromise the rights of injured patients to obtain compensation.
In its 1999 report, the IOM focused on protecting voluntarily reported patient
safety information from discovery and admission as evidence in civil and
administrative proceeding, noting that “instances of criminal prosecution for medical
errors are exceptionally rare.” The intent was to encourage the voluntary reporting
of information about near misses and other problems that would otherwise go
unreported were it not for legal protection. Analysis of such information would then
be used to identify vulnerabilities in health care systems. Voluntary reporting
systems, as envisioned by the IOM, would not interfere with the mandatory reporting
of more serious errors, as required under state law and other accountability systems.
Confidentiality. S. 544 designates patient safety data as confidential and not
subject to disclosure, except in certain specified circumstances (e.g., disclosure by
a provider to a PSO). Negligent or intentional disclosure of patient safety data in
violation of the bill’s confidentiality provisions is subject to civil fines of up to
$10,000 per violation.

H.R. 663 also specified the circumstances under which disclosure of patient
safety work product (identifiable and nonidentifiable) was permitted and provided
for penalties of up to $10,000 per violation for disclosures other than those permitted.
Unlike S. 544, the House bill did not expressly state that work product is
confidential, though this was implied in the bill’s language. H.R. 663 said that
disclosures in violation of the bill’s provisions are unlawful and subject to fines,
provided such disclosures constitute “a negligent or knowing breach of
Both H.R. 663 and S. 554 state that if the disclosure is in violation of the
HIPAA privacy rule, then the HIPAA penalties apply instead. For details of the civil
and criminal penalties under HIPAA, see CRS Report RS20500, Medical Records
Privacy: Questions and Answers on the HIPAA Rule.
PSO Certification and Listing. Under the patient safety legislation,
providers would voluntarily submit information on medical errors to public or private
entities designated as PSOs. The PSOs would analyze the data and develop and
disseminate evidence-based information to providers to help them implement
changes that would improve patient safety. H.R. 663 would have required AHRQ
to establish a process for certifying PSOs. The bill listed several criteria for
certification. For example, a PSO must not be “a component of a health insurer or
other entity that offers a group health plan or health insurance coverage,” and must
be “managed, controlled, and operated independently from any provider” that reports
patient safety work product to the PSO. That would appear to exclude the
Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), among others, from PSO certification. As
previously discussed, the VA has developed an internal, confidential, non-punitive
reporting and analysis system and is widely recognized as a leader in patient safety.
H.R. 663 also would have required PSOs that are components of other organizations
to protect the confidentiality of patient safety work product and ensure that their
mission did not create a conflict of interest with the rest of the organization.
By comparison, S. 544 relies on a process of PSO self-certification.
Organizations would be required to submit a certification to AHRQ that they intend
to perform the various PSO activities specified in the legislation. The agency would
review the submission and, if acceptable, place the name of the organization on a list
of certified PSOs. S. 544 does not include any criteria that place limits on the types
of public or private entities that seek PSO certification and listing, nor does it address
the issue of conflict of interest.
Civil Penalties. As noted above, both bills provide for civil monetary
penalties of up to $10,000 for each negligent or intentional disclosure of patient
safety information in violation of the provisions in the legislation. The bills also
prohibit a health care provider from taking any adverse employment action against
an employee who in good faith reports information to the provider with the intention
of having it reported to a PSO, or who reports the information directly to a PSO. But
whereas H.R. 663 included civil fines of up to $20,000 per violation for providers
who took such action, S. 544 permits an employee to sue their employer to enjoin a
wrongful adverse employment action and to obtain equitable relief, including
reinstatement, back pay, and restoration of benefits.

Unlike the House bill, S. 544 specifies that providers include state-run facilities.
Because the federal government cannot give state employees a right to sue the state,
S. 544 includes a provision requiring state hospitals to agree to be subject to such
civil action in order to assert the privileges established by the legislation.
Drug and Biological Product Identification. H.R. 663 instructed FDA
to require unique product identifiers on the packaging of drugs and biological
products. That provision would appear to have been met by the agency’s February

26, 2004 bar code rule. There is no comparable provision in S. 544.

