Comparison of 9/11 Commission Recommended Intelligence Reforms, S. 2845, S. 2774, H.R. 5024, Administration Proposal, H.R. 10, Current Law

CRS Report for Congress
Comparison of 9/11 Commission Recommended
Intelligence Reforms, S. 2845, S. 2774, H.R. 5024,
Administration Proposal, H.R. 10, Current Law
Updated October 6, 2004
Alfred Cumming
Specialist in Intelligence and National Security
Foreign Affairs, Defense, and Trade Division

Congressional Research Service ˜ The Library of Congress

Comparison of 9/11 Commission Recommended
Intelligence Reforms, S. 2845, S. 2774, H.R. 5024,
Administration Proposal, H.R. 10, Current Law
On July 22, 2004, the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the
United States (also known as the 9/11 Commission) released its bipartisan,
unanimous final report containing recommendations for far-reaching and
fundamental changes to the United States Intelligence Community (IC). Almost 20
months after its creation by P.L. 107-306, the commission, as mandated by its
founding legislation, attempted to present a full and complete accounting of the facts
and circumstances surrounding the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, as well
as recommendations for corrective measures that can be taken to help prevent acts
of terrorism.
Several Members of Congress also have proposed legislation to reform the IC.
Senators Feinstein (S. 190), Bob Graham (S. 1520), Daschle (S. 6) and Roberts (S.
draft bill of August 23, 2004) have introduced or proposed legislation that either
directly, or as part of broader security proposals, contain a variety of IC reforms.
Representative Harman (H.R. 4104) has introduced comprehensive intelligence
reform legislation as did Representative Goss (H.R. 4584), before he was confirmed
by the U.S. Senate as Director of Central Intelligence.
This report, the second of two reports, presents side-by-side comparisons of the
9/11 Commission recommendations and current law and legislation proposed by
Senators Collins and Lieberman (S. 2845) and unanimously approved by the Senate
Governmental Affairs Committee on September 22, 2004, as amended; House
Speaker Dennis Hastert (H.R. 10), as reported out be the House Committee on Rules;
Senators McCain and Lieberman (S. 2774); Representative Pelosi (H.R. 5024); and
President Bush.
CRS Report RL32600 presents side-by-side comparisons of the 9/11
Commission recommendations and current law; and legislation proposed by Senators
Feinstein, Bob Graham, Daschle, and Roberts; President Bush; and relevant
provisions of current law.
This report will be updated.

National Intelligence Director (NID)...............................1
NID Budget Responsibilities.....................................3
Budget Authorities.............................................4
Direct Appropriation...........................................9
Budget Disclosure............................................10
Hire and Fire Authority........................................10
IC Structure.................................................15
FBI ........................................................20
IC Management Structure......................................22

S. 2774, H.R. 5024, Administration Proposal, H.R. 10, Current Law
Side-by-Side Comparison of Selected Intelligence Community Reform Proposals
ommissionCollins/LiebermanMcCain/LiebermanPelosi BushHastertCurrent Law
(S. 2845, approved,(S. 2774)(H.R. 5024)Administration(H.R. 10)
as amended, by the(submitted Sept.
Senate16, 2004)
Government Affs.
Committee on
leakational Intelligence Director (NID)
://wikiplace currentEstablishes withinthe ExecutiveEstablishes within theExecutive Branch theEstablishes withinthe executiveEstablishes withinthe executiveEstablishes withinthe executiveStipulates that thereis a Director of
httpBranch the NationalNational Intelligenceoffice of thebranch abranch aCentral
telligence with aIntelligenceAuthority, whichPresident apresidentiallypresidentiallyIntelligence who
esidentially -Authority, whichwould be headed by apresidentiallyappointed, Senateappointed, Senatealso heads CIA.

would be headed byPresidentiallyappointed Senateconfirmed NID. confirmed NID.
ed NID. a Presidentiallyappointed, Senateconfirmed NID.
e NID located inappointed, Senateconfirmed NID.
econfirmed NID.
ntral Intelligence
ency (CIA).

ommissionCollins/LiebermanMcCain/LiebermanPelosi BushHastertCurrent Law
(S. 2845, approved,(S. 2774)(H.R. 5024)Administration(H.R. 10)
as amended, by the(submitted Sept.
Senate16, 2004)
Government Affs.
Committee on


net Member
D should not beNo provision. No provision. No provision. No provision. No provision. No provision.
eneral NID Responsibilities
ersee — Head IC. — Head IC. — Head the IC. — Head IC. — Head IC. — Head IC.
ence — President’s — President’s — President’s — President’s — President’s — President’s
principalprincipal intelligenceprincipalprincipalprincipalprincipal
iki/CRS-RL32601ects of interest,intelligence advisor.advisor.intelligenceintelligence advisor.intelligence advisor.intelligence advisor.
g/w the — Prohibited from — Prohibited fromadvisor. — Prohibited from — Head CIA.
s.orservingserving — Overseeserving
leaksimultaneously assimultaneously asnationalsimultaneously as
nter (NCTC). CIA Director. CIA Director. intelligenceCIA director.
://wikiversee the–— Direct andcenters. — Manage and
httptelligenceoversee theoversee the NIP.
munity (IC).National — Individual
Intelligenceserving as CIA
Program (NIP).Director preceding
ence advisor.bill’s enactment
may be named NID.
D Tasking Responsibilities
provision.NID will issue andNID will direct andNo provision. No provision.NID will determineDCI will provide
manage collectionmanage tasking ofwill provide andoverall direction for
and analysiscollection, analysisestablish require-intelligence
tasking. and dissemination ofments and direct the collection.

national intelligence. tasking of collection
analysis, production
and dissemination.

