Authorization and Appropriations for FY2005: Defense

CRS Report for Congress
Authorization and Appropriations
for FY2005: Defense
Updated December 14, 2004
Stephen Daggett and Amy Belasco
Specialists in National Defense
Foreign Affairs, Defense, and Trade Division

Congressional Research Service ˜ The Library of Congress

The annual consideration of appropriations bills (regular, continuing, and supplemental) by
Congress is part of a complex set of budget processes that also encompasses the
consideration of budget resolutions, revenue and debt-limit legislation, other spending
measures, and reconciliation bills. In addition, the operation of programs and the spending
of appropriated funds are subject to constraints established in authorizing statutes.
Congressional action on the budget for a fiscal year usually begins following the submission
of the President’s budget at the beginning of each annual session of Congress.
Congressional practices governing the consideration of appropriations and other budgetary
measures are rooted in the Constitution, the standing rules of the House and Senate, and
statutes, such as the Congressional Budget and Impoundment Control Act of 1974.
This report is a guide to one of the 13 regular appropriations bills that Congress considers
each year. It is designed to supplement the information provided by the House and Senate
Appropriations Subcommittees on Defense. It summarizes the status of the bill, its scope,
major issues, funding levels, and related congressional activity, and is updated as events
warrant. The report lists the key CRS staff relevant to the issues covered and related CRS
NOTE: A Web version of this document is available to
congressional staff at
[ l ] .

Authorization and Appropriations for FY2005: Defense
Early on the morning on October 7, 2004, a conference agreement on the
FY2005 defense authorization bill (H.R. 4200) was announced. The House approved
the conference agreement by a vote of 359-14 on October 8, and the Senate approved
it by unanimous consent on October 9. The President signed the bill into law (P.L.
108-375) on October 23. On the key issues, conferees rejected a House provision to
delay military base closures; authorized purchases, but not leasing, of Boeing KC-
767 or other refueling aircraft; increased statutory caps on Army and Marine Corps
active duty end-strength in FY2005 by 23,000; rejected a House provision that would
limit purchases of defense goods from nations that require offsets for purchases of
U.S. weapons; and increased benefits for 62-and-older survivors of military retirees.
Earlier, on July 22, 2004, both the House (by a vote of 410-12) and the Senate
(by a vote of 96-0) approved a conference agreement on the FY2005 defense
appropriations bill (H.R. 4613). The President signed the bill into law (P.L. 108-287)
on August 5, 2004. The conference agreement provides $391.2 billion for regular
Department of Defense programs, about $1.7 billion below the Administration
request, $25 billion in emergency funds for operations in Iraq and Afghanistan, $685
million for State Department operations in Iraq, $95 million for assistance to refugees
in Sudan and Chad, $500 million for fire fighting, $50 million for security at the
party conventions, and $26 million for a federal judiciary shortfall. Later, the energy
and water appropriations bill, included in the consolidated appropriations bill (H.R.

4818), rescinded $300 million in regular FY2005 defense appropriations.

The appropriations conference agreement resolves what was, perhaps, the major
defense issue in Congress this year: whether to provide additional funds for ongoing
operations in Iraq and Afghanistan. On May 12, after considerable prodding from
Congress, the Administration requested $25 billion to cover costs for the next few
months. The key issue in Congress then became how much flexibility to grant the
Defense Department in allocating the funds. None of the congressional defense
committees agreed to the Administration request for full funding flexibility. The
conference agreement on the appropriations bill provides $3.8 billion of the funds in
a flexible transfer account, of which $1.8 billion is for classified programs, leaving
$2 billion available for unforseen expenses. The remainder is provided in regular
defense appropriations accounts subject to standard procedures requiring advance
congressional approval if funds are shifted between accounts. The appropriations
conference report also resolves a number of major weapons issues. It makes
substantial cuts in a few high-profile weapons programs, including the Space-Based
Radar and the Transformational Communications Satellite. It approves funding to
begin construction of the Navy DD(X) destroyer and Littoral Combat Ship.
One other major defense policy issue was resolved in action on the energy and
water appropriations bill. In floor votes on the defense authorization bill, both the
House and the Senate rejected amendments to eliminate funds for the Robust Nuclear
Earth Penetrator nuclear warhead and new low-yield nuclear weapons development.
The conference agreement on the energy and water appropriations bill, however,
following the House, eliminates funds for both programs.

Key Policy Staff
Area of ExpertiseNameTelephone E-Mail
Aviation ForcesChristopher
Arms ControlAmy
Arms SalesRichard
Base ClosureDavid
Defense BudgetAmy
Defense IndustryGary PaglianoDaniel
Defense R&DMichael DaveyJohn
Ground ForcesEdward BrunerSteven
Health Care; MilitaryRichard
IntelligenceRichard BestAl
Military ConstructionDaniel
Military PersonnelRobert GoldichDavid
Military Personnel;Lawrence
Missile DefenseSteven HildrethAndrew
Naval ForcesRonald O’
Nuclear WeaponsJonathan
Peace OperationsNina
Radio Frequency,Lennard
Space, MilitaryMarcia
War PowersLouis FisherRichard

Most Recent Developments..........................................1
Overview: What the Defense Authorization and Appropriations Bills Cover...1
Status of Legislation................................................2
Highlights of Final Conference Agreements.............................3
Defense Authorization Conference Agreement.......................3
Defense Appropriations Conference Agreement.....................18
Congressional Committee and Floor Action............................27
House Defense Authorization Markup............................27
House Defense Authorization Floor Action.........................29
Senate Defense Authorization Markup............................33
Senate Defense Authorization Floor Action........................36
House Defense Appropriations Markup...........................43
House Defense Appropriations Floor Action........................46
Senate Defense Appropriations Markup...........................47
Senate Defense Appropriations Floor Action.......................49
Issues for Congress...............................................49
Funding for Iraq and Afghanistan................................51
Deficits and the Defense Budget.................................55
Active Duty End-Strength......................................58
Missile Defense..............................................60
“Bow Waves” and “Train Wrecks”: Cost Growth and Affordability of
Major Weapons Programs..................................63
Evolutionary Acquisition and Spiral Development...................68
Military Personnel Benefits.....................................68
Base Closures................................................72
Overseas Troop Deployments...................................73
Army Transformation.........................................73
DOD’s Civilian and Uniformed Personnel Systems..................74
Easing Environmental Provisions Affecting Military Training..........76
Development of New Nuclear Weapons...........................77
Boeing KC-767 Tanker Aircraft Acquisition........................78
Buy American Act, Trade Offsets, and Related Issues................79
Legislation ......................................................80
Concurrent Budget Resolution...................................80
Defense Authorization.........................................81
Defense Appropriations........................................81
For Additional Reading............................................82
CRS Reports................................................82
Appendix A. Funding Tables........................................84

Appendix B. Overview of the Administration Request...................93
Comanche Termination........................................95
Continued Growth in Operation and Maintenance and in Military
Personnel Costs..........................................95
Growth of Large Acquisition Programs............................97
Appendix C: Defense Budget Trends.................................99
List of Figures
Figure B-1. Operation and Maintenance Budget
Authority Per Active Duty Troop, FY1955-FY2009..................96
Figure B-2. Military Personnel Budget Authority
Per Active Duty Troop, FY1973-FY2009..........................97
Figure C-1. National Defense Outlays % of GDP, FY1947-FY2009........100
Figure C-2. Federal Outlays % of GDP, FY1962-FY2009................101
List of Tables
Table 1a. Status of FY2005 Defense Appropriations, H.R. 4613.............3
Table 1b. Status of FY2005 Defense Authorization: H.R. 4200, S. 2400......3
Table 2. Side by Side Comparison of Key Provisions: Defense Authorization..7
Table 3. Side by Side Comparison of Key Provisions: Defense
Appropriations ...............................................21
Table 4. Congressional Budget Resolution Target for the National Defense
Budget Function (050).........................................57
Table A-1. Congressional Action on FY2005 Defense Appropriations Bill by
Title .......................................................84
Table A-2. National Defense Budget Function Request by Appropriations
Bill, FY2002-FY2005.........................................85
Table A-3. Congressional Action on Missile Defense Programs............86
Table A-4. House and Senate Action on Major Weapons Acquisition
Programs: Authorization.......................................87
Table A-5. House and Senate Action on Major Weapons Acquisition
Programs: Appropriations......................................90
Table B-1. National Defense Budget Function, FY2004-FY2009,
Administration Projection......................................94
Table B-2. Department of Defense Budget, FY2004-FY2005, With and
Without FY2004 Supplemental Funding...........................94
Table B-3. Increases in Funding for Selected Acquisition Programs,
FY2000-FY2005 .............................................98
Table C-1. Change in National Defense Budget Function by
Appropriations Title, FY2000-FY2005............................99
Table C-2. Administration Projections for the National Defense Budget
Function, FY2005-FY2009....................................101

Authorization and Appropriations for
FY2005: Defense
Most Recent Developments
Early in the morning on October 7, 2004, a conference agreement on the
FY2005 defense authorization bill (H.R. 4200) was announced. The House approved
the conference report (by a vote of 359-14) on October 8, and the Senate approved
it (by unanimous consent) on October 9. The President signed the bill into law (P.L.
108-375) on October 28. On the key issues, conferees rejected a House provision to
delay military base closures; authorized purchases, but not leasing, of Boeing KC-
767 or other refueling aircraft; increased statutory caps on Army and Marine Corps
active duty end-strength in FY2005 by 23,000; rejected a House provision that would
limit purchases of defense goods from nations that require offsets for purchases of
U.S. weapons; and increased benefits for 62-and-older survivors of military retirees.
Earlier, on July 22, 2004, both the House (by a vote of 410-12) and the Senate (by a
vote of 96-0) approved a conference agreement on the FY2005 defense
appropriations bill (H.R. 4613). The President signed the bill into law on August 5,
2004 (P.L. 108-287). The conference appropriations agreement provides $416.9
billion in new budget authority, including $391.2 billion for regular Department of
Defense programs and $28.2 billion in emergency funding, of which $25 billion is
for operations in Iraq and Afghanistan. The $391.2 billion in regular defense
appropriations is about $1.7 billion below the Administration request. The energy
and water appropriations bill, included in the consolidated appropriations bill
approved in November (H.R. 4818), however, rescinded $300 million of regular
FY2005 defense appropriations.
Overview: What the Defense Authorization and
Appropriations Bills Cover
Congress provides funding for national defense programs in several annual
appropriations measures, the largest of which is the defense appropriations bill.
Congress also acts every year on a national defense authorization bill, which
authorizes programs funded in several regular appropriations measures. The
authorization bill addresses defense programs in almost precisely the same level of
detail as the defense-related appropriations, and congressional debate about major
defense policy and funding issues often occurs mainly in action on the authorization.
Because the defense authorization and appropriations bills are so closely
related, this report tracks congressional action on both measures.
The annual defense appropriations bill provides funds for military activities of
the Department of Defense (DOD), including pay and benefits of military personnel,

operation and maintenance of weapons and facilities, weapons procurement, and
research and development, as well as for other purposes. Most of the funding in the
bill is for programs administered by the Department of Defense, though the bill also
provides (1) relatively small, unclassified amounts for the Central Intelligence
Agency retirement fund and intelligence community management, (2) classified
amounts for national foreign intelligence activities administered by the CIA and by
other agencies as well as by DOD, and (3) very small amounts for some other
Several other appropriations bills also provide funds for national defense
activities of DOD and other agencies — see Table A-2 in the Appendix for a list and
for budget amounts. This report does not generally track congressional action on
defense-related programs in these other appropriations bills, except for a discussion
of action on some Department of Energy nuclear weapons programs in the energy
and water appropriations bill.
Status of Legislation
Congress began action on annual defense authorization bills the week of May 3,
2004. The House Armed Services Committee began subcommittee markup of its
version of the FY2005 national defense authorization (H.R. 4200) on May 5,
completed full committee markup on May 12, and reported the bill on May 13
(H.Rept. 108-533). The House began floor action on the bill on May 19 and
approved it on May 20. The Senate Armed Services Committee completed full
committee markup of its version of the bill (S. 2400) on May 7 and issued a report
on May 11 (S.Rept. 108-284). Floor action on S. 2400 began in the Senate on May
17, and resumed on June 2 after the Memorial Day recess. Debate continued through
June 23, when the bill was passed by a vote of 97-0. The Senate debated the bill for
a total of four weeks.
Action on the annual defense appropriations bills began on June 2, when the
House Defense Appropriations Subcommittee completed marking up its version of
the bill. The full committee marked up the bill on June 16 and reported H.R. 4613
on June 18 (H.Rept. 108-553). The full House debated and passed the bill by a vote
of 403-17 on June 22. The Senate Appropriations Committee marked up its version
(S. 2559) on June 22, and filed a report on the bill on June 24 (S.Rept. 108-284). In
floor action, the Senate took up the House-passed version of H.R. 4613 on June 24,
incorporated the reported version of S. 2559 into H.R. 4613, considered amendments,
and then passed H.R. 4613, as amended, by a vote of 98-0. A conference report was
filed on July 20, 2004 (H.Rept. 108-622) and approved both in the House and in the
Senate on July 22. The President signed the bill into law on August 5, 2004 (P.L.


Earlier, the Senate passed its version of the FY2005 concurrent budget
resolution (S.Con.Res. 95) on March 12, and the House passed its version
(H.Con.Res. 393) on March 25. A conference agreement was filed on April 10 and
approved in the House on April 11 and “deemed” to be in effect on the House side
on April 19, 2004 (H.Res. 649). The Senate has not taken up the conference
agreement, but the conference agreement on the defense appropriations bill included

a provision deeming amounts approved in the budget resolution for discretionary
programs to be in effect in the Senate for subsequent action on appropriations bills.
Table 1a. Status of FY2005 Defense Appropriations, H.R. 4613
SubcommitteeHouseSenateConference Report
Markup House P assage Senat e P assage Conf . Approval Public
Re por t Re por t Re por t Law
H ouse Senat e H ouse Senat e
6/18/046/22/04(403-17)6/24/046/24/04 7/20/04 7/22/047/22/048/5/04

6/2/046/22/04H.Rept.H.R.S.Rept.(98-0)H.Rept.(410-12)(96-0)(P.L. 108-

108-5534613108-284S. 2559108-622287)

Note: In floor action, the Senate substituted its version of the bill, S. 2559, into H.R. 4613.
Table 1b. Status of FY2005 Defense Authorization: H.R. 4200, S. 2400
Full CommitteeHouseConference Report
MarkupHousePassageSenateSenateConf.ApprovalPublic Law
Re por t Re por t P assage Re por t
House Senate H ouse Senate
5/13/04 5/20/04(391-34) 5/11/04 6/23/04 10/8/04 10/8/04(359-14) 10/9/04(Unanimous 10/28/04

5/12/045/7/04H.Rept.H.R.S.Rept.(97-0) H.Rept.H.R.Consent)(P.L. 108-

108-4914200 108-260S. 2400108-7674200H.R. 4200375)

Highlights of Final Conference Agreements
Defense Authorization Conference Agreement
The conference on the defense authorization bill had to resolve differences
between the House and the Senate on a number of major policy issues. What follows
is a brief review of the issues, followed in each case by a summary of how the
conference agreement of October 7 addresses them. For more extensive background
on these issues, see the “Issues for Congress” section below.
!Funding for operations in Iraq and Afghanistan. The appropriations
conference agreement provided $25 billion in emergency funding for
operations in Iraq and Afghanistan. The remaining issue for the
authorization conference is whether to add reporting requirements.
The Senate version of the authorization requires quite extensive
additional reporting on operations in Iraq in particular.
Authorization conference outcome: Authorized $25 billion, as
expected, including $435 million for body armor, $572 million for
up-armored Humvees, and $100 million for bolt-on armor. Requires

a number of reports, including quarterly accounting for operations
conducted as part of the Global War on Terrorism, a report on the
post-major combat operations phase of Operation Iraqi Freedom, and
a report on training for post-conflict operations.
!Oversight of prisoner abuse in Iraq and elsewhere. The Senate-
passed bill includes an amendment proposed by Senator Patrick
Leahy that states it is U.S. policy not to abuse prisoners in its control
and that requires the Administration to produce a number of
documents related to treatment of U.S.-held prisoners. The House
has rejected a number of proposals to require production of similar
documents. Conference outcome: Includes a sense of the Congress
section regarding abuse of detainees, development of a policy to
prevent abuse, and reports to Congress on the policy.
!Army and Marine Corps end-strength. The House authorization bill,
as reported by the Armed Services Committee and passed on the
floor, increases Army end-strength by 10,000 and Marine Corps end-
strength by 3,000 in each of the next three years, for a total increase
of 39,000. The bill also establishes the new end-strength totals as
statutory minimums. In floor action on June 17, the Senate adopted
an amendment by Senator Jack Reed to increase Army end-strength
by 20,000 in FY2005. The House and Senate appropriations bills
provide funds for the higher troop levels within the $25 billion
provided for Iraq and Afghanistan. Conference outcome: Agreed
to increase Army end-strength by 20,000 and Marine end-strength by

3,000 in FY2005 and establishes the increased totals as minimums.

Also authorizes, but does not require, additional increases of 10,000
in the Army and 6,000 in the Marine Corps over the next four years,
but does not yet establish them as minimums.
!Military base closures. The House approved a measure in the
authorization bill that would delay the next round of military base
closures, now planned for 2005, until 2007, and that would require
a number of reports in the interim. By a vote of 49-47, the Senate
rejected an amendment to its version of the authorization that would
have delayed domestic base closures until 2007. This issue is likely
to be a major conference item because the Administration has
threatened a veto if the final bill includes a delay in base closures.1
Conference outcome: Does not agree to the House proposal to
delay base closures by two years. Requires approval of 7 of 9
commissioners to add a facility to the base closure list that the White
House will propose.
!Health care for reservists. In a key floor vote, the Senate approved
an amendment to the authorization bill by Senators Lindsey Graham

1 Office of Management and Budget, Statement of Administration Policy on H.R. 4200, May

19, 2004; [].

and Tom Daschle to provide health insurance through the military-
run TRICARE program for all non-deployed reservists and their
dependents, with the Defense Department paying the employer share
of the costs. Earlier, the Senate Armed Services Committee had
approved a more limited measure to establish a health insurance
program for non-deployed reservists and their dependents, called
TRICARE Reserve Select. Under the program, employers could
agree to pay part of the cost of the program, with reservists paying
the remaining cost, or reservists could sign up by paying the full
cost. The House authorization includes neither provision. Instead,
the House bill establishes a three-year demonstration program for
providing health insurance through TRICARE for reservists without
access to employer-provided health insurance. The Senate bill also
provides for a similar two-year demonstration program. Conference
outcome: Does not approve the Senate proposal to provide
TRICARE for all non-deployed reservists. Instead, who serve 90
consecutive days in active service or more and who agree to sign up
for an additional year or more of service in the reserves one year of
access to TRICARE after demobilization.
!Military Survivor Benefit Plan. The House authorization includes
a measure that was adopted in markup to phase in increased benefits
for 62-and-older surviving dependents of military retirees to 55% of
retired pay (now provided to younger survivors) over four years
through 2008. The Senate approved a floor amendment to the
authorization bill that increases benefits for 62-and-older survivors
from the current 35% of retired pay to 45% after September 2008
and to 55% after September 2014. Conference outcome: As in the
House, phases in full 55% benefit level by 2008.
!KC-767A tanker acquisition. The House authorization approved a
measure to require the Air Force to enter into a contract to acquire
Boeing 767 tanker aircraft. The Senate approved a floor amendment
to the authorization bill that establishes quite strict requirements
before any funds can be obligated for 767 tanker acquisition.
Conference outcome: Does not approve the House mandate to
enter into a contract for 767s by next March. Repeals the lease-
purchase program approved last year. Instead, prohibits leasing and
authorizes multi-year procurement of 100 new aerial refueling
aircraft (which could be 767s or an alternative).
!Renewal of authorization for public-private partnerships to provide
military family housing. After this year, a statutory cap on funding
for military housing privatization expires, and virtually all of the
congressional defense committees called for extending it. Repealing
the cap, however, would increase mandatory spending, so advocates
struggled to find an offset for the extension — an effort to extend the
program in House action on the military construction appropriations
bill was defeated on a point of order. Conference outcome: The
authorization conference agreement repeals the funding cap, offset

by savings from repealing the KC-767 lease-purchase plan, which
CBO had scored as mandatory spending.
!Limits on defense offset agreements and Buy American provisions.
The House authorization includes a measure that would prohibit the
United States from purchasing foreign-made defense items unless
the seller agrees to provide trade “offsets” equal, as a share of value,
to the offsets the selling nation applies to purchases from the United
States. The provision may be waived if the Secretary of Defense
certifies that a purchase is necessary to meet U.S. national security
objections. In contrast, the Senate adopted an amendment to the
authorization bill by Senator McCain (S.Amdt. 3461) that would
allow the Secretary of Defense to exempt several allies from existing
Buy American requirements. Conference outcome: Rejects the
House provision that would limit purchases and substitutes a
provision that would require the Secretary of Defense to develop a
comprehensive acquisition trade policy to ensure that U.S. firms are
not disadvantaged by foreign offsets.
!Limits on arms sales and technology transfers to China. The House
authorization includes one provision that would tighten restrictions
on transfer of technology with potential military utility to China by
U.S. or by foreign firms and another to expand the number of
Chinese firms defined as “military companies” to which sales are
restricted. The Senate bill includes no similar provisions.
Conference outcome: As in the House bill, would expand the
number of Chinese firms defined as “military companies.”
!Disposition of nuclear waste at Department of Energy nuclear
weapons production facilities. The Senate authorization includes a
measure that would allow liquid waste stored at the Savannah River
nuclear weapons production plant to be redefined as low-level waste
that could be stabilized and stored indefinitely on site. The Senate
narrowly rejected a floor amendment to delete the provision. The
House bill does not address the issue. Conference outcome:
Approves the Senate provision with some amendments, including
requiring a National Academy of Sciences study of alternatives for
waste cleanup.
! Development of the Robust Nuclear Earth Penetrator and other new
nuclear weapons. Both the House and the Senate rejected
amendments to the defense authorization bill to eliminate funds
requested for RNEP and other new nuclear weapons development.
The House-passed version of the FY2005 energy and water
appropriations bill (H.R. 4614), however, eliminates the $36 million
requested for the programs in the Department of Energy budget.
Conference outcome: The conference agreement on the energy and
water appropriations bill, included in the consolidated appropriations
bill, H.R. 4818, eliminates funds for RNEP and other new nuclear
weapons R&D.

Table 2. Side by Side Comparison of Key Provisions: Defense Authorization
House AuthorizationSenate AuthorizationConference Authorization
ersonnel End-Strength, Pay, and Benefits
creased statutory end-strength for the Army byApproved a floor amendment to increase ArmyIncreased end-strength for the Army by 20,000 and
ear from FY2005 throughend-strength by 20,000 in FY2005, but did notfor the Marine Corps in FY2005, established both
3,000 troopsestablish it as a minimums, and approved increases of 10,000 in
ear through FY2007. Set FY2005 levels asthe Army and 6,000 in the Marine Corps through
ed the requested pay raise of 3.5% forApproved the requested pay raise of 3.5% forApproved the requested pay raise of 3.5% for
iki/CRS-RL32305ed personnel.uniformed personnel.uniformed personnel.
g/wed the request to complete a five-yearApproved the request to complete a five-yearApproved the request to complete a five-year
s.or allowances sufficientphase in of increased housing allowances sufficientphase in of increased housing allowances sufficient
leakinate out-of-pocket housing eliminate out-of-pocket housing eliminate out-of-pocket housing costs.
://wikied a measure to increase Survivor BenefitsApproved a floor amendment to increase SurvivorApproved the House proposal to phase in the full
httpan (SBP) annuities for age 62-and-olderBenefits Plan (SBP) annuities for age 62-and-older55% level by FY2008.
ivors of military retirees from 35% of retiredsurvivors of military retirees from 35% of retired
to 55% in increments through to 55% in increments through FY2014.
inated a statutory limit on funding for militaryApproved a floor amendment increasing theEliminated the statutory cap on funding for
privatization.privatization cap by $1 as a placeholder forhousing privatization.

negotiations in conference.

House AuthorizationSenate AuthorizationConference Authorization
rmanently increased the Family SeparationIncreased the Family Separation Allowance fromIncreased the Family Separation Allowance from
$100 to $250 per month and$100 to $250 per month and increased Imminent$100 to $250 per month and increased Imminent
mminent Danger Pay from $150 to $225Danger Pay from $150 to $225 per month. Danger Pay from $150 to $225 per month. These
onth. Also increased hardship duty pay,measures make permanent increases that Congress
ay be provided to troops outside ofapproved in the FY2003 and FY2004 Iraq
bat zones, from $300 to $750 per month.supplemental appropriations bills. Did not accept
House provision on hardship duty pay.
ram to replace lost income ofApproved a floor amendment requiring thatNeither House nor Senate provision adopted.
ists mobilized for extended periods up toFederal agencies ensure that employees will not
onth.lose income when mobilized as reservists.
iki/CRS-RL32305ed the Secretary of Defense to reimburseRequired the Defense Department to reimburseRequires the Defense Department to reimburse
g/wprotectionmilitary personnel, families, or charitablemilitary personnel, families, or charitable
s.orent if not provided by the services beforeorganizations for purchases of self-protectionorganizations for purchases of self-protection
leak if not provided by the services beforeequipment if not provided by the services before
://wikideployment.deployment. Establishes procedures for claims.
httpanently extended to all hospitalized personnelExtended to all hospitalized personnel a provisionPermanently repeals the requirement that
ision in the FY2004 defense appropriationsin the FY2004 defense appropriations bill thathospitalized personnel pay for meals.
283) that eliminated a requirementeliminated a requirement that military personnel
ilitary personnel pay for meals whilepay for meals while hospitalized for combat-
ed for combat-related injuries.related injuries.
thorized the Defense Department to acceptAuthorized the Defense Department to acceptAuthorizes the Defense Department to accept
er miles for travel ofdonation of frequent flyer miles for travel ofdonation of frequent flyer miles for travel of
ilitary personnel or family members.military personnel or family members and others.military personnel or family members and others.

House AuthorizationSenate AuthorizationConference Authorization
ent to establish aEstablished a two-year demonstration program toDoes not approve a TRICARE for reservists
year demonstration program that wouldallow non-deployed military reservists not eligibledemonstration project but requires the Government
it non-deployed reservists not eligible forfor employer-sponsored heath insurance to sign upAccountability Office to report on Defense
ployer-sponsored health benefits to sign up forfor health insurance through the military-runDepartment preparations to carry one out.
h the military-runTRICARE program.
ICARE program.
Adopted a floor amendment to allow all reservistsAllows reservists who have been activated and
to sign up for medical insurance through thewho reenlist to sign up for insurance through
military TRICARE program if they pay 28% of theTRICARE for one year for each 90 days of active
cost. The Committee bill established a new healthservice. Would require them to pay of 28% of the
iki/CRS-RL32305insurance program, called TRICARE Reservecost.
g/wSelect, under which reservists and their dependents
s.ormay sign up for health insurance through
leakTRICARE, with employees paying 28% of the
cost, as in the federal civilian health program, if
://wikiemployers agree to cover the remaining cost, or
http100% if employers do not cover part of the cost.
anent a provision in the FY2004 IraqAlso made permanent a provision in the FY2004Made permanent a provision in the FY2004 Iraq
ental that made reservists eligible forIraq supplemental that made reservists eligible forsupplemental that made reservists eligible for
ICARE medical benefits 90 days beforeTRICARE medical benefits 90 days beforeTRICARE medical benefits 90 days before
ation. activation. activation.
Established a commission on roles, missions, andEstablished a commission on roles, missions, and
compensation of the National Guard and Reserves.compensation of the National Guard and Reserves.
paign medals for OperationRequired separate campaign medals for OperationNot included in conference report because a
Freedom in Afghanistan and OperationEnduring Freedom in Afghanistan and Operationsimilar provision was enacted earlier.