Health Information Technology (IT) Standards, Grants and Advisory
Board. Both bills would require the Secretary of Health and Human Services to
adopt voluntary, national interoperability standards for the electronic exchange of
health care information. H.R. 663 contained three additional health IT provisions,
none of which are included in the Senate version. The House measure authorized
grants to physicians for electronic prescription programs, and to hospitals for
purchasing health IT systems. It also would have created a Medical Information
Technology Advisory Board (MITAB) to make recommendations to the Secretary
and Congress on promoting electronic information exchange to improve patient
safety and the quality of health care.
Congress and the Administration have taken a number of important steps in the
past two years to promote the adoption of IT systems for the electronic collection and
exchange of patient information in order to reduce medical errors, lower health care
costs, and improve the quality of care. The health IT provisions in the patient safety
legislation duplicate some of those actions. For example, the Medicare Prescription
Drug, Improvement, and Modernization Act (P.L. 108-173) required the Secretary
to adopt electronic prescribing standards and establish a Commission on Systemic
Interoperability to develop a comprehensive strategy for the adoption and
implementation of health IT data standards. P.L. 108-173 also authorized IT grants
for physicians and established demonstration projects to determine how to improve
the quality of care through the adoption of IT systems.
On July 21, 2004, National Coordinator for Health Information Technology
David Brailer released a 10-year Framework for Strategic Action outlining steps to
transform the delivery of health care by adopting electronic health records and
developing a national health information infrastructure (NHII) to link such records
nationwide.35 The framework sets out a bottom-up approach in which the role of
HHS is to promote and encourage the private sector to build community-level
electronic health information networks. Adopting interoperability standards will over
time permit these local networks to connect with one another to form a NHII.

35 More information is available at [].

Table 3. Comparison of Patient Safety Legislation with the IOM Recommendations
Recommendations of 1999 IOM report: To Err is HumanPatient Safety and Quality Improvement Act (H.R. 663 and/or S. 544)
lish a Center for Patient Safety within the Agency for Healthcare Research andDirects AHRQ to establish a National Patient Safety Database [House bill] or a network
ality (AHRQ) to set national goals, fund research, evaluate methods for identifying andof databases [Senate bill] to receive and analyze nonidentifiable medical errors
eventing medical errors, and disseminate information on best practices. Annual fundinginformation voluntarily reported by patient safety organizations (PSOs, see below).
r the Center should begin at $30-35 million, increasing over time to at least $100 million.Authorizes AHRQ to provide technical assistance to PSOs and to establish common
standards for reporting such information. Authorizes such sums as may be necessary
for those activities.
blish a nationwide mandatory reporting system for states to collect standardizedNo provisions.
ormation (initially from hospitals, but eventually from other institutional and ambulatory
ettings) on adverse events that result in death or serious harm. Designate the Center
e and analyze aggregate reports from states to identify persistent safety issues.
iki/CRS-RL31983courage the development of voluntary, confidential reporting systems for collectingProvides for public and private organizations that meet certain criteria to be designated
g/wormation on errors that result in little or no harm. Require the Center to disseminateas PSOs to collect confidential information on medical errors that is voluntarily
s.orrmation on existing voluntary reporting systems, convene workshops, encouragesubmitted by providers. PSOs would analyze errors and recommend systems-based
leakrticipation in voluntary reporting programs, and fund pilot projects for reporting Requires: (1) AHRQ to establish a process for certifying PSOs [House bill];
://wikior (2) PSOs to submit information to AHRQ for certification and listing [Senate bill].
httpotect patient safety information collected under a voluntary reporting system from legalProtects information reported to PSOs from discovery in any civil or administrative
covery, in order to encourage health care professionals and organizations to identify,action, and from a Freedom of Information Act request. [The Senate bill also protects
alyze, and report errors without fear of litigation and without compromising patients’information from discovery in a criminal proceeding unless it is determined that the
l contain evidence of a wanton and criminal act to directly harm the patient.]
e patient safety the focus of performance standards for health care organizations andNo provisions.
quire FDA to: develop and enforce standards for safe packaging and labeling of drugs;Instructs the FDA to issue regulations requiring unique identifiers on drug and
rug names to prevent sound-alike and look-alike errors; and work with doctors,biological product packaging, including bar codes and other identifiers that can be read
armacists, and patients to respond to problems identified in post-marketing scanners. [House bill only] Note: On Feb. 25, 2004, FDA issued a final rule
requiring bar codes on the labels of most prescription drugs, and on certain over-the-
counter drugs and biological products.
courage health care organizations to make a commitment to improving patient safetyAuthorizes: (1) grants for physicians to establish electronic prescribing programs within
d to implement safe medication practices.their practices; and (2) grants for hospitals to buy computers and software to reduce
medical errors. [House bill only]