ommissionCollins/LiebermanMcCain/LiebermanPelosi BushHastertCurrent Law
(S. 2845, approved,(S. 2774)(H.R. 5024)Administration(H.R. 10)
as amended, by the(submitted Sept.
Senate16, 2004)
Government Affs.
Committee on


esponsibilities – CIA Director
D should directlyRetains currentRetains currentNo provision. No provision Retains currentCIA Director will
ersee intelligencestatutorystatutory prohibitionstatutoryhave no police,
prohibition – CIA– CIA Director willprohibition – CIAsubpoena, or law
ited StatesDirector will havehave no police,Director will haveenforcement powers
no police,subpoena, or lawno police,or internal security
subpoena, or lawenforcement powerssubpoena, or lawfunctions.
enforcement powersor internal securityenforcement powers
iki/CRS-RL32601or internal securityfunctions. or internal security
g/wfunctions. functions.
://wikidget Submission
D should submitNID will determineNID would developNo provision. No provision. NID will developDCI will facilitate
et forthe annual budgetan annual IC budget. an annual budgetthe development of
for intelligence andfor intelligence andan annual budget
ence.intelligence-relatedintelligence-relatedfor intelligence and
activities.activities. intelligence-related
dget Development
NID will provideNID would direct,No provision. Subject to directionNID will provideDCI will participate
mendation. budget guidance to coordinate, prepare,of the President, thebudget guidance toin the development
intelligencemodify and presentNID, afterintelligenceby the SecDef of
elements thatannual budgets of theconsultation withelements thatannual JMIP and
receive NIPelements of the ICthe Sec. Def., willreceive NIPTIARA budgets.

funding, and towithin the NIP; andensure the NFIPfunding, and to
those IC elementsprovide guidance forbudgets for ICthose IC elements
that do not;development annualagencies andthat do not; will

ommissionCollins/LiebermanMcCain/LiebermanPelosi BushHastertCurrent Law
(S. 2845, approved,(S. 2774)(H.R. 5024)Administration(H.R. 10)
as amended, by the(submitted Sept.
Senate16, 2004)
Government Affs.
Committee on


participate in thebudgets for ICorganizations withinparticipate in the
development by theelements not withinthe DoD aredevelopment by the
SecDef of annualthe NIP. adequate. The SecSecDef of JMIP and
budgets for militaryDef is will ensureTIARA budgets.
intelligencethat IC agencies
programs notwithin the DoD
included in the NIPsatisfy needs of
(Joint MilitaryDoD.
Intelligence (JMIP)
iki/CRS-RL32601and Tactical
g/wIntelligence and
s.orRelated Activities
://wikiD Specific Authority for Budget Execution
httpNID will manageNo provision. No provision. No provision. NID will ensureNo provision.
mendation. and oversee NIPeffective execution
budget execution,of the budget for
reprogramming, andintelligence and
funds and personnelintelligence-related
transfers. activities. NID will
management and
execution of NIP
dget Approval
D should approveNID will approveNID would determineNID shouldNID would developNID will provideDCI approves

ommissionCollins/LiebermanMcCain/LiebermanPelosi BushHastertCurrent Law
(S. 2845, approved,(S. 2774)(H.R. 5024)Administration(H.R. 10)
as amended, by the(submitted Sept.
Senate16, 2004)
Government Affs.
Committee on


C budgets. any portion of thethe annualsubmit annualand determine anbudget guidance tobudgets of all IC
budget for an ICintelligence budget,unified budgets forannual consolidatedheads ofelements before
element within theincluding the review,nationalNational Foreigndepartmentsincorporation into
NIP. The budget ofmodification, andintelligence thatIntelligencecontaining ICNFIP. The SecDef,
agency with aapproval of budgetsreflect theProgram budget. elements and to thein consultation with
portion of NIP mayof IC elements withinpriorities of theThe NID wouldheads of the ICthe DCI, ensure that
not be providedthe NIP, and provideNational Securityparticipate in theelements thatDOD IC elements
President unlessbudget guidance forCouncil and andevelopment by thecompriseare adequately
NID has approvedIC elements notappropriateSec Def for thecomponents of thefunded.
iki/CRS-RL32601budget. NID willwithin the NIP.balance amongPresident’s approvalNIP. NID will
g/wprovide budgettechnical andof JMIP andprovide budget
s.orguidance for IChumanTIARA budgetguidance to those
leakagency not withinintelligencerequests. IC components not
://wikithe NIP. NIDwould participate incollectionsmethods andwithin the NIP. NID will participate
httpthe development byanalysis. in the development
the SecDef of theby the SecDef of
annual budget forannual budgets for
military intelligencethe JMIP and
programs. TIARA.
dget Reprogramming
D should haveNo NIP funds mayAdheres to currentThe NID mayNID would haveNo NIP funds mayNo NFIP funds may
rammingbe reprogrammedstatute — no NIDreprogram NIPauthority to transferbe reprogrammedbe reprogrammed
.without NID priorfunds may befunds to meet anyor reprogram NFIPwithout NID priorwithout DCI prior
approval, except inreprogrammedunforeseenfunds, as necessary,approval, except inapproval, except in
accordance withwithout NID priorpriority. with OMBaccordance withaccordance with
NID-issuedapproval, except inapproval, and afterNID-issuedDCI-issued
procedures. accordance withconsultation withprocedures. SecDefprocedures.