.Iraqi Freedom.

House AuthorizationSenate AuthorizationConference Authorization
rected the Secretary of Defense to submitDirected the Secretary of Defense to establish aDirects the Secretary of Defense to establish a
es in the Uniform Code of Militaryuniform policy on sexual assault.uniform policy on sexual assault and requires
stice regarding sexual assaults. Also extendedvarious reports.
of a task force on sexual assaults. Added
endment requiring a uniform policy on
ed a provision to revise eligibilityApproved a floor amendment to apply criteria forAgreed to the Senate provision.
ents for award of the Combat Infantryawarding the Combat Infantryman Badge and the
e and Combat Medical Badge to ArmyCombat Medical Badge to Army personnel in
orea.Korea equivalent to procedures applied elsewhere.
iki/CRS-RL32305Adopted a floor amendment to eliminate theAgreed to the Senate provision with a technical
g/wphase-in of concurrent receipt for veterans with aamendment.
s.ordisability rating of 100% and immediately provide
full benefits.
://wikiAdopted a floor amendment expressing the senseAgreed to the Senate provision with a technical
httpof Congress supporting current policy that there beamendment.
no media coverage of the return to the United
States of remains of deceased service members.
Adopted a floor amendment to exempt abortions ofNot included in conference agreement.
pregnancies due to rape or incest from the
prohibition against using DOD funds for abortions.
Adopted a floor amendment to transferAgreed to the Senate provision with an
administration of the Energy Employeesamendment.

Occupational Illness Compensation Program from
the Department of Energy to the Department of

House AuthorizationSenate AuthorizationConference Authorization
rograms (note that final funding for major weapons programs is determined in defense appropriations)
ided $10.0 billion for missile defenseApproved $10.2 billion, approximately the amountApproves $9.9 billion for missile defense
rams, $177 million below the request, cutrequested, for missile defense programs, thoughprograms, generally in line with the appropriations.
for kinetic interceptor development bythe committee trimmed funds for kineticReduced funds for kinetic energy interceptor
illion, and added $90 million for additionalinterceptor development and added funds fordevelopment
triot PAC-3 missiles.ground-based mid-course defense and for
additional Patriot PAC-3 missiles.
Adopted a floor amendment to require theAgreed to the Senate provision.
Secretary of Defense to prescribe and apply
iki/CRS-RL32305criteria for operationally realistic testing offieldable prototypes developed under the ballistic
g/wmissile defense program.
leakquired the Air Force to enter into a multi-yearApproved a floor amendment requiring the AirRepeals a provision in the FY2004 authorization
://wiki KC-767A tankerlso required that a new contract beForce to comply with all applicable acquisitionlaws and regulations before entering into a contractpermitting leases of KC-767 tankers and adopts aprovision permitting multiyear procurement of
httpotiated after June 1, 2004, and that anfor refueling aircraft.refueling aircraft.
iew the contract terms.
ed the requested shift of funds fromApproved the requested shift of funds fromApproves the requested shift of funds from
anche helicopter development to other ArmyComanche helicopter development to other ArmyComanche helicopter development to other Army
iation and related programs.aviation and related programs.aviation and related programs.
illion to procure 35 UH-60 ArmyDid not add funds for UH-60s.Did not add funds for UH-60s.
ed the requested $905 million for StrykerApproved the requested $905 million for StrykerApproves the requested $905 million for Stryker
edium armored vehicle procurement.medium armored vehicle procurement.medium armored vehicle procurement.
t $245 million from the $3.2 billion requestedApproved the requested $3.2 billion for ArmyCuts $270 million from the $3.2 billion requested
y Future Combat System development.Future Combat System development.for FCS development

House AuthorizationSenate AuthorizationConference Authorization
ided about the requested amounts to procureApproved requested funds for three DDG-51Provides about the requested amounts to procure
ree DDG-51 destroyers, one Virginia-class attackdestroyers, one Virginia-class submarine, onethree DDG-51 destroyers, one Virginia-class attack
arine, one LPD-17 amphibious ship, and twoLPD-17 amphibious ship, and two T-AKEsubmarine, one LPD-17 amphibious ship, and two
AKE auxiliary ships.auxiliary ships.T-AKE auxiliary ships.
illion as an initial increment forAdded $150 million as the first increment ofAdds $150 million as the first increment of
HD(R) amphibious ship.funding for procurement of the first of the newfunding for procurement of the first of the new
LHA(R)-class of amphibious assault ships.LHA(R)-class of amphibious assault ships.
ed funds for continued development of theApproved $1.5 billion, as requested, for DD(X)Approves $1.5 billion for DD(X) development,
(X) destroyer but eliminated $221 million todestroyer development, including $221 million inincluding $221 million for initial ship construction,
iki/CRS-RL32305in constructing the first ship.the R&D accounts for design and production of thefirst ship of the class, and added $99.4 million toadded $84 million for second ship, trimmed $45million from fleet support R&D.
g/waccelerate design of the second ship.
leaked funds for continued development of theApproved $1.5 billion, as requested for LittoralApproves $350 million for development of the
://wikiombat Ship (LCS) but eliminated $107illion to begin constructing the first ship.Combat Ship (LCS) development, including $107million to start production of the first ship.LCS, including $107 million to begin constructingthe first ship.
ed $2.9 billion, as requested, for 42Authorized $2.9 billion, as requested, for 42 F/A-Authorizes $2.9 billion, as requested, for 42 F/A-
vy/Marine F/A-18E/F aircraft.18E/F aircraft.18E/F aircraft.
ed $4.6 billion, as requested, for F-35 JointApproved $3.6 billion for F-35 Joint Strike fighterApproves $3.5 billion for F-35 development —
rike Fighter development.development, adding $15 million for the short-adds $8 million for STOVL, but cut $134 million
takeoff variant.from engine development.
ed $4.2 billion for 24 F/A-22 fighters.Approved $3.9 billion for 22 F/A-22 fighters, aApproves $4.2 billion for 24 F/A-22 fighters, with
reduction of $280 million and 2 aircraft from thesmall reductions for efficiencies.
illion to begin development of aAdds $30 million for bomber development.

generation bomber.

House AuthorizationSenate AuthorizationConference Authorization
illion to the $508 million requestedAdded $35 million to the $508 million requestedAdds $35 million to the $508 million requested for
Based Infrared System-High (SBIRS-for Space-Based Infrared System-High (SBIRS-Space-Based Infrared System-High (SBIRS-High)
h) development.High) development.development.
t $100 million from the $775 million requestedCut $100 million from the $775 million requestedFollowing the appropriations, cuts $300 million
ational Communications Satellitefor Transformational Communications Satellitefrom the $775 million requested for
elopment.development.Transformational Communications Satellite
ided $328 million, as requested, for Space-Provided $328 million, as requested, for Space-Following the appropriations, provides $75
elopment.Based Radar development.million, $273 million less than requested, for
iki/CRS-RL32305Space-Based Radar development.
g/wer Key Actions.
leakAdded substantial amounts for force protection andAuthorizes $105 million for the Rapid Fielding
rams, including $705 million for up-related measures, including $925 million for up-Initiative, added $572 million for up-armored
://wikiored Humvees, $332 million for add-on armorarmored Humvees and add-on armor (theHumvees, added $100 million for bolt-on armor.
httpumvees and trucks, $421 million for bodyAdministration requested $163 million for 818 up-
or, and $517 million for the Army’s Rapidarmored Humvees), $603 million for force
elding Initiative. Also passed a separateprotection gear and combat clothing, and $107
easure, H.R. 4323, to provide statutory authoritymillion for the Army Rapid Fielding Initiative
of Defense to procure equipment(designed to deploy high priority items rapidly to
batant commands rapidly bythe soldiers in the field) and for Army and Marine
ing normal acquisition requirements.individual equipment.
ed a provision that would delay militaryRejected a floor amendment to delay military baseDid not include the House provision delaying base
ould require theclosures.closures, but requires several reports and a vote of
ent to submit several reports7 of 9 members of the Base Closure Commission
ilitary basing requirements by Marchto add facilities to the closure list.

House AuthorizationSenate AuthorizationConference Authorization
ed $409 million, as requested, for theApproved $409 million, as requested, for theApproves $409 million, as requested, for the
e Threat Reduction program thatCooperative Threat Reduction program. AlsoCooperative Threat Reduction program. Also
rams to safeguard or eliminateallowed the President annually to waive limits onallows the President to waive limits on funding for
er Soviet Union. Provided afunding for a chemical demilitarization plant ina chemical demilitarization plant in Russia for
ear waiver of limits on funding for aRussia.each calendar year through December 31, 2006.
ical demilitarization plant in Russia about
standing disagreement
ed $1.3 billion, as requested, forApproved $1.3 billion, as requested, forApproves $1.3 billion, as requested, for
ent of Energy non-proliferation programs.Department of Energy non-proliferation programs.Department of Energy non-proliferation programs.
iki/CRS-RL32305ed measures to require that outsourcing ofApproved floor amendments similarly limitingAgreed to set requirements for outsourcing,
g/wities performed by more than 10 employees beoutsourcing and permitting specific representativesincluding savings of 10% or $10 million.
s.oritted only if certain conditions are met,of civilian employees to protest privatizationApproved the Senate provision regarding bid
a requirement that costs of health caredecisions, but did not address health care and otherprotests with clarifications. Did not require that
://wikiantage and other benefits not disadvantage federal
httpployees, and another to provide that Defenseemployees, but required a study of the impact of
partment civilian employees may protesthealth and other benefits. In report language,
atization decisions. noted that the FY2005 defense appropriations bill
limits outsourcing if health and other benefits are a
disadvantage to federal employees.
ed a measure that would require thatApproved a floor amendment to ease “BuyRejected the House provision that would limit
n countries receive no more in trade offsetsAmerican” restrictions on defense trade with somepurchases and substituted a provision that would
e of the value of a contract forallies.require the Secretary of Defense to develop a
U.S. military equipment than thecomprehensive acquisition trade policy to ensure
e of domestic content required for U.S.-that U.S. firms are not disadvantaged by foreign
ilitary equipment.offsets.

House AuthorizationSenate AuthorizationConference Authorization
ed one provision that would make it U.S.Made no similar provisions.Did not agree to the House provision regarding
to restrict U.S. contracts with foreignforeign firms that trade with China. Agreed to the
panies that transfer technology with potentialHouse provision defining Chinese firms that are
ilitary utility to China and another to expand theconsidered “military companies.”
ber of Chinese firms defined as a “military
pany” to which sales are restricted.
endment in the committee markupMade no similar provision.Agreed to no similar provision.
of support ships from foreign
iders for more than one year.
iki/CRS-RL32305ed funding as requested for Robust NuclearD and for other research onApproved requested funding for the RobustNuclear Earth Penetrator and for other nuclearApproved requested funding for the RobustNuclear Earth Penetrator and for other nuclear
g/wweapons R&D.weapons R&D. But funding remained at issue in
s.orenergy and water appropriations bill.
://wikiApproved a measure to ease rules regardinghandling of radioactive waste at the SavannahApproved the Senate provision.
httpRiver nuclear plant in South Carolina and the
Idaho National Laboratory.
creased cap on U.S. military personnel inAgreed to an Administration request to increase aAgreed to the request to increase the cap on
bia to 500.legislative cap on U.S. military personnel inmilitary personnel in Colombia to 800 and on
Colombia from 400 to 800 and to increase the capcontractors to 600.
on contractors from 400 to 600.
ed $300 million for the Commanders’Authorized $300 million for the CERP, andAuthorized up to $300 million for the
ergency Response Program (CERP) for small-authorized the Secretary of Defense, with theCommanders’ Emergency Response Program and
ects in Iraq andconcurrence of the Secretary of State, to use up toup to $500 million to train and equip Iraqi and
ghanistan.$250 million to train and equip Iraqi and AfghanAfghan military and security forces.

security forces.

House AuthorizationSenate AuthorizationConference Authorization
Adopted a floor amendment to provide FederalNot included in conference agreement.
assistance to states and local jurisdictions to
prosecute hate crimes.
Adopted a floor amendment increasing penaltiesNot included in conference agreement.
for obscene language in broadcasts.
Adopted a floor amendment expressing the senseNot included in conference agreement.
of the Senate that Armed Forces Radio and
Television Service programming should be
iki/CRS-RL32305Adopted a floor amendment repealing FCCNot included in conference agreement.
g/wregulations that loosened ownership restrictions for
s.ortelevision and radio media companies.
ed a measure requiring the Secretary ofApproved a floor amendment requiring reports onApproved a measure stating the sense of Congress
://wikifense to prescribe policies to prevent the abusedetainees; stating policy on U.S. adherence towith regard to misconduct at Abu Ghraib and the
httpendmentinternational conventions on torture; prohibitingprohibition on torture; setting out U.S. policy
the sense of Congress concerning thetorture; and requiring the Secretary of Defense toregarding proper treatment of detainees; requiring
raq. prescribe regulations to ensure compliance andthe Secretary of Defense to prescribe policies to
report twice a year on investigations of possibleensure that detainees are treated in a humane
violations. manner; setting out minimum criteria for these
policies; requiring that the Secretary certify that
federal employees and contractor personnel
involved with handling or interrogation of
detainees fulfil annual training requirements; and
containing several reporting requirements.

House AuthorizationSenate AuthorizationConference Authorization
Adopted a floor amendment to extend militaryAgreed to the Senate provision.
extraterritorial jurisdiction to cover personnel and
contractor personnel of any federal agency or
provisional authority supporting the mission of the
Department of Defense overseas
e House version of the FY2005 energy andThe Senate did not act on its version of the energyThe conference agreement on the energy and water
ter appropriations bills eliminated funding forand water appropriations bill.appropriations bill, included in the consolidated
appropriations bill, eliminates requested funding
D.for the Robust Nuclear Earth Penetrator and for
other new nuclear weapons R&D.
iki/CRS-RL32305ouse bill, as reported by the Armed ServicesNo provision.Included an amended version of the House
g/wmittee, included a provision, Section 1541,measure, Section 725.

s.or the Treasury Department, rather than the
ent, to make annual payments to
://wikiilitary retirement fund for the costs of
httpiding TRICARE health insurance to over-65
ilitary retirees beginning in FY2006. This is an
12 billion for
rams by shifting costs to the non-

Defense Appropriations Conference Agreement
The conference agreement on the FY2005 defense appropriations bill, approved
in the House and Senate on July 22, 2004, and signed into law on August 5, provides
$25 billion for operations in Iraq and Afghanistan, and resolves a number of major
weapons issues.
Highlights of the defense appropriations conference agreement include
!Funding for operations in Iraq and Afghanistan. Both the House-
and Senate-passed versions of the defense appropriations bill
included $25 billion, as the Administration requested on May 12, to
cover costs of ongoing military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan
through the first few months of FY2005. The main issue in
Congress was how much flexibility to provide the Defense
Department in allocating the funds among budget accounts. The
conference agreement provides $3.8 billion of the money in a
flexible transfer account, called the Iraq Freedom Fund, and the
remainder in regular appropriations accounts. The level of detail in
which the funds are provided is quite narrow, as in the House-passed
appropriations bill, and the Defense Department will have to seek
advance approval from the congressional defense committees to shift
funds to other uses.2 Of the $3.8 billion in the Iraq Freedom Fund,
$1.8 billion is for classified programs, so $2 billion is available for
unforseen expenses.
!Repeal of FY2004 rescission. The FY2004 Consolidated
Appropriations Act (P.L. 108-199), enacted last January, rescinded
$1.8 billion of funds in earlier defense appropriations bills. The
conference agreement repeals the rescission. The Congressional
Budget Office scores this as a reappropriation of funds. So the total
of emergency appropriations for the Defense Department in the
FY2005 defense appropriations bill is $26.8 billion, with additional
amounts for other agencies.
!Emergency funding for non-defense programs. The defense bill
includes emergency funds for a number of other programs, including
$685 million for State Department operations in Iraq,$95 million to
respond to the humanitarian crisis in the Darfur region of Sudan and
Chad, $400 million to fight wild fires in the West, $50 million for
security at the upcoming Democratic and Republican political
conventions, and $26 million to make up a shortfall in Federal
Judiciary defender services.

2 For an extensive discussion, see CRS Report RL32422, The Administration’s FY2005
Request for $25 Billion for Operations in Iraq and Afghanistan: Precedents, Options, and
Congressional Action, by Stephen Daggett and Amy Belasco.

!Navy DD(X) and LCS ship construction. The Administration
requested $221 million in R&D funding for the DD(X) destroyer
program to begin construction of the first ship of the class and $107
million, also in R&D funds, to begin construction of the first Littoral
Combat Ship (LCS). The House authorization cut money for ship
construction from both programs, though it approved continued
development funding. The Senate authorizers approved the
requested construction funds for both programs and also added $99
million in design funds for the DD(X) to accelerate production of a
second ship. The House Appropriations Committee agreed with the
House authorization in cutting money for DD(X) construction and
added $125 million for advance procurement for an additional DD-
51 destroyer in place of the DD(X). The House appropriators did
not, however, agree to trim funds for the LCS and instead added
$107 million (for a total of $214 million) to fully fund construction
of the first ship. Like the Senate authorization, the Senate
Appropriations Committee approved the requested construction
funds for both programs and added $99 million for the DD(X),
though it shifted the $221 million requested for DD(X) construction
from R&D to the procurement accounts. The appropriations
conference agreement provides $221 million for DD(X)
construction, but in procurement rather than in R&D. The
agreement also provides $214 million to fully fund construction of
the first LCS in the R&D accounts. So the House authorization cuts
did not prevail in final congressional action on appropriations.
!F/A-22 fighter. The Senate Armed Services Committee trimmed the
request from 24 to 22 aircraft, saving $280 million. The House
authorization and the House and Senate appropriations bills,
however, all supported the full 24 aircraft, $4.2 billion procurement
request. The appropriations conference agreement trims $30 million
from the request for assumed efficiencies, but supports the full 24
aircraft request.
!Army Future Combat System (FCS). The House authorization
trimmed $245 million from the FCS program and imposed a
requirement that the Army more fully justify the program. The
Senate provided the full $3.2 billion requested. The House
Appropriations Committee cut $324 million and eliminated funds
for the non-line of sight launch system (NLOS-LS), while providing
full funding for the non-line of sight cannon (NLOS-C). The Senate
appropriations bill provided the full $3.2 billion requested and the
committee report specifically approved funding for NLOS-LS. The
appropriations conference agreement trimmed $268 million from the
program, but included $58.2 million for NLOS-LS.
!Space programs. The House appropriators shifted $91 million from
the Evolved Expendable Launch Vehicle (EELV) program to the
Space-Based Infrared System-High (SBIRS-High) program, as the
Air Force requested. Senate appropriators, however, cut $100

million from the EELV due to delays but did not add anything to
SBIRS-High. The appropriations conference agreement cuts $100
million from the EELV and adds $91 million to SBIRS-High. The
House appropriators cut $100 million from the $775 million
requested for the Transformational Communications Satellite
program, following the House authorization, while the Senate
appropriators cut $400 million. The appropriations conference
agreement cuts $300 million, which will require the Air Force to
substantially restructure the program. The House appropriators
essentially terminated Space-Based Radar development, leaving $75
million for a more basic technology development effort, while the
Senate appropriators cut $100 million from the $327 million
requested. The appropriations conference agreement agrees with the
House, effectively terminating the current Space-Based Radar

Table 3. Side by Side Comparison of Key Provisions: Defense Appropriations
House AppropriationsSenate AppropriationsConference Appropriations
ersonnel End-Strength, Pay, and Benefits
ided funding for a military pay raise of 3.5%Provided funding for a military pay raise of 3.5%Provided funding for a military pay raise of 3.5%
allowances and other benefits asand for housing allowances and other benefits asand for housing allowances and other benefits.
ed in the House authorization.approved in the Senate authorization.
raq and Afghanistan,Within the $25 billion for Iraq and Afghanistan,Provides funds for added end-strength within the
y and Marine Corps end-included funds for an increase in Army end-$25 billion provided for Iraq and Afghanistan.
th increases as approved in the Housestrength of 20,000 as approved in the Senate
iki/CRS-RL32305ation. authorization.
s.ort $499.7 million from military personnelCut $375 million from military personnel accountsCuts $528 million from military personnel
leakto reflect perennial underexecution of militaryaccounts to reflect unobligated balances of prior
://wikiilitary personnel programs in prior years, as the General Accounting Office.personnel programs in prior years, as reported bythe General Accounting Office.year funds.
Cut $94 million from military personnel accountsCut $94 million from military personnel accounts
to reflect the planned end of U.S. operations into reflect the planned end of U.S. operations in
Bosnia in December 2004.Bosnia in December 2004.
e” Army andAdds $1.5 billion for Army recapitalization,
round forces, including $950including $625 million for Strykers, $313 million
illion, doubling the amount requested, to procurefor other Army and Marine Corps armored
ker armored personnel carrier, $350 millionvehicles and related equipment, $333 million for
ored combat vehicles, $503 millionArmy trucks, and $51 million for the ammunition
illion for trucks and otherproduction base.

ehicles, and $52 million for the
munition production base.

House AppropriationsSenate AppropriationsConference Appropriations
Iraq/Afghanistan emergency funds providedIn Iraq/Afghanistan emergency funds, providedIn Iraq/Afghanistan emergency funds, provided
illion for up-armored Humvees, $198$865 million, for an Army “Rapid Response Force$572 million for up-armored Humvees, $100
illion for bolt-on armor, $297 million for theProtection Initiative” for up-armored Humvees,million for the Rapid Response Force Protection
my Rapid Fielding Initiative, and $59 millionbolt on armor, armored cabs, or other relatedInitiative, $65 million for the Rapid Fielding
equipment.purposes. Also provided $240 million for MarineInitiative, and $15 million to counter improvised
Corps vehicle hardening. explosive devices.
ided $9.7 billion for missile defense, $458Provided $10.2 billion, about the amountProvided $10.0 billion for missile defense, cut
illion below the request, and rescinded $31.5requested, for missile defense programs. Added$163 million from the kinetic energy interceptor,
illion due to termination of a joint satellite$80 million for the Israeli Arrow program. Agreedcut an unallocated $180 million, added $246
ram with Russia (called RAMOS) and $74.7to terminate the U.S.-Russian RAMOS program,million for mid-course defense.
iki/CRS-RL32305illion due to restructuring of the Airborne Laserbut allocated $5 million for a follow-on program.
g/wram.Added $163.5 million for Ground-Based
s.orMidcourse Defense. Cut $252 million, about half
leakthe amount requested, from kinetic energy
://wikiinterceptor program.
httpt the Army’s request for $3.2 billion for FutureProvided the full $3.2 billion requested for ArmyCut $250 million from the FCS request as
mbat System development by $324 million, $79Future Combat System development. Theexcessive overhead, provides $58 million for
illion more than the House authorization, ofcommittee specifically approved continuedNLOS-LS.
ich$76 million was from the non-line of sightfunding for the non-line of sight launch system
stem (NLOS-LS), terminating the project. (NLOS-LS).
ided $76 million to fully fund construction ofApproved the $65 million requested for TSVApproved the $65 million requested for TSV
heater Support Vessel in Army R&D accounts.R&D.R&D, rejecting the House addition.
reed with the House authorization in trimmingApproved $221 million for construction of the firstApproved $221 million for construction of the first
illion from the DD(X) R&D program,DD(X) destroyer, but moved the money from R&DDD(X) destroyer, but moved the money from R&D
$221 million to begin constructing theto procurement, and added $99 million for designto procurement, and added $84 million for design
of the second ship of the class, following theof the second ship.

Senate authorization.

House AppropriationsSenate AppropriationsConference Appropriations
place of DD(X) construction, the committeeApproved $3.4 billion for 3 ships, as requested, butApproves $3.4 billion for 3 ships, as requested,
illion in advance procurement fordid not provide additional advance procurementadded $50 million for upgrades, but did not
additional DDG-51 destroyer to be fullyfunds for future ship construction.provide additional advance procurement funds for
ets.ship construction.
ree with the House authorization cut ofProvided $107 million in R&D, as requested, forAdds $107 million to fully fund construction of the
illion for construction of the first Littoralconstruction of the first prototype Littoral Combatfirst ship, trimmed $2 million from second ship
mbat Ship and, instead, added $107 million toShip, but did not add funds, as the House did, todesign.
fund building the first ship, cut $50 millionfully fund construction.
n of the second ship of the class.
iki/CRS-RL32305inated $44 million requested for R&D on theAdded $175 million for LHD(R) advanceAdds $150 million for LHA(R).
g/wphibious ship program and provided noprocurement — the House committee provided no
s.orent, rejecting the addition offunds, while both authorization bills approved
leakillion for LHA(R) advance procurement$150 million.
mended in the House and Senate
://wikiation bills.
ent of 24 F/A-22 fighters, asSupported procurement of 24 F/A-22 fighters, asSupports procurement of 24 F/A-22 fighters, as
requested — did not follow Senate authorization inrequested.
cutting 2 aircraft.
ided $4.4 billion for F-35 Joint Strike FighterProvided full funding, as requested, for Navy andCut $240 million due to delays. Requires a report
D funding, a reduction of $240 million toAir Force development of the F-35 Joint Strikeon the program by December 15, 2004.

s. Also prohibited obligation of $1.4Fighter — did not concur with House cuts due to
DOD reports to Congressdelays.
ust the program following an

House AppropriationsSenate AppropriationsConference Appropriations
ided $100 million in a “Tanker ReplacementProvided $110 million for tanker aircraftProvides $100 million for tanker replacement, but
ansfer Fund” available to acquire KC-767 tankerreplacement, but did not specify whether the fundsleaves other issues for authorization.
er the status of the programwere for KC-767s, in effect leaving the issue for
authorizers to decide.
jected to the Air Force failure to fully fundAdded $34 million to C-17 program forAdds $159 million for full funding of 15 aircraft

17 and C-130 aircraft and shiftedmaintenance training, did not address full fundingand $34 million for training.

illion from C-17 upgrades to fully fund 15issue.
ore than requested.
illion for the Space Based InfraredProvided $508 million for development of theAdds $91 million for SBIRS-High.
iki/CRS-RL32305stem-High (SBIRS-High) program, more thanSpace-Based Infrared System-High (SBIRS-High),
g/willion the House and Senate authorizersbut did not add $91 million, as the Air Force had
s.orrequested and the House agreed.
ided $75 million for the Space Based RadarProvided $228 million for the Space-Based RadarProvides $75 million, a cut of $253 million from
://wikiram, $253 million below the request,program, $100 million below the request, but didthe request, as in the House, effectively
httpely terminating the program, with thenot agree with House cuts that would effectivelyterminating the program.
aining funds to be used for alternativeterminate the program.
ies and concepts.
t $100 million from the request for $775 millionProvided $375 million for the TransformationProvides $475 million, a cut $300 million from the
ransformational CommunicationsCommunications Satellite, $400 million below therequest.
tellite, following the House and Senaterequest.
t $91 million from the Evolved ExpendableCut $100 million Provided $511 million for theCuts $91 million.

ehicle (EELV) for transfer to SBIRS-Evolved Expendable Launch Vehicle, $100 million
h, and, in report language, said that twobelow the request due to launch delays.
ay not be justified.