Table 4. Side-by-Side Comparison of Patient Safety and Quality Improvement Act
H.R. 663 (Approved by the House, March 12, 2003)S. 544 (Approved by the Senate HELP Committee, March 9, 2005)
ent safety improvement (Amendments to Title IX of the Public Health Service Act)
initionsDefines identifiable information as information that allows theDefines nonidentifiable information as information that prevents the
identification of any provider, patient, or reporter of patient safety workidentification of a provider, a patient, or a reporter of patient safety data
product (including health information protected under the HIPAA privacy(including de-identified information under the HIPAA privacy rule). Defines
rule). Defines nonidentifiable information as information that prevents thepatient safety organization (PSO) as a private or public entity that is currently
identification of any provider, patient, or reporter of patient safety worklisted by AHRQ (see below). Defines PSO activities as: (1) improving patient
product (including de-identified information under the HIPAA privacy rule).safety and the quality of health care delivery; (2) collecting and analyzing
Defines patient safety organization (PSO) as a private or publicpatient safety data submitted by more than one provider; (3) developing and
organization, as certified by the Secretary, that: (1) as its primary activity,disseminating to providers information on improving patient safety, including
conducts activities to improve patient safety and health care quality; (2)recommendations, protocols, and best practices data; (4) using patient safety
collects and analyzes patient safety work product submitted by providers; (3)data to encourage a culture of safety and to assist providers in minimizing
develops and disseminates to providers information such aspatient risk; (5) maintaining the confidentiality and providing for the security
iki/CRS-RL31983recommendations, protocols, and best practice data; (4) uses patient safetyof patient safety data; and (6) utilizing qualified staff. Defines patient safety
g/wwork product to encourage a culture of safety and to assist providers indata as any data, reports, records, memoranda, analyses, or written or oral
s.orminimizing patient risk; (5) maintains the confidentiality of identifiablestatements that could result in improved patient safety, health care quality, or
leakinformation; (6) provides for the security of patient safety work product; andhealth care outcomes, that are: (1) collected or developed by a provider for
(7) submits nonidentifiable information to AHRQ for inclusion in anyreporting to a PSO, provided they are reported within 60 days; (2) requested by
://wikiNational Patient Safety Database (see below). Defines patient safetya PSO, provided they are reported to the PSO within 60 days; (3) reported to
httpevaluation system as a process for collecting, managing, or analyzinginformation submitted to or by a PSO. Defines patient safety work producta provider by a PSO; or (4) collected by a PSO from another PSO, or developedby a PSO. Patient safety data also means any deliberative work or process with
as any document or communication (including any information, report,respect to any patient safety data. The collection of patient safety data from
record, memorandum, analysis, deliberative work, statement, or root causeother material does not make the original material patient safety data. Patient
analysis) that is: developed by a provider for reporting to a PSO and sosafety data does not include information (e.g., patients’ medical records, billing
reported; created by a PSO; or would reveal a patient safety evaluationinformation) that is collected or developed separately from and that exists
system. Patient safety work product does not include a document orseparately from patient safety data. Nothing in the Act shall be construed to
communication that is developed, maintained, or exists separately from anylimit: (1) the legal discovery or admissibility of such separate information in a
patient safety evaluation system (e.g., patients’ medical records, billingcriminal, civil, or administrative proceeding; (2) the reporting of such
records, hospital policies). Information that is available from sources otherinformation to a government agency for public health or health oversight
than a patient safety work product may be discovered or admitted in a civilpurposes; or (3) any legal requirement that providers keep records of such
or administrative proceeding, if discoverable or admissible under applicableinformation. Defines provider as any person who is licensed or otherwise
law. Defines provider as any individual or entity that is licensed orauthorized by state law to provide health care services, or any other person
otherwise authorized by state law to provide health care services, or any otherspecified in regulation. [New PHS Act Section 921]

person or entity specified in regulation. [New PHS Act Section 921]

