Tracking Current Federal Legislation and Regulations: A Guide to Resources
Prepared for Members and Committees of Congress
This guide has been designed to introduce congressional staff to selected official government and
commercial sources that are useful in tracking and obtaining background information and specific
facts on the status of federal legislative or regulatory initiatives. By using a variety of these
sources, congressional staff can track federal legislation and regulations.
Those who prefer weekly overviews would be interested in such commercial publications such as
CQ Weekly, Newsweek, Time, and U.S. News and World Report. For daily coverage, helpful
resources are the Congressional Record, CQ Today, (formerly CQ Daily Monitor), the Federal
Register, The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Wall Street Journal, and The Los
Angeles Times. Databases such as GPO Access, LexisNexis, Westlaw, and the websites of the
U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate are also useful.
The Code of Federal Regulations, the Index to the Code of Federal Regulations, and the
CIS/Index to Publications of the United States Congress provide subject access to regulatory and
legislative publications. Government sources such as the Legislative Resource Center, the White
House’s Office of the Executive Clerk, and the Office of the Federal Register can give brief
information on legislative and regulatory developments too new to have been captured by
standard online or printed sources. Capsule descriptions of directories and other media sources
are provided. Annotations for each source contain publisher contact information. This report will
be updated as needed.
Additional information on tracking legislation for congressional offices is provided in CRS
Report RL30796, Legislative Research in Congressional Offices: A Primer, by Clay H. Wellborn
and Michael Kolakowski; and CRS Report RS20991, Legislative Planning: Considerations for
Congressional Staff, by Judy Schneider.
Introduc tion ..................................................................................................................................... 1
Tracking Current Federal Legislation..............................................................................................1
Official Government Sources....................................................................................................2
Commercial Sources.................................................................................................................4
Tracking Current Federal Regulations.............................................................................................6
Official Government Sources....................................................................................................6
Commercial Sources.................................................................................................................8
Additional Commercial Sources.............................................................................................10
Author Contact Information...........................................................................................................11
Tracking the status of current federal legislation and regulations is often viewed as a difficult task,
requiring a vast library of costly resources, in-depth knowledge of the issues, and strong
familiarity with the federal government’s inner workings. This is not necessarily so. Although
access to sophisticated databases and comprehensive knowledge of the federal government may
help, it is possible for most congressional staff to follow an issue by using a variety of resources
readily available. The scope of the issue will determine how complicated and time-consuming the
process will be.
This guide has been designed to introduce researchers to selected authoritative government and
commercial sources that are useful in tracking and obtaining background information or specific
facts on the status of federal legislative or regulatory initiatives. The sources are arranged
alphabetically in two broad sections: tracking current federal legislation and tracking current
federal regulations. The sections are organized into subcategories composed of official
government and commercial sources. Additional commercial resources, primarily newspapers,
have also been included. Annotations describing each source’s contents and organization are
included so that researchers can select those that most closely fit their needs. Internet addresses
usually provide information about the items, rather than access to them.
Most of the publications cited in this guide are available in local public or research libraries.
Federal publications can often be found in libraries designated as federal depository libraries. To
get their addresses, contact a local library; telephone the office of Depository Services of the U.S.
Government Printing Office (GPO) at (202) 512-1119; or go to the Locate a Federal Depository
Library page on the GPO Access website at
For all other materials, publisher contact information has been provided. Since pricing structures
vary by subscriber type and prices change frequently, publishers must be contacted to obtain the
latest order information. GPO publications can be ordered, prepaid, by mail, telephone (toll-free
866-512-1800), or fax (202-512-2250) on any Discover, MasterCard, VISA, or American Express
credit card from Superintendent of Documents, P.O. Box 371954, Pittsburgh, PA 15250-7954.
Action on legislation passed or pending in the current Congress, and its status in the legislative
process, is reported in the Congressional Record. This is the primary source for the text of floor
debates and the official source for recorded votes.