House AppropriationsSenate AppropriationsConference Appropriations
ided $557 million for development of aProvided $557 million for development of aCuts $220 million.
ent Marine One helicopter, $220 millionreplacement Marine One helicopter, $220 million
below the request, as in the House.
illion for new bomber development,Adds $30 million for new bomber development.
ation added.
raq andProvided $25 billion for operations in Iraq andProvides $25 billion for operations in Iraq and
ghanistan, almost all in regular appropriationsAfghanistan, almost in regular appropriationsAfghanistan, most in regular appropriations
iki/CRS-RL32305raqaccounts subject to normal procedures requiringaccounts, with $3.8 billion in the flexible Iraq
g/w Fund, of which $1.978 was only forcongressional approval of transfers above certainFreedom Fund, of which $1.8 billion is for
s.orrams leaving $1 billion as flexiblethresholds, with $2.5 billion in the flexible Iraqclassified programs, leaving $2 billion for
leak.Freedom Fund.unforseen expenses.
://wiki a manager’s amendment in full committeeApproved a floor amendment to provide $95Adds $685 million for State Department operations
httparkup, added $685 million to the emergencymillion for assistance to refugees in Sudan andin Iraq, $95 million for assistance to refugees in
for Iraq for State Department operationsChad.Sudan and Chad, $500 million for fire fighting,
illion in emergency funds for famine$50 million for security at the party conventions,
ee assistance in Sudan and Chad.and $26 million for a federal judiciary shortfall
illion, close to amounts approved inAdded about $650 million for earmarked medicalAdds about $1 billion for earmarked medical R&D
ears, for unrequested, earmarked medicalR&D and related programs, of which $200 millionand related programs, most as in the House bill and
D and related projects, including breast cancerfor cancer research, including peer-reviewed breastas in the past, earmarked for particular programs.

cancer, prostate cancer, and other cancer research,
was provided in a single block, with the Defense
Department directed to allocate the funds.

House AppropriationsSenate AppropriationsConference Appropriations
conditions on theAgrees to the House provision.
more than 10
ees to private contractors, including full
s exceed the lesser of
ve an advantage due to health insurance
aintenance accounts by $415Cut operation and maintenance accounts by $478Cuts operation and maintenance accounts by
illion to reflect under-obligation of O&M fundsmillion to reflect the planned end of U.S.$478 million for operations in Bosnia, by $92
iki/CRS-RL32305ears, by $335 million for assumedoperations in Bosnia in December 2004, by $92million for overstated civilian pay requirements,
g/winistrative and related activities;million for overstated civilian pay requirements,by $156 million for slower military to civilian
s.or $86 million to eliminate growth above inflationby $197 million due to slower rates of convertingconversions, and by $235 million as an unallocated
leakmilitary to civilian jobs and fewer civilian buyouts,cut in administration and servicewide activities.

illion for overstated civilian payand by $347 million for costs of environmental
://wikients, by $177 million to reflect a slowerprograms.
httpated in converting jobs from
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ill not be necessary,
$967 million of excess cash balances in the
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$100 million for unnecessary
ments to contractors for taxes, and by $55
illion for overestimated civilian separation

Congressional Committee and Floor Action
House Defense Authorization Markup
The House marked up its version of the defense authorization bill on May 12.
Some highlights of the committee-reported bill include the following.
Military Personnel End-Strength, Pay, and Benefits.
!Increased statutory end-strength for the Army by 10,000 troops each
year from FY2005 through FY2007 and for the Marine Corps by

3,000 troops each year through FY2007.

!Approved the requested pay raise of 3.5% for uniformed personnel.
!Approved a measure to increase annuities for age 62-and-older
survivors of military retirees from 35% of retired pay to 55% in
increments through FY2008.
!Eliminated a statutory limit on funding for military housing
!Permanently increased the Family Separation Allowance from $100
to $250 per month and increased Imminent Danger Pay from $150
to $225 per month. Also increased hardship duty pay, which may be
provided to troops outside of combat zones, from $300 to $750 per
!Established a program to replace lost income of reservists mobilized
for extended periods up to $3000 per month.
!Permanently extended to all hospitalized personnel a provision in the
FY2004 defense appropriations act (P.L. 108-283) that eliminated
a requirement that military personnel pay for meals while
hospitalized for combat-related injuries.
!Directed the Defense Department to establish a three-year
demonstration program that would permit non-deployed reservists
not eligible for employer-sponsored health benefits to sign up for
health insurance through the military-run TRICARE program.
!Required separate campaign medals for Operation Enduring
Freedom in Afghanistan and Operation Iraqi Freedom.
!Directed the Secretary of Defense to submit proposed changes in the
Uniform Code of Military Justice regarding sexual assaults. Also
extended the term of a task force on sexual assaults.

Major Weapons Programs.
!Provided $10.0 billion for missile defense programs, $177 million
below the request, cut funding for kinetic interceptor development
by $200 million, and added $90 million for additional Patriot PAC-3
!Required the Air Force to enter into a multi-year contract to acquire
Boeing KC-767A tanker aircraft. Also required that a new contract
be negotiated after June 1, 2004, and that an independent panel
review the contract terms.
!Approved the requested shift of funds from Comanche helicopter
development to other Army aviation and related programs.
!Approved $2.9 billion, as requested, for 42 F/A-18E/F aircraft.
!Approved $4.6 billion, as requested, for F-35 Joint Strike Fighter
!Added $100 million to begin development of a next-generation
!Added $118 million to procure 35 UH-60 Army helicopters, rather
than the 27 requested.
!Added $150 million as an initial increment for construction of a new
LHD(R) amphibious ship.
!Provided about the requested amounts to procure three DDG-51
destroyers, one Virginia-class attack submarine, one LPD-17
amphibious ship, and two T-AKE auxiliary ships.
!Approved funds for continued development of the DD(X) destroyer
and the Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) but eliminated $221 million
from the DD(X) program and $107 million from the LCS budget to
begin constructing the first of each class of ships.
!Adopted an amendment in the committee markup to prohibit leasing
of support ships from foreign providers for more than one year.
Other Key Actions.
!Added substantial funds for force protection and related programs,
including $705 million for up-armored Humvees, $332 million for
add-on armor for Humvees and trucks, $421 million for body armor,
and $517 million for the Army’s Rapid Fielding Initiative. Also
passed a separate measure, H.R. 4323, to provide statutory authority
to the Secretary of Defense to procure equipment needed for

combatant commands rapidly by waiving normal acquisition
!Approved a provision that would require the Defense Department to
submit several reports related to military basing requirements by
March of 2006 and only then permit a new round of military base
closures no sooner than 2007.
!Approved a measure that would require that foreign countries
receive no more in trade offsets as a percentage of the value of a
contract for purchasing U.S. military equipment than the percentage
of domestic content required for U.S.-purchased military equipment.
!Approved one provision to tighten restrictions on transfer of
technology with potential military utility to China and another to
expand the number of Chinese firms defined as a “military
company” to which sales are restricted.
!Approved an amendment offered in committee mark-up to
strengthen requirements that Defense Department civilian employees
be allowed to compete for operations that otherwise would be
!Provided $409 million, as requested, for the Cooperative Threat
Reduction program.
!Approved funding as requested for Robust Nuclear Earth Penetrator
R&D and for other research on new nuclear weapons.
!Included a provision requiring the Treasury Department, rather than
the Defense Department, to make annual payments to the military
retirement fund for the costs of providing TRICARE health
insurance to over-65 military retirees beginning in FY2006. This is
an effort to free up an additional $11-12 billion for defense programs
by shifting costs to the non-defense side of the budget.
House Defense Authorization Floor Action
On Tuesday, May 18, the House Rules Committee met to consider proposed
amendments to H.R. 4200 and to decide which to allow for debate on the House
floor. The committee reported a rule (H.Res. 648) on May 19, as debate on the bill
was scheduled to begin. Several leading Democrats, including Representative Martin
Frost, the ranking member of the Rules Committee, Representative Ike Skelton, the
ranking member of the Armed Services Committee, and Representative John Spratt,
the second ranking member of the Armed Services Committee, opposed the rule
because it did not make in order several proposed amendments.

Amendments Not Made in Order.
All of the senior Democrats who opposed the rule complained, in particular, that
the rule did not make in order an amendment proposed by Representative Spratt to
transfer $414.4 million from specified missile defense programs to provide targeted
military pay raises, Marine Corp force protection measures, and improvements to the
Patriot PAC-3 missile defense system. Other amendments not made in order by the
rule included
!An amendment by Representative Loretta Sanchez to make penalties
for sexual abuse crimes under the Uniform Code of Military Justice
consistent with penalties under the U.S. Code.
!An amendment by Representative Jane Harman to limit missile
defense funding to the FY2004 level, which is about $1.2 billion
below the FY2005 request, to require operational testing before
missile defense systems are deployed, and to authorize $500 million
for port security;
!An amendment by Representative John Tierney to require
operational testing before deploying missile defense systems;
!An amendment by Representative Jim Cooper to authorize $67.7
billion in supplemental appropriations for military operations in Iraq
and Afghanistan; and
!An amendment by Representative Ed Markey to delete $29.8 million
requested in the Department of Energy for a new facility to produce
plutonium pits for nuclear weapons.
!An amendment by Representative Jim Matheson to require
congressional authority for renewed nuclear testing.
!An amendment by Representative Adam Schiff to add $200 million
to Department of Energy non-proliferation programs.
!An amendment by Representative Norm Dicks also to require the
Defense Department to follow a formal process in making new rules
for civilian personnel in DOD, to consult unions about the rules, and
to allow congressional review.
!An amendment by Representatives Jay Inslee and Chris Van Hollen
to provide specified civil service protections for civilian defense
!An amendment by Representative Joel Hefley, to provide a right of
appeal and some other protections to groups of as few as 10 federal
employees whose jobs are being studied for privatization.

!An amendment by Representative Tom Lantos to require federal
agencies to make up lost wages of employees who are military
reservists mobilized for service, and to establish a cost-sharing plan
with state and local governments to eliminate losses for state and
local government employees.
!An amendment by Representative Jose Serrano to provide health
screening for military personnel exposed to depleted uranium.
Amendments Agreed To.
Of the amendments made in order, selected amendments that the House agreed
to include
!An amendment by Representative Virgil Goode to allow military
personnel to assist in border protection (231-191);
!An amendment by Representative Duncan Hunter expressing the
sense of Congress concerning the abuse of persons in custody in Iraq
!An amendment by Representative Kendrick Meek to require the
Secretary of Defense to identify mission-critical information that
should be transmitted immediately from the field to senior Defense
Department officials and to set up mechanisms to transmit such
!An amendment by Representative Alcee Hastings that expresses the
sense of Congress that no funds available to any department or
agency of the United States government may be used to provide
assistance for the reconstruction of Iraq unless the President certifies
to Congress that the United States has entered into an agreement
with the Iraqi Governing Council or a transitional government in
Iraq under which Iraq agrees that it will expend a significant portion
of its revenues generated from oil production for reconstruction;
!An amendment by Representative Curt Weldon expressing the sense
of Congress that the Secretary of Defense should assist the Iraqi
government in destroying the Abu Ghraib prison and replacing it
with a modern detention facility (308-114);
!An amendment by Representative Ike Skelton on behalf of
Representative Louise Slaughter and others, requiring the Secretary
of Defense to develop a comprehensive policy for the Department of
Defense on the prevention of and response to sexual assaults
involving members of the Armed Forces and requiring DOD to take
related measures to address sexual assaults involving members of
the Armed Forces (410-0);

!An amendment by Representative Norm Dicks requiring the Air
Force to enter into a contract to acquire KC-767 tanker aircraft by
March 1, 2005 (in Hunter en bloc amendment);
!An amendment by Representative Alcee Hastings to add $100
million for Department of Energy cleanup (in Hunter en bloc
!An amendment by Representative Donald Manzullo to require the
job creation in the United States be a factor in determining contract
awards (in Hunter en bloc amendment);
!An amendment by Representative Curt Weldon to give rural
firefighting agencies priority in acquiring excess defense property (in
Hunter en bloc amendment);
!An amendment by Representative Henry Brown to give state and
local health agencies priority in acquiring excess defense property
(in Hunter en bloc amendment);
!A second amendment by Representative Henry Brown to require the
Secretary of Defense to consider establishing a joint medical care
facility with the Veteran’s Administration when requesting funds for
health facility construction (in Hunter en bloc amendment);
!An amendment by Representative Brian Baird requiring the Defense
Department to study and issue a report to Congress on mental health
services available to U.S. military personal deployed to combat
theaters (in Hunter en bloc amendment);
!An amendment by Representative Zach Wamp making changes to
the Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation Program;
!An amendment by Representative Jim Ryun requiring the Secretary
of Defense to initiate senior officer official educational programs
with Taiwan (290-132).
Amendments and Motion to Recommit Rejected.
Of the amendments made in order under the rule, the House rejected
!An amendment by Representative Susan Davis to repeal the
prohibition on servicewomen and female military dependents
receiving abortions, even when paid for privately, at overseas
military hospitals (202-221);
!An amendment by Representative Mark Kennedy to delete the
provision in the House committee bill that would delay military base
closures until 2007 (162-259); and

!An amendment by Representative Ellen Tauscher to reduce funds for
the Robust Nuclear Earth Penetrator nuclear warhead and other new
nuclear weapons R&D by $36.6 million, the total amount requested,
and to transfer the funds to intelligence programs and conventional
weapons to defeat hardened and deeply buried targets (204-214).
The House also rejected by a vote of 202-224 a motion to recommit offered by
Representative Henry Waxman. The motion instructed the Armed Services
Committee to report back a bill including a sense of the Congress statement that the
House should appoint a select committee to investigate the treatment of detainees
held in connection with Operation Iraqi Freedom, Operation Enduring Freedom, or
any other operation related to the Global War on Terrorism.
Senate Defense Authorization Markup
The Senate Armed Services Committee finished marking up its version of the
FY2005 defense authorization bill (S. 4200) on May 6. Some highlights of the
committee-reported version of the bill include
Military Personnel End-Strength, Pay, and Benefits.
!Gave the Secretary of Defense authority to increase Army active
duty end-strength by up to 30,000 through FY2009. The committee
did not, however, increase permanent statutory end-strength.
!Approved the requested pay raise of 3.5% for uniformed personnel.
!Increased the Family Separation Allowance from $100 to $250 per
month and increased Imminent Danger Pay from $150 to $225 per
month. These measures make permanent increases that Congress
approved last year in the FY2003 and FY2004 Iraq supplemental
appropriations bills.
!Established a two-year demonstration program to allow non-
deployed military reservists not eligible for employer-sponsored
heath insurance to sign up for health insurance through the military-
run TRICARE program.
!Also established a new health insurance program, called TRICARE
Reserve Select, under which reservists and their dependents may
sign up for health insurance through TRICARE, with employees
paying 28% of the cost, as in the federal civilian health program, if
employers agree to cover the remaining cost, or 100% if employers
do not cover part of the cost.
!Also made permanent a provision in the FY2004 Iraq supplemental
that temporarily gave reservists earlier eligibility for pre-deployment
medical care.

!Added $400 million to the request for reserve medical care.
!Established a commission on the National Guard and Reserves.
!Required separate campaign medals for Operation Enduring
Freedom in Afghanistan and Operation Iraqi Freedom.
!Extended to all hospitalized personnel a provision in the FY2004
defense appropriations bill that eliminated a requirement that
military personnel pay for meals while hospitalized for combat-
related injuries.
!Directed the Secretary of Defense to establish a uniform policy on
sexual assault.
Major Weapons Programs.
!Approved $10.2 billion, approximately the amount requested, for
missile defense programs, though the committee trimmed funds for
kinetic interceptor development and added funds for ground-based
mid-course defense and for additional Patriot PAC-3 missiles.
!Added $35 million for cost overruns on the Space Based Infrared
System-High early warning satellite and $35 million for the
Advanced Extremely High Frequency communication satellite.
!Approved the requested shift of funds from Comanche helicopter
development to other Army aviation and related programs.
!Approved the requested $905 million for Stryker medium armored
vehicle procurement.
!Approved the requested $3.2 billion for Army Future Combat
System development.
!Approved requested funds for three DDG-51 destroyers, one
Virginia-class submarine, one LPD-17 amphibious ship, and two
T-AKE auxiliary ships.
!Added $150 million as the first increment of funding for
procurement of the first of the new LHA(R)-class of amphibious
assault ships.
!Approved $1.5 billion, as requested, for DD(X) destroyer
development, including $221 million in the R&D accounts for
design and the start of production of the first ship of the class, and
added $99.4 million to accelerate design of the second ship.

!Approved $1.5 billion, as requested for Littoral Combat Ship (LCS)
development, including $107 million for design and the start of
production of the first ship of the class.
!Authorized $2.9 billion for 42 Navy/Marine F/A-18E/F aircraft, as
!Approved $3.6 billion for F-35 Joint Strike fighter development,
adding $15 million for the short-takeoff variant.
!Approved $3.4 billion for 22 F/A-22 fighters, a reduction of $280
million and 2 aircraft from the request.
!Authorized $708 million, as requested, for the Joint Unmanned
Combat Air vehicles program.
Other Key Actions.
!Added substantial amounts for force protection and related
measures, including $925 million for up-armored Humvees and
add-on armor (the Administration requested $163 million for 818
up-armored Humvees), $603 million for force protection gear and
combat clothing, and $107 million for the Army Rapid Fielding
Initiative (designed to deploy high priority items rapidly to the
soldiers in the field) and for Army and Marine individual equipment.
!Provided $11 billion, an increase of $445 million over the request,
for basic and applied research.
!Approved $409 million, as requested, for the Cooperative Threat
Reduction program that finances programs to safeguard or eliminate
weapons in the former Soviet Union. Also allowed funding for a
chemical demilitarization plant in Russia about which there has been
a longstanding disagreement between the House and Senate.
!Approved $1.3 billion, as requested, for Department of Energy non-
proliferation programs.
!Approved requested funding for the Robust Nuclear Earth Penetrator
and for other nuclear weapons R&D.
!Approved a potentially controversial legislative measure regarding
handling of radioactive waste at the Savannah River nuclear plant.
!Agreed to an Administration request to increase a legislative cap on
U.S. military personnel in Colombia from 400 to 800 and to increase
the cap on contractors from 400 to 600.

Senate Defense Authorization Floor Action
The Senate began floor action on S. 2400 on May 17, when it approved an
amendment by Senator Hutchison to authorized medical and dental care for military
academy cadets and midshipmen. Through the rest of that week, the Senate disposed
of only a few more amendments, in part because members of the Armed Services
Committee were involved in hearings on the Iraq prison abuse scandal. The Senate
resumed debate on June 2. The Senate continued floor debate on the bill the weeks
of June 14 and June 21, picking up its pace, adopting 36 amendments and rejecting
2, with 34 amendments pending as of June 23. On June 22, a cloture motion was
filed with a vote expected on June 24 about whether to cut off debate. Late on June

23, however, the Senate passed the bill by 97 to 0.

Amendments Agreed To.
The Senate cleared a number of technical amendments that were agreed to by
both sides and also agreed to an amendment by Senators John Warner and Ted
Stevens to authorize $25 billion for military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Selected substantive measures agreed to included amendments
!By Senator Pete Domenici, S.Amdt. 3192, to accelerate non-
proliferation measures aimed at removing and safeguarding fissile
materials abroad (May 19, voice vote);
!By Senator Robert Byrd, S.Amdt. 3212, to increase the authorized
size of the defense acquisition work force by 15% over the next
three years (May 19, voice vote);
!By Senators Tom Daschle and Lindsey Graham, S.Amdt. 3258, to
allow all non-deployed reservists to receive health insurance for
themselves and their dependents through the military TRICARE
program, with the federal government paying the employer share of
costs (June 2, 70-25);
!By Senators John Warner, Carl Levin, and Ted Stevens, S.Amdt.
3260, to authorize $25 billion in contingent emergency funds for
operations in Iraq and Afghanistan ( June 2, 95-0);
!By Senator Ron Wyden, S.Amdt. 3305, to require that federal
employees, rather than contractor personnel, oversee acquisition
contracts (June 14, unanimous consent);
!By Senator Christopher Dodd, S.Amdt. 3312, to provide
reimbursements for protective, safety, or health equipment
purchased by or on behalf of service members deployed in
connection with Operation Noble Eagle, Operation Enduring
Freedom, or Operation Iraqi Freedom (June 14, 91-0);
!By Senators Edward Kennedy and Saxby Chambliss, S.Amdt. 3257,
to require public-private competitions and establish other regulations

governing outsourcing of Defense Department functions with more
than 10 civilian employees (June 14, unanimous consent);
!By Senators Susan Collins and Carl Levin, S.Amdt. 3224, to provide
civilian personnel with bid protest rights in outsourcing competitions
(June 14, unanimous consent);
!By Senator John Warner Amendment, S.Amdt. 3432, to name the
bill in honor of Ronald W. Reagan (June 14, unanimous consent);
!By Senator Tom Harkin S.Amdt. 3316, expressing the sense of the
Senate that Armed Forces Radio and Television Service
programming should be balanced (June 14, unanimous consent);
!By Senator Harry Reid, S.Amdt. 3307, to require that any plan for
compensation to individuals in military prisons in Iraq include
provisions for compensation to former prisoners of war held by the
regime of Saddam Hussein (June 14, unanimous consent);
!By Senators Gordon Smith and Edward Kennedy, S.Amdt. 3183, to
provide Federal assistance to States and local jurisdictions to
prosecute hate crimes, including crimes against gays (approved June

15, 65-33);

!By Senator Richard Durbin, S.Amdt. 3386, to affirm that the United
States may not engage in torture or cruel, inhuman, or degrading
treatment or punishment (approved June 16, voice vote);
!By Senators Jeff Sessions and Charles Schumer, S.Amdt. 3372, to
extend military extraterritorial jurisdiction to cover not only
personnel and contractor personnel of the Department of Defense,
but also personnel and contractor personnel of any federal agency or
provisional authority supporting the mission of the Department of
Defense overseas (approved June 16, unanimous consent);
!By Senator Patty Murray, S.Amdt. 3427, to facilitate the availability
of child care for the children of members of the Armed Forces on
active duty in connection with Operation Enduring Freedom or
Operation Iraqi Freedom (approved June 17, voice vote);
!By Senator John Warner, a second degree amendment, S.Amdt.
3453, to require the Secretary of Defense to prescribe and apply
criteria for operationally realistic testing of fieldable prototypes
developed under the ballistic missile defense program — in adopting
the Warner amendment the Senate rejected an to an amendment by
Senator Jack Reed, S.Amdt. 3354, to require the Director of
Operational Test and Evaluation to prescribe and oversee operational
tests (approved, June 17, 55-44);

!By Senator Jack Reed, S.Amdt. 3352, to increase Army active duty
end-strength for FY2005 by 20,000 to 502,400 (approved June 17,


!By Senator Tom Daschle, S.Amdt. 3202, to provide relief for
mobilized military reservists from certain federal agricultural loan
obligations (approved June 17, unanimous consent);
!By Senators John Ensign, Lindsey Graham, and Saxby Chambliss,
S.Amdt. 3440, to protect documents relating to the United Nations
Oil for Food program with Iraq and to require a GAO report on the
program (approved June 17, unanimous consent);
!By Senators Hilary Clinton and James Talent, S.Amdt. 3163, to
improve medical tracking and pre-deployment medical treatment of
reservists (approved June 17, unanimous consent);
!By Senator Diane Feinstein, S.Amdt. 3172, to state the sense of the
Senate that perchlorate contamination is a health problem (approved
June 17, unanimous consent);
!By Senator Christopher Bond, S.Amdt. 3245, to require two reports
on operation of the Federal Voting Assistance Program and the
military postal system together with certain actions to improve the
military postal system (approved June 17, unanimous consent);
!By Senator Ben Campbell, S.Amdt. 3237, to equalize procedures
applied to Army personnel in Korea with procedures applied
elsewhere in awarding the Combat Infantryman Badge and the
Combat Medical Badge (approved June 17, unanimous consent); and
!By Senator Bill Nelson, S.Amdt. 3279, to require a report on any
relationships between terrorist organizations based in Colombia and
foreign governments and organizations (approved June 17,
unanimous consent);
!By Senators Durbin, Mikulski, Landrieu, Murray, Dayton, and
Corzine, S.Amdt. 3196, to ensure reservists who are federal
employees will not lose pay if mobilized for active duty (approved
June 18, unanimous consent);
!By Senator Reid, S.Amdt. 3297 as modified, to eliminate the phase-
in of concurrent receipt for those veterans with a disability rating of

100% that Congress established last year (approved June 18,

unanimous consent);
!By Senator Warner, S.Amdt. 3458 as modified, to express sense of
Congress to continue current policy that there be no media coverage
of the return to the United States of remains of deceased service
members (approved June 21, 52 to 38);

!By Senator Brownback, S.Amdt. 3464, to increase penalties tenfold
for indecent language broadcast on television or radio (approved
June 22, 99-1);3
!By Senator Dorgan, S.Amdt. 3235, to repeal FCC regulations
published in 2003 that generally loosened ownership restrictions for
television and radio media companies; amendment retains current
39% limit on the size of the national audience that was adopted in
P.L. 108-199 (FY2004 Consolidated Appropriations Act) (approved
June 22);4
!By Senator Reid (for Hollings), S.Amdt. 3466, to protect children
from violent programming (approved June 22);
!By Senator Warner (for McCain), S.Amdt. 3461, to allow the
Secretary of Defense to exempt from Buy American restrictions
seven countries who have “declaration of principles” agreements
with the United States regarding reciprocal procurement of defense
items (approved June 22, 54-46);
!By Senator Levin (for Boxer), S.Amdt. 3367, to exempt abortions of
pregnancies due to rape or incest from the prohibition against using
DOD funds (part of en bloc amendments approved on June 22);
!By Senator Warner (for McCain), S.Amdt. 3319, to repeal several
reporting requirements on identifying and assessing essential items
in the defense industrial base that were adopted in last year’s defense
authorization act (part of en bloc amendments approved on June 22);
!By Senator Warner (for McCain), S.Amdt. 3441, to prohibit
acquisition of Air Force tanker refueling aircraft until 60 days after
currently required studies are completed and to require the Secretary
of Defense to certify that acquisition complies with all applicable
laws, Office of Management circulars, and regulations (part of en
bloc amendments approved on June 22);
!By Senator James Inhofe, S.Amdt. 3198, to increase from $150
million to $250 million the amount of assistance the United States
may provide to Iraqi and Afghan military and security forces (part of
en bloc amendments approved on June 22);

3 For more detail, see CRS Report RL31925, Regulation of Broadcast Indecency:
Background and Legal Analysis by Angie Welborn and Henry Cohen.
4 For more detail, see CRS Report RL31925, FCC Media Ownership Rules: Issues for
Congress by Charles B. Goldfarb; see also, BNA, Daily Report for Executives, “Senate Gets
Tough on Media Ownership, Indecency, but Prospects Dim in Conference.”