NID-affected agencywill consult with
issued procedures. heads and with theNID before

ommissionCollins/LiebermanMcCain/LiebermanPelosi BushHastertCurrent Law
(S. 2845, approved,(S. 2774)(H.R. 5024)Administration(H.R. 10)
as amended, by the(submitted Sept.
Senate16, 2004)
Government Affs.
Committee on


Director of Centraltransferring or
Intelligence, to thereprogramming
extent CIA isJMIP funds.
affected. Would
monitor and consult
with the Sec Def on
reprogramming or
transfer within, into,
or out of JMIP and
iki/CRS-RL32601 T IARA.
g/wnds and Personnel Transfer
leakWith OMBWith OMB approval,The NID willNID would haveWith OMBRequires approval
mendation.approval, NID mayNID may transferestablishauthority to transferapproval, NID mayfrom Director
://wikitransfer orfunds and personneleducation andor reprogram NFIPtransfer NIP fundsOMB, and could
httpreprogram NIPwithin the NIP if thetraining standardsfunds, as necessary,within the NIP; inoccur for periods
funds; approve orNID can showand facilitatewith OMBaccordance withup to a year.

disapprove thetransfer is to a higherassignments atapproval, and afterprocedures
transfer orpriority intelligencenationalconsultation withdeveloped with
reprogramming ofactivity, based onintelligenceaffected agencydepartment heads,
non-NIP funds tounforeseencenters and acrossheads and with theNID may transfer
the NIP; incircumstances andintelligenceDirector of CentralIC personnel for up
accordance withdoes not involveagencies. Intelligence, to theto a year, and
NID-developedfunds from CIA’sextent CIA issubject to
procedures betweenReserve foraffected. Wouldappropriations act
NID and affectedContingencies. monitor and consultprovisions.
agency heads,with the Sec Def onFund/personnel
transfer NIP-fundedNID would be able toreprogramming ortransfer must be to a
personnel from onetransfer personnel ontransfer within, into,higher priority
IC element toopen ended basisor out of JMIP andintelligence activity,
another; and, inbetween both NIPTIARA. based on unforeseen
accordance withand non-NIP fundedcircumstances and

ommissionCollins/LiebermanMcCain/LiebermanPelosi BushHastertCurrent Law
(S. 2845, approved,(S. 2774)(H.R. 5024)Administration(H.R. 10)
as amended, by the(submitted Sept.
Senate16, 2004)
Government Affs.
Committee on


mutually agreedintelligence elements. does not involve a
upon procedurestransfer of funds to
between NID andthe Reserve for
affected agencyContingencies of
heads, transfer non-the CIA; be less
NIP fundedthan $1 million; less
personnel from onethan 5% of amounts
IC element toavailable to agency;
another IC element. and not terminate
iki/CRS-RL32601Such transfer mayprogram.

g/wbe made only if
s.oractivity to which
leaktransfer being made
is higher
httppriority; does not
involve funds
transferred to NID
Reserve for
Contingencies; and
does not exceed
applicable ceilings
established in law
for such transfers.

ommissionCollins/LiebermanMcCain/LiebermanPelosi BushHastertCurrent Law
(S. 2845, approved,(S. 2774)(H.R. 5024)Administration(H.R. 10)
as amended, by the(submitted Sept.
Senate16, 2004)
Government Affs.
Committee on


eads Objections to Fund and Personnel Transfers
should beNo provision.No provisionNo provision. No provision.Transfer may bePermits agency
itted to transferallowing agency headmade withoutheads to stop DCI-
affected by such aregard to $1 millioninitiated fund and
C overNID-initiated fund orand 5% limitationspersonnel transfers,
ection ofpersonnel transfer toprovided NID hasprovided they state
ency heads. object. concurrence ofobjection in writing
agency the DCI.
iki/CRS-RL32601ransfer Procedures
s.orFor personnelNID required toNo provision. No provision. NID required toRequires the DCI to
leakmendation.transfers takingdevelop transferdevelop withdevelop transfer
://wikiplace within NIP-procedures for NIPagency headsprocedures with
httpfunded programs,the NID wouldand non-NIPtransfers with thepersonnel transferproceduresaffected agencyheads.

develop procedures;affected agencygoverning IC
for personnelheads. personnel transfers.
transfers involving
non-NIP funded
programs, the NID
and affected agency
heads would
develop procedures.

ommissionCollins/LiebermanMcCain/LiebermanPelosi BushHastertCurrent Law
(S. 2845, approved,(S. 2774)(H.R. 5024)Administration(H.R. 10)
as amended, by the(submitted Sept.
Senate16, 2004)
Government Affs.
Committee on


I Funds & Personnel Transfers
D should beNID authorized toNID authorized toNo provision. No provision. NID authorized toDCI is not
ed totransfertransfertransferauthorized to
funds/personnel tofunds/personnel tofunds/personnel totransfer
and from the FBI’sand from the FBI’sand from the FBI’sfunds/personnel
the FBI.Office ofOffice ofOffice offrom the FBI.
Intelligence. Intelligence.Intelligence.
g/wrect Appropriation
leakD Receives Direct Appropriation
://wikiD should receiveNIP funds would beappropriated to theNIP funds would beappropriated to theNIPappropriations willNIP fundsappropriatedOffice ofManagement andSecDef receivesappropriations for
httprrently the SecNationalNID and be under thebe made to thedirectly to NID. Budget willCIA and the
f receives the IntelligenceNID’s directNID. Would beapportion all NIPnational intelligence
Authority and bejurisdiction. responsible forfunding to the NID. agencies – NSA,
Aunder the NID’sNFIPNGA, and NRO.
direct jurisdiction. appropriationsThe Attorney
ence“without regard toGeneral receives the
encies. the accounts tofunding for FBI’s
whichnational security