H.R. 663 (Approved by the House, March 12, 2003)S. 544 (Approved by the Senate HELP Committee, March 9, 2005)
ivilege andPatient safety work product is not subject to: (1) a civil or administrativeDesignates patient safety data as privileged and not subject to: (1) a federal,
nfidentialitysubpoena or order; (2) discovery in connection with a civil or administrativestate, or local civil, criminal, or administrative subpoena; (2) discovery in
proceeding; (3) disclosure pursuant to a Freedom of Information Act request;connection with a federal, state, or local civil, criminal, or administrative
or (4) admission as evidence or disclosure in any federal or state civil orproceeding; (3) disclosure pursuant to a Freedom of Information Act request;
administrative proceeding.(4) admission as evidence or disclosure in any federal, state, or local civil,
criminal, or administrative proceeding; or (5) use in a disciplinary proceeding
against a provider.
Nothing in the Act prohibits the following: (1) voluntary disclosure ofDesignates patient safety data as confidential and not subject to disclosure, with
nonidentifiable information; (2) voluntary disclosure of identifiablethe following exceptions: (1) disclosure of patient safety data in a criminal
information by a provider or PSO, if such disclosure is authorized by theproceeding if a court makes an in camera determination that such data contains
provider and meets the requirements of the HIPAA privacy rule; (3) legallyevidence of a wanton and criminal act to directly harm the patient; (2)
required disclosures to FDA, or voluntary disclosures about FDA-regulatedvoluntary disclosure of nonidentifiable patient safety data by a provider or
products and services to a federal patient safety program; and (4) disclosurePSO; (3) disclosure of patient safety data by a provider or PSO (or their
of patient safety work product by a provider to a PSO. None of thesecontractor) to carry out PSO activities; (4) disclosure of patient safety data by
iki/CRS-RL31983disclosures, nor the transfer of any patient safety work product between aa provider or PSO to grantees or contractors conducting AHRQ-authorized
g/wprovider and a PSO, or the unauthorized disclosure of patient safety workproduct, waives any privilege or protection established by this Act.research and projects; (5) disclosure of patient safety data by a provider to anaccrediting body that accredits that provider; and (6) voluntary disclosure of
s.orpatient safety data by a PSO to the Secretary or to state or local government
leakagencies for public health surveillance, if the prior consent of each provider
://wikiidentified in, or providing, such data is obtained. Patient safety data that is usedor disclosed shall continue to be privileged and confidential, except for patient
httpsafety data that is used or disclosed in open court pursuant to an in camera
determination, and for nonidentifiable patient safety data that is voluntarily
disclosed by a provider or PSO.
Patient safety work product that is identifiable information received by aExcept to enforce disclosures pursuant to an in camera determination by a
national accreditation organization in its capacity as a PSO may not be usedcourt, prohibits any action against a PSO to compel disclosure of information,
in an accreditation action against the provider that reported the information.unless such information is specifically identified, is not patient safety data, and
Such information may not be required by a national accreditationcannot otherwise be obtained. Prohibits an accrediting body from: (1) taking
organization as a condition of accreditation.action against a provider based on the good faith participation of the provider
in collecting and reporting patient safety data; and (2) requiring a provider to
reveal communications with a PSO.