!By Senators Clinton, Leahy, and Kennedy, S.Amdt. 3204, to require
a Comptroller General report on closure of Department of Defense
dependent elementary and secondary schools and commissary stores.
(part of en bloc amendments approved on June 22);
!By Senator Bond, S.Amdt. 3384, as modified, to include certain
former nuclear weapons workers in a group receiving benefits under
the Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation Program
and to provide for disposal of excess stocks (agreed to on June 23);
!By Senator Warner (for McConnell), S.Amdt. 3472, to require a
report on the stabilization of Iraq , including efforts to enlist the
support of other nations (approved by a vote of 71 to 27 on June 23);
!By Senators Landrieu and Snowe, S.Amdt. 3315 as modified, to
phase in increases in survivor benefits over 3½ years (agreed to on
June 23);
!By Senator Bingaman, S.Amdt. 3459 as modified, to require reports
on detainment of foreign nationals held by DOD for more than 45
(agreed to on June 23);
!By Senator Daschle, S.Amdt. 3468 to S.Amdt. 3409, to assure
funding increases for veterans health care sufficient to cover
increases in population and inflation (agreed to on June 23 after a
motion to waive a point of order against S.Amdt. 3409 was rejected
by a vote of 49-49); and
!By Senator Reid (for Leahy), S.Amdt. 3387, stating that it is U.S.
policy that foreign prisoners be treated according to standards the
United States would regard as legal if applied by an enemy against
American prisoners, that U.S. officials are bound by laws against
torture and abuse, and that cases against prisoners at Guantanamo be
pursued expeditiously and requiring that the Administration provide
various information to Congress, including a schedule for military
commissions at Guantanamo, all International Red Cross reports
regarding treatment of prisoners in current operations, and a report
setting forth all approved interrogation techniques (motion to table
failed June 23, 45-50, and amendment was subsequently agreed to).
Amendments Rejected.
The most high-profile debate in the Senate’s first week of action on the
authorization was about an amendment by Senators Trent Lott, Byron Dorgan, and
others to delay domestic military base closures by two years that the Senate narrowly
rejected. Another major debate concerned a provision in the bill to allow nuclear
waste at the Savannah River nuclear plant in South Carolina to be redefined as low-
level waste that could be stored indefinitely on site, but the Senate rejected an
amendment by Senator Maria Cantwell to delete provisions backed by the
Department of Energy from the bill. A key debate the week of June 14 was over a

proposal by Senators Edward Kennedy and Diane Feinstein to eliminate funds for the
Robust Nuclear Earth Penetrator nuclear warhead and other new nuclear weapons,
which the Senate also rejected.
Amendments rejected include
!An amendment by Senators Trent Lott, Byron Dorgan, Olympia
Snowe, Diane Feinstein, Thad Cochran, and Tom Daschle, S.Amdt.
3158, to delay by at least two years the next round of domestic
military base closures, to permit only bases abroad to be closed in
2005, and to provide that Congress must renew authority for base
closures to occur in 2007 by approving a joint resolution to be
considered under expedited procedures (rejected May 18, 47-49).
!An amendment by Senator Frank Lautenberg and others, S.Amdt.
3151, to strengthen measures designed to prevent U.S.-based
companies from engaging in business with nations found to sponsor
international terrorism (rejected May 19, 49-50);
!An amendment by Senators John Kyl and John Coryn, S.Amdt.
3191, to raise funds for defense programs by imposing an excise tax
on lawyers fees exceeding $20,000 per hour in tobacco cases
(rejected May 19, 39-62);
!An amendment by Senator Maria Cantwell, S.Amdt 3261, to
eliminate a provision in the committee version of the bill that would
allow the Department of Energy to reclassify certain waste at the
Savannah River, South Carolina, nuclear weapons production plant
as low-level waste that can be stored indefinitely on-site (not agreed
to June 3, 48-48);
!An amendment by Senators Edward Kennedy and Diane Feinstein,
S.Amdt. 3263, to prohibit the use of funds for new nuclear weapons
development under the Stockpile Services Advanced Concepts
Initiative or for the Robust Nuclear Earth Penetrator (RNEP)
(rejected June 15, 42-55);
!By Senator Christopher Dodd, S.Amdt. 3313, to prohibit the use of
contractors to seek intelligence from military detainees and to
establish limitations on the transfer of custody of prisoners of the
Department of Defense (tabled June 16, 54-43);
!By Senator Patrick Leahy, S.Amdt. 3292, to stiffen penalties against
profiteering and fraud in contracts for military operations support,
post-war relief, or reconstruction (rejected June 16, 46-52);
!By Senator Barbara Boxer, S.Amdt. 3368, to allow deployment of
the ground-based midcourse defense element of the national ballistic
missile defense system only after the mission-related capabilities of

the system have been confirmed by operationally realistic testing
(rejected June 17, 42-57);
!By Senator Jack Reed, S.Amdt. 3354, to require the Director of
Operational Test and Evaluation to prescribe and oversee operational
tests of ballistic missile defense systems (rejected when the Senate
agreed to the Warner 2nd degree substitute, June 17, 55-44); and
!By Senator Joseph Biden, S.Amdt. 3379, to provide funds for the
security and stabilization of Iraq by suspending a portion of the
reduction in the highest income tax rate for individual taxpayers
(rejected June 17, 44-53).
!By Senator Lautenberg. S.Amdt. 3291, to require that the Secretary
of the Defense develop a protocol to permit media coverage of the
return of remains of service members who die overseas (rejected
June 21, 39 to 54);
!By Senator Levin, S.Amdt. 3338, re-allocate funds from Ground-
based Midcourse interceptors in the missile defense program to
nuclear nonproliferation activities in the Department of Energy’s
Global Threat Reduction Initiative program, and to anti-terrorism/
force protection programs (rejected June 22, 44 to 56);
!By Senator Dayton, S.Amdt. 3197, to restore current Buy American
restrictions by deleting Sections 842 and 843 in the reported version
of the bill that had allowed the Secretary of Defense to exempt some
21 countries who had memorandums of understanding with the
United States about defense trade (rendered moot June 22 by
passage of the Warner (McCain) S.Amdt. 3461);
!By Senator Levin (for Kennedy), S.Amdt. 3377, to require reports on
the efforts of the President to stabilize Iraq and relieve the burden on
members of the Armed Forces of the United States deployed in Iraq
and the Persian Gulf region (rejected June 23, 48-50);
!By Senator Reed, S.Amdt. 3353, to limit the obligation and
expenditure of funds for the Ground-Based Midcourse Defense
program pending the submission of a report on operational test and
evaluation (rejected June 23, 45-53);
!By Senator Levin (for Byrd), S.Amdt. 3423, to reduce authority
provided in the committee bill for U.S. military personnel in
Colombia from 800 to 500 and for contractor personnel from 600 to

500 (rejected June 23, 40-58);

!By Senators Leahy and Corzine, S.Amdt. 3485 (to S.Amdt. 3387),
to direct the Attorney General to submit to the Committee on the
Judiciary of the Senate all documents in the possession of the
Department of Justice relating to the treatment and interrogation of

individuals held in the custody of the United States (rejected June

23, 46-50);

!By Senator Levin (for Corzine), S.Amdt. 3303, to reduce the age for
receipt of military retired pay for nonregular service from 60 to 55
(rejected when a motion to waive a point of order that the measure
violated provisions of the Budget Act by increasing mandatory
spending was not upheld June 23, 49-49); and
!By Senator Reid (for Daschle), S.Amdt. 3409, to assure that funding
is provided for veterans health care each fiscal year to cover
increases in population and inflation (rejected when a motion to
waive a point of order that the measure violated provisions of the
Budget Act by increasing mandatory spending was not upheld June

23, 49-48).

House Defense Appropriations Markup
The House Appropriations Committee marked up its version of the FY2005
defense authorization bill on June 16 and reported H.R. 4613 on June 18, 2004
(H.Rept. 108-553). Some highlights of the committee-reported version of the bill
include the following.
Iraq and Afghanistan Costs.
!The committee provided $25 billion to cover part of the costs of
operations and Afghanistan — the committee would make the
money available on enactment of the bill, so some of the funds could
be used to cover costs in FY2004 as well as FY2005. The
committee did not agree to the Administration request to provide all
of the funds in a flexible account that would allow the Secretary of
Defense to transfer money to activities without prior congressional
approval. The committee also required quarterly reports on the use
of the funds.
Military Personnel End-Strength, Pay, and Benefits.
!Provided funding for a military pay raise of 3.5% and for housing
allowances and other benefits as approved in the House
!Within the $25 billion for Iraq and Afghanistan, included funds for
Army and Marine Corps end-strength increases as approved in the
House authorization.
!Cut $499.7 million from military personnel accounts to reflect
perennial underexecution of military personnel programs in prior
years, as reported by the General Accounting Office.

Major Weapons Programs.
!Added $2.2 billion for what the committee describes as an initiative
to “recapitalize” Army and Marine Corps ground forces. The
increases included $950 million, doubling the amount requested, to
procure Stryker armored personnel carriers and associated
equipment sufficient to stand-up an additional Stryker brigade, $350
million for other armored combat vehicles, $503 million for
helicopters, $390 million for trucks and other support vehicles, and
$52 million for the ammunition production base.
!Provided $9.7 billion for missile defense, $458 million below the
request. The committee indicated overall support for the program,
but said that the remaining funds provide a sufficient increase over
last year’s program. The committee also rescinded $31.5 million
due to termination of a joint satellite program with Russia (called
RAMOS) and $74.7 million due to restructuring of the Airborne
Laser program.
!Cut the Army’s request for $3.2 billion for Future Combat System
development by $324 million, $79 million more than the House
authorization. Most of the reduction was in what the committee
described as management overhead, but the committee also cut $76
million from the non-line of sight launch system (NLOS-LS),
terminating the project. The committee continued full funding for
the non-line of sight cannon (NLOS-C) program, however.
!Provided $165 million, $76 million more than requested, to fully
fund construction of a Theater Support Vessel in Army R&D
!Agreed with the House authorization in trimming $248 million from
the DD(X) R&D program, including funds to begin constructing the
first ship.
!In place of DD(X) construction, the committee added $125 million
in advance procurement for one additional DDG-51 destroyer to be
fully funded in the FY2006 or FY2007 budgets.
!Did not agree with the House authorization cut of $107 million for
construction of the first Littoral Combat Ship. Instead, the
committee added $107 million to the program to fully fund the cost
of building the first ship, though it cut $50 million for design of the
second ship of the class, saying it was redundant.
!Eliminated $44 million requested for R&D on the LHA(R)
amphibious ship program and provided no funds for procurement,
rejecting the addition of $150 million for LHA(R) advance
procurement recommended in the House and Senate authorization

!Supported procurement of 24 F/A-22 fighters, as requested.
!Provided $4.4 billion for F-35 Joint Strike Fighter R&D funding, a
reduction of $240 million to reflect delays that are anticipated in
view of problems in controlling aircraft weight. Also prohibited
obligation of $1.4 billion of the funds until DOD reports to Congress
on plans to adjust the program following an independent review.
!Objected strongly to provisions in multi-year procurement contracts
the Air Force negotiated to purchase C-17 and C-130 aircraft, saying
that they violate rules requiring full funding of the total cost of
useable end-items of equipment.5 The committee revised
requirements in the annual appropriations bill governing multi-year
procurement and shifted $159 million from C-17 upgrades to fully
fund 15 aircraft, one more than requested.
!Provided $100 million in a “Tanker Replacement Transfer Fund”
available to acquire KC-767 tanker aircraft whenever the status of
the program warrants acquisition.
!Added $91 million for the Space Based Infrared System-High
(SBIRS-High) program, more than the $35 million the House and
Senate authorizers added. Agreed, with minor variations, to cuts the
authorizers made in the Transformational Communications Satellite
and the Evolved Expendable Launch Vehicle (EELV). In report
language, the committee said that two contractors for the EELV may
not be justified.
!Provided $75 million for the Space Based Radar program, $253
million below the request, effectively terminating the program, with
the remaining funds to be used for alternative technologies and
!Added $50 million for new bomber development, half what the
House authorization added.
Other Key Actions.
!Added $900 million, close to amounts approved in prior years, for
unrequested, earmarked medical R&D projects, including breast
cancer and prostate cancer research.

5 For an extensive discussion of recent debates over “full funding” versus “incremental
funding, with historical background on the full funding requirement, see CRS Report
RL31404, Defense Procurement: Full Funding Policy — Background, Issues, and Options
for Congress, by Ronald O’Rourke and Stephen Daggett.

!Added $500 million in operation and maintenance accounts to
redress shortfalls identified by the military services in short-term,
readiness-related areas.
!Cut operation and maintenance accounts by $415 million to reflect
under-obligation of O&M funds in prior years, by $335 million for
assumed efficiencies in administrative and related activities; by $86
million to eliminate growth above inflation in requested funds for
base operations support, by $92 million for overstated civilian pay
requirements, by $177 million to reflect a slower rate than estimated
in converting jobs from uniformed positions to civilian ones, by
$316 million in working capital funds to reflect cash balances and
purchases that will not be necessary, by $967 million of excess cash
balances in the transportation working capital fund, by $300 million
for overstated requirements for outside contracts, by $100 million
for unnecessary payments to contractors for taxes, and by $55
million for overestimated civilian separation incentives.
!Added $25 billion for operations in Iraq and Afghanistan. The
committee provided almost all of the funds in regular appropriations
accounts except for $2.978 billion in the Iraq Freedom Fund, a
flexible transfer account. Of the $2.978 billion, however, $1.978 is
available only for classified programs described in an annex to the
report, so only $1 billion is available as flexible funding.
!In a manager’s amendment during the full committee markup, the
committee added $685 million to the emergency funding for Iraq for
State Department operations and also added $95 million in
emergency funds for famine relief and refugee assistance in Sudan
and Chad.
House Defense Appropriations Floor Action
On June 22, the House voted to pass H.R. 4613, the FY2005 DOD
Appropriations Act by 403 to 17. Before the bill was passed, however, controversy
erupted over H.Res. 683, the rule to consider H.R. 4613, which, as proposed by the
Rules Committee, included placeholder language that would allow the conferees to
raise the ceiling on the national debt as part of the bill rather than requiring a separate
vote (H.Rept. 108-559). The vote on the rule, H.Res. 683, was 220 to 196.6
The House then adopted the Lewis en bloc amendment requiring several reports
from DOD, including one on reducing the dud rate of cluster munitions, another on
contracts for security, translation, and interrogation services in Iraq, Afghanistan, or
Guantanamo Bay, as well as requiring notification to the International Relations,
Foreign Relations, and the defense committees before providing assistance to Iraqi
and Afghan military and security forces. The House rejected an amendment by

6 Congressional Record, June 22, p. D670.

Congressman Inslee that would have prohibited the use of funds for implementing
reforms of DOD’s civilian personnel system.7 Five amendments were withdrawn.
Senate Defense Appropriations Markup
Military Personnel End-Strength, Pay, and Benefits.
!Provided funding for a military pay raise of 3.5% and for housing
allowances and other benefits as approved in the Senate
!Within the $25 billion for Iraq and Afghanistan, included funds for
an increase in Army end-strength of 20,000 as approved in the
Senate authorization.
!Cut $375 million from military personnel accounts to reflect
perennial underexecution of military personnel programs in prior
years, as reported by the General Accounting Office.
!Cut $93.8 million from military personnel accounts to reflect the
planned end of U.S. operations in Bosnia in December 2004.
Major Weapons Programs.
!Provided $865 million, out of the $25 billion in emergency funding
added for Iraq and Afghanistan, for an Army “Rapid Response Force
Protection Initiative.” The funds may be used for up-armored
Humvees, bolt on armor kits, armored cabs, or other related
purposes. Also provided $240 million for Marine Corps vehicle
!Provided $10.2 billion, about the amount requested, for missile
defense programs. Added $80 million for the Israeli Arrow
program. Agreed to terminate the U.S.-Russian RAMOS program,
but allocated $5 million for a follow-on program. Added $163.5
million for Ground-Based Midcourse Defense. Cut $252 million,
about half the amount requested, from the Ballistic Missile Defense
System Interceptor program, a program to develop a very high
acceleration, mobile booster and warhead for land- and sea-basing
and to explore space-based interceptors.
!Provided the full $3.2 billion requested for Army Future Combat
System development. The committee specifically approved
continued funding for the non-line of sight launch system (NLOS-
LS), which the House committee wants to terminate.
!Provided $905 million, as requested, for Stryker armored vehicle
procurement — the House bill added $950 million.

7 Congressional Record, June 22, p. H4722.

!Approved $221 million for construction of the first DD(X)
destroyer, but moved the money from R&D to procurement. The
House committee eliminated the funds. Also added $99 million for
design of the second ship of the class, following the Senate
!Provided $107 million in R&D, as requested, for construction of the
first prototype Littoral Combat Ship — the House committee
provided an additional $107 million to fully fund construction.
!Added $175 million for LHD(R) advance procurement — the House
committee provided no funds, while both authorization bills
approved $150 million.
!Supported procurement of 24 F/A-22 fighters, as requested.
!Provided full funding, as requested, for Navy and Air Force
development of the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter — did not concur with
House cuts due to delays.
!Provided $110 million for tanker aircraft replacement, but did not
specify whether the funds were for KC-767s, in effect leaving the
issue for authorizers to decide.
!Provided $508 million for development of the Space-Based Infrared
System-High (SBIRS-High), but did not add $91 million, as the Air
Force had requested and the House agreed.
!Provided $228 million for the Space-Based Radar program, $100
million below the request. The committee did not agree with House
cuts that would effectively terminate the program.
!Provided $375 million for the Transformation Communications
Satellite, $400 million below the request. The House cut $100
!Provided $511 million for the Evolved Expendable Launch Vehicle,
$100 million below the request due to launch delays. The House cut
$91 million.
!Provided $557 million for development of a replacement Marine
One helicopter, $220 million below the request, as in the House.
Other Key Actions.
!Added about $650 million for earmarked medical R&D programs,
about half the amount in the House bill. Of this amount $200
million for cancer research, including peer-reviewed breast cancer,
prostate cancer, and other cancer research, was provided in a single
block, and the committee directed the Defense Department to
allocate the funds. In the past, most such funds have been

earmarked for specific diseases. Also provided $50 million in a
similar block for other peer-reviewed medical R&D programs.
!Cut $478.2 million from operation and maintenance accounts to
reflect the planned end of U.S. operations in Bosnia in December


!Provided $25 billion for operations in Iraq and Afghanistan. The
committee provided most of the funds in regular appropriations
accounts, subject to normal procedures requiring congressional
approval of transfers above certain thresholds. Provided $2.5 billion
in the flexible Iraq Freedom Fund.
Senate Defense Appropriations Floor Action
On June 24, the Senate took up the House-passed version of the FY2005 defense
appropriations bill (H.R. 4613), substituted the terms of its committee-reported
version of the bill (S. 2559), acted on a number of amendments, and then passed the
amended version of H.R. 4613 by a vote of 98-0.
Amendments Adopted. The Senate adopted a number of amendments to
add relatively small amounts for a number of specific projects. In addition, the
Senate approved amendments
!By Senator Mike DeWine (S.Amdt. 3493) to provide $95 million —
as was provided in the House-passed bill — for humanitarian relief
activities in Sudan and Chad (the Senate did not, however, add $685
million, as the House did, for State Department operations in Iraq);
!By Senator Robert Byrd (S.Amdt. 3502), expressing the sense of the
Senate that the Administration should request funds for ongoing
military operations, including operations in Iraq and Afghanistan, as
part of the regular annual defense budget request rather than as
supplemental appropriations (approved 89-9).
Amendment Rejected. The Senate also rejected one amendment
!By Senator Biden (S.Amdt. 3520) to increase the amount provided
for humanitarian relief in Sudan and Chad to $188 million (tabled,


Issues for Congress
One issue was paramount in congressional debate about the FY2005 defense
budget — whether Congress should provide funding for operations in Iraq and
Afghanistan before early 2005, when the Bush Administration initially said it planned
to request supplemental appropriations. In May, the Administration requested an

additional $25 billion for Iraq and Afghanistan, which Congress subsequently
approved in all versions of the annual defense authorization and appropriations bills.
Congress did not, however, agreed to provide the Administration with the extensive
flexibility it wanted to allocate the money among accounts.
A number of other issues were also on the agenda, including some that were
politically contentious this year and some with significant long-term defense policy
implications. Among the key issues for Congress were
!To what extent budget deficits over the next few years might
constrain defense spending;
!Whether Congress should require a substantial, temporary increase
in active duty end-strength, particularly in the Army, to ease
pressures on the force caused by operations in Iraq and Afghanistan;
!Whether the planned deployment of a missile defense test bed with
a limited operational capability in September or October was
scheduled primarily for political rather than for sound technical
!To what extent major weapons programs in all of the services may
need to be reined in, both because of limits on overall defense
spending and because of rapid cost growth in several big projects;
!How the Defense Department’s change in longstanding regulations
governing weapons acquisition procedures to permit what DOD calls
“evolutionary acquisition” is affecting managerial controls and
congressional oversight over major weapons programs;
!Whether Congress should provide additional military personnel
benefits, including (1) access to DOD-provided health insurance for
non-deployed military reservists and their dependents and (2)
increased military retiree survivor benefits;
!Whether Congress should delay or restrict a new round of base
closures planned in calendar year 2005;
!The status of Pentagon plans to redeploy U.S. military forces
stationed abroad and the implications for congressional oversight
and defense budgets;
!How the Army plans to manage and to finance a far-reaching
reorganization of its combat forces to increase the number of
deployable combat brigades and to turn brigades, rather than
divisions, into the major unit of action in future operations;
!How the Defense Department is restructuring its civilian personnel
system following Congress’s approval last year of the Pentagon’s
request for broad authority to reform civil service pay and
performance rules;
!Whether Congress should approve the Defense Department’s request
for changes in environmental laws and regulations governing
military training in addition to changes Congress approved last year;
!Whether Department of Energy plans to investigate new nuclear
weapons — including low and variable yield weapons and earth
penetration weapons — are strategically sound and in line with
authority Congress provided last year;

!Whether Congress should require the Defense Department to begin
acquiring Boeing KC-767 tanker aircraft; and
!Whether Congress should take steps to limit foreign military sales
offsets or to strengthen “Buy American” requirements.
The following discussion provides brief background information on each of these
issues and discusses congressional action to date.
Funding for Iraq and Afghanistan
The Administration did not initially request funding for ongoing operations in
Iraq and Afghanistan in the regular FY2005 defense bills. Instead, officials said that
they expected to request supplemental appropriations for overseas operations some
time early in calendar year 2005, possibly when the FY2006 budget request is
submitted at the beginning of February. After considerable debate in Congress,
however, on May 12, 2004, the White House submitted an amendment to its FY2005
request in which it asked for $25 billion to be appropriated into a reserve fund for
operations in Iraq and Afghanistan in early FY2005.8
Two issues remained for Congress, however. One was whether Congress should
appropriate more than $25 billion, since costs in FY2005 are expected to total at least
twice as much.9 Although there was considerable discussion about the issue, and
several amendments were proposed to add money, the House- and Senate-passed
versions of the authorization and appropriations bills all provided $25 billion.
A second issue — and, in the end, the key one — was how much flexibility
Congress would agree to provide the Administration in allocating additional funds.
The Administration’s May 12 request would permit the Secretary of Defense, in
consultation with the Office of Management and Budget, to allocate the funds to any
budget account, requiring only that the Secretary notify Congress five days before
transferring the funds. Many Members of Congress, including the leaders of the
appropriations committees, said that they were not willing to provide so much
flexibility and intended to ensure that funds are available only for specified activities
(for a full discussion, see CRS Report RL32422, The Administration’s FY2005
Request for $25 Billion for Operations in Iraq and Afghanistan: Precedents and
Options for Congress, by Stephen Daggett and Amy Belasco).
The debate over funding for Iraq and Afghanistan began as soon as the
Administration presented its budget request, when some legislators complained that
the Administration’s failure to request money was intended to avoid a congressional
debate about Iraq policy during the presidential election campaign, to obscure the
war’s long-term costs, and to understate the size of projected federal budget deficits.

8 Office of Management and Budget, “Budget Amendment: $25 Billion Contingent
Emergency Reserve Fund (Department of Defense — Iraq Freedom Fund),” May 12, 2004,
[ h t t p : / / www.whi t e house.go v/ omb/ budget / a me ndment s / a me ndment _5_12_04.pdf ] .
9 In testimony before the Senate Armed Services Committee on May 13, 2004, Deputy
Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz said that costs in Iraq and Afghanistan are running at
$4.5-$5 billion per month, an annual rate of $50-$60 billion.

The issue became particularly acute days later when Army Chief of Staff General
Peter Schoomaker was asked about it in a Senate Armed Services Committee hearing
on February 10. Schoomaker said he was “concerned ... on how we bridge between
the end of this fiscal year and whenever we could get a supplemental in the next year.
And I do not have an answer for exactly how we could do that.” General Michael
Hagee, the Commandant of the Marine Corps, echoed Schoomaker’s concern.
In response, the next day, February 11, DOD Comptroller Dov Zakheim held
a press briefing to explain that Pentagon leaders were sure they could meet Army and
Marine Corps requirements into next Spring by “cash flowing” regular FY2005
appropriations.10 In FY2003, Zakheim said, the Defense Department was able to
provide $26 billion for Iraq war costs before Congress could approve supplemental
appropriations; the money, he said, was mainly operation and maintenance funds that
would otherwise not have been spent until the fourth quarter of the fiscal year. DOD
and also the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), he said, were certain that
they could manage FY2005 funding in a similar way. Zakheim also argued that it
was appropriate to delay requesting funds for Iraq because of great uncertainty about
costs, particularly following the planned transfer of sovereignty to an interim Iraqi
government on June 30.
Subsequently, a number of related issues emerged.
!One issue is what precedents earlier wars provide. Last year, a CRS
memo reported that the initial funding for most conflicts — from
World War II, to Korea, to Vietnam, to the 1991 Persian Gulf War
— was generally provided through supplemental appropriations.11
That memo did not, however, address funding for wars after the
initial phases. On that question, the precedents are mixed. While
the Korean conflict was financed mainly with supplementals, World
War II and Vietnam were funded both with supplementals and with
regular appropriations. (For a review of methods used to fund
operations since 1991, see CRS Report RL32141, Funding for
Military and Peacekeeping Operations: Recent History and
Precedents, by Jeff Chamberlin.) Vietnam therefore, is the most
recent truly comparable example. In that case, the Administration
first asked for a $700 million supplemental for FY1965 in May of
1965; then for a $1.7 billion addition to the regular FY1966 defense
appropriations bill, which was requested as a budget amendment in
the summer of 1965; and then, in January of 1966, as troop levels in
Southeast Asia were climbing, a supplemental of $12.3 billion for
FY1966 and regular appropriations of $10.3 billion for FY1967,
both requested when the FY1967 budget was submitted. So, in the
case of Vietnam, the Johnson Administration asked for emergency

10 DOD Comptroller Dov Zakheim, “Defense Department Special Briefing: Purpose Of
Budget Supplementals,” February 11, 2004, available electronically at [http://www.defense ].
11 Stephen Daggett, “Budgeting for Wars in the Past,” Congressional Distribution Memo,
updated March 27, 2003.

supplementals when necessary, but also requested funds in regular
appropriations bills as soon as those bills were on the congressional
agenda, even though troop levels were in flux and the duration of the
conflict could not be foreseen.
!As the defense bills were being marked up, there was also some
discussion in Congress about the adequacy of FY2004 funding for
Iraq. In testimony before the House Armed Services Committee on
April 21, 2004, General Richard Myers, the Chairman of the Joint
Chiefs of Staff, said that the military services had identified a
preliminary shortfall of about $4 billion through the end of the fiscal
year. He also said that the Defense Department was in the midst of
a budget review which the service chiefs thought would be able to
find enough money in, for example, underexecuting acquisition
programs, to cover the shortfall. General Myers reiterated that
assessment in testimony before the Senate Defense Appropriations
Subcommittee on May 12, 2004. In its review of the issue, CRS
found that FY2004 shortfalls could be substantial but that funds to
cover costs are also available, so that the Defense Department may,
indeed, be able to get through FY2004 (see CRS Report RL32381,
Adequacy of the Army’s FY2004 Funding for Operations in Iraq, by
Amy Belasco). More recently, the Government Accountability
Office calculated that the Defense Department was as much as $12
billion short and would have to halt planned training and make other
substantial changes in plans to pay the bills (Government
Accountability Office, Military Operations: Fiscal Year 2004 Costs
for the Global War on Terrorism Will Exceed Supplemental,
Requiring DOD to Shift Funds from Other Uses, GAO-04-915, July
21, 2004). In the end, Congress made the $25 billion it provided in
emergency funds available immediately on enactment of the
legislation, so funds were available in August, and the
Administration tapped about $2 billion for immediate costs.
!A final related issue is whether the Defense Department has
requested enough money for everyday equipment for troops in Iraq
and Afghanistan, including equipment for force protection — that is,
for items such as up-armored Humvees, body armor, robots and
other devices for coping with improvised explosive devices (IEDs),
night vision goggles, and other equipment of immediate value to
troops on the ground. Senator Jack Reed pointed to a Defense
Department reprogramming request that would allocate $619 million
for urgent Iraq needs.12 And in the April 21 House Armed Services
Committee hearing with General Myers, Representative Curt
Weldon cited a number of shortfalls in such equipment that the
Army identified in its annual unfunded priorities list.