ommissionCollins/LiebermanMcCain/LiebermanPelosi BushHastertCurrent Law
(S. 2845, approved,(S. 2774)(H.R. 5024)Administration(H.R. 10)
as amended, by the(submitted Sept.
Senate16, 2004)
Government Affs.
Committee on


erall nationalThe President willThe President willDeclassifyNo provision. No provision. No provision.
ence budgetpublicly disclosepublicly discloseaggregate
ets ofafter FY2005 theafter FY2005 theappropriated
ponent agenciesaggregated amountaggregate requestedamount for
of appropriationsamount forintelligence.
requested by theintelligence and
iki/CRS-RL32601President for theNIP. intelligence-relatedactivities and the
g/waggregate amount
s.orThe Congress willrequested for each
leakpublicly discloseelement or
://wikiafter FY2005 bothcomponent of the IC.
httpthe authorized and
appropriated NIPThe Congress will
funding. Directspublicly disclose
the NID to conductafter FY2005 the
a study to assess theaggregate amount
advisability offor intelligence and
continued publicintelligence-related
disclosure of theactivities both
NIP budget. authorized and
re and Fire Authority
D should haveRecommendation RecommendationNID has hire/fireAnyRecommendation/
CIA Directorauthority. recommendation forDeputy NID and
approve andNID recommends toan appointment ofCIA Director
it nominationsNID willthe President anhead of an IC
resident forrecommend to theindividual foragency made by theNID willNo provision.

ommissionCollins/LiebermanMcCain/LiebermanPelosi BushHastertCurrent Law
(S. 2845, approved,(S. 2774)(H.R. 5024)Administration(H.R. 10)
as amended, by the(submitted Sept.
Senate16, 2004)
Government Affs.
Committee on


A, DefensePresident annomination to fillPresident, will berecommend to the
telligence Agencyindividual forDeputy NID andaccompanied by anPresident
IA), FBInomination to serveDeputy NationalNIDindividuals for
telligence Office,as CIA Director.Intelligence Directorrecommendation. nomination to serve
tional Securityor ForeignAny appointmentas Dep. NID and
ency (NSA),Intelligence (alsoby an agency headCIA Director.
serves as Director ofwithin his agency,
CIA)must have NID
RO), andconcurrence.
iki/CRS-RL32601meland Security
s.oralysis and
leakfrastructure DoD DoD DoD NI D DCI
AIP). Concurrence/NSA, Concurrence/NSA, Concurrence/NSA, Concurrence/NSA, Concurrence/NSA,
://wikiNRO and NGANRO and NGANRO and NGANRO and NGA NRO and NGA
NID will obtainNID seeksSecDef seeks NIDHead of departmentSecDef will obtain
concurrence ofconcurrence ofconcurrence inor agency havingDCI concurrence on
SecDef inSecDef inappointing orjurisdiction over theheads of NSA, NRO
recommending recommendingrecommending toposition will obtainand NGA, but
nominees for NSA,nominees for NSA,the President headsNID concurrence inSecDef may
NRO and NGA. NRO and NGA. Mayof NSA, NRO andappointing orproceed, but must
NID may makemakeNGA. If NIDrecommendingnote DCI non-
recommendationrecommendationsobjects, SecDefnominees for NSA,concurrence.
without SecDefwithout SecDefmay not makeNRO and NGA. If
concurrence butconcurrence but must appointment orNID does not
must note non-note non-proceed withconcur, vacancy
concurrence. concurrence.recommendation.may not be filled or
Concurrence/OtherConcurrence/OtherConsultationmade to President
AgenciesAgencies(as the case may
Other agency headsbe). Consultation

ommissionCollins/LiebermanMcCain/LiebermanPelosi BushHastertCurrent Law
(S. 2845, approved,(S. 2774)(H.R. 5024)Administration(H.R. 10)
as amended, by the(submitted Sept.
Senate16, 2004)
Government Affs.
Committee on


Other agency headsOther agency headsmust consult withConsultation/OtherDept. Heads consult
will obtain NIDmust seek NIDNID in makingAgencies with DCI on
concurrence beforeconcurrence inappointments. directors of DIA
appointing orrecommendingINR, and DOE
recommending fornominees for otherintelligence units,
appointment ofintelligencebut agency head
individuals to fillappointments butdecides.
the positions ofmay make
Under Secretary ofrecommendation to
iki/CRS-RL32601Defense forthe President without
g/wIntelligence; Asst.NIC concurrence, butFBI Timely Notice
s.orSec. Homelandmust note non-
leakSecurity forconcurrence.
InformationFBI director gives
://wikiAnalysis; Director,DCI timely notice
httpDIA; and the FBI’sof FBI intelligence
Exec. Asst. Dir. appointments.

Agency head may
proceed without
NID concurrence,
but must note to the
President the NID’s
NID may
recommend to the
President the
termination of any
individual covered
in this section of the

ommissionCollins/LiebermanMcCain/LiebermanPelosi BushHastertCurrent Law
(S. 2845, approved,(S. 2774)(H.R. 5024)Administration(H.R. 10)
as amended, by the(submitted Sept.
Senate16, 2004)
Government Affs.
Committee on


draft bill, but must
seek concurrence of
department head
and report non-
concurrence to the
nel Policy
iki/CRS-RL32601D should set IC-NID urged to adoptNID urged to adoptNID will establishProvide, whereNID will facilitateDCI required to
g/wpersonnel policiespersonnel policieseducation andappropriate, forpersonnel rotationconsult agency
s.orthat duplicatethat duplicate withintraining standardsrotation ofthrough the IC. heads in developing
leak standardswithin the IC thethe IC the jointand facilitatepersonnel among ICIC personnel
://wikinments acrossjoint officermanagementofficer managementpolicies establishedassignments atnationalagencies, and tomake such rotationsstandards andqualifications.
httpency lines and atpolicies establishedby the Goldwater-intelligencea requirement to beWhere appropriate,
enceby the Goldwater-Nichols Departmentcenters and acrossconsidered forDCI should
Nichols Departmentof Defensenationalpromotion. consider rotated
of DefenseReorganization Actintelligenceservice in IC
Reorganization Actof 1986; and thatagencies. elements a factor to
of 1986; and thatpersonnel assigned toconsider in senior
personnel assignedthe NID be promotedpromotions.