An accurate and widely used database, the Legislative Information Service (LIS) website is a portal to a variety of commercial, academic, and
government legislative sources, including LIS specialized databases. LIS databases, identified by
the LIS logo on the search pages, include Bill Summary and Status, Bill Text, the Congressional
Record, and Committee Reports. (The Congressional Record can be accessed from LIS.) Basic
information about bills, including the sponsor and cosponsors, committees of referral, official or
1 This report was originally authored by CRS Information Specialist Carol D. Davis.
long title, and status appears in the Bill Summary & Status file the day after introduction of the
Since some current legislation amends previously enacted law, it may be necessary at times to
consult the earlier laws in the United States Statutes at Large or the United States Code at and
Tel: (866) 512-1800
Congressional Record Fax: (202) 512-2250
Superintendent of Documents
P.O. Box 371954
Pittsburgh, PA 15250-7954
Frequency: Published each day that one or both chambers are in session, except infrequent
instances when two or more consecutive issues are printed together.
The Congressional Record contains the edited transcript of activities on the floor of the House
and the Senate. The “Daily Digest” section summarizes action in each chamber, committee
hearings, new public laws, and committee meetings scheduled for the next legislative day.
Indexes are issued twice a month. The subject index section can be used to identify bills by topic,
and the “History of Bills and Resolutions” section tracks action on specific bills. The indexes,
which are available online at, are eventually cumulated
into bound volumes.
Daily Calendar Information. Both political parties in the Senate and the House provide
recorded messages about the proceedings on the floor of each chamber every day they are in
session. Call the following numbers for these cloakroom recordings:
Senate: (202) 224-8601 (Republican) House: (202) 225-7430 (Republican)
(202) 224-8541 (Democratic) (202) 225-7400 (Democratic)
GPO Access Tel: (202) 512-1800 (866) 512-1800 Fax: (202) 512-2104
GPO Access User Support Team
Superintendent of Documents
U.S. Government Printing Office
732 North Capitol Street, NW
Mail Stop: IDCC
Washington, DC 20401
The Government Printing Office (GPO) provides free Internet access to a wide variety of
legislative, regulatory, and executive material, such as congressional bills, the Congressional
Record and the Congressional Record Index (including the “History of Bills and Resolutions”
section), congressional calendars, public laws, selected congressional reports and documents, the
Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents, the Federal Register, and the Code of Federal
Regulations. Time spans covered vary by category.
Legislative Information Service (LIS) at Legislative Information
System provides Members of Congress and their staffs access to legislative information that is
accurate, timely, and complete. This website, accessible only to Members and their staff, is a
portal to a variety of commercial, academic, and government legislative sources, including LIS
specialized databases. LIS databases, identified by the LIS logo on the search pages, include Bill
Summary and Status, Bill Text, the Congressional Record, and Committee Reports. Basic
information about bills, including the sponsor and cosponsors, committees of referral, official or
long title, and status appears in the Bill Summary & Status file the day after introduction of the
Legislative Resource Center (LRC). The Legislative Resource Center assists with the retrieval
of legislative information and records of the House for congressional offices and the public. The
Legislative Resource Center provides centralized access to all published documents originated
and produced by the House and its committees, to the historical records of the House, and to
public disclosure documents. The center combines the responsibilities of several previously
separate offices—the House Library, House Historical Services, the House Document Room, the
Office of Legislative Information, and the Office of Records and Registration. For assistance
regarding the status of current legislation, call (202) 225-1772.
Public Laws Update Service. Information on new public law numbers assigned to recently
enacted public laws can be obtained from a recorded message maintained by the National
Archives and Records Administration’s Office of the Federal Register at (202) 741-6043 or by
subscribing to its Public Laws Electronic Notification Service (PENS) at
cgi -bin/wa.exe?SUBED1=publaws-l&A=1.
U.S. Capitol Switchboard. The office of any Member of Congress, congressional committee, or
congressional subcommittee can be reached by calling (202) 224-3121.
U.S. House of Representatives Home Page at This Web source provides
legislative details such as:
• recent major House floor and committee actions;
• legislative schedules;
• background information on, and links to material concerning the legislative
• directories of Representatives by state and by name;
• the chamber’s leadership;
• House roll-call votes starting with the 101st Congress, second session (1990); and
• brief descriptions of floor proceedings when the House is in session.
U.S. Senate Home Page at Materials of legislative interest offered at this
Internet source include the following:
• Senate calendars;
• background information on, and links to materials on the legislative process;
• Senate roll-call votes starting with the 101st Congress (1989);
• the chamber’s leadership;
• descriptions of the Senate committee system and of individual committees;
• historical information about the Senate;
• directories of Senators by name, state, class (term expiration date), and party; and
• glossary of common legislative terms.