12 Jonathan Weisman, “War May Require More Money Soon,” Washington Post, April 21,


Congressional Action. In all four versions of the annual defense bills,
Congress agreed to provide $25 billion as an initial down payment for costs of
operations in Iraq and Afghanistan in FY2005. The House, Senate, and conference
versions of the defense appropriations make the money available as soon as the bill
is signed into law, which means that the money could be used not only for initial
costs in FY2005, but also to cover any shortfalls in the remainder of FY2004.
The key issues to be resolved in the appropriations conference were how to
divide up the money among Department of Defense appropriations accounts, how
much to provide in a flexible transfer account that can be used to meet unanticipated
expenses, how much “general transfer authority” to provide the Defense Department
to move money between appropriations accounts (with advance congressional
approval), and what reporting requirements to establish.
The House version of the appropriations bills provided somewhat more detail
than the Senate bill in allocating the money among regular appropriations accounts
and in specifying what weapons programs it approved, though the differences were
relatively minor. The House bill provided $2.978 billion in a flexible transfer
account, called the Iraq Freedom Fund. Of the $2.978 billion, however, $1.978
billion was for classified programs described in an annex to the report, so only $1
billion was available as flexible funding. The Senate bill technically provided all of
the $25 billion in the Iraq Freedom Fund, but it also set detailed floors and/or ceilings
on amounts that could be transferred from the fund into regular appropriations
accounts, leaving $2.5 billion as flexible funding. The House bill also provided $3
billion of general transfer authority for the entire FY2005 defense appropriations bill,
including the $25 billion in emergency funds. The Senate bill provided $4 billion.
Transfers of funds using general transfer authority are subject to detailed
requirements governing the reprogramming of funds and require advance approval
of the congressional defense committees.
The House appropriations bill required a number of reports on operations in Iraq
and Afghanistan, including semiannual reports on the amounts spent by month, an
assessment of progress, an assessment of the effects of operations on personnel
recruitment and retention, monthly costs of equipment repair, the amounts and types
of foreign support, and details of reserve mobilizations; a report by October 1, 2004,
on projected costs from FY2006 through FY2011 or a certified statement by the
President that a realistic projection of costs is not possible; quarterly reports on
amounts used to provide transportation and other logistical support to allied nations
providing forces in Iraq; and a list of all contracts for support of operations in Iraq,
Afghanistan, and Guantanamo Bay.
The Senate appropriations bill required five-day advance notification to
Congress of any transfer of funds into regular appropriations accounts under the
terms of the bill; quarterly reports on cumulative transfers; quarterly reports on
logistical and other support to allied nations; 15-day advance notification of support
for the New Iraqi Army and the Afghan National Army; and quarterly reports on the
use of funds for the Commander’s Emergency Response Program.
The appropriations conference agreement provides most of the $25 billion in
regular appropriations accounts, with report language further directing the allocation

of procurement and some operating funds in some detail. This is closer to the House
than to the Senate approach. The agreement also provides $3.8 billion in the flexible
Iraq Freedom Fund, but $1.8 billion of that is for specific classified programs,
leaving $2 billion in flexible funding. The conference bill also provides that $1.5
billion of the $25 billion for Iraq and Afghanistan may be transferred among accounts
provided only that Congress is promptly notified of the transfer. The
Iraq/Afghanistan title of the bill also increases FY2004 general transfer authority by
$700 million, from $2.1 to $2.8 billion. And the overall bill provides $3.5 billion of
general transfer authority — a substantial increase from amounts provided in recent
The conference agreement requires a number of reports on operations in Iraq
and Afghanistan, including semi-annual reports, due on April 30 and October 31 of
each year, on amounts expended for military operations and reconstruction in Iraq
and Afghanistan in the previous six months, progress in preventing attacks on U.S.
personnel, effects of operations on military readiness, effects on personnel
recruitment and retention, costs for repair or equipment, types and extent of foreign
support, and reserve mobilizations.
Deficits and the Defense Budget
Congressional debate about the FY2005 budget seems to mark a turning point
of sorts. After several years in which mounting budget deficits were apparently of
less interest in Congress than tax cuts, Medicare prescription drug coverage, and
increased benefits for military retirees, old-time deficit cutting religion appeared to
undergo a bit of a revival. The Administration proposed a budget plan which it said
will cut the federal budget in half by FY2009, though there is considerable debate
about whether it would actually accomplish that. In their versions of the FY2005
budget resolution, both the House and the Senate imposed somewhat tighter
restrictions on total discretionary spending than the Administration, and the Senate
voted to reimpose procedural restrictions, known as “PAYGO” rules, both on
increases in mandatory programs and on reductions in revenues. Statutory PAYGO
rules were first established by the Budget Enforcement Act of 1990, but expired after
Battles over how to control federal deficits were fixtures of congressional
budget debates from the time Congress approved the first Gramm-Rudman-Hollings
deficit control act in November 1985 into the late 1990s. Congress passed revised
measures to limit deficits in 1987, 1990, 1993, and 1997. It was only after 1998 that
an economic boom, together with several rounds of tax increases and measures to
limit spending, led, though only temporarily, to budget surpluses. The deficit battles,
as well as the end of the Cold War, were a major factor affecting defense spending.
Adjusted for inflation, the defense budget declined in real terms for 14 straight years,
from FY1986 through FY1999, and began to turn up again only in FY2000 as deficit
pressures eased.
The re-emergence of the deficit as an issue, therefore raises an obvious question:
to what extent might ongoing efforts to control budget deficits eventually limit the
amounts available for defense? This year, there was a serious debate in Congress
about the total amount for defense for the first time in several years. In the Senate,

Budget Committee Chairman Don Nickles proposed, and the full committee reported,
a budget resolution that reduced the recommended total for national defense by $6.9
billion below the Administration request. In the House, Budget Committee
Chairman Jim Nussle initially proposed a $2 billion cut in defense in an attempt to
make the point that everything — even defense — needed to be on the table to
control long-term spending. While Congress did not, in the end, support cuts in
defense, the long-term budget situation may raise the issue again in the future.
Congressional Action. In the Senate, the Budget Committee reported
version of the annual budget resolution (S.Con.Res. 95) recommended $415.2 billion
for the national defense budget function (function 050), $6.9 billion below the CBO
reestimate of the Administration request (see Table 4). In a floor vote on March 10,
however, the Senate approved an amendment by Senator John Warner to restore the
funds. In the House, Budget Committee Chairman Jim Nussle dropped his proposal
to recommend $2 billion less for defense than the Administration requested. The
House resolution (H.Con.Res. 393), as reported by the Budget Committee and as
passed by the full House, recommended the requested level of funding for national
defense, though $2.6 billion of the request was shown in a new budget function for
Homeland Security.
The conference agreement on the budget resolution provides $472.2 billion for
national defense in FY2005, including $50 billion for overseas contingency
operations. The House approved the budget resolution on May 20, and also approved
a measure “deeming” the totals in the budget resolution to have been agreed to for
purposes of subsequent House action on appropriations bills and other legislation.
The Senate, however, never took up the budget resolution. This compelled the
Senate to begin acting on FY2005 appropriations bills with the level of funding for
total discretionary programs set at the level projected in the FY2004 budget
resolution, which was $814 billion in new budget authority. This was about $8
billion below the level requested by the Administration and $7 billion below the level
approved in the “deeming” resolution in the House.
This caused some problems in the Senate, which came to a head in action on the
defense appropriations bill. As a way of coping with the $7 billion gap with the
House, the Senate Appropriations Committee designated $7 billion in the regular
FY2005 defense appropriations bill as “emergency” funds. The effect was to allow
allocations of funds to other, non-defense appropriations bills to equal the total in the
House. If House conferees had accepted this approach, it would have freed up $7
billion for additional funding for non-defense bills within the $821 billion cap on
discretionary funding. The House leadership objected. The solution was to include
in the FY2005 defense appropriations bill a measure “deeming” a total of $821
billion in discretionary budget authority to apply in the Senate as in the House. With
Senate passage of the defense appropriations conference report, that level is now in
effect. Ultimately, the defense appropriations conference agreement provided $391.2
billion for regular Department of Defense programs, about $1.7 billion below the
Administration request.

Table 4. Congressional Budget Resolution Target for
the National Defense Budget Function (050)
(millions of dollars)
Administration Request (OMB Estimate)
Budget Authority460,547423,098444,016464,787485,812508,150
Outlays 453,684 450,586 436,147 447,074 467,063 487,181
Administration Request (CBO Reestimate) /a/
Budget Authority463,604422,157445,708466,709487,999510,429
Outlays 452,946 449,442 442,157 448,787 467,709 489,186
Senate Budget Committee Budget Resolution, Excluding Contingency Fund
Budget Authority463,604415,257445,708456,148467,482479,494
Outlays 452,946 444,033 440,563 441,290 451,419 463,058
Senate-Passed Budget Resolution, Excluding Contingency Fund
Budget Authority422,157445,708456,148467,482479,494
Outlays 449,442 442,157 441,732 451,564 463,106
Senate-Passed vs Senate Budget Committee
Budget Authority+6,9000000
Outlays +5,409 +1,594 +442 +145 +48
Senate-Passed vs. CBO Reestimate of Request
Budget Authority00-10,561-20,517-30,935
Outlays 0 0 -7 ,055 -16,145 -26,080
House-Passed Budget Resolution, Excluding Allowance for Iraq Supplemental /b/
Budget Authority461,544419,634442,400464,000486,149508,369
Outlays 451,125 447,114 439,098 445,927 465,542 487,186
House Alternative, Cummings, Congressional Black Caucus
Budget Authority408,486430,694451,728473,293494,923
Outlays 439,979 428,774 434,219 453,061 473,956
House Alternative, Stenholm, Blue Dog Coalition /a/
Budget Authority422,157444,807466,423488,691511,074
Outlays 449,442 441,451 448,337 468,010 489,757
House Alternative, Hensarling, Republican Study Committee
Budget Authority461,544419,634442,400464,000486,149508,369
Outlays 451,125 447,114 439,098 445,927 465,542 487,186
House Alternative, Spratt, Democratic Substitute /a/
Budget Authority463,600422,200445,700466,700488,000510,400
Outlays 453,000 448,300 441,500 448,400 467,500 489,300
Conference Agreement, Including Contingency Fund
Budget Authority463,617472,157432,366442,103452,073462,069
Outlays 452,953 474,298 452,218 434,750 438,532 447,364
Sources: Congressional Budget Office; Senate Budget Committee, March 5, 2004; S.Con.Res. 95 as
passed by the Senate; House Budget Committee report on the FY2005 budget resolution, H.Rept. 108-
441; Congressional Record, March 25, 2004; H.Rept. 108-498.
a. The CBO reestimate, the Blue Dog Coalition plan, and the Democratic Substitute all make
projections through FY2014 — figures beyond FY2009 are not shown here.
b. The House-passed budget resolution excludes $2.6 billion of homeland security-related funding
from the national defense budget function (function 050) in FY2005and instead provides it in
a newhomeland security” budget function (function 100). If the defense-related homeland
security funds are added to the National Defense Budget Function, the totals equal the CBO
reestimate of the Administration request.

In an attempt to ease constraints on defense spending, the House Armed
Services Committee included in its version of the defense authorization bill a
procedural measure to shift costs of future health insurance benefits for military
personnel when they retire from the Defense Department to the general Treasury and
from discretionary funds subject to budgetary caps to the mandatory side of the
ledger. Under current law, the Defense Department is required to make annual
contributions to the military retirement fund sufficient to cover cost in the future of
providing guaranteed medical care to 65-and-over military retirees (this is known as
TRICARE for Life, and was established in the FY2001 national defense
authorization act, P.L. 106-398). These contributions are considered part of the cost
of military personnel and are scored as discretionary funds requiring annual
The measure (Section 1541 of the House bill), which was approved with
amendments in the conference agreement (Section 725 of the conference bill),
requires the Treasury to make the contributions to the retirement trust fund instead
of the Defense Department beginning in the FY2006 budget. The effect would be to
reduce DOD personnel costs by an average of about $12 billion a year over the next
five years. A sense of Congress provision added in the conference agreement urges
that this shift should not reduce the total discretionary funding requested for the
Defense Department — in effect, increasing defense spending by $12 billion a year.
So far, the Office of Management and Budget has not agreed. In a December
9, 2004 letter to the Chairmen of the House and Senate Budget Committees, OMB
urged that the FY2006 budget resolution score the health insurance contributions to
the military retirement fund according to earlier precedents. Traditionally, OMB has
supported the principle, known as “accrual accounting,” which holds that the
actuarily determined costs of future benefits for current personnel should be included
in annual budgets of federal agencies in order to allocate the actual, full costs of
personnel to current programs.
Active Duty End-Strength
Even before the current conflict in Iraq began, there was some support in
Congress for increasing the size of the active duty force, particularly in the Army, as
a means of reducing strains on military personnel that some argued were aggravated
by frequent military operations abroad, such as peacekeeping operations in Bosnia
and Kosovo.13 In the House, Representative Ike Skelton, the ranking Democrat on
the House Armed Services Committee, argued for some years that the Army needed
about 40,000 more troops.14

13 Many, including senior Army leaders, complained that peacekeeping operations created
an excessively high operational tempo. Others argued that the Army should not have been
overly taxed by deploying 5,000-10,000 of its 480,000 active duty troops in contingency
operations, and that it would not have had problems if its personnel system was better
adapted to post-Cold War requirements. For a discussion, see John C.F. Tillson, It’s the
Personnel System, Institute for Defense Analyses, September 2000.
14 See, for example, Rep. Ike Skelton, “We Are Wearing Them Out: Why We Need to

Now, the need to keep a substantial number of troops in Iraq for an as yet
indeterminate period has made end-strength a critical issue. Currently, the Defense
Department has waived statutory caps on end-strength, and it is keeping about 30,000
more personnel in the active duty force than before the war in Iraq. Costs of paying
these additional troops — as well as temporarily mobilized reserve troops — has
been covered with FY2003 and FY2004 supplemental appropriations. Army leaders
have said that they want to keep as many as 30,000 additional troops in the service
for the next couple of years, not only to ease strains of overseas deployments, but also
to allow some flexibility as the Army reorganizes its combat units (see below). So
it appears likely that the Administration will want to keep some additional end-
strength for some time, still paid for with supplemental appropriations — Army
officials say the increases will be needed the end of FY2006.
The Defense Department, however, has opposed congressional measures to
increase statutory end-strength and to establish end-strength minimums. It appears
that the Defense Department wants flexibility to increase or reduce troop levels
without a congressional mandate. But neither critics nor proponents of an increase
in statutory end-strength have addressed why it would be better or worse than the
present situation, in which DOD is keeping added end-strength by waiving the
current statutory caps.
In response to past, pre-Iraq proposals to increase end-strength, Secretary
Rumsfeld has argued that the services can increase the number of deployable troops
without adding to overall end-strength by more efficiently managing the forces that
are available. One key efficiency measure is a plan to transfer as many as 10,000
jobs now performed by uniformed personnel to civilians in FY2004 and another
10,000 in FY2005. Reportedly, some Pentagon studies have found that as many as

320,000 military jobs could be performed by civilians.15

These prospects have not persuaded advocates in Congress that potential
problems caused by the burden of rotating forces into Iraq are being adequately
addressed. Some Members of Congress have proposed increasing the Army’s
statutory end-strength by as many as 40,000 troops. And some have proposed, as
well, that some of the additional troops should be assigned to units specially
organized and trained for stability operations overseas.
A part of the discussion of end-strength is the cost. The Congressional Budget
Office estimated that in 2002 the average active duty service-member received a
compensation package, including pay and non-cash benefits, of about $99,000 per
year.16 So, without including training and other operating costs of additional forces,
a rough starting point for analysis is that each additional 10,000 active duty troops
will add about $1 billion to the defense budget. These estimates are in line with

14 (...continued)
Increase Army Troop Strength, Congressional Record, July 1, 1999, pp. H5324-H5326.
15 See Peter Grier, “The New Drawdown,” Air Force Magazine, March, 2004.
16 Congressional Budget Office, Military Compensation: Balancing Cash and Noncash
Benefits, January 2004.

Army projections, which are that it would cost $3.6 billion a year to add 30,000
troops to the force. Presumably, these troops would be used to fill out existing units,
not to add new ones, which would cost additional money.
Congressional Action. At the end of April, House Armed Services
Committee Chairman Duncan Hunter announced that he would propose an increase
in statutory end-strength for the Army and the Marine Corps in the committee
markup of the FY2005 defense authorization bill.17 The bill as reported by the
committee and passed by the House includes his proposal to increase statutory end-
strength in the Army by 10,000 and in the Marine Corps by 3,000 in each of the next
three years, for a total increase of 39,000 troops. The committee assumed that the
costs of the increase in FY2005 will be paid for not out of regular funds but out of
additional funding for Iraq — in the $25 billion contingency fund for the first part of
the fiscal year and/or in later supplemental appropriations.
In the Senate, Senators Reed, Akaka, Clinton, Nelson (FL), Hagel, McCain,
Schumer, Landrieu, and Boxer, sponsored a bill, S. 2165, to increase Army end-
strength by 30,000. The Senate Armed Services Committee included a measure in
its version of the FY2005 authorization that would permit, but not require, the
Secretary of Defense to increase total active duty end-strength by up to 30,000
through FY2009. Finally, on June 17, by a vote of 93-4, the Senate adopted an
amendment by Senator Reed to increase FY2005 Army active duty end-strength by


The end-strength issue was not resolved in the FY2005 defense appropriations
conference report. The bill provides funds for added end-strength within the $25
billion provided for Iraq and Afghanistan, but it does not prejudge whether an
increase in the statutory end-strength will be agreed to in the authorization
conference. The defense authorization conference agreement increases Army end-
strength by 20,000 and Marine end-strength by 3,000 in FY2005 and establishes the
increased totals as minimums. The conference bill also authorizes additional
increases of 10,000 in the Army and 6,000 in the Marine Corps over the next four
years, but it does not establish them as minimums.
Missile Defense
In December 2002, the White House announced a plan to deploy a what it
referred to as a “test bed” of ground-based missile defense interceptors — 10 to be
deployed in Alaska and 10 in California — intended to have a limited operational
capability against long-range missile attacks against the United States beginning by
the end of September 2004. That deployment plan has been delayed by at least a
couple of months and there have been some changes in the proposed program in the
interim. The main change is that only one type of missile booster will initially be
available because a fire in a production plant delayed production of a second rocket
engine. The Missile Defense Agency has been working on construction of missile
silos and support facilities and began placing interceptors in silos in Alaska in July,

17 John M. Donnelly, “Hunter Says He Will Press for Increase of 39,000 Troops Over Next
Three Years,” CQ Today, April 29, 2004.

2004. An operational capability by was expected to be declared in early October, but
it is now unclear when it will be announced.18
The system that is being deployed will not be a full up operational missile
defense. It will rely on a ground-based missile tracking radar, called “Cobra Dane,”
that was built to monitor Soviet missile tests and that can track warheads launched
Korea or elsewhere in Asia. Cobra Dane does not look over the poles for warheads
launched from the Middle East, however, nor can it be aimed to follow missiles or
interceptors in the U.S. Pacific Test Range far to the south. The radar also does not
have the degree of precision that is planned for the future. A more capable ship-
borne radar is still being developed. The interceptor warheads are also still being
tested against various kinds of increasingly complex targets, and the system has not
demonstrated that it is a reliable operational weapon. The avowed primary purpose
of the test bed is to be just that — a system to allow progressively more demanding
tests against progressively more realistic targets under progressively more realistic
operating conditions. Test intercepts cannot, however, be carried out from the 10
interceptor missiles being deployed at Fort Greeley, Alaska, however, because of
range safety issues. The Pentagon’s Director of Operational Testing, Tom Christie,
has told Congress that he has advocated the deployment of some kind of test bed
precisely as a means of strengthening the rigor of the development process.19
Although there has been little criticism of the decision to develop a missile
defense test bed, per se, the White House decision to declare a system operational in
the midst of a presidential election campaign was a matter of occasionally testy
debate in Congress.20 Some other issues have also emerged. A big issue is cost —
one key question is whether the big increase in missile defense funding over the past
few years is justified or whether funds should be shifted to other priorities. A
perennial issue has been whether the Missile Defense Agency should spend less on
development of space-based systems that may be technologically risky or more on
Patriot missile batteries and other systems that may be of more immediate value to
troops in the field.
Another set of issues has to do with management of the program. There have
been repeated delays and substantial cost increases in the missile defense program
itself and, particularly, in some related programs, including the Space-Based Infrared
System (SBIRS)-High, run by the Air Force, the Space Surveillance and Tracking
System (SSTS, formerly SBIRS-Low), run by the Missile Defense Agency, and the
Airborne Laser (ABL) an Air Force-run, Missile Defense Agency-funded program.
Missile defense programs may be a test of whether the Pentagon’s “spiral

18 Bradley Graham, “General Says Missile Defense Could Be Ready Soon,” Washington
Post, April 28, 2004; Bradley Graham, “Interceptor System Set, But Doubts Remain:
Network Hasn’t Undergone Realistic Testing,” Washington Post, September 29, 2004.
19 See Statement by Thomas P. Christie Director, Operational Test and Evaluation, before
the Senate Committee on Armed Services, March 11, 2004 and Statement by Thomas P.
Christie, Director, Operational Test and Evaluation, before the House Armed Services
Committee, March 25, 2004.
20 See, for example, an exchange between Rep. Ellen Tauscher and Rep. Terry Everett in the
House Armed Services Committee hearing of March 25, 2004, cited above.

development” acquisition strategy (see below), which is designed to accelerate the
development process, may not also weaken managerial and cost controls.
Congressional Action. Both the House and the Senate Armed Services
Committees generally supported the Administration request, though they made some
small changes (see Table A-2, below, for details). The House committee reduced
funds for Advanced Concepts by $50 million, for system core technologies by $30
million, for the Forward Deployable Radar (to be deployed with the THAAD system)
by $56 million, and for interceptors, particularly for sea-based systems, by $75
million. The committee added $47 million for the Theater High Altitude Area
Defense (THAAD) program, $30 million for mid-course defense, and $30 million for
advanced technologies for THAAD and the PAC-3. The committee also required a
report on the status of the Airborne Laser, though it indicated overall support for the
The Senate committee added $40 million to the ground-based mid-course
defense program to reduce development risk and $90 million for 36 additional PAC-3
missiles. For details of House and Senate committee action, see Table A-2 in
Appendix A.
Missile defense funding was not an issue on the House floor, however, because
the Rules Committee refused to permit any missile defense-related amendments.
Senior Democrats complained in particular that the Rules Committee did not make
in order an amendment by Representative John Spratt, the second ranking Democrat
on the Armed Services Committee, to shift $414 million from specified missile
defense programs to military pay and benefits and to force protection programs.
The key issue in debate on the Senate floor was whether to require more
stringent operational testing of missile defense systems. On June 17, the Senate
adopted an amendment by Senator John Warner to require the Secretary of Defense
to prescribe and apply criteria for operationally realistic testing of fieldable
prototypes developed under the ballistic missile defense program. By adopting the
Warner amendment, the Senate rejected an amendment by Senator Jack Reed to
require the Director of Operational Test and Evaluation to prescribe and oversee
operational tests. Later, on June 22, by a vote of 44-56 the Senate rejected an
amendment by Senator Carl Levin to reduce funds for missile defense by $515
million and reallocate the money to Department of Energy counter-proliferation, to
NORAD cruise missile detection programs, and to various Department of Defense
homeland defense programs.
The House Appropriations Committee made somewhat deeper cuts in the
request for missile defense programs than either authorizing committee — in all, the
committee cut $457.9 million from the request, though the committee report noted
that the remaining total is $632.4 million above FY2004 funding. The committee
made cuts of $205 million in program elements containing funds for programs being
coordinated by a “Ballistic Missile Defense National Team” of government,
contractor, and federal research center personnel. The goal of the national team
effort is to integrate various elements of the overall missile defense program,
including terminal defense and midcourse defense, into a single system. The
committee said that the Missile Defense Agency’s budget justification material did

not provide a sufficient rationale for the amounts requested. In addition, the
committee cut $25 million from advanced concepts developments, saying that current
systems needed more testing, and $61.5 million from terminal defense programs,
citing growth in management costs and delays in rocket motor production. In
addition, the committee recommended rescinding $74 million of previously
appropriated funds because of delays in the Airborne Laser program.
In contrast, the Senate Appropriations Committee approved the full $10.2
billion requested — it actually increased the total by about $16 million — though it
did shift some funds among missile defense programs. The committee added $80
million for the Israeli Arrow program, added $163.5 million for Ground-Based
Midcourse Defense, and cut $252 million, about half the amount requested, from the
Ballistic Missile Defense System Interceptor program, a program to develop a very
high acceleration, mobile booster and warhead for land- and sea-basing and to
explore space-based interceptors.
The appropriations conference report provides $10.0 billion for missile defense,
$176 million below the request, but $280 million above the House level. The
agreement increased funds for ground-based missile defense and reduced funds for
interceptor R&D. The agreement also made an unallocated, across-the-board cut of
$180 million, allowing DOD to decide how to allocate the reduction.
“Bow Waves” and “Train Wrecks”: Cost Growth
and Affordability of Major Weapons Programs
A perennial issue in defense policy is whether future defense budgets will be
large enough to finance all of the weapon acquisition programs that are in the
pipeline. There are a couple of variations on the theme.
One issue is whether a “bow wave” of acquisition costs will grow unsustainable
at some point in the future. The term “bow wave” technically refers to the normal
funding profile of a major program: funding is small in the early stages of
development, climbs during engineering development, peaks during full rate
procurement, and then declines again as production winds down. When several
weapons programs appear likely to grow in concert, then a large collective “bow
wave” may appear to be looming in the future.
A second issue is whether projected weapons procurement budgets are large
enough to replace aging weapons as they reach the ends of their nominal service
lives. A 1999 report by the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS),
entitled The Coming Defense Train Wreck, argued that projected procurement
budgets would fall as much as 50% a year short of the amount needed to maintain a
modernized force.21 That study evoked considerable controversy. Very large
variations in projected total costs could arise from minor changes in assumed rates
of cost growth from one generation of weapons to the next, in assumptions about
possible extensions of nominal service lives with upgrades, and in assumptions about

21 Daniel Goure and Jeffrey M. Ranney, Averting the Defense Train Wreck in the New
Millennium (Washington: Center for Strategic and International Studies, 1999).

whether some elements of the force (such as strategic nuclear weapons) need to be
updated at all.22
Since 1999, the Congressional Budget Office has done a series of studies of
what it calls a “steady state” procurement rate (i.e., the rate at which weapons would
have to be replaced to maintain a modernized force of a given size) and also of the
cumulative cost of the Pentagon’s actual weapons plans.23 CBO’s initial “steady
state” studies found a shortfall, but not of the magnitude CSIS projected. CBO’s
more recent studies of the affordability of the Administration plan find a potentially
substantial “cost risk” if program costs grow above what the services are now
Cost growth in major weapons programs is nothing new; it has plagued planners
at least since the early days of modern systems analysis studies of defense policy in
the 1960s.24 Despite efforts to fix it, however, the problem now appears to be
recurring among most of the Defense Department’s current, most high-profile
weapons programs, including
!Air Force F/A-22 fighter: As a recent GAO report points out,25 the
development cost has grown from a 1986 Air Force estimate of
$12.6 billion to a current estimate of $28.7 billion, the average unit
procurement cost (not including R&D) has grown from an estimated
$69 million per aircraft to $153 million, and planned procurement
has declined from an initial goal of 750 aircraft to a current Air
Force estimate of 276 to fit within a procurement cost cap (which
GAO estimates will permit only 218 aircraft at the most recent unit
cost estimates).
!Air Force/Navy F-35 Joint Strike Fighter: Between September 30,

2003 and December 31, 2003, official DOD estimates of JSF costs,

provided to Congress in quarterly Selected Acquisition Reports,
grew by $45 billion, from $199.7 billion to $244.8 billion, a 23%
!Space launch systems: Over the same period projected Air Force
Evolved Expendable Launch Vehicle (EELV) program costs grew
by $11.6 billion, from $20.8 billion to $32.3 billion, a 56% increase.