to the NID beat rates equivalent or
promoted at ratesbetter than provided
equivalent or betterby
than provided bytheir home agencies.
their home

ommissionCollins/LiebermanMcCain/LiebermanPelosi BushHastertCurrent Law
(S. 2845, approved,(S. 2774)(H.R. 5024)Administration(H.R. 10)
as amended, by the(submitted Sept.
Senate16, 2004)
Government Affs.
Committee on


ormation Sharing Technology Policies
D shouldThe President willThe President willNID shouldEstablishesPresident willThe National
establish anestablish anestablishinformation-sharingestablish a secureSecurity Council
ationinformationinformation networkinformationstandards. information sharingwill develop
ynetwork and secureand securetechnologyenvironment for theprocedures for
information sharinginformation sharingstandards tosharing ofeffective
ximize infoenvironment amongenvironment amongmaximize infointelligence. NIDinformation sharing.
and infoall relevant Federal,all relevant Federal,sharing and infoauthorized to ensure
iki/CRS-RL32601. State, tribal, andState, tribal, and localsecurity. maximum
g/wlocal authorities,authorities, andavailability of and
s.orand relevant privaterelevant privateaccess to IC
leaksector entities. sector entities. NID intelligence
NID has authorityhas authority to setinformation;
://wikito set informationinformation standardsestablish uniform
httpstandardsthroughout the IC. security standards
throughout the IC. and common
sory Council on Information Sharing
OMB willOMB will submit toNo provision.No provision. No provision. No specific
implement andcongress a systemprovision.

manage thedesign and
information sharingimplementation plan
network acrossfor information
government. sharing. Establishes
Establishes anan Advisory Council
Executive Councilon Information

ommissionCollins/LiebermanMcCain/LiebermanPelosi BushHastertCurrent Law
(S. 2845, approved,(S. 2774)(H.R. 5024)Administration(H.R. 10)
as amended, by the(submitted Sept.
Senate16, 2004)
Government Affs.
Committee on


that will assist theSharing comprised of
OMB director infederal, state, tribal
implementing andand local
managing angovernments to
information sharingadvise the President
network.on implementation.
iki/CRS-RL32601 Structure
g/wtional Counterterrorism Center (NCTC)
leakEstablishes aWould establish aEstablishesEstablishes aEstablishes aNo provision.

C, housed incounterterrorismcounterterrorismNationalNationalNational
://wikiecenter under thecenter under theCounterterrorismCounterterrorismCounterterrorism
httpdirection of adirection aCenter, located inCenter, whoseCenter within the
PresidentiallyPresidentiallythe Executivedirector will beOffice of the NID;
erseen by thenominated, Senatenominated, SenateOffice of theappointed by theNID will appoint
D. Build onconfirmed director. confirmed director. President and builtpresident. Willdirector, who will
TerroristThe center would beThe center would beon the foundationconduct strategicreport to the NID.
ntegrationplaced in theplaced in theof the TerroristoperationalAssign roles and
nter (TTIC).NationalNational IntelligenceThreat Integrationplanning for CTmissions to lead
IntelligenceAuthority, and itsCenter. will be aactivities and beagencies; prohibited
Authority, and itsdirector would reportcenter for jointprimary analyticfrom directing the
director wouldto the President.operationalorganization. execution of CT
nter for jointreport to theplanning and jointoperations.
President throughintelligenceDirectorate of
anning and jointthe NSC onagainstIntelligence
telligence,counterterrorismtransnationalestablished within
affed byoperationalterroristNCTC; responsible
romplanning, and to theorganizations. within U.S.
NID on centerHead will begovernment for

ommissionCollins/LiebermanMcCain/LiebermanPelosi BushHastertCurrent Law
(S. 2845, approved,(S. 2774)(H.R. 5024)Administration(H.R. 10)
as amended, by the(submitted Sept.
Senate16, 2004)
Government Affs.
Committee on


Aspectsbudgets andPresidentialanalyzing terrorism.
programs and itsnominated, Senate
sourceDirectorates ofTTICConfirmed.TTIC
sis; performIntelligence and
ic analysisOperations. NCTCThe Terrorist ThreatThe Terrorist Threat
ent.prohibited fromIntegration CenterIntegration Center
assigning operationswould transfer to thewould transfer to
Aspectsresponsibilities toCenter. NCTC.

specific Armed
iki/CRS-RL32601rform jointForces elements.
g/w; assignNSC would have no
s.ordirect supervisory
leakencies (State,authority over
A, FBI, Defense).NCTC’s joint
://wikiack planoperational
httpplementation. activities.
Disagreements over
strategic plans
between NCTC and
agency heads
resolved by
President, not NSC.
The Terrorist Threat
Integration Center
would transfer to
the Center.

ommissionCollins/LiebermanMcCain/LiebermanPelosi BushHastertCurrent Law
(S. 2845, approved,(S. 2774)(H.R. 5024)Administration(H.R. 10)
as amended, by the(submitted Sept.
Senate16, 2004)
Government Affs.
Committee on