H.R. 663 (Approved by the House, March 12, 2003)S. 544 (Approved by the Senate HELP Committee, March 9, 2005)
ivilege andDisclosure of patient safety work product in violation of the above provisionsNegligent or intentional disclosure of patient safety data in violation of the
nfidentialityis unlawful and subject to fines of not more than $10,000 per violation, ifabove confidentiality provisions is unlawful and subject to fines of not more
t.)such disclosure constitutes a negligent or knowing breach of confidentiality.than $10,000 per violation. If the disclosure is in violation of HIPAAs privacy
If the disclosure is in violation of HIPAAs privacy rule, then the HIPAArule, then the HIPAA penalties apply instead.
penalties apply instead. Designates PSOs as business associates and PSO
activities as health care operations under the HIPAA privacy rule. The Act
does not otherwise affect the privacy rule.
The Act does not: (1) affect other peer review and confidentiality protectionsThe Act does not: (1) preempt federal, state, or local laws that provide greater
available under federal and state laws; (2) prevent providers and PSOs fromconfidentiality protections or privileges; (2) limit, alter, or effect other federal,
developing contracts requiring greater confidentiality, consistent with thisstate, or local laws pertaining to information that is not privileged or
Act and other applicable laws; or (3) preempt or otherwise affect state lawsconfidential under this Act; (3) alter or affect implementation of the HIPAA
that require providers to report information, including information that is notprivacy rule; (4) prevent any provider, PSO, or other person from entering into
patient safety work product. Patient safety work product held by PSOs thata contract requiring greater confidentiality or delegating authority to use or
lose their certification remains privileged and confidential.disclose patient safety data in accordance with this Act; or (5) prohibit a
iki/CRS-RL31983provider from reporting a crime to law enforcement authorities, regardless of
g/wwhether knowledge about the crime is based on patient safety data, so long asthe provider does not disclose patient safety data in making the report.
leakProhibits a health care provider from taking any adverse employment actionProhibits a health care provider from taking any adverse employment action
://wikiagainst an employee who in good faith reports information to the provider(with the intention of having it reported to a PSO) or reports the data directlyagainst an employee who in good faith reports information to the provider (withthe intention of having it reported to a PSO) or reports the data directly to a
httpto a PSO. Providers taking such action would be subject to civil monetaryPSO. Permits an aggrieved individual to bring a civil action to enjoin a
penalties of not more than $20,000 per violation. [New PHS Act Section 922]wrongful adverse employment action and to obtain equitable relief (including
reinstatement, back pay, and restoration of benefits) to redress such action.
State employers must consent, in advance, to be subject to such civil action by
an employee in order to invoke the privileges provided under this Act. [New
PHS Act Section 922]
sRequires the Secretary, within 18 months of any National Patient SafetyNo provisions.

portDatabase becoming operational (see below), to prepare a draft report on
strategies for reducing medical errors, seek public comment on the draft, and
submit it to the IOM for review. Requires a final report to be submitted to
Congress within one year of completing the draft. [New PHS Act Section
922 ]

H.R. 663 (Approved by the House, March 12, 2003)S. 544 (Approved by the Senate HELP Committee, March 9, 2005)
nal PatientAuthorizes AHRQ to provide for the establishment and maintenance of aInstructs AHRQ to maintain a network of databases to receive and analyze
ety DatabaseNational Patient Safety Database to receive and analyze nonidentifiablenonidentifiable patient safety data voluntarily reported by PSOs, providers, and
patient safety work product voluntarily reported by PSOs upon the requestothers. The purpose of the databases is to provide an interactive, evidence-
of the Secretary. Directs AHRQ to provide scientific support to PSOs.based management resource for providers, PSOs, and others. Authorizes
Requires AHRQ, in consultation with representatives of PSOs, providers, andAHRQ to determine standards for the reporting of such information to the
the health information technology industry, to develop standards fordatabase, consistent with HIPAAs Administrative Simplification standards.
reporting nonidentifiable patient safety work product, consistent with[New PHS Act Section 923]
HIPAAs Administrative Simplification standards. Permits AHRQ, to the
extent practicable, to facilitate information exchange between providers and
PSOs and between PSOs and the database. Only nonidentifiable information
may be reported to the database. [New PHS Act Section 923]
O certificationRequires AHRQ, within six months, to establish a process for certifyingRequires an organization seeking to be a PSO to submit an initial certification
d listingPSOs. Certifications must be performed by the Secretary or by an approvedto AHRQ that it intends to perform PSO activities (see definitions above). An
national or state entity and reviewed every three years. Certifications may beorganization that at first collects patient safety data from only one provider
iki/CRS-RL31983revoked upon a showing of cause. Establishes staffing and other criteria formust within two years of its initial certification submit a supplemental
g/wcertification, including requirements for PSOs that are components of otherorganizations. For example, a PSO cannot be a component of a healthcertification that it is collecting from multiple providers. Requires PSOs torenew their certification every three years. All certification submissions are
s.orinsurer or other entity that offers a group health plan or health insurancesubject to AHRQ review and acceptance. Requires AHRQ to compile and
leakcoverage, and must be managed, controlled and operated independently frommaintain a current listing of certified PSOs. Requires AHRQ to remove from
://wikiany provider that reports patient safety work product to the PSO. [New PHSAct Section 925]the listing entities whose certification expires or is revoked.
Authorizes AHRQ to revoke a PSO’s certification, after notice and an
opportunity for a hearing, if it determines that the organization does not
perform one of the PSO activities. Requires a PSO, within 15 days of a
revocation, to inform AHRQ that it has taken all reasonable steps to notify each
provider whose patient safety data it collects or analyzes of such revocation.
Provides for the Act’s privilege and confidentiality protections to continue to
apply to data held by a PSO that is removed from the list of certified PSOs,
including data submitted to such a PSO within 30 days of its removal from the
certification list. Requires PSOs whose certification is revoked to transfer
patient safety data to another PSO with the approval of the provider, return such
data to the provider, or destroy the data. [New PHS Act Section 924]