22 See Steven Kosiak, CSIS ‘Train Wreck’ Is Off Track Backgrounder, Washington: Center
for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments, March 28, 2000.
23 The most recent report is Congressional Budget Office, The Long-Term Implications of
Current Defense Plans: Detailed Update for Fiscal Year 2004, February 2004.
24 For one example, see Edmund Dews et al., Acquisition Policy Effectiveness: Department
of Defense Experience in the 1970s, RAND Corporation Report R-2516-DR&E, October


25 U.S. General Accounting Office, Tactical Aircraft: Changing Conditions Drive Need for
New F/A-22 Business Case, GAO-04-391, March 15, 2004

!Missile defense: Over the same period, estimated costs of the overall
missile defense R&D program grew by $3.2 billion, from $62.9
billion to $66.1 billion, a 5% increase.
!Marine Corps V-22 tilt rotor aircraft: The total acquisition cost
(R&D plus procurement) has grown from an estimated $32.4 million
per aircraft in 1986 to $104.9 million per aircraft currently, while the
planned total procurement has declined from 913 to 458 aircraft.26
!Prior year Navy shipbuilding: Congress appropriated $1.3 billion for
cost growth in Navy ships that are now under construction in
FY2003 and another $636 million in FY2004, and the
Administration is requesting $484 million for shipbuilding cost
growth in FY2005.
!Navy DD(X) destroyer and Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) acquisition:
The Navy estimates that it will cost about $39 billion to acquire 24
DD(X) destroyers and $14 billion to acquire about 56 LCS. Based
on historical trends, however, CBO estimates a cost of about $53
billion for the DD(X) destroyers,27 while the LCS design remains
too uncertain for alternative cost estimates.
!Space-Based Infrared System-High (SBIRS-High), Spaced-Based
Infrared System-Low (SBIRS-Low), and Airborne Laser (ABL)
programs: The SBIRS-High, an Air Force-run program to develop
a new missile launch detection and tracking satellite that would be
tied into a national missile defense, has more than doubled in cost
since 1995 to over $8 billion, including a $2 billion estimate
increase in 2001, and it still appears to be experiencing delays and
cost growth. Recently the Air Force confirmed reports that the cost
will grow by another $1 billion and that satellite launches will be
delayed another two years. There have been similar, though less
severe delays and cost growth in the Missile Defense Agency-run
SBIRS-Low program to develop a low-earth-orbit missile tracking
satellite. And the Air Force-run, Missile Defense Agency-funded
Airborne Laser program has been delayed and has suffered enough
cost growth that the Air Force has decided to use available R&D
funds for one rather than two aircraft.
!The Army Future Combat System (FCS): The FCS program remains
at a very early stage of development, with several differing design

26 Department of Defense, “Selected Acquisition Report Summary Tables,” December 31,
2003. Unlike the F-22 and F-35, this is not a recent development — the largest cost growth
in the program occurred some years ago.
27 Congressional Budget Office, Transforming the Navy’s Surface Combatant Force, March
2003, and updated data provided to CRS on June 26, 2003. For a detailed discussion, see
CRS Report RL32109, Navy DD(X) and LCS Ship Acquisition Programs: Oversight Issues
and Options for Congress, by Ronald O’Rourke.

alternatives still under consideration. Until recently, production was
planned to begin in 2008 with an initial operational capability in
2010. In an April 2004 report, however, GAO found that 3/4 of the
necessary technologies for the system were immature when the
program started and that prototypes would not be available for
testing until shortly before production planned.28 Most recently, the
Army announced a major restructuring of the program which will
delay major components for at least two years and increase total
program costs by $25 to $30 billion.29
Taken together, all of this suggests that the “cost risk” CBO has warned about
is an imminent prospect, and that the affordability of current weapons modernization
plans is in some doubt. The issue for Congress, this year and perhaps more and more
pressingly in the future, is what to do about it. One possibility is to increase defense
spending, though budget deficits may make that problematic. Another is to terminate
other programs in addition to the Comanche and, earlier, the Crusader — Senator
John McCain recently mentioned the F-22.30 A third is to restructure priorities within
the defense budget to find more money for weapons, though demands to increase
end-strength appear at odds with such a prospect.
Congressional Action. The congressional defense committees made a
number of changes in major weapons programs. Among the changes, a few stand
out. The Senate Armed Services Committee trimmed F/A-22 procurement from 24
to 22 aircraft saving $280 million. The rationale was that the program had been
delayed in any case, so production will be slower than the Air Force had planned.
Critics of the decision argued that production capabilities will ramp back up by 2007,
when the money provided in the FY2005 budget would actually be spent. Neither
appropriations committee supported a cut, making the issue moot: the appropriations
conference agreement provides funds for 24 aircraft.
The House Armed Services Committee trimmed funds for two high-profile
Navy programs on the grounds that production is beginning faster than the maturity
of planned technology and the stability of system design warrants. These programs
are the Navy DD(X) destroyer and the Navy Littoral Combat Ship (LCS). The
FY2005 request includes funds in the R&D accounts to begin construction of the first
of each of the DD(X) and LCS ships. The committee said that production is not yet
justified, so it trimmed $221 million from the DD(X) and $107 million from the
LCS. Opponents of the cuts have argued that reductions will delay ship construction,
and that old ways of developing ships led to obsolete technology being deployed.
The Senate Armed Services Committee provided requested funding for both DD(X)
and LCS construction, and added $99 million for the DD(X) to accelerate design of
a second ship.

28 U.S. General Accounting Office, Defense Acquisitions: The Army’s Future Combat
Systems’ Features, Risks, and Alternatives, GAO-04-635T, April 1, 2004.
29 Jonathan Karp and Greg Jaffe, “Army Plans To Postpone Modernization Program:
Boeing-Led Development Of Technology Will Require At Least Two More Years,” Wall
Street Journal, July 14, 2004.
30 Sen. John McCain on Meet the Press, April 11, 2004.

The House Appropriations Committee followed the House authorizers on the
DD(X), cutting $221 million, but it added $125 million in its place to begin building
an additional DG-51 destroyer. The House appropriators did not agree to cut LCS
construction, however, and instead added $107 million to fully fund the cost of
constructing the first ship.
The Senate Appropriations Committee provided the $221 million requested for
DD(X) construction, but in Navy procurement funds rather than in R&D, and added
$99 million for second ship design, following the Senate authorization. The Senate
appropriators also provided requested funding for LCS construction. So the key
differences were between the appropriators. The House wanted to delay DD(X)
production and instead build an additional DG-51, while the Senate supported the
DD(X) and wanted to add $99 million. Both the House and the Senate
appropriations supported LCS construction, and the House wanted to add $107
The appropriations conference agreement ultimately did not support the cuts in
either program that the House Armed Services Committee had imposed at the
beginning of the congressional process. The appropriations conference agreement
provides $221 million for DD(X) construction, but in procurement rather than in
R&D, as the Senate proposed. The agreement also provides $214 million to fully
fund construction of the first LCS in the R&D accounts, as the House wanted.
The House Armed Services Committee also trimmed $245 million from the
Army’s Future Combat System development request, saying that the money was
“excess to requirements.” The committee included a provision, Section 211,
requiring extensive reports on the status of the program and mandating that specific
criteria be met before proceeding with various stages of the development process.
The House Appropriations Committee went further — it cut $324 million and
eliminated funds for non-line of sight launch system (NLOS-LS) development.
Neither Senate committee reduced funds for FCS, so this became a major issue in
conference. As the appropriations conference was concluding, there were reports,
since officially confirmed by the Army, that the Army is proposing a two-year delay
in the program.31
The appropriations conference agreement trimmed $268 million from the
program but included $58.2 million for NLOS-LS. The agreement also includes a
statutory provision requiring the Army to field a version of the non-line-of-sight
cannon by 2010, even if other elements of the FCS program are not deployed by then.
Other major weapons issues in the appropriations conference negotiations
concerned space systems. The House appropriators shifted $91 million from the
Evolved Expendable Launch Vehicle (EELV) program to the Space-Based Infrared
System-High (SBIRS-High) program, as the Air Force requested. Senate
appropriators, however, cut $100 million from the EELV due to delays, but did not

31 Jonathan Karp and Greg Jaffe, “Army Plans to Postpone Modernization Program:
Boeing-Led Development of Technology Will Require at Least Two More Years,” Wall
Street Journal, July 14, 2004, p. 7.

add anything to SBIRS-High. The appropriations conference agreement cuts $100
million from the EELV and adds $91 million to SBIRS-High.
The House appropriators cut $100 million from the $775 million requested for
the Transformational Communications Satellite program, following the House
authorization, while the Senate appropriators cut $400 million. The appropriations
conference report cut $300 million.
And the House appropriators essentially terminated Space-Based Radar
development, leaving $75 million for research into alternatives. The Senate
appropriators cut $100 million from the $327 million requested. The appropriations
conference report follows the House, essentially terminating the program.
Evolutionary Acquisition and Spiral Development
The Defense Department has formally adopted a new process for acquiring
weapons, which it calls evolutionary acquisition with spiral development. The goal
of the process is to accelerate the deployment of new technology to troops in the field
by deploying what is technologically ready and then progressively improving it as
new technology matures.
These goals appear to have pretty widespread support in Congress. Moreover,
the new acquisition policies, which the Clinton Administration had also been
considering, appear in many ways closer to commercial practices that have often been
successful.32 But there has also been some concern that the new procedures may
weaken managerial controls and congressional oversight.33 Some programs, like the
Littoral Combat Ship, have been started without the kind of systematic, formal
analysis of alternatives that earlier regulations required. In other cases, GAO and
others have warned that large investments are being made in programs that still
appear technologically immature, with potentially high risk of delays and cost growth
and with a prospect that systems will not fully meet operational requirements.34
Military Personnel Benefits
In recent years, Congress has repeatedly enhanced personnel benefits for
uniformed personnel. Benefit increases have included “TRICARE for Life,” which
guarantees full medical coverage to Medicare-eligible military retirees, repeal of a

1986 law that reduced retirement benefits for new military enlistees, a phased in plan

32 U.S. General Accounting Office, Defense Acquisitions: DOD’s Revised Policy
Emphasizes Best Practices, but More Controls Are Needed, GAO-04-53, November 10,


33 See ibid. and also CRS Report RS21195, Evolutionary Acquisition and Spiral
Development in DOD Programs: Policy Issues for Congress, by Ronald O’Rourke and
Gary J. Pagliano.
34 U.S. General Accounting Office, Defense Acquisitions: Assessments of Major Weapon
Programs, GAO-04-248, March 31, 2004.

to fully offset off-base housing costs, increased imminent danger pay and family
separation allowances, and a one-year trial program to provide health insurance to
non-activated reservists not eligible for employer-provided insurance.
A particularly big issue in the last couple of years has been whether to permit
concurrent receipt of military retired pay and veterans disability payments. In the
FY2003 defense authorization, Congress approved a limited plan to permit retirees
with disabilities directly related to combat to receive both retired pay and disability
benefits without an offset. In the FY2004 defense authorization, Congress
supplemented that measure with a plan to phase in concurrent receipt for all retirees
with a service-connected disability of 50% or greater.
Although veterans organizations still would like full concurrent receipt for all
retirees with any degree of disability, that issue has not been a matter of much debate
this year. But two other personnel benefit issues were on the agenda this year.
One issue was whether to provide medical insurance to non-deployed reservists.
Congress had to decide whether to extend a provision in the FY2004 Iraq
supplemental appropriations bill (P.L. 108-106) that permits reservists without
employer-provided health insurance to sign up for the DOD TRICARE program that
provides health care to a military dependents, provided the reservists pay a share of
the cost equivalent to what civilian federal employees pay for their health plan.
Beyond that, Senators Daschle and Graham of South Carolina proposed a bill to
permit all reservists, whether eligible for employer-provided health insurance or not,
to sign up for TRICARE.
A second issue was whether to increase benefits provided under the military
Survivor Benefit Plan (SBP). Several Members of Congress have proposed measures
to revise longstanding rules that reduce benefits for surviving dependents of military
retirees once the survivors reach age 62. The reduction was originally enacted to take
account of survivors becoming eligible for social security benefits. Veterans groups
have long argued that the reduction is out of date, unclear to participants, and unfair
to survivors. (For a full discussion, see CRS Report RL31664, The Military Survivor
Benefit Plan: A Description of Its Provisions, by David Burrelli; and CRS Report
RL31663, Military Benefits for Former Spouses: Legislation and Policy Issues, by
David Burrelli.)
Congressional Action. In the committee-reported and House-passed version
of the FY2005 defense authorization, the House included a provision that would
increase Survivor Benefit Plan (SBP) payments to over-62 dependents of deceased
military retirees from 35% of retired pay to 55% in increments by March 2008. On
June 23, the Senate adopted an amendment to the authorization by Senators Mary
Landrieu and Olympia Snowe, to phase in increased benefits over 10 years through
2014 — the amendment would provide 45% of retired pay after September 2008, and

55% after September 2014.

A key issue in congressional action on the Survivor Benefit Plan — and which
shaped the terms of the amendment the Senate adopted — was how to pay for it. The
House version of the budget resolution included a provision, Section 303, that
established a “deficit-neutral” reserve fund for a measure that would increase SBP

payments. The measure provided that the chairman of the Budget Committee may
adjust totals in the budget resolution to accommodate an SBP increase if the Armed
Services Committee reports a bill that provides an increase offset by cuts in other
mandatory programs.
This was potentially a show-stopper. Because the Armed Services Committees
have jurisdiction only over a limited number of mandatory programs, mainly military
retiree pay and benefits, it normally would be difficult for the committees to come
up with offsets, though it may have been possible to offer a floor amendment that
would tap other mandatory programs or increase revenues. The Democratic
alternative budget, offered by Representative John Spratt, included a provision that
would have required the Armed Services Committee to report a measure providing
increased survivor benefits as part of a larger reconciliation bill making other changes
in mandatory programs and revenues, but the House rejected the Spratt alternative.
On March 11, the Senate adopted a floor amendment to its version the budget
resolution by Senator Mary Landrieu to establish a reserve fund that would raise
aggregates in the budget resolution by $2.757 billion from FY2005-FY2009 to allow
for a measure, reported either by the Armed Services Committee or by the
Appropriations Committee, that would eliminate the SBP over-62 Social Security
reduction. Senator Landrieu’s amendment proposed offsetting the costs by
eliminating tax benefits to individuals and corporations that avoid United States
taxation by establishing a foreign domicile and by closing other tax loopholes and tax
The conference agreement on the budget resolution includes the House
provision — i.e., it would permit an increase in SBP payments only if offset by other
cuts in mandatory spending. As it turns out, however, the House Armed Services
Committee (acting before the conference agreement on the budget resolution was
completed) was able to fund a way around the potential impasse.
The solution was a by-product of committee action on Boeing KC-767 tanker
aircraft acquisition. Last year, the conference agreement on the FY2004 defense
authorization (P.L. 108-136) included a provision that authorized the Air Force to
proceed with a program to lease 20 and then buy 80 aircraft. Because of the way the
provision was worded, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) scored the measure
as a mandatory program. In its version of the FY2005 authorization, the House
committee revised the KC-767 acquisition plan. It approved a multi-year
procurement contract for the 80 aircraft to be procured, and it authorized money in
Air Force RDT&E to develop needed aircraft modifications. CBO scores this
approach for procuring 80 aircraft as a discretionary program, so it credited the
Armed Services Committee with $14.3 billion in savings in mandatory programs
from FY2006-FY2012.35 These amounts were then available to offset the SBP
increases (and, also, to offset an increase in mandatory spending due to the
committee’s extension of the military family housing privatization initiative).

35 Congressional Budget Office, “Cost Estimate: H.R. 4200 — National Defense
Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2005 as Reported by the House Armed Services
Committee, May 14, 2004,” May 17, 2004, Table 4.

The Senate, however, did not have any such windfall of mandatory offsets in
hand when it acted on survivor benefits. As a result, the Senate limited the cost of
the program by providing the full 55% of retired pay only after the end of FY2014,
since mandatory spending increases over a 10-year period, but not beyond that, are
subject to a point of order. The Senate also eliminated a provision in the original
Landrieu proposal that limited premium increases for retirees who sign up for
survivor benefits, so the cost of the 45% increase that is phased in by 2008 may be
paid for by the beneficiaries. The issue for authorization conferees is whether to
adopt the more limited benefits provided in the Senate proposal or figure out how to
offset costs of the House proposal if, as appears quite possible, there is no agreement
to alter that KC- 767 acquisition plan as the House has proposed.
In action on TRICARE for reservists, the House and Senate approved several
!Both the House and the Senate Armed Services Committees
approved measures to establish demonstration projects that would
allow non-deployed reservists and their dependents to sign up for
health insurance through the TRICARE program.
!The Senate Armed Services Committee-reported version of the
defense authorization included a measure, called “TRICARE
Reserve Select,” to allow non-deployed reservists access to health
insurance for them and their dependents through the military-run
TRICARE program, provided that the full costs are paid either
through employer-employee cost sharing or if reservists cover the
full cost.
!On June 2, the Senate approved a floor amendment to the
authorization bill by Senators Tom Daschle and Lindsey Graham to
allow all non-deployed reservists to receive health insurance for
themselves and their dependents through the military TRICARE
program, with the federal government paying the employer share of
The issue for the authorization conference was whether to approve only some
kind of demonstration program for providing health insurance for reservists, or
whether, instead, to adopt one of the Senate approaches — either TRICARE Reserve
Select, which offers TRICARE if employers share costs or if reservists pay the full
cost, or the Daschle-Graham proposal for the federal government to pay the employer
The appropriations conference report did not resolve any of these, or other,
personnel benefits issues. The part of the bill providing $25 billion for Iraq and
Afghanistan includes funds in the Defense Health Program to finance increases in
TRICARE for reservists, including TRICARE for non-deployed reservists without
access to employer-sponsored health insurance, for the next four months. But the
appropriations conference did not address other benefits increases.

The authorization conference agreement resolved both issues. The agreement
incorporates the House measure on the Survivor Benefits Plan — i.e., it phases in the
full 55% benefit by FY2008. The costs were offset by savings in mandatory budget
accounts from changes in the KC-767 acquisition plan.
On the issue of TRICARE for reservists, the authorization conference agreement
is a compromise between the House and the Senate. The agreement provides that
reservists who are activated for duty and who subsequently reenlist are eligible for
TRICARE benefits for one year for each 90 days of active duty service, provided they
pay 28% of the cost of the benefit. The conference agreement did not establish a
demonstration program for a broader program, but instructed GAO to study DOD’s
preparations for carrying out a demonstration.
Base Closures
In the FY2003 defense authorization bill, Congress approved a new round of
military base closures to be carried out in calendar year 2005. In February 2004, the
Defense Department met one requirement of the law by issuing a statement of criteria
to be used in deciding which bases to close. In addition, DOD has issued guidance
to the military services on how the process of identifying bases to recommend for
closure will be organized. Senior Pentagon officials have said that size of the basing
structure remains as much as 25% larger than is needed, implying that the 2005 base
closure round could be quite large.
In Congress, the 2005 base closure round has been a matter of extensive debate.
Last year, the House Armed Services Committee-reported version of the FY2004
defense authorization bill included a provision that would have restricted the extent
of future base closures by requiring the Defense Department to maintain a base
structure large enough to absorb an increase in the size of the force plus
redeployment of forces deployed abroad to the United States. Under a veto threat
from the White House, that provision was removed from the bill in conference.
This year, the issue was again on the agenda. Several Members of Congress
criticized the Defense Department’s base closure criteria, mainly for not including
the cumulative economic effect of prior base closures as a factor in deciding on new
closures. In the presidential campaign, Senator John Kerry said he would prefer to
delay a new base closure round pending decisions on the size of the force and on
overseas deployments.36
Congressional Action. The House-passed version of the defense
authorization bill included provisions that would delay the next scheduled round of
military base closures from 2005 to 2007. The measure required a series of reports,
due between January 1, 2006, and March 15, 2006, before a new round may begin.
The reports included studies on how the Pentagon’s Global Posture Review of
overseas deployments may affect domestic basing requirements (see below); how
force transformation will affect basing requirements; how changes in the reserve

36 Jodi Wilgoren, “Kerry Calls For Halt To Work Of Base-Closing Panel,” New York Times,
March 13, 2004.

forces will affect basing requirements; and how surge requirements will affect basing
requirements. Although the committee agreed to delay base closures, it rejected an
amendment in the markup by Representative Gene Taylor to eliminate the next round
In floor action, the full House rejected an amendment by Representative Mark
Kennedy to remove the base closure delay from the bill. The Senate, however,
rejected an amendment by Senators Trent Lott, Byron Dorgan, and others, to delay
additional domestic base closures until 2007. So base closures were a major issue
in House-Senate authorization conference negotiations. The Administration
threatened to veto the authorization bill if it includes a measure delaying base
closures, as in the House-passed bill. The authorization conference agreement does
not agree to the House-passed delay.
Overseas Troop Deployments
After the Cold War ended, the United States reduced the number of troops
deployed overseas, especially in Europe, but it did not relocate remaining troops
away from old Cold War forward bases. In November 2003, the Bush
Administration has announced that it was undertaking a Global Posture Review to
reconsider where and how U.S. troops are deployed overseas.37 Officials
subsequently undertook extensive discussions with allies, in Europe and elsewhere,
about changes in the location of U.S. troops. On August 16, 2004, the President
announced that 60,000-70,000 U.S. troops would be withdrawn from locations
overseas to the United States.38 U.S. forces in Germany will be reduced the most; a
naval command now in England will be relocated to Italy; and the United States will
build a number of bare bones facilities in several countries that can be used as needed
to support troop deployments to different parts of the world.
To date, the main interest in the issue in Congress has been from subcommittees
overseeing military construction. A potential large-scale redeployment of U.S.
troops, however, also has profound implications for the overall global capabilities of
U.S. forces, for regional alliances, and for foreign policy in general.
Army Transformation
Early in the year, the new Chief of Staff of the Army, General Peter
Schoomaker, announced some very far-reaching changes in the organization of the
Army and in Army personnel policies. These measures are designed to make the
Army more flexible to respond to small as well as large operational requirements,
and to create a force that is easier to deploy rapidly abroad.

37 U.S. Department of Defense News Transcript, “Defense Department Background Briefing
on Global Defense Posture,” November 25, 2003.
38 “President’s Remarks to Veterans of Foreign Wars Convention,” Cincinnati, Ohio, August

16, 2004.

One change is to increase the number of deployable combat brigades in the
active duty force from 33 to 43 by 2006 and perhaps to 48 after that. A related
change is to turn brigades rather than divisions into the basic, deployable “unit of
action” in the Army. This means giving brigades the communications, command
structures, transportation and engineering support elements, and other associated
units to allow them to operate independently of divisions and, above the division
level, corps. A third change is to revise the personnel system so that entire units are
kept together for training and deployment; this is known as unit manning, and it is
to replace the Army’s longstanding individual replacement system.
The Army’s reorganization plan raises a number of issues for Congress. One
is how much it will cost and how the Army will finance the reorganization. The
biggest costs may be in equipping brigades to operate independently. Reportedly, the
Army has estimated that the plan could cost $20 billion through FY2011.39 Another
issue is how the plan will affect Army end-strength requirements. Army officials
want to add to the number of combat units within current end-strength. But this will
require reassigning personnel from non-combat positions to the new brigades, and
officials have not said how many positions will be affected.40 A third issue is how
the plan will affect the relationship between active duty and reserve components.
Currently, reserves are mobilized to fill out deploying active duty units. The effort
to make active duty units more rapidly deployable, therefore, has important
implications for the role and structure of reserves. And, finally, the Army has failed
in past efforts to use unit manning, in part because it affects how individuals meet
rotational requirements for promotion. Congress may be concerned about how unit
manning will affect the overall Army personnel system.
DOD’s Civilian and Uniformed Personnel Systems
Last year, Congress agreed to an Administration request to give the Secretary
of Defense very broad authority to reorganize DOD’s civilian personnel system.
DOD is now beginning to implement changes. Some of the steps the department has
taken to date have led to disagreements with some employees and some unions —
particularly a measure that would move authority to bargain locally over certain work
rules to the national level. So Congress was, in effect, tasked to exercise some
oversight over how the new system is being implemented. In addition, last year,
Congress considered, but ultimately did not act on amendments to the personnel
proposals to ensure certain traditional civil service procedures. Similar measures
were proposed this year.
Last year, the Defense Department also requested changes in several laws
governing assignment of senior officers, but Congress did not act on the request.
This year, the Pentagon has again submitted legislative proposals giving the Secretary

39 Anne Plummer, “Army Chief Tells President Restructuring Force Could Cost $20
Billion,” Inside the Army, February 9, 2004.
40 Army reform advocate Douglas MacGregor has proposed brigades of 5,000 to 6,000
troops, which would be about twice as large as the Army four-brigade-per-division plan
implies. For a discussion see Elaine M. Grossman, “General Unscrambles New Jargon for
Reformulated Army Divisions,” Inside the Pentagon, February 12, 2004.

of Defense more authority over senior officers. The proposals include allowing the
Secretary to reassign three- and four-star generals and admirals to new positions
within the same grade without Senate confirmation, allowing senior officers to serve
up to age 72, allowing the Secretary greater flexibility to reassign officers between
the ranks one- to four-star generals and admirals, and a measure to eliminate
restrictions on the length of service of military service chiefs and of the chairman and
vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
Congressional Action. The House version of the authorization bill included
a measure allowing the President to extend the terms of military service chiefs by up
to two years in normal circumstances or by an additional period if the total term is
not over eight years in time or war or national emergency. The House version also
included measures to allow an increase in the military’s mandatory retirement age for
up to 10 senior officers and a measure repealing a requirement that no more than 50%
of flag officers may be above the one-star level. None of these provision were
included in the Senate bill, and none were adopted in the conference agreement.
Several civilian personnel management issues were debated in floor action on
the bills. On June 22, by a vote of 202-218, the House rejected an amendment to the
defense appropriations bill to prohibit the use of funds in the bill to implement
changes in civilian personnel management practices that Congress approved last year.
The House approved a measure, however, setting conditions on the conversion of
work to private contractors, including a requirement that, for an conversion involving
10 or more employees, the conversion involves a full competition, savings exceed the
lesser of 10% or $10 million, and that the contractor not receive an advantage due to
health insurance costs. The appropriations conference accepted the House measure.
On the authorization bill, the House approved a similar measure limiting
outsourcing, and also approved a measure permitting civilian employees to protest
privatization decisions. The Senate approved also approved a somewhat different
measure allowing employee protests. The authorization conference agreement
includes limits on privatization similar to those in the appropriations bill — the
agreement does not directly address health insurance costs, but requires a study of the
impact of health and other benefits in privatization competitions. The authorization
conference agreement also includes a provision allowing employee protests of
privatization decisions under certain conditions.