AppointmentAppointment PowersAppointment
The center directorThe center directorNCTC head will
would havewould haveconcur in choices
concurrenceconcurrence authorityof certain key CT
authority in namingin naming heads ofofficials across
heads of CTCT agencies acrossgovernment.
agencies acrossgovernment.
iki/CRS-RL32601go ve r n me n t .
s.ortional Intelligence Centers
The NID mayThe NID mayNo provision. No provision.No provision. No provision.
://wikiestablishestablish intelligence
httpestructionintelligence centerscenters to address
), int’l crimeto address NSC-NSC-established
established intelligence
ina/ East Asia,intelligencepriorities.
erseen by NID.
rector of CIA
A director shouldA PresidentiallyA PresidentiallyCIA directorEstablishes aEstablishesDCI heads the IC
nominated, Senatenominated, Senateshould focus onDirector of the CIA,Presidentiallyand CIA.

ency’s analyticconfirmed Directorconfirmed Directorrebuildingappointed by thenominated, Senate
anheads the theheads the the CentralAgency’s analyticPresident,confirmed CIA
enceCentral IntelligenceIntelligence Agency. and humanconfirmed by thedirector. NID
Agency. TheThe director isintelligenceSenate. would recommend
director isprohibited fromcollectionto the President an
prohibited fromservingcapabilities. individual for

ommissionCollins/LiebermanMcCain/LiebermanPelosi BushHastertCurrent Law
(S. 2845, approved,(S. 2774)(H.R. 5024)Administration(H.R. 10)
as amended, by the(submitted Sept.
Senate16, 2004)
Government Affs.
Committee on


servingsimultaneously as thenomination.
simultaneously asNID. The Director
the NID. also serves as Deputy
National Intelligence
Director for Foreign
dNo provision. Sense of CongressDOD shouldNo provision. NID, in consultationNo provision.
iki/CRS-RL32601sume from thethat Sec Def shouldassume from thewith SecDef and
g/wA responsibilityhave leadCIA responsibilityCIA Director will
s.or andresponsibility forfor directing anddevelop joint
leakdirecting andexecutingprocedures to
ilitary executing paramilitary deconflict
://wiki paramilitary operations, operations
httpoperations, whetherclandestine orinvolving DoD and
ert. clandestine or covert. covert. CIA.
ormation Sharing
tablish incentivesThe NID wouldThe NID wouldThe President willThe NID willEstablishes aNo provision, per
; restoreappoint a Chiefappoint a Chiefdetermineestablish anCommunityse, but the National
Information OfficerInformation Officerguidelines forinteroperableInformationSecurity Council
een securitywho would developwould develop andacquiring,information-sharingTechnology Officerwill develop
an integratedimplement anaccessing, using, ensureprocedures for
e.communicationsintegratedand sharing ofintelligence sharing. effective
network among allinformationinformation aboutinformation sharing.

elements of the IC,technology networkindividuals among
and establishand develop anFederal, State, and
standards forenterpriselocal government
informationarchitecture for theagencies, and with
technology andIC. the private sector,
communications. in a way that
protects the

ommissionCollins/LiebermanMcCain/LiebermanPelosi BushHastertCurrent Law
(S. 2845, approved,(S. 2774)(H.R. 5024)Administration(H.R. 10)
as amended, by the(submitted Sept.
Senate16, 2004)
Government Affs.
Committee on


privacy and civil
liberties of those
ormation Revolution
The President willThe President willPresident shouldNo provision. EstablishesNo provision.
establish aestablish anlead effort to bringinformation-sharing
decentralized,information sharingnational securitystandards.
distributed andnetwork to promoteinstitutions into
iki/CRS-RL32601ationcoordinatedthe sharing ofinformation
g/wolution.environment thatterrorismrevolution.
s.orconnects existinginformation, in a
leaksystems wheremanner consistent
://wikiappropriate, andincorporate strongwith national securityand the protection of
httpmechanisms forprivacy and civil
information securityliberties.
and privacy
ress shouldNo provision. Congress will notCongress willNo provision. Sense of House thatNo provision.
ointadjourn until, itestablish either aRules CommitteeS.Res. 400 — still
enceestablishes, effectivethJoint Committeeshould act uponin effect today —
mittee, orin the 109 Congress,on Intelligence orrecommendations ofcreated the Senate
le committee ina joint intelligencea single standingSelect CommitteeSelect Committee
committee, or singlecommittee in eachon Homelandon Intelligence.
biningcommittee in eachHouse that wouldSecurity and otherH.Res. 658 — still
ing andhouse, combiningauthorize andcommittees ofin effect today —
. authorizing andappropriate fundsexisting jurisdictioncreated the House
appropriating.for intelligenceregardingPermanent Select

ommissionCollins/LiebermanMcCain/LiebermanPelosi BushHastertCurrent Law
(S. 2845, approved,(S. 2774)(H.R. 5024)Administration(H.R. 10)
as amended, by the(submitted Sept.
Senate16, 2004)
Government Affs.
Committee on


andjurisdiction overCommittee on
counterterrorism proposed Intelligence.
and conductlegislation.
ress shouldNo specificCongress will notThe House andNo provision. Sense of House thatNo provision.
le,provision onadjourn until itSenate will eachRules Committee
principalestablishes, effectivedetermine how toshould act upon
iki/CRS-RL32601ersight forcongressional the 109th Congress,provide a single,recommendations of
g/weland security. Would merge thea homeland securityprincipal point ofSelect Committee
s.orHomeland Securityjurisdictionoversight foron Homeland
leakanent standingCouncil into theconsolidated in ahomeland security. Security and other
://wikimittee withNational SecurityCouncil and add tosingle committee ineach House. Wouldcommittees ofexisting jurisdiction
httpthe NSC’s functionsmerge the Homelandregarding
the overseeing andSecurity Council intojurisdiction over
reviewing thethe National Securityproposed
FederalCouncil and add tolegislation.
Government’sthe NSC’s functions
homeland securitythe overseeing and
policies. reviewing the Federal
homeland security
e FBI shouldThe FBI DirectorThe FBI Director willDirects AttorneyNo provision. FBI Director mayNo provision.