H.R. 663 (Approved by the House, March 12, 2003)S. 544 (Approved by the Senate HELP Committee, March 9, 2005)
nicalAuthorizes AHRQ to provide technical assistance to PSOs and to states withAuthorizes AHRQ to provide technical assistance to PSOs, including convening
ncemedical errors reporting systems, and to provide guidance on the type of dataannual meetings to discuss methodology, communication, data collection, and
to be voluntarily submitted to the National Patient Safety Database. [Newprivacy. [New PHS Act Section 925]
PHS Act Section 924]
thorization ofAuthorizes such sums as may be necessary for FY2004 — FY2008 forAuthorizes such sums as may be necessary for carrying out the provisions
ationscarrying out the provisions above.above and for developing interoperability standards (see below). [New PHS Act
Section 927]
O reportNo provisions.No provisions.
teroperability of health care information technology systems
luntaryRequires the Secretary, within 18 months, to develop (and periodicallyDirects the Secretary, within three years, to develop or adopt voluntary national
ndardsreview and update) voluntary national standards that promote thestandards (subject to ongoing review and periodic updating) that promote the
interoperability of health care information technology systems. Requires theelectronic exchange of health care information. [New PHS Act Section 926]

iki/CRS-RL31983Secretary to take into account: (1) the ability of the standards to promote the
g/waggregation of clinical data, electronic exchange of medical records, and
s.orevidence-based medicine; and (2) the costs of meeting such standards and the
leakhealth care efficiencies achieved. Requires the Secretary, to the extent
practicable, to test the efficiency, usability, and scalability of proposed
://wikistandards within a variety of clinical settings, and to submit to Congress
httprecommendations on such standards. Instructs the Secretary, in developing
such standards, to consider the recommendations of the National Committee
for Vital and Health Statistics and consult with representatives of the health
information technology industry and the provider community. Directs the
Secretary to submit a report to Congress containing recommendations on
such standards.

H.R. 663 (Approved by the House, March 12, 2003)S. 544 (Approved by the Senate HELP Committee, March 9, 2005)
pact of medical technologies and therapies on patient safety and health care costs
ort toNo provisions.Directs the Secretary to contract with a research organization to study the
ngressimpact of medical technologies and therapies on patient safety, patient benefit,
health care quality, health care costs, and productivity growth. Requires the
study to examine: the extent to which labor and technological advances have
contributed to the increase in national spending on health care; the extent to
which the early introduction and integration of innovative medical technologies
and therapies may affect the overall productivity and quality of health care; and
the relationship of such technologies and therapies to patient safety and benefit,
health care quality, and health care costs. Requires the Secretary, within 18
months, to report the results of the study to Congress.
and biological product identification (Amendments to Title V of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act)
iki/CRS-RL31983ique producttifiersInstructs the FDA to issue regulations to require unique product identifierson the packaging of drugs and biological products, including bar codes andNo provisions.
g/wother identifiers that can be read by scanners and other technologies.
s.orIdentifiers must be based on the National Drug Code or other acceptable
leaktechnologies. Drug and biological products without a unique product
identifier are considered misbranded. Note: On Feb. 25, 2004, FDA issued
://wikia final rule requiring bar codes on the labels of most prescription drugs, and
httpon certain over-the-counter drugs and biological products
[ h t t p : / / www. f d a . g o v / o c / i n itiatives/b ar co d e -sad r ] .
ants for electronic prescription programs
ants toAuthorizes grants to physicians and other health care professionals toNo provisions.

ysiciansestablish electronic prescription programs. Grantees would have to fund 50%
of the cost of the program. Directs AHRQ, within 18 months, to conduct a
study and report to Congress on the cost-effectiveness of electronic
prescription programs. Permits AHRQ to develop an Internet-based decision
analytic model to allow clinicians to simulate the health and economic impact
of electronic prescribing on their individual practices.