Easing Environmental Provisions Affecting Military Training
For the past three years, the Defense Department has proposed a number of
legislative measures, under the rubric of the Readiness and Range Preservation
Initiative, to ease the application of several environmental statutes to military
training. In the FY2003 defense authorization, Congress agreed to amend the
Migratory Bird Treaty Act as it applies to accidental injuries to birds caused by
military aircraft. In the FY2004 defense authorization, Congress agreed to changes
in the Marine Mammal Protection Act and in the Endangered Species Act.
This year, the Administration proposed somewhat revised versions of proposals
it made in prior years to amend the Clean Air Act, the Comprehensive Environmental
Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) and the Resource
Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). As DOD explains these provisions,41 they
!Extend the allowable time to incorporate new military readiness
activities into a Clean Air Act State Implementation Plan when new
units are moved to an installation; and
!Clarify regulation of munitions under Comprehensive
Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act
(CERCLA) and Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA)
if and only if munitions are used on an operational range and those
munitions and their associated constituents remain there.
Administration officials said that changes were made in these proposals to
reflect particularly concerns expressed by state environmental enforcement agencies.
But in response to the revised proposals, 39 states’ attorneys general signed a joint
letter criticizing the new measures.42 Representative John Dingell, the Ranking
Democrat on the House Energy and Commerce Committee, issued a press release and
two fact sheets criticizing the Administration proposals.43
Congressional Action. Congress did not consider the Administration’s
environment proposals this year. Neither the House nor the Senate Armed Services
Committees considered the proposals in action on their versions of the defense
authorization. In the House, Readiness Subcommittee Chairman Joel Hefley said he
had no plans to move a package, and House Energy and Commerce Committee

41 See Department of Defense, “Readiness and Range Preservation Initiative,” April 2004,
overview and fact sheets at [
RRPI/ rrpi.html ].
42 National Association of Attorneys General, “Thirty-nine Attorneys General Express
Opposition to Legislation to Limit Department of Defense Environmental Liability,” April

19, 2004, [].

43 Rep. John D. Dingell, Ranking Member, House Energy and Commerce Committee, “DOD
Again Seeks Environmental Exemptions Despite Its Historic Record of Contamination,”
Press Release, April 7, 2004, with two staff-prepared fact sheets.

Chairman Joe Barton said he did not intend to address the issues in time for House
action on the defense authorization if at all.44
Development of New Nuclear Weapons
Last year, after extensive debate both in the House and in the Senate, Congress
approved a measure in the FY2004 defense authorization bill that repealed a FY1994
provision that had limited research on and development of new, low-yield nuclear
weapons. In its place, Congress added a provision to prohibit engineering
development of new low-yield weapons without specific authorization by Congress
(P.L. 108-136, Section 3116). The FY2004 authorization also approved requested
funding for R&D on new weapons, but the final appropriations bill imposed some
limitations. In the FY2004 energy and water development appropriations bill
(H.R. 2754, P.L. 108-137), Congress provided $6 million, as requested, for the
Department of Energy’s Advanced Concepts Initiative (ACI) to study new weapons,
but it prohibited obligation of $4 million of that amount until DOE submits a report
on its plans. The bill also trimmed funding to study a Robust Nuclear Earth
Penetrator (RNEP) warhead from the $15 million requested to $7.5 million.
New nuclear weapons R&D was an issue in Congress again this year.
Controversy developed, in particular, over proposed funding for the RNEP. The
Administration requested FY2005 funding for the RNEP of $27.6 million, and it
projected total funding of $484.7 million over the five years from FY2005-FY2009.
These amounts go far beyond the total of about $45 million that the Department of
Energy said last year would be needed between FY2003 and FY2005 for feasibility
studies. (For full discussions of these issues, see CRS Report RL32130, Nuclear
Weapons Initiatives: Low-Yield R&D, Advanced Concepts, Earth Penetrators, Test
Readiness, by Jonathan Medalia; CRS Report RL32347, Robust Nuclear Earth
Penetrator Budget Request and Plan, FY2005-FY2009, by Jonathan Medalia; and
CRS Report RL32347, Robust Nuclear Earth Penetrator Budget Request and Plan,
FY2005-FY2009, by Jonathan Medalia.) The Administration also requested $9
million for the ACI.
Congressional Action. On April 28, Senator Dianne Feinstein made a major
speech on the Senate floor criticizing Administration plans for development of new45
nuclear weapons, including the robust nuclear earth penetrator. She said that she
intended to propose an amendment to the defense authorization bill to apply the same
restrictions to development of the RNEP as to advanced systems — i.e., she would
require specific congressional authorization for RNEP engineering and development.
In House action on the defense authorization bill, the House rejected an
amendment by Representative Ellen Tauscher to eliminate the $36.6 million
requested for RNEP development and for the Advanced Concepts Initiative (ACI)
and to transfer the funds to non-nuclear programs to defeat deeply buried and

44 Mary Clare Jalonick, “Barton Says Defense Bill Will Not Include Environmental Waivers
Pentagon Seeks,” CQ Today, April 28, 2004.
45 Sen. Diane Feinstein, “A Credibility Gap on New Nuclear Weapons,” Congressional
Record, April 28, 2004, pp. S4486-S4488.

hardened targets. On June 15, the Senate rejected an amendment by Senator
Feinstein and Senator Ted Kennedy to eliminate funds for RNEP and the ACI. The
authorization conference agreement does not limit RNEP or ACI funding.
Notwithstanding the House and Senate votes on the defense authorization bill,
however, the committee-reported and House-passed version of the Energy and Water
Appropriations bill (H.R. 4614) eliminated funds both for the RNEP and for the ACI.
Moreover, in report language, the committee was very critical of the Administration’s
plans for developing new nuclear weapons (see H.Rept. 108-554, pp. 114-115). The
Senate never acted on its version of the energy and water bill. A conference
agreement on the energy and water bill was included in the consolidated
appropriations bill (H.R. 4818) that Congress approved in November. The agreement
followed the House and eliminates funds for the Robust Nuclear Earth Penetrator and
the Advanced Concepts Initiative.
Boeing KC-767 Tanker Aircraft Acquisition
Last year, in the FY2004 defense authorization (P.L. 108-136), Congress
rejected an Air Force proposal to lease 100 Boeing 767 aircraft modified as refueling
tankers and instead approved a plan to lease 20 aircraft and purchase 80 more. Early
in 2004, however, a report by the Defense Department’s Inspector General and a later
study by the Defense Science Board both raised questions about the status of the
program. The Defense Department then put a decision on whether to proceed with
the program on hold, pending the results of a formal Air Force Analysis of
Alternatives (AOA), which is not expected until the end of this year. Subsequently,
the program was mired in scandal when a former senior Air Force acquisition official
overseeing tanker negotiations pleaded guilty to illegally seeking employment with
Congress also investigated the proposal and Senator John McCain put a hold on
approval of some Pentagon nominations because DOD has not provided some
requested documents.46 Air Force Secretary Douglas Roche later warned that
reopening the proposals might require reviewing proposals by other suppliers,
including the European Aeronautic Defence and Space (EADS) company.
Congressional Action. The House Armed Services Committee-reported
version of the FY2005 defense authorization included a provision that authorizes the
Air Force to proceed with multi-year procurement of 80 KC-767 aircraft and another
provision that required the Air Force to enter into a contract with Boeing to acquire
the aircraft. The multi-year authorization provision replaced (and repealed) an earlier
authorization for multi-year procurement in the FY2004 defense authorization, but
did not repeal an authorization in that bill for the Air Force to lease 20 aircraft, which
therefore would remain in effect. The committee provision also required that a new
contract for KC-767 acquisition be signed after June 1, 2004, and be reviewed by an
independent panel established to assess the terms of the contract and determine
whether the Air Force received full and fair value. On the floor, the House approved

46 Charles Aldinger, Reuters, “Rumsfeld’s Tough Choice on Boeing E-Mails,” Washington
Post, March 4, 2004.

an amendment by Representative Norman Dicks (passed as part of a Hunter en bloc
amendment) to require that the contract be completed no later than March 1, 2005.
Senator McCain, among others, continued to oppose the KC-767 acquisition
plan, at least until the mandated studies were completed. Last year, the Senate
Armed Services Committee, on which Senator McCain serves, was the only one of
the four congressional defense committees to turn down a Defense Department
reprogramming request that would have allowed the Air Force to go ahead with its
initial proposal to lease 100 aircraft. Instead, the committee proposed the modified
lease 20-buy 80 plan that the House then agreed to in conference negotiations on the
FY2004 authorization. On the Senate floor, Senator McCain proposed a number of
767-related amendment to the defense authorization bill, all of which would set
conditions before funds may be obligated for the program. On June 22, the Senate
adopted a McCain amendment to prohibit acquisition of Air Force aerial refueling
aircraft until 60 days after currently required studies are completed and requiring the
Secretary of Defense to certify that acquisition complies with all applicable laws,
Office of Management circulars, and regulations.
For their part, the appropriators left resolution of the KC-767 issue up to the
authorizers, though both the House and the Senate Appropriations Committees
supported the program in the past. The House Appropriations Committee provided
$100 million for KC-767 acquisition in a transfer fund that could be used for
procurement, R&D, or leasing of the aircraft. The Senate Appropriations Committee
provided $110 million in a fund available for tanker aircraft replacement, which,
presumably, could be used for KC-767s or for some other program. The
appropriations conference report includes $100 million for a tanker replacement
The authorization conference agreement repeals the lease provision in the
FY2004 bill and approves multiyear procurement of a tanker replacement. So the Air
Force may still decide to acquire KC-767 refueling aircraft at some time in the next
few months, or it may decide to acquire some other system.
Buy American Act, Trade Offsets, and Related Issues
Last year, the House-passed authorization bill included provisions to strengthen
requirements that the Defense Department buy defense equipment and parts from
American companies. The Senate opposed these measures, and the issue held up
final approval of the defense authorization bill for some time. Advocates of more
stringent buy American provisions were not fully satisfied with the outcome, so the
issue was expected to come up in some form again this year. A related issue is
whether the Navy should be permitted to continue leasing some support ships from
foreign firms, or should, instead, be required to buy new ships from American
shipyards. See above for discussions of congressional action on the issue.
Congressional Action. The House Armed Services Committee did not
directly seek to strengthen “Buy American” provisions it its version of the FY2005
defense authorization, but it addressed the issue indirectly in a provision regarding
offsets for foreign military sales. U.S. sales of military equipment to foreign
countries often include agreements to offset part or all of the value of the sale.

Offsets may include allowing foreign suppliers to provide parts for the system,
allowing foreign companies to perform assembly operations or other parts of
production, or requiring U.S. purchases of equipment from foreign providers. The
House version of the authorization bill includes a measure that would prohibit the
United States from purchasing foreign-made defense items unless the seller agrees
to provide trade “offsets” equal, as a share of value, to the offsets the selling nation
applies to purchases from the United States. The provision may be waived if the
Secretary of Defense certifies that a purchase is necessary to meet U.S. national
security objections.
In the Senate, the authorization bill, as reported by the Armed Services
Committee, included provisions allowing the Defense Department to waive domestic
content requirements for purchases from foreign countries that have a reciprocal trade
agreement with the United States. On June 22, the Senate considered an amendment
by Senators Mark Dayton and Russ Feingold to eliminate those provisions. The
Senate rejected that proposal, however, when it adopted, by a vote of 54-46, a
substitute amendment proposed by Senator McCain to revise the language of the
original provision. The McCain amendment, included in the Senate-passed version
of the bill, allows the Defense Department to waive domestic content requirements
for trade with any nation that has signed a “Declaration of Principles” agreement with
the United States regarding reciprocity in defense trade. On June 23, the Senate also
agreed to an amendment by Senator Christopher Dodd to penalize contractors that
agree to offsets of more than 100% of the value of a contract for sales of defense
goods to foreign nations.
The authorization conference agreement requires the Secretary of Defense to
develop a defense acquisition trade policy designed to eliminate any adverse impact
of offset agreements in defense trade. Conferees dropped the Senate provision
allowing waivers of buy American laws.
Concurrent Budget Resolution
S.Con.Res. 95 (Nickles). An original concurrent resolution setting forth the
congressional budget for the United States government for FY2005 and including the
appropriate budgetary levels for fiscal years 2006 through 2009. Reported by the
Senate Budget Committee without written report, March 5, 2004. Measure laid
before the Senate, March 8, 2004. Considered by the Senate, March 10-12, 2004.
Agreed to in the Senate with amendments (51-45), March 12, 2004. House struck
all after the enacting clause and inserted the provisions of H.Con.Res. 393, March 29,

2004. House requested a conference and appointed conferees, March 30, 2004.

Senate disagreed to House amendment and appointed conferees, March 31, 2004.
Conference report filed (H.Rept. 108-498), May 19, 2004. House approved
conference report (216-213), May 19, 2004.
H.Con.Res. 393 (Nussle). A concurrent resolution establishing the
congressional budget for the United States government for FY2005 and setting forth

appropriate budgetary levels for fiscal years 2004 and 2006 through 2009. Reported
by the House Budget Committee (H.Rept. 108-441), March 19, 2004. Considered
by the House, March 24-25, 2004. Agreed to in the House (215-212), March 25,
2004. House inserted the provisions of H.Con.Res. 393 into S.Con.Res. 95 and
agreed to S.Con.Res. 95, March 29, 2004. House requested a conference, March 30,


Defense Authorization
H.R. 4200 (Hunter). To authorize appropriations for FY2005 for military
activities of the Department of Defense, to prescribe military personnel strengths for
FY2005, and for other purposes. Marked up by the House Armed Services
Committee, May 12, 2004. Ordered to be reported by the House Armed Services
Committee (H.Rept. 108-491), May 13, 2004. Considered by the House, May 19-20,
2004. Motion to recommit failed with instructions (202-224), May 20, 2004. Agreed
to by the House (391-34), May 20, 2004. Senate took up H.R. 4200, struck all after
the enacting clause and inserted the provisions of S. 2400, and approved H.R. 4200,
as amended, by unanimous consent, June 23, 2004. Senate insisted on its
amendments, requested a conference, and appointed conferees, June 24, 2004.
Conference report filed (H.Rept. 108-767), October 8, 2004. Conference report
agreed to in the House (359-14) and in the Senate (unanimous consent), October 9,

2004. Signed into law by the President (P.L. 108-375), October 28, 2004.

S. 2400 (Warner). An original bill to authorize appropriations for FY2005 for
military activities of the Department of Defense, for military construction, and for
defense activities of the Department of Energy, to prescribe personnel strengths for
such fiscal year for the Armed Services, and for other purposes. Marked up by the
Senate Armed Services Committee, May 6-7, 2004. Reported by the Senate Armed
Services Committee (S.Rept. 108-260), May 11, 2004. Considered in the Senate,
May 17-21, June 2-4, 7, and 14-18, 21-23, 2004. Agreed to in the Senate, with
amendments (97-0), June 23, 2004. Senate incorporated S. 2400 into H.R. 4200 and
Senate adopted H.R. 4200 as amendment by unanimous consent, June 23, 2004.
Defense Appropriations
H.R. 4613 (Lewis). Making appropriations for the Department of Defense for
the fiscal year ending September 30, 2005, and for other purposes. Reported by the
House Appropriations Committee, June 18, 2004 (H.Rept. 108-553). Reported by
the Rules Committee with amendment, H.Res. 683 on June 21, 2004. Considered in
the House, June 22, and passed by a vote of 403 to 17 on June 22, 2004. Taken up
and considered by the Senate; Senate struck all after the enacting clause and inserted
the provisions of S. 2559, as reported by the Armed Services Committee; Senate
considered amendments and adopted H.R. 4613, as amended (98-0), June 24, 2004.
Senate insisted on its amendments, requested a conference, and appointed conferees,
June 24, 2004. House disagreed to the Senate amendments, agreed to a conference,
agreed to instruct conferees by a voice vote, and appointed conferees, July 13, 2004.
Conference report filed (H.Rept. 108-622), July 20, 2004. Conference report agreed
to in the Senate (96-0) and in the House (410-12), July 22, 2004. Signed into law by
the President (P.L. 108-287), August 5, 2004.

S. 2559 (Stevens). An original bill making appropriations for the Department
of Defense for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2005, and for other purposes.
Ordered to be reported by the Senate Appropriations Committee, without written
report, June 22, 2004. Senate incorporated S. 2559 into H.R. 4613 as an amendment
and took up H.R. 4613, as amended, June 24, 2004. Report filed by the Senate
Appropriations Committee (S.Rept. 108-284), June 24, 2004.
For Additional Reading
CRS Reports
CRS Report RL32381. Adequacy of the Army’s FY2004 Funding for Operations in
CRS Report RL32056. The Air Force KC-767 Tanker Lease Proposal: Key Issues
For Congress.
CRS Report RS20859. Air Force Transformation.
CRS Report RS20787. Army Transformation and Modernization: Overview and
Issues for Congress.
CRS Report RL31954. Civil Service Reform: Analysis of the National Defense
Authorization Act for FY2004.
CRS Report RL31924. Civil Service Reform: H.R. 1836, Homeland Security Act,
and Current Law.
CRS Report RL31187. Combating Terrorism: 2001 Congressional Debate on
Emergency Supplemental Allocations.
CRS Report RS21327. Concurrent Receipt of Military Retirement and VA Disability
Benefits: Budgetary Issues.
CRS Report RS21644. Defense Funding by Mission For Iraq, Afghanistan, and
Homeland Security: Issues and Implications.
CRS Report RL30392. Defense Outsourcing: The OMB Circular A-76 Policy.
CRS Issue Brief IB10062. Defense Research: DOD’s Research, Development, Test
and Evaluation Program.
CRS Report RL32238. Defense Transformation: Background and Oversight Issues
for Congress.
CRS Report RS21195. Evolutionary Acquisition and Spiral Development in DOD
Programs: Policy Issues for Congress.

CRS Report RL32141. Funding for Military and Peacekeeping Operations: Recent
History and Precedents.
CRS Report RL32090. FY2004 Supplemental Appropriations for Iraq, Afghanistan,
and the Global War on Terrorism: Military Operations & Reconstruction
CRS Report RL31946. Iraq War: Defense Program Implications for Congress.
CRS Report RL32216. Military Base Closures: Implementing the 2005 Round.
CRS Report RS21822. Military Base Closures: DOD’s 2005 Internal Selection
CRS Report RL30051. Military Base Closures: Agreement on a 2005 Round.
CRS Report RL31663. Military Benefits for Former Spouses: Legislation and Policy
CRS Report RS21754. Military Forces: What is the Appropriate Size for the United
CRS Issue Brief IB85159. Military Retirement: Major Legislative Issues.
CRS Report RS21148. Military Space Programs: Issues Concerning DOD’s SBIRS
and STSS Programs.
CRS Report RL31664. The Military Survivor Benefit Plan: A Description of Its
CRS Report RL31111. Missile Defense: The Current Debate.
CRS Report RS20851. Naval Transformation: Background and Issues for Congress.
CRS Report RL32130. Nuclear Weapon Initiatives: Low-Yield R&D, Advanced
Concepts, Earth Penetrators, Test Readiness.
CRS Report RL32347. Robust Nuclear Earth Penetrator Budget Request and Plan,
CRS Report RL31406. Supplemental Appropriations for FY2002: Combating
Terrorism and Other Issues.
CRS Report RL31829. Supplemental Appropriations FY2003: Iraq Conflict,
Afghanistan, Global War on Terrorism, and Homeland Security.
CRS Issue Brief IB92115. Tactical Aircraft Modernization: Issues for Congress.

Appendix A. Funding Tables
Table A-1. Congressional Action on
FY2005 Defense Appropriations Bill by Title
(budget authority in millions of dollars)
Change Change Change
to to Confer- to
Request H o use Re q u e s t Sena t e Re q u e s t ence Re q u e s t
Regular Appropriations
Military Personnel104,812104,192-620103,869-942103,731-1,081
Operation and Maintenance121,875120,568-1,306121,410-464121,065-810
Procurement 74,662 77,355 +2 ,692 76,467 +1 ,804 77,678 +3 ,016
RDT &E 67,772 68,947 +1 ,174 68,769 +997 69,933 +2 ,161
Revolving and Management Funds2,9552,361-5942,128-8272,379-576
Other Defense Programs*20,11020,401+29220,592+48220,656+546
Related Agencies552557+5567+15557+5
General Provisions70-3,227-3,297-2,648-2,718-4,846-4,916
Consolidated Appropriations Rescission-300-300
Total, Regular Appropriations392,807391,153-1,654391,153-1,654390,853-1,354
Emergency Appropriations
Department of Defense Iraq/25,00025,00025,00025,000
Afghanistan Operations
Repeal of Defense Rescission in1,800+1,800
FY2004 Omnibus Appropriations
Department of State Iraq Operations 685+685685+685
Refuge Assistance, Sudan and Chad95+9595+9595+95
Convention Security Assistance50+50
Federal Judiciary Defender Services26+26
Wildland Fire Suppression500+500
Total, Emergency Appropriations25,00025,780+78025,095+9528,156+3,156
Grand Total in Bill417,807416,933-874416,248-1,559416,633-574
Sources: H.Rept. 108-553; S.Rept. 108-284, H.Rept. 108-622, H.Rept. 108-792.

Table A-2. National Defense Budget Function Request by
Appropriations Bill, FY2002-FY2005
(current year dollars in millions)
FY2002 FY2003 FY2004 FY2005
Subfunction 051 — Department of Defense,344,984437,863441,709402,633
M ilit a r y
Defense Appropriations Bill336,655428,125434,995394,393
Military Personnel86,957109,062117,713106,346
Operation & Maintenance133,851178,316168,470141,245
Procurement 62,740 78,490 80,920 74,905
RDT &E 48,718 58,103 64,665 68,942
Revolving & Management Funds4,3894,1543,2272,955
Military Construction Appropriations Bill10,67910,8539,7899,461
Military Construction6,6316,6705,9565,289
Family Housing4,0484,1833,8334,172
M a nda tory/Scoring -2,350 -1,116 -3,075 1,216
DoD Offsetting Receipts (Net) & Other-1,703-1,178-3,0561,218
OMB rounding/scoring difference-64762-19-2
Subfunction 053 — Atomic Energy Defense15,22516,36516,75317,220
Energy and Water Appropriations Bill15,06815,91516,48016,958
Atomic Energy Defense Activities14,91015,75216,32116,798
Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action140144139140
Nuclear Facilities Safety Board18192020
Labor-HHS-Education Appropriations Bill157450273262
Occupational Illness Compensation Fund157450273262
Subfunction 054 — Defense Related Activities1,8971,9572,0853,245
VA-HUD-Independent Agencies Appropriations959594853
B ill
US Antarctic Logistical Support Act (NSF)70696868
Social Security Wage Credits Post 1956 Service000759
Selective Service System25262626
Defense Appropriations Bill330359360508
Intelligence Community Management Staff118136134269
CIA Retirement & Disability Fund212223226239
Homeland Security Appropriations Bill695753877937
Coast Guard (Defense Related)440340400340
Emergency Preparedness and Response50505050
R&D, Acquisition and Operations0363287407
Information Analysis & Infrastructure Protection960140140
Homeland Security (Defense Related)109000
Commerce-Justice-State Appropriations Bill678652656667
Radiation Exposure Compensation Trust Fund174143107137
Department of Justice (Defense Related)45395935
FBI (Defense Related)459470490495
Labor-HHS-Education Appropriations Bill000181
Health Care Trust Fund Post 1956 Service000181
Transportation-Treasury-Appropriations Bill99989899
Maritime Security/Ready Reserve Fleet99989899
Total National Defense362,106456,185460,547423,098
Source: Department of Defense, National Defense Budget Estimates for FY2005, March 2004.

Table A-3. Congressional Action on Missile Defense Programs
(amounts in millions of dollars)
House Sena t e Co nf. House Sena t e Co nf.
Autho r i- Autho r i- Autho r i- Appro - Appro - Appro - Change
Requestzationzationzationpriationspriationspriationsto Request
rement/ RDT&E Total10,170.79,993.710,133.09,949.39,712.810,186.59,994.8-175.9
rement Total577.2577.2667.2577.2577.2577.2577.2
riot PAC-3489.3489.3579.3489.3489.3489.3489.3
riot Mods87.987.987.987.987.987.987.9
T&E Total9,593.59,416.59,465.89,372.19,135.69,609.39,417.6-175.9
T&E Missile Defense Agency9,146.78,969.79,014.08,923.38,688.89,162.58,968.7-177.9
Ballistic Missile Defense Technology204.3208.3211.6210.4196.3232.1228.3+24.0
Advanced Concepts, Evaluations And Systems256.2206.2256.2231.2231.2256.2231.2-25.0
Ballistic Missile Defense Terminal Defense Segment937.7984.7937.7937.7876.21,017.7944.2+6.5
Ballistic Missile Defense Midcourse Defense Segment4,384.84,414.84,424.84,446.84,369.84,548.34,630.5+245.7
iki/CRS-RL32305 Ballistic Missile Defense Boost Defense Segment492.6492.6492.6492.6495.6497.6498.4+5.8
g/w Ballistic Missile Defense Sensors592.0541.0612.0601.0595.0613.5605.8+13.9
s.or Ballistic Missile Defense System Interceptor511.3444.3311.3348.3398.3259.3348.3-163.0
leak Ballistic Missile Defense Test & Targets713.7713.7713.7713.7713.7713.7716.7+3.0
Ballistic Missile Defense Products418.6358.6423.6405.1388.6413.6405.1-13.5
://wiki Ballistic Missile Defense Systems Core479.8449.8474.8405.8310.3454.8409.6-70.2
http Pentagon Reservation13.913.913.913.913.913.913.9
Management HQ - MDA141.9141.9141.9116.9100.0141.9116.9-25.0
ssile Defense Programs - Undistributed Reduction-180.0-180.0
T&E Army360.4360.4365.4362.4360.4360.4362.4+2.0
Medium Extended Air Defense System (MEADS)264.5264.5328.7264.5264.5264.5264.5
Patriot PAC-364.
Project 036 Patriot Product Improvement31.731.736.733.731.731.733.7+2.0
T&E Joint Staff86.486.486.486.486.486.486.4
nt Theater Air and Missile Defense (JTAMDO)86.486.486.486.486.486.486.4
: Department of Defense, Procurement Programs (P-1), Fiscal Year 2005, February 2004; Department of Defense, RDT&E Programs (R-1), Fiscal Year 2005, February 2004;
ept. 108-491; S.Rept. 108-260; H.Rept. 108-553; S.Rept. 108-284; H.Rept. 108-767.
Excludes $22.3 million requested for military construction.