edwill develop anddevelop and maintainGeneral toestablish and train
ratedmaintain aa specialized andestablish aan FBI
specialized andintegrated nationalspecialized andInvestigation

ommissionCollins/LiebermanMcCain/LiebermanPelosi BushHastertCurrent Law
(S. 2845, approved,(S. 2774)(H.R. 5024)Administration(H.R. 10)
as amended, by the(submitted Sept.
Senate16, 2004)
Government Affs.
Committee on


rkforceintegrated nationalsecurity workforceintegrated nationalReserve Service.
of agents,security workforceconsisting of agents,security workforce
sts, linguists,consisting of agents,analysts, linguists,at the FBI.
eillanceanalysts, linguists,and surveillance
ith aand surveillancespecialists.
ence and
iki/CRS-RL32601omeland Defense
g/wpe c t s
leaknd itsNo provision. No provision. No provision. No provision. Sense of CongressNo provision.
://wikiersightthat SecDef should
httpmittees shouldularly assessregularly assessadequacy of
mandCommand’s plans
ies andto respond to all
to defendmilitary and
.S. againstparamilitary threats
ilitary threats. within the U.S.
Security Aspects
e Dept. ofNo provision. No provision. No provision. No provision. Would establishNo provision.

meland Securitywithin Department
ersightof Homeland
mittees shouldSecurity an Office
ularly assessof Counternarcotics
pes of threats toEnforcement
ineheaded by a

ommissionCollins/LiebermanMcCain/LiebermanPelosi BushHastertCurrent Law
(S. 2845, approved,(S. 2774)(H.R. 5024)Administration(H.R. 10)
as amended, by the(submitted Sept.
Senate16, 2004)
Government Affs.
Committee on


of Pr esidentially
nominated, Senate
confirmed head.
Management Structure
D Deputies
iki/CRS-RL32601e NID shouldEstablishes aEstablishes aEstablishes threeEstablishes aEstablishes aEstablishes
g/we three deputies: PresidentiallyPresidentiallydeputies: DirectorPresidentially-Deputy NID; aPresidentially-
s.orn intelligenceappointed, Senateappointed, Senateof CIA; Undernominated, SenateDeputy NID fornominated, Senate-
leakA head); defenseconfirmed Principalconfirmed PrincipalSecretary ofconfirmed DeputyOperations; aconfirmed Deputy
ence (underDeputy NationalDeputy NationalDefense forNID. Not moreDeputy NID forDCI.
://wiki of defenseIntelligenceIntelligence Director.Intelligence;than one of theCommunity
httpence);andDirector.Under Secretary ofindividuals servingManagement; and
elandHomelandas NID or Deputythree Associate
ence (FBI’sSecurity forNID may be aNIDs for Military
InformationcommissionedSupport; Domestic
. ofAnalysis andofficer of theSecurity; and
eland securityInfrastructureArmed Forces,Diplomatic Affairs.
sisProtection. whether active or
retired status.
puty Director of Central Intelligence For Community Management
mendsNo provision. No provision. No provision. No provision. No provision. There is the position
inating thefor Deputy Director
of Central
Intelligence for

ommissionCollins/LiebermanMcCain/LiebermanPelosi BushHastertCurrent Law
(S. 2845, approved,(S. 2774)(H.R. 5024)Administration(H.R. 10)
as amended, by the(submitted Sept.
Senate16, 2004)
Government Affs.
Committee on


No provision. No provision. No provision. No provision. Establishes DeputyNo provision.
mendation.NID for Operations.
irectors of Central Intelligence
No provision. No provision. No provision. No provision.No provision. No provision.
g/wirectors of Central Intelligence
leak recommendationEliminates theEliminates theNo provision. No provision. Eliminates theNo provision.
positions ofpositions of Assistantpositions of
://wikiAssistant DirectorsDirectors of CentralAssistant Directors
httpof CentralIntelligence forof Central
Intelligence forCollection; AnalysisIntelligence for
Collection; Analysisand Production; andCollection; Analysis
and Production; andAdministration. and Production; and
Administration. Administration.
irectors of National Intelligence
mendationEstablishes no moreEstablishes a DeputyNo provision. No provision. Establishes threeThere are assistant
than four DeputyNIDs for Foreignassociate NIDs fordirectors of central
Nationalintelligence; DefenseMilitary Support;intelligence for
IntelligenceIntelligence;Domestic Security;collection; analysis
Directors.homelandand Diplomaticand production;
intelligence. Affairs. administration.

ommissionCollins/LiebermanMcCain/LiebermanPelosi BushHastertCurrent Law
(S. 2845, approved,(S. 2774)(H.R. 5024)Administration(H.R. 10)
as amended, by the(submitted Sept.
Senate16, 2004)
Government Affs.
Committee on


No provision. No provision. No provision. No provision. No provision. No provision.
Establishes aEstablishes aNo provision.No provision. Establishes GeneralThere is an a
mendation.PresidentiallyPresidentiallyCounsel to the NID. General Counsel
appointed, Senateappointed, Senateand Inspector
iki/CRS-RL32601Confirmed GeneralConfirmed GeneralGeneral for the
g/wCounsel andCounsel and Inspec-CIA.
s.orInspector Generaltor General under the
leakunder the NationalNational Intelligence
Intelligence Authority.
d Civil Liberties Oversight Board/Officer for Civil Rights and Civil Liberties/Privacy and Civil Liberties Officers
mends theEstablishes a civilEstablishes a civilRecommends theNo provision.Establishes CivilNo provision.