Tel: (866) 512-1800
Weekly Compilation of Presidential Fax: (202) 512-2250
Documents wcomp/index.html
Superintendent of Documents
P.O. Box 371954
Pittsburgh, PA 15250-7954
Frequency: Weekly, with quarterly, semiannual, and annual indexes.
This weekly periodical provides information such as the dates on which the President signed or
vetoed legislation. Also, it contains transcripts of presidential messages to Congress, executive
orders, and speeches and other material released by the White House.
White House Records. Via a recorded message, the Office of the Executive Clerk at the White
House provides dates for the following information: presidential signings or vetoes of recent
legislation; presidential messages; executive orders; and other official presidential action. If the
desired information is not in the taped message, callers can stay on the line to speak with a staffer.
The recorded message is available at (202) 456-2226.
Tel: (301) 654 - 1550
Congressional Information Service(CIS)/Index to (800) 638 - 8380
Publications of the United States Congress Fax: (301) 657- 3203
LexisNexis Academic & Library Solutions
7500 Old Georgetown Road
Bethesda, MD 20814-6126
Frequency: Monthly index and abstracts issues, with quarterly indexes and annual
This source provides detailed abstracts of congressional publications, such as printed hearings,
reports, committee prints, and documents. Titles, subjects, publication numbers, bill numbers, and
witness names can be searched. Also, the legislative histories of public laws are provided.
Coverage dates are 1970 to the present.
Tel: (202) 419-8279
CQ Today (800) 432-2250, ext. 279
Congressional Quarterly, Inc.
1255 22nd Street, NW
Washington, DC 20037
Frequency: Monday through Friday when Congress is in session, with updates throughout the
day on the Web.
This subscription newsletter provides daily news on Congress, such as planned floor action for
the Senate and the House, bill and amendment descriptions, and notices of bill markup sessions
and conference negotiations. Also, daily and selected future committee schedules are given.
Significant sections are the “Pulse of Congress,” with behind-the-scenes information on Members
and committees; “People on the Move,” which highlights congressional staff changes; and the
“Appropriations” section, which appears during the appropriations cycle. Subscribers also receive
an afternoon e-mail newsletter, CQ Today Extra, with the day’s latest news about Congress and
updated information on the next day’s congressional schedule.
Tel: (202) 419-8279
CQ Weekly (800) 432-2250, ext. 279
Congressional Quarterly, Inc.
1255 22nd Street, NW
Washington, DC 20037
Frequency: Weekly, with special supplements and annual Almanac.
This weekly summary of congressional action and developments contains status tables for
appropriations bills and other major legislation, roll-call vote charts for both chambers, and
topical treatments of committee and floor actions. Most issues have articles that provide current
and background information on legislative topics. Occasionally, special reports are printed.
Quarterly indexes are issued. The annual Congressional Quarterly Almanac is a comprehensive
review of the year’s legislative session.
Tel: (202) 419-8511 (800) 678- 8511
Congressional Quarterly, Inc
1255 22nd Street, NW
Washington, DC 20037
Bill texts, summaries, tracking, and analysis are provided in this database. Among its other
features are forecasts of major pending bills; versions of bills; links to related bills; roll-call votes;
legislative histories; floor and committee schedules; detailed committee coverage; texts of
committee reports; transcripts of witnesses’ testimony; and publications such as the CQ Weekly,
CQ Today (formerly CQ Daily Monitor), the Congressional Record, and the Federal Register.
Among’s access points are bill number, keyword, phrase, Member name, and date. Time
spans covered vary by the category of information sought. Only subscribers can access
this system on the Internet.
Tel: (651) 687-7000
West Group
610 Opperman Drive
Eagan, MN 55123
Although Westlaw was designed primarily as a legal reference database, many of its files contain
material useful to anyone tracking legislation or regulations. For example, the Congressional
Record is available in full text on this subscription service, as are the Federal Register and the
current Code of Federal Regulations. Also available in full text are congressional bills, selected
presidential documents, and federal laws. Only Westlaw subscribers can access the system.
Regulations are issued by federal departments and agencies under the authority delegated to them
by federal law or presidential executive order and have the force of law. Final regulations are
printed in the Federal Register (FR) and later codified by subject in the Code of Federal
Regulations (CFR). By using these two sources with their many indexes and tables, it is possible
to identify existing regulations in a subject area or pertaining to a specific section of the United
States Code, identify regulations issued pursuant to a specific public law, or find proposed
regulations that are not yet final.