Table A-4. House and Senate Action on Major Weapons Acquisition Programs: Authorization
(amounts in millions of dollars)
RequestHouse ActionSenate ActionConferenceAction
C o mme n t sP r ocurement R &D P r ocurement R &D P r ocurement R &D P r ocurement R &D
y Aircraft and Vehicles
-60 Blackhawk27314.567.6 35432.067.627432.067.627314.567.6House adds $118 mn. for 8 aircraft.
-47 Chinook Upgrades 727.312.9 733.8 12.9 727.312.9 702.312.9Conf. cuts $25 mn. for production efficiencies.
-64D Apache Longbow19 654.5 19 654.5 19659.5 19654.5 Senate adds $5 mn. for combo pak.
e Combat System 3,198.1 2,952.8 3,198.1 2,928.0House cuts $245 mn. Conf. cuts $270 mn.
iki/CRS-RL32305dley Mods/Base 126.8 191.9 126.8 178.3 House adds $40 mn. for upgrade program and
g/wainment$25 mn. for reactive armor. Conf. adds $34 mn.
s.orfor upgrade program and $17.5 mn. for reactivearmor.
brams Mods/Upgrades 409.116.1 409.1 16.1 409.116.1 409.1
://wikiker Interim Armored310905.151.9 310 905.1 51.9310905.151.9310905.151.9
Armored Humvees818163.0 867.7 478.0 735.0 House adds $704.7 mn. in emergency
supplemental authorization. Senate adds $315.0
mn. in regular bill plus $610 for uparmored
Humvees or add-on armor. Conf. adds $572
mn. for uparmored vehicles.
G-51 Destroyer33,445.0146.5 3 3,545.0 168.333,445.0146.533,445.0150.8House adds $22 mn. in R&D, conf. adds $4 mn.
(X)11,450.61,239.5 11,550.011,490.5House cuts $221 mn. for initial ship
construction, adds $10 mn. for advanced gunnd
system. Senate adds $99 mn. for 2 shipnd
design. Conf. adds $84 mn. for 2 ship, cuts
$45 mn. from fleet support R&D.
D(1) Amphibious Ship 236.0 236.0 236.0 236.0

RequestHouse ActionSenate ActionConferenceAction
C o mme n t sP r ocurement R &D P r ocurement R &D P r ocurement R &D P r ocurement R &D
D-9/LHA(R) Advance 150.0 150.0 150.0 House adds $150 mn. in advance procurement
c.for items common to LHA(R) and LHD-9.
Senate and conf. add $150 mn. for LHA(R).
l Combat Ship1352.1244.4 1352.11350.1House cuts $107.7 mn. for initial ship
inia-Class Submarine12,453.0143.312,453.0153.312,453.0219.412,453.0155.3House adds $10 mn. in RDT&E for multi-
mission modules. Senate adds $76 mn. in
RDT&E, including $56 mn. for multi-mission
modules. Conf. adds $12 mn. for R&D.
orce/Navy/Marine Aircraft
iki/CRS-RL32305-18E/F Fighter422,985.8134.6453,009.8134.6422,985.8134.6422,985.8134.6House adds $24 mn. for 3 aircraft.
s.orber Development 100.0 30.0House adds $100 mn., conf. adds $30 mn.
leakirlift Aircraft143,839.9199.7143,874.8199.7143,839.8199.7143,873.8199.7House and conf. add $35 mn. for a maintenance
training system.
://wikihter244,157.0564.5244,157.0564.5223,876.8564.5244,127.0534.5Senate cuts $280 mn. for 2 aircraft due to
httpproduction delay. Conf. cuts $30 mn. in proc.
and $30 mn. in R&D for efficiencies.
ike Fighter (Navy) 2,264.5 2,264.5 2,279.5 2,138.5Senate adds $15 mn. for STOVL lift fan. Conf.
adds $8 mn. for fan, cuts $134 mn. for engine,
ike Fighter (AF) 2,307.4 2,307.4 2,307.4 2,173.4Conf. cuts $134 mn. for engine, retooling, etc.
ilt Rotor Aircraft111,234.7395.4111,234.7395.4111,234.7395.4111,234.7353.4Conf. cuts $42 mn. due to flight test delay.
XX Executive Helicopter 777.4 557.4 632.4 557.4House cuts $220 mn., Senate cuts $145 mn.,
conf. cuts $220 mn. due to delays.
-767/Other Tanker 15.080.0 15.080.0House and conf. add $15 mn. for procurement
and $80 mn. for RDT&E.

RequestHouse ActionSenate ActionConferenceAction
C o mme n t sP r ocurement R &D P r ocurement R &D P r ocurement R &D P r ocurement R &D
pace Systems
ical Tomahawk Cruise293256.228.8350305.828.8316276.233.8321280.232.8House adds $50 mn for 57 missiles. Senate adds
$20 mn. for 23 missiles and $5 mn. for RDT&E.
Conf. adds $24 mn. for 28 missiles and $4 mn.
for R&D.
ced Extremely High 98.6612.0 133.6612.0 133.6612.0 98.6612.0House adds $35 mn. for advanced procurementth
quency Satellitefor a 4 satellite assuming follow-on
Transformational Satellite delay. Senate adds
$35 mn. for spare parts and long-lead items.
ed Expendable Launch3611.027.03511.027.03511.027.03511.027.0House, Senate, and conf. cut $100 mn. due to
iki/CRS-RL32305clelaunch delay.
g/w Infrared System- 508.4 543.4 543.3 543.3House, Senate, and conf. add $35 mn. for
s.or RDT&E.
://wikinsformationalmunications Satellite 774.8 674.8 674.8 474.8House and Senate cut $100 mn. from RDT&Edue to risk of delays. Conf. cuts $300 mn.
http Radar327.7 327.7 327.7 75.0Conf. cuts $273 mn. following appropriations.
rces: H.Rept. 108-491; S.Rept. 108-260.

Table A-5. House and Senate Action on Major Weapons Acquisition Programs: Appropriations
(amounts in millions of dollars)
R e que s t HouseAction SenateAction Conf erenceAction
C o mme n t sP r ocurement R &D P r ocurement R &D P r ocurement R &D P r ocurement R &D
y Aircraft and Vehicles
-60 Blackhawk27327.667.639441.767.627314.597.633378.188.6House adds $127 mn. for 12 aircraft. Senate adds $30
mn. for R&D. Conf. adds $64 mn. for 6 aircraft for
Army National Guard.
-47 Chinook Upgrades 727.312.9 1,063.312.9 707.312.9 872.812.9House adds $336 mn. in Army recapitalization.
Senate cuts $20 mn. for production efficiencies.
Conf. adds $168 mn. for aircraft, cuts $22.5 mn.
iki/CRS-RL32305-64D Apache Longbow19 654.5 19654.5 19654.5 19654.5
g/we Combat System 3,198.1 2,873.7 3,198.1 2,929.9House cuts $324.3 mn., terminates NLOS-LS. Senate
s.orestablishes new program element with $79.5 mn. for
leakNLOS-LS. Conf. cuts $250 mn. for excessive
overhead, provides $58.2 mn. for NLOS-LS in new
://wikiprogram element.
httpdley Mods/Base 126.8 310.8 158.8 305.7 House adds $174 mn. for Bradley Operation Desert
ainmentStorm (ODS) upgrades as part of Army
recapitalization initiative. Senate adds $7 mn. for
diagnostics and $25 mn. for reactive armor. Conf.
adds $158 mn. for upgrades, $17.5 mn. for armor.
brams Mods/Upgrades 409.116.167409.116.1 409.116.167409.116.1
ker Interim Armored310905.151.91,855.151.9310905.151.91,530.151.9House adds $950 million to equip an additional
clebrigade. Conf. adds $625 mn.
Armored Humvees818163.0 837.3 ** 735.0 House adds $674.3 mn. in Iraq/Afghanistan
emergency funds. Senate adds $865 mn. in
Iraq/Afghanistan funding for force protection, of
which some may be for up-armored Humvees. Conf.
adds $572 mn. from emergency funds.

R e que s t HouseAction SenateAction Conf erenceAction
C o mme n t sP r ocurement R &D P r ocurement R &D P r ocurement R &D P r ocurement R &D
G-51 Destroyer33,445.0146.533,670.0163.033,445.0146.533,495.0160.0House adds $125 mn. in proc. for advance
procurement for additional ship in FY2006 or
FY2007, $100 mn. for upgrades, $16.5 mn. in R&D.
Conf. adds $50 mn. for upgrades, $13.4 mn. in R&D.
(X)1 1,450.61 1,201.81320.51,229.51305.51,195.5House cuts $221 mn. in R&D for ship construction.
Senate moves construction funds from R&D tond
procurement, adds $99 mn. for 2 ship. Conf. moves
construction funds from R&D to procurement, addsnd
$84 mn. for 2 ship, trims some other R&D.
iki/CRS-RL32305D-9/LHA(R) Advance 175.0 150.0 House does not add funds as did authorization.
g/wc.Senate adds $175 mn. for first increment of
s.orconstruction. Conf. adds $150 mn. for same.
leakl Combat Ship1352.11409.11352.11407.1House adds $107 mn. to fully fund ship construction,nd
cuts $50 mn. for design of 2 ship. Conf. adds $107nd
://wikimn. for full funding, cuts $2 mn. from 2 shipdesign.
inia-Class Submarine12,453.0143.312,453.0141.312,453.0208.412,453.0173.2Senate adds $65 mn. for multi-mission module, other
R&D. Conf. adds $30 mn. in R&D.
orce/Navy/Marine Aircraft
-18E/F Fighter422,985.8134.6422,985.8136.6422,985.8136.6422,985.8138.3
ber Development 50.0 30.0House adds $50 mn. Conf. adds $30 mn.
irlift Aircraft143,839.9199.7153,839.8202.7143,873.8201.7154,032.4201.7House adds $159 mn. for 1 aircraft and full funding,
cuts $159 mn. for upgrades. Senate adds $34 mn. for
maintenance training. Conf. adds $159 mn. for 1
aircraft and full funding and $34 mn. for training.
hter244,157.0564.5244,127.0554.5244,127.0564.5 4,127.0554.5House, Senate, and Conf. cut $30 mn. in proc. for
expected manuf. cost savings.
ike Fighter (Navy) 2,264.5 2,168.5 2,264.5 2,168.5House cuts $96 mn. due to delays. Senate earmarks
$15 mn. for STOVL. Conf. cuts $96 mn. for delays.

R e que s t HouseAction SenateAction Conf erenceAction
C o mme n t sP r ocurement R &D P r ocurement R &D P r ocurement R &D P r ocurement R &D
ike Fighter (AF) 2,307.4 2,199.4 2,309.9 2,200.7House cuts $108 mn. due to delays. Senate adds $2.5
mn. for tire R&D. Conf. cuts $108 mn. for delays,
adds $1.3 mn. for tire R&D.
ilt Rotor Aircraft111,234.7395.4111,234.7344.4111,234.7388.4111,234.7357.4House cuts $51 mn. in R&D due to delays. Senate
cuts $7 mn. Conf. cuts $42 mn. in R&D for delays,
adds $4 mn. for upgrade.
XX Executive Helicopter 777.4 557.4 557.4 557.4House, Senate, Conf. cut $220 mn. due to delays.
-767 Tanker/Tanker 100.0 110.0 100.0 House adds $100 mn. in transfer fund for proc. or
lacementR&D. Senate provides $110 mn. for tanker
replacement. Conf. provides $100 mn. for tanker
iki/CRS-RL32305 rep l acemen t .
g/wpace Systems
leakical Tomahawk Cruise293256.228.8293256.231.8316293.236.8 280.232.8House does not follow auth. add. Senate adds $37mn. in proc. for 23 missiles and $8 mn. in R&D for
://wikiterrain aided navigation. Conf. adds $24 mn. foradditional missiles and $4 mn. for R&D.
httpced Extremely High 98.6612.0 78.6612.0 98.6612.0 78.6612.0House and conf. cut $20 mn. from advance
quency Satelliteprocurement.
ed Expendable Launch3611.027.03520.027.0 511.027.0 511.027.0House cuts $91 mn. for transfer to SBIRS-High.
cleSenate and conf. cut $100 mn. due to launch delays.
Infrared 508.4 599.4 508.4 599.4House adds $91 mn. per AF request, vs. $35 mn. add
tem-Highin auth. Conf. adds $91 mn.
nsformational 774.8 674.8 374.8 474.8House cuts $100 mn. following auth. Senate cuts
munications Satellite$400 mn. for delay to reduce program risk. Conf.
cuts $300 mn.
Radar327.7 75.0 227.7 75.0House cuts $252.7 mn., terminating current program.
Senate cuts $100 mn. for risk reduction. Conf.
following House, cuts $252.7 mn.
rce: H.Rept. 108-553, S.Rept. 108-284, H.Rept. 108-622.

Appendix B. Overview of the
Administration Request
On February 2, 2004, the Administration released its FY2005 federal budget
request. The request includes $423.1 billion in new budget authority for national
defense, of which $402.6 billion is for military activities of the Department of
Defense, $17.2 billion for atomic energy defense activities of the Department of
Energy, and $3.2 billion for defense-related activities of other agencies. The request
does not include funding for ongoing military operations in Iraq, Afghanistan, and
elsewhere, for which Administration officials have said they expect to submit a
supplemental appropriations request early in calendar year 2005.
Table B-1 shows the Administration projection of funding for the national
defense budget function from FY2005 through FY2009, including requested funding
for Department of Defense military activities and for defense-related activities of the
Department of Energy and other agencies. It also shows the Administration’s
estimate of FY2004 funding.
The FY2004 amounts are not directly comparable to figures for later years,
because they include supplemental appropriations for operations in Iraq, Afghanistan,
and elsewhere, while the Administration projections for FY2005 and beyond do not.
Table B-2 shows Department of Defense funding for FY2004 with and without
supplemental appropriations compared to the FY2005 request.
With one exception, the Administration’s FY2005 defense request does not
mark a dramatic departure from plans officials have presented to Congress over the
past couple of years.
The exception is the Army’s decision to terminate the Comanche helicopter
program. Otherwise, the Administration’s request mainly reflects ongoing trends in
the defense budget, including
!continued growth in operation and maintenance and in military
personnel costs; and
!continued growth in a few very large weapons programs, including
the Air Force F-22 fighter, the multi-service F-35 Joint Strike
Fighter (JSF), the Navy’s DD(X) destroyer and Littoral Combat Ship
(LCS) programs, the Army’s Future Combat System, and, largest of
all, missile defense.

Table B-1. National Defense Budget Function, FY2004-FY2009,
Administration Projection
(budget authority in billions of dollars)
Est i ma t e Request Proj. Proj. Proj. Proj.
FY2004 FY2005 FY2006 FY2007 FY2008 FY2009
Military Personnel117.7106.3110.9114.7118.4122.1
Operation & Maintenance168.5141.2146.8151.8156.9164.6
Procurement 80.9 74.9 80.4 90.6 105.1 114.0
RDT &E 64.7 68.9 71.0 70.7 71.6 70.7
Military Construction6.05.38.812.110.810.2
Family Housing3.
Other 0 .2 1.7 1 .1 0.5 0 .2 3.7
Subtotal, Department of441.7402.6423.7444.9466.8488.9
Defe nse
Department of Energy,16.817.218.117.616.716.9
Defe nse-Related
Other Agency Defense-
Total, National Defense460.5423.1444.0464.8485.8508.2
Source: Office of Management and Budget, Historical Tables: Budget of the United States
Government for FY2005, Feb. 2004; Department of Defense, National Defense Budget Estimates for
FY2005, Mar. 2004.
Table B-2. Department of Defense Budget, FY2004-FY2005,
With and Without FY2004 Supplemental Funding
(budget authority in billions of dollars)
FY2004FY2004 Change
WithFY2004 Without Without
Supple- Supple-Supple-FY2005Supple-
me n t a l me n t a l me n t a l Request me n t a l
Military Personnel117.717.899.9106.3+6.4
Operation & Maintenance168.540.3128.2*141.2+13.0
Procurement 80.9 5 .5 75.4 74.9 -0.5
RDT &E 64.7 0 .3 64.3 68.9 +4.6
Military Construction6.
Family Housing3.
Other 0 .2 0.6 -0.5 1 .7 +2.2
T OT AL 441.7 65.1 376.6 402.6 +26.0
Sources: Department of Defense, Financial Summary Tables, FY2005 Budget, February 2004.
*Note: The FY2004 total shown for Operation and Maintenance (O&M) includes an offsetting
rescission of $3.5 billion. Without the rescission, the total for O&M, not including supplemental
funding, is $131.7 billion, which is the total of programmatic funding available to DOD, and which
is most comparable to the $141.2 billion requested for O&M in FY2005. The FY2004 figures shown
include total offsetting rescissions of $6.1 billion.

Comanche Termination
On February 23, two weeks after the budget was released, the Army announced
a decision to terminate development of the Comanche helicopter and to shift budget
savings into other Army aviation programs. In all, the Army spent about $8 billion
on the Comanche prior to FY2005 and estimated that its plan to acquire 650 aircraft
through FY2014 would cost an additional $29 billion. Halting the program will save
about $1.2 billion in FY2005, $8.9 billion from FY2005-FY2009, and, according to
Army officials, $14.6 billion from FY2005-FY2011, minus termination costs
estimated at $450-$680 million. Army officials said they would reallocate all of
these funds to other Army helicopter, missile, and unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV)
programs. On March 3, 2004, the White House submitted a budget amendment that
shifts FY2005 Comanche funds to other Army programs.
Continued Growth in Operation and Maintenance
and in Military Personnel Costs
As Table B-2, above, shows, the Defense Department’s FY2005 budget is about
$26 billion higher than the baseline FY2004 budget (i.e., excluding FY2004
supplemental funding). Of that increase, $6.4 billion is for military personnel and
$13.0 billion for operation and maintenance (O&M). The O&M increase is a bit
overstated because the FY2004 base reflects a $3.5 billion rescission in FY2003
emergency supplemental funds. But even after adjusting for the FY2004 rescission,
over 70% of the requested DOD increase between FY2004 and FY2005 is for
personnel and O&M.
Operation and Maintenance Costs Trends. For O&M, this is not a new
story. As Figure B-1 shows, after adjusting for inflation and for changes in the size
of the force, total operation and maintenance funding has grown at a very steady rate
of just over 2.5% per year above inflation ever since the end of the Korean War.
Many things explain the trend: (1) the steadily growing cost of operating and
maintaining new generations of more capable and sophisticated weapons; (2) efforts
to improve the extent and quality of military training; (3) efforts to ensure that the
quality of life in the military keeps up with the quality of life in the civilian sector as
the military has shifted to an all volunteer, older, more commonly married, and more
skilled force (this is reflected, among other things in growing health care costs and
in expenditures to operate facilities); and (4) modest but steady real growth in the
compensation of DOD civilian personnel, most of whom are paid with O&M funds.
The cost of maintaining aging equipment in recent years does not appear to be major
fact or. 47
Over the years, the Defense Department has perennially tried to slow the growth
of O&M costs. Efficiency measures — including base closures, outsourcing,
business process reforms, and attempts in the acquisition process to improve
weapons reliability — may have had some effect, but not enough to slow the long-
term trend perceptibly. Experience during the Clinton Administration may be an

47 For a detailed analysis, see Congressional Budget Office, The Effects of Aging on the
Costs of Operating and Maintaining Military Equipment, August 2001.

object lesson. Pentagon officials often projected that O&M costs would level off.
When they did not, more money had to be found to make up O&M shortfalls,
sometimes at the expense of procurement accounts and at other times from increases
in the defense total. For its part, the Bush Administration has built into its budgets
an expectation that O&M costs will continue to rise.
Figure B-1. Operation and Maintenance Budget
Authority Per Active Duty Troop, FY1955-FY2009
Recent Rapid Growth in Military Personnel Costs. Military personnel
costs have also grown over time, particularly since the inception of the all volunteer
force in 1973. Until FY2000, the rate of growth was relatively modest. Beginning
with the FY2000 defense bills, however, Congress, sometimes at the Pentagon’s
request and sometimes not, has approved a series of increases in military pay and
benefits that have driven up personnel costs dramatically. These increases include
!Annual military pay raises pegged at 0.5% above the “employment
cost index,” a measure of pay rates in the civilian sector;
!“Pay table reform” which gave larger, often substantial, pay raises
to targeted mid-level personnel in an effort to ensure retention of
skilled people;
!Repeal of a 1986 measure, known as “REDUX,” that had reduced
retirement benefits for personnel entering the force after that time;
!A plan to reduce out-of-pocket housing costs for personnel living off
base by increasing housing allowances enough to eliminate
differences with on-base housing; and
!Most expensive of all, in the FY2001 defense authorization, a
measure known as “TRICARE for Life” to provide full health care
benefits to over-65 military retirees.
Figure B-2 shows the trend in total military personnel funding, adjusting for
inflation and for changes in the size of the force, indexed to 1973, the first year of the

all-volunteer force.48 By this measure, uniformed military personnel are 30% more
expensive in FY2005 than in FY1999. While the rate of growth may level off over
the next few years, annual pay raises and other changes in benefits start from a much
higher base than just a few years ago, and very high personnel costs are a fact of life
in long-term military budget planning.
Figure B-2. Military Personnel Budget Authority
Per Active Duty Troop, FY1973-FY2009
Growth of Large Acquisition Programs
Compared to the FY2000 defense budget — the last full budget approved
without subsequent supplemental funding during the Clinton Administration — the
Bush Administration’s FY2005 request reflects a substantial increase in funding for
major weapons acquisition programs. Over the five year period, without adjusting
for inflation, weapons procurement is about 36% higher, and, strikingly, research,
development, test, and evaluation (RDT&E) is 78% higher (see Table B-3).
Although these increases are going to finance acquisition of a broad range of
weapons programs, a very large part of the growth is for just a few programs, many
still in the R&D stage. Table B-3 shows trends in funding for seven selected major
weapons acquisition programs from FY2000 through FY2005 (note that figures in
this table are not adjusted for inflation). These seven programs alone account for
34% of the increase in the RDT&E title between FY2000 and FY2005 and 35% of
the increase in weapons procurement. These and a few other large programs will
continue to dominate the acquisition part of the defense budget for the next several

48 CRS calculations, using DOD data on Military Personnel funding and end-strength and
adjusted for inflation using the CPI-W. The CPI-W is used rather than DOD deflators
because DOD deflators simply count pay raises as inflation. The measure used here tracks
changes in military personnel pay and benefits relative to inflation for typical wage earners.

Table B-3. Increases in Funding for Selected
Acquisition Programs, FY2000-FY2005
(budget authority in millions of current year dollars)
Missile Defense
Procurement 5 0 389 754 756 818 577
RDT &E 4 ,455 4,929 6,946 6,801 8,163 9,594
Joint Strike Fighter/F-35
Air Force2493417201,6132,0932,307
F-22 Raptor
Procurement (#)[0][10][13][21][22][24]
Procurement ($)5662,5373,0314,4614,1154,157
RDT &E 2 ,239 1,412 877 909 929 565
DD(X) Destroyer
Procurement ($)
RDT &E 161 288 490 916 1,089 1,451
Littoral Combat Ship (LCS)
Procurement ($)
RDT&E 35166244
Total 35166244
Interim Armored Vehicles/Stryker
Procurement (#)[0][447][300][282][306][310]
Procurement ($)22928653780983905
RDT &E 15 257 98 150 61 52
Future Combat System
Procurement ($)
RDT &E 1 2 7 5 129 370 1,684 3,198
Total for 7 Programs
Procurement ($)8764,1955,1647,6588,0757,904
RDT &E 7 ,131 7,302 9,260 10,795 14,183 17,410
Total Acquisition Budget
Procurement ($)54,97262,60862,73978,49580,92074,904
RDT &E 38,707 41,595 48,713 58,103 64,665 68,942
Sources: Department of Defense, Program Acquisition Costs by Major Weapon System, annual
editions for FY2002-FY2005; Department of Defense, RDT&E Program Descriptive Summaries,
various years and service volumes; Department of Defense, Procurement Programs (P-1), various

From a budgeting perspective, this is also nothing new. The growing cost of
major weapons programs also drove budgets higher in the past. Much of the
increased spending during the defense buildup of the first four years of the Reagan
Administration went to pay for procurement of weapons that began development in
the early 1970s as the war in Vietnam was winding down. Similarly, much of the
increase in the early years of the George W. Bush Administration is going to carry
on weapons programs which were started some years ago. Almost all of these
programs have experienced significant cost growth and schedule delays, which raises
some questions about the long-term affordability of current weapons plans (see below
for a more extensive discussion).
Appendix C: Defense Budget Trends
Even without supplemental funding for Iraq and Afghanistan, the FY2005 Bush
Administration defense request represents a substantial increase from the amounts
provided in the final years of the Clinton Administration. Table C-1 compares the
FY2000 defense plan, which was the last full budget year of the previous
Administration with the FY2005 request. Adjusted for inflation, the overall FY2005
request is about 23% higher, with the largest increases in procurement, +28%, and,
most strikingly, in R&D, +66%. This represents an average annual growth rate of

3.7% above inflation over the five-year period.

Table C-1. Change in National Defense Budget Function by
Appropriations Title, FY2000-FY2005
(budget authority in billions of constant FY2005 dollars)
Actua l
FY2000 Requesta Percent
(FY2005 $)FY2005DifferenceDifference
Military Personnelb88.9106.3+17.5+19.7%
Operation and Maintenance124.5141.2+16.8+13.5%
Military Construction5.55.3-0.2-4.1%
Family Housing3.84.2+0.4+10.1%
Subtotal, Department of Defense328.8402.6+73.8+22.5%
Department of Energy Defense-Related14.117.2+3.1+22.3%
Other Defense-Related1.43.2+1.9+138.3%
Total, National defense344.2423.1+78.9+22.9%
Sources: CRS calculations based on amounts from the Office of Management and Budget and
FY2005 base year deflators from the Department of Defense.
No tes
a. FY2005 amounts do not include anticipated supplemental appropriations for Iraq and Afghanistan.
b. The FY2000 Military Personnel total is inflated to FY2005 prices using Department of Defense
deflators,” which count military pay raises as inflation. A calculation using different deflators,
such as the Consumer Price Index, would show a different amount: see Figure 2 above.

Though substantial, these increases are not as large those in the first five years
of the Reagan Administration. Between FY1980 and FY1985, the defense budget
grew by 48%, an average annual increase of 8.1%. Moreover, even when funding for
operations in Iraq and Afghanistan is included, military spending remains relatively
low as a percentage of GDP. The FY2004 budget, including costs of Iraq and
Afghanistan is about 4% of GDP, substantially higher than in FY2000, but well
below what it was in the mid-1980s, when the Cold War was still going on (see
Figure C-1).
Figure C-1. National Defense Outlays
% of GDP, FY1947-FY2009
Advocates of higher military spending sometimes point to the long-term decline
in defense as a share of the economy to argue that the nation can easily afford more.
One counter-argument, or at least part of a counter-argument, is that the trend in
defense spending is part of a broader long-term trend in the federal budget, in which
both defense and non-defense discretionary spending have declined while mandatory
programs have grown. As Figure C-2 shows, total federal spending has been
remarkably stable at about 20% of GDP over the past 40 years. So to increase
defense substantially as a share of the economy would require either an increase in
total federal spending as a share of GDP or offsetting reductions elsewhere.

Figure C-2. Federal Outlays % of GDP,
After FY2005, the Administration defense plan, again not including war-related
supplementals, calls for fairly modest increases in the defense budget averaging a bit
over 2% per year above inflation. Table C-2 shows the trend.
Table C-2. Administration Projections for the
National Defense Budget Function, FY2005-FY2009
(budget authority in billions of current and constant FY2005 dollars)
Request Proj. Proj. Proj. Proj.
FY2005 FY2006 FY2007 FY2008 FY2009
Current year dollars423.1444.0464.8485.8508.2
Constant FY2005 dollars423.1433.7443.0451.5460.5
Real growth/decline +2.5%+2.1%+1.9%+2.0%
Source: CRS calculations using deflators from Department of Defense Comptroller.