ent of aliberties board; theliberties board; theestablishment of aLiberties Protection
ithin theposition of Officerposition of Officerboard within theOfficer to ensure
e branch tofor Civil Rights andfor Civil Rights andexecutive branchprotection of civil
Civil Liberties toCivil Liberties toto ensureliberties.
il libertiesassist the NID inassist the NID inadherence to civil
idelines. protecting civilprotecting civil rightsliberties
rights and liberties;and liberties; andguidelines.
and civil libertiescivil liberties officers
officers in variousin various IC
IC agencies. agencies.

ommissionCollins/LiebermanMcCain/LiebermanPelosi BushHastertCurrent Law
(S. 2845, approved,(S. 2774)(H.R. 5024)Administration(H.R. 10)
as amended, by the(submitted Sept.
Senate16, 2004)
Government Affs.
Committee on


ficer of the National Intelligence Authority
Establishes aEstablishes a privacyNo provision.No provision.No provision. No provision.
mendation.privacy officer ofofficer of the NID to
the NID to assureassure that use of
that use oftechnologies sustain,
technologiesand do not erode,
sustain, and do notprivacy protections
erode, privacyrelating to use,
iki/CRS-RL32601protections relatingcollection, and
g/wto use, collection,disclosure of personal
s.orand disclosure ofinformation.
httpief Human Capital Officer
recommendationEstablishes a NIDNo provision.No provision.No provision.No provision. No provision.
appointed Chief
Human Capital
Officer to advise
with respect to the
IC’s workforce.
tional Counterintelligence Executive
Establishes theNo provision.No provision.No provision.No provision. No provision.

me ndation. National
Executive as a
component of the

ommissionCollins/LiebermanMcCain/LiebermanPelosi BushHastertCurrent Law
(S. 2845, approved,(S. 2774)(H.R. 5024)Administration(H.R. 10)
as amended, by the(submitted Sept.
Senate16, 2004)
Government Affs.
Committee on


udsman of the National Intelligence Authority
Establishes anNo provision.No provision.No provision.No provision.No provision.
mendation.ombudsman of the
Authority to serve
iki/CRS-RL32601as an independent,informal, and
leakcounselor for those
with complaints
://wikiabout politicization,
httpbiased reporting, or
lack of objective
analysis within the
tional Intelligence Council for Alternative Analysis
No provision. No provision. No provision. No provision. DoesNo provision. No provision.

mendation.establish, however,
a National
Intelligence Council
with the NID’s
office, to produce
national intelligence
estimates and
alternative views
held by IC agencies,

ommissionCollins/LiebermanMcCain/LiebermanPelosi BushHastertCurrent Law
(S. 2845, approved,(S. 2774)(H.R. 5024)Administration(H.R. 10)
as amended, by the(submitted Sept.
Senate16, 2004)
Government Affs.
Committee on


No provision. No provision.No provision. No provision. No provision. No provision.
t Intelligence Comptroller
iki/CRS-RL32601Establishes anEstablishes anNo provision. No provision. No provision. No provision.
g/wme ndation. Intelligence Intelligence
s.orComptroller toComptroller to assist
leakassist the NID inthe NID in budget
budget preparationpreparation and
://wikiand execution. execution.
t Acquisition Office
No provision. No provision. No provision. No provision. No provision. No provision.


ommissionCollins/LiebermanMcCain/LiebermanPelosi BushHastertCurrent Law
(S. 2845, approved,(S. 2774)(H.R. 5024)Administration(H.R. 10)
as amended, by the(submitted Sept.
Senate16, 2004)
Government Affs.
Committee on


tional Intelligence Reserve Corps
Establishes aNo provision.No provision.No provision. NID will conduct aNo provision.
mendation.Nationalpilot project to
Intelligence Reserveestablish a Civilian
Corps for temporaryLinguist Reserve
re-employment on aCorps comprised of
voluntary basis ofU.S. citizens with
former ICneeded foreign
iki/CRS-RL32601employees. language
g/w capabilities.
s.ort Military Intelligence Program (JMIP)
No provision.Eliminates the JMIP.No provision.No provision.No provision. No provision.
://wikime ndation.
httpief Financial Officer
Would establish aNo provision.No provision.No provision.No provision.No provision.
mendation.Chief Financial
Report Requirement
Would require theNo provision.No provision.No provision.No provision.No provision.
mendation.GAO to issue a
progress report on
reform two years
after enactment.
A DirectorCIA DirectorCIA Director shouldCIA DirectorNo provision.Recommends aNo provision.

should develop anddevelop a strongershould develop aseries of language
er languagemaintain anlanguage program. stronger languagereforms, including
ram. effective languageprogram. improvements to

ommissionCollins/LiebermanMcCain/LiebermanPelosi BushHastertCurrent Law
(S. 2845, approved,(S. 2774)(H.R. 5024)Administration(H.R. 10)
as amended, by the(submitted Sept.
Senate16, 2004)
Government Affs.
Committee on


the National
Flagship Language
Initiative and
establishment of a
tional Intelligence Definition
iki/CRS-RL32601mendation.No provision.No provision.No provision.No provision.Revises definitionof nationalNo provision.

g/wintelligence to refer
s.orto all intelligence,
leakregardless of
://wikisource, pertaining to
httpthreats to the U.S.;
WMD; and any
other matter bearing
on U.S. security.