The Federal Regulatory Directory describes the regulatory responsibilities of more than 100
federal agencies, and the Index to the Code of Federal Regulations provides indexing to the CFR.
Tel: (866) 512-1800
Code of Federal Regulations Fax: (202) 512-2250 cfr/index.html
Superintendent of Documents
P.O. Box 371954
Pittsburgh, PA 15250-7954
Frequency: Revised annually (about one quarter of the titles at a time) in January, April, July,
and October.
The Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) codifies final regulations having general applicability
and legal effect that first appeared in the Federal Register. Its 50 titles are arranged by subject.
Since the annual revision incorporates new regulations and drops superseded ones, the CFR
reflects regulations in effect at the time of printing. Several indexes and tables accompany the set.
Tel: (866) 512-1800
Federal Register Fax: (202) 512-2250 Service: (202) 741-6000
Superintendent of Documents
P.O. Box 371954
Pittsburgh, PA 15250-7954
Frequency: Daily, Monday through Friday; not published on Saturdays, Sundays, or federal
The Federal Register (FR) is the official announcement of regulations and legal notices issued by
federal departments and agencies. These include proposed and final federal regulations having
general applicability and legal effect; executive orders and presidential proclamations; documents
required to be published by act of Congress; and other federal documents of public interest. It
also updates the CFR. Daily and monthly indexes, and an accompanying publication, List of CFR
Sections Affected, aid in its use.
The Register also publishes the “Unified Agenda of Federal Regulatory and Deregulatory
Actions” twice a year (usually in April and October) at
This document provides advance notice of proposed rulemaking by listing all rules and proposed
rules that more than 60 federal departments, agencies, and commissions expect to issue during the
next six months. Regulations that concern the military or foreign affairs, or that deal only with
agency personnel, organization, or management matters, are excluded. The agenda is available
online from 1994 through the present at, and can be
searched by subject, agency, and Code of Federal Regulations part number.
Congressional staffers who need copies of pages of the Federal Register can photocopy as many
pages as they need in person at the Office of the Federal Register. The address is the National
Archives and Records Administration, 800 North Capitol Street, NW, Suite 700, Washington, DC
20001. For information on per-page copying costs and hours of operation, contact the Federal
Register at number above.
Tel: (202) 512-1800
GPO Access (866) 512-1800 Fax: (202) 512-2104
GPO Access User Support Team
Superintendent of Documents
U.S. Government Printing Office
732 North Capitol Street, NW
Mail Stop: IDCC
Washington, DC 20401
The Government Printing Office provides free Internet access to the Code of Federal
Regulations, the codification of the general and permanent rules published in the Federal Register
by the executive departments and agencies of the federal government. It is divided into 50 titles
that represent broad areas subject to federal regulation. Each volume of the CFR is updated once
each calendar year and is issued on a quarterly basis.
Office of Management and Budget’s “Regulatory Matters” Web Page
http://www.white mb/inforeg/regpol.html
Reviewing proposed and final federal regulations is the job of the Office of Management and
Budget’s (OMB’s) Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA), which focuses on cost-
benefit analysis. Information on regulations that OIRA is reviewing or has reviewed during the
past 30 days can be found on the “Regulatory Matters” page of the OMB website at the Web
address given above. Also available is data on rules reviewed by the agency since 1981.
This website is produced by OMB and General Services Administration (GSA). Here you will
find a list of all rules undergoing OIRA EO 12866 regulatory review. Updated daily, a list of all
rules on which review has been concluded in the past 30 days; lists and statistics on regulatory
reviews dating back to 1981; and letters to agencies regarding regulatory actions.
This website was launched by the federal government in 2003 to enhance public participation in
federal regulatory activities. Here, people can search and view proposed regulations from about
160 federal departments and agencies. Also, every entry links to a comment form that readers can
complete and submit to the appropriate department or agency. is updated each
business day with proposed new regulations. Among the database’s search options are
• keyword or subject;
• department or agency name;
• regulations published today;
• comments due today;
• open regulations or comments by publication dates; and
• Code of Federal Regulations citation.
White House Records (202) 456-2226
The Office of the Executive Clerk at the White House provides a recorded message with
information on the dates that executive orders and presidential proclamations appeared in the
Federal Register. If the desired information is not included in the taped message, callers can also
be connected with a staffer.