H.R. 663 (Approved by the House, March 12, 2003)S. 544 (Approved by the Senate HELP Committee, March 9, 2005)
ants for Health Care Information Technology Systems
ants toAuthorizes (through FY2011) grants for hospitals and other providers to payNo provisions.
spitalsfor computers and software to reduce medical errors and improve patient
safety and health care quality. Directs the Secretary to give special
consideration to grant applicants who seek to promote: (1) interoperability
across hospital services and departments; (2) electronic communication of
patient data; and (3) computerized physician order entry or bar coding
applications. Specifies conditions for receipt of a grant. For example, the
grantee agrees to: (1) carry out a program to measure, analyze, and report
medical errors, and to submit to the Secretary a description of the
methodology that will be used; (2) evaluate the cost-effectiveness of the
information technologies for which the grant is provided and submit the
evaluation plan to the Secretary for approval; and (3) develop a patient safety
evaluation system (as defined above) for reporting errors to a PSO. Instructs
iki/CRS-RL31983AHRQ to provide technical assistance to applicants and grantees. Grantees
g/wwould have to cover 50% of the costs and would only be eligible for onegrant. Requires grantees to submit an interim and a final report at one and
s.orthree years, respectively. The final one-third of a grant would not be
leakdisbursed until the grantee submitted the interim report. Beginning in
://wikiFY2004, requires the Secretary to submit to Congress annual interim reportson the grant program, followed (within 180 days of the last interim report)
httpby a final report with recommendations for legislation and administrative
actio n.
Authorizes $25 million for each of FY2004 and FY2005 for carrying out the
two grant programs above.

H.R. 663 (Approved by the House, March 12, 2003)S. 544 (Approved by the Senate HELP Committee, March 9, 2005)
edical Information Technology Advisory Board (Amendments to Title XI of the Social Security Act)
visory boardRequires the Secretary, within three months, to appoint the MedicalNo provisions.
Information Technology Advisory Board (MITAB) and designate a
chairman. Requires the MITAB chairman to be a member of the National
Committee for Vital and Health Statistics and be affiliated with an
organization having expertise in creating American National Standards
Institute (ANSI) standards governing health care information technology.
The MITAB would consist of no more than 17 members that include: (1)
experts from the fields of medical information, information technology,
medical continuous quality improvement, medical records security and
privacy, individual and institutional clinical providers, health researchers, and
health care purchasers; (2) one or more staff experts from the Centers for
Medicare and Medicaid Services, AHRQ, and the IOM; (3) representatives
of private organizations with expertise in medical infomatics; (4) a
iki/CRS-RL31983representative of a teaching hospital; and (5) one or more representatives of
g/wthe health care information technology industry.
s.orDirects the MITAB to advise and make recommendations to the Secretary
leakregarding medical information technology, including: (1) best practices in
://wikimedical information technology; (2) methods for adoption within two yearsof a uniform health care information system interface between old and new
httpcomputer systems; (3) recommendations for health care vocabulary,
messaging, and a common lexicon for computer technology to achieve
interoperability of health information systems; and (4) methods of
implementing health care information technology interoperability
standardization, and records security. Also, requires the MITAB to make
recommendations on methods to promote information exchange to enhance
compatibility among information systems in order to: (1) maximize positive
outcomes in clinical care by providing decision support for diagnosis and
care, and assisting in the emergency treatment of a patient at a facility with
no medical record of the patient; (2) contribute to the development of a
patient assessment instrument that minimizes the need for different records
when patients move from provider to provider; (3) reduce redundant
paperwork; (4) minimize medical errors; and (5) contribute to compatible
information technology architecture.

H.R. 663 (Approved by the House, March 12, 2003)S. 544 (Approved by the Senate HELP Committee, March 9, 2005)
visory boardRequires the MITAB, within 18 months, to submit to Congress and theNo provisions.

t.)Secretary an initial report of its deliberations and recommendations. The
report would include the status of health care information technology
standards, recommendations for accelerating the development of health care
terminology standards and completing development of health care
information system messaging standards, and progress towards meeting the
two-year deadline for adoption of a uniform health care information system
interface. Annual reports would be due in each of the following two years
after the initial report is submitted. MITAB would terminate 30 days after
the date of submission of its final report. Authorizes such sums as may be
necessary for each fiscal year to carry out these provisions.