Tel: (949) 770-2000
Citation Publishing, Inc. (800) 808-3372
Citation Publishing, Inc.
92 Argonaut Street, Suite 255
Aliso Viejo, CA 92656
Frequency: Daily
Full-text access to the daily Federal Register and to the current Code of Federal Regulations is
available through this company’s CyberREGS Online database. Although the company focuses on
environmental issues, this database is not limited solely to that area. Only CyberREGS Online
subscribers have web access this system on the Web.
Tel: (866) 427-7737
Federal Regulatory (202) 729-1800 Fax: (800) 380-3810
CQ Press nd
1255 22 Street, NW, Suite 400
Washington, DC 20037
Frequency: Every two years
Profiles of the mandates and operations of more than 100 federal regulatory agencies are provided
in this directory. Each profile gives a brief history and description of the agency and its regulatory
oversight responsibilities, and lists key staff, information sources, legislation, and regional
offices. An overview of the federal regulatory process is provided. Other aids are the full texts of
key regulatory acts and executive orders, a guide to using the Federal Register and the Code of
Federal Regulations, and subject and name indexes.
Tel: (301) 654-1550
Index to the Code of Federal (800) 638-8380
Regulations Fax: (301) 657-3203
LexisNexis Academic & Library Solutions
7500 Old Georgetown Road
Bethesda, MD 20814-6126
Frequency: Annual, with quarterly updates
This Index to the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) is arranged by subject; geography (by
political entities or federally regulated properties), proper name of physical entities administered
by the government (national parks, monuments, etc.); official headings for each section of the
CFR; and new and revised CFR sections numbers.
Tel: (301) 654-1550
LexisNexis Congressional (800) 638-8380 Fax: (301)657-3203
LexisNexis Academic & Library Solutions
7500 Old Georgetown Road
Bethesda, MD 20814-6126
This fee database contains detailed abstracts of congressional publications such as hearings,
reports, documents, and committee prints. It is the enhanced Web-based counterpart of the
CIS/Index to Publications of the United States Congress (see the “Printed Sources” section). Also
provided are links to the full texts of many congressional and federal documents, such as the
Congressional Record, congressional hearing transcripts, the Federal Register, and the Code of
Federal Regulations. Length of coverage varies depending on the category of information sought.
These and other sources are accessible only to subscribers.
Tel: (651) 687-7000
West Group
610 Opperman Drive
Eagan, MN 55123
Although Westlaw was designed primarily as a legal reference database, many of its files contain
material useful to anyone tracking legislation or regulations. For example, the Congressional
Record is available in full text on this subscription service, as are the Federal Register and the
current Code of Federal Regulations. Also available in full text are congressional bills, selected
presidential documents, and federal laws. Only Westlaw subscribers can access the system.
Information on what is happening in Washington can be gathered by exposure to an assortment of
editorial perspectives, “inside” reporting, and political analysis.
Examples of major daily newspapers offering these types of coverage are The Washington Post,
The Washington Times, The New York Times, The Boston Globe, The Chicago Tribune, The Miami
Herald, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, The Los Angeles Times, The Wall Street Journal, and
The Christian Science Monitor. Weekly magazines such as National Journal, Newsweek, Time,
and U.S. News and World Report also provide regular coverage of the Washington scene and are
on the Web.
Similarly, Web-based media sources also provide such political coverage. Examples of these
include the following:
The American Spectator
The American Spectator is a conservative-leaning American monthly magazine covering news
and politics.
C-SPAN is a private, non-profit company, created in 1979 by the cable television industry as a
public service. Its mission is to provide public access to the political process. C-SPAN receives no
government funding; operations are funded by fees paid by cable and satellite affiliates who carry
C-SPAN programming.
The Hill
The Hill is a non-partisan weekly newspaper covering Congress and its members. Inside Politics IT ICS delivers breaking news and information on top stories, weather, business,
entertainment, politics, and more.
The Nation
The Nation is self-described as “America’s oldest weekly journal of progressive political and
cultural news, opinion and analysis.”
National Review Online
http://www.nati onalrevi ew.c om
The National Review Online provides conservative commentary on politics, news, and culture.
Roll Call
Roll Call daily newspaper has been covering Capitol Hill news since 1955. ( is only
available on subscription basis - free for print subscribers.)
Slate online magazine of liberal news and commentary on culture and politics.
Pamela A. Hairston
Information Research Specialist, 7-7838