U.S. Arms Sales: Agreements with and Deliveries to Major Clients, 1999-2006
Prepared for Members and Committees of Congress
This report provides background data on United States arms sales agreements with and deliveries
to its major purchasers during calendar years 1999-2006. In a series of data tables, it lists the
total dollar values of U.S. government-to-government arms sales agreements with its top five
purchasers in five specific regions of the world for three specific periods: 1999-2002, 2003-2006,
and 2006 alone, and the total dollar values of U.S. arms deliveries to its top five purchasers in
those same regions for the periods 1999-2002, 2003-2006, and for 2006 alone. In addition, the
report provides data tables listing the total dollar values of U.S. government-to-government arms
agreements with and deliveries to its top 10 purchasers worldwide for the periods 1999-2002,
This report is prepared in conjunction with the annual CRS report for Congress entitled CRS
Report RL34187, Conventional Arms Transfers to Developing Nations, 1999-2006, by Richard F.
Grimmett. That report details both U.S. and foreign arms transfer activities globally and provides
analysis of arms trade trends. The intent here is to complement that elaborate worldwide
treatment of the international arms trade by providing only the dollar values of U.S. arms sales
agreements with and delivery values to its leading customers, by geographic region, for the
calendar years 1999-2002, 2003-2006, and 2006. Unlike CRS Report RL34187, Conventional
Arms Transfers to Developing Nations, 1999-2006, this annual report focuses exclusively on U.S.
arms sales and provides the specific names of the major U.S. arms customers, by region, together
with the total dollar values of their arms purchases or deliveries. This report will not be updated.
U.S. Agreements with Leading Purchasers, 1999-2006............................................................1
U.S. Deliveries to Leading Purchasers, 1999-2006...................................................................3
Table 1. Leading Purchasers of U.S. Defense Articles and Services, Total Values of Africa
Agreements Concluded................................................................................................................1
Table 2. Leading Purchasers of U.S. Defense Articles and Services, Total Values of
American Republics Agreements Concluded...............................................................................2
Table 3. Leading Purchasers of U.S. Defense Articles and Services, Total Values of Asia
Agreements Concluded................................................................................................................2
Table 4. Leading Purchasers of U.S. Defense Articles and Services, Total Values of Near
East Agreements Concluded.........................................................................................................2
Table 5. Leading Purchasers of U.S. Defense Articles and Services, Total Values of
Europe Agreements Concluded....................................................................................................3
Table 6. Leading Purchasers of U.S. Defense Articles and Services, Total Values of
Worldwide Agreements Concluded..............................................................................................3
Table 7. Leading Purchasers of U.S. Defense Articles and Services, Total Values of Africa
Deliveries Concluded...................................................................................................................4
Table 8. Leading Purchasers of U.S. Defense Articles and Services, Total Values of
American Republics Deliveries Concluded..................................................................................4
Table 9. Leading Purchasers of U.S. Defense Articles and Services, Total Values of Asia
Deliveries Concluded...................................................................................................................4
Table 10. Leading Purchasers of U.S. Defense Articles and Services, Total Values of Near
East Deliveries Concluded...........................................................................................................5
Table 11. Leading Purchasers of U.S. Defense Articles and Services, Total Values of
Europe Deliveries Concluded.......................................................................................................5
Table 12. Leading Purchasers of U.S. Defense Articles and Services, Total Values of
Worldwide Deliveries Concluded.................................................................................................5
Author Contact Information............................................................................................................6
his report provides background data on U.S. arms sales agreements with and deliveries to
its major purchasers during calendar years 1999-2006. It provides the total dollar values of
U.S. arms agreements with its top five purchasers in five specific regions of the world for T
the periods 1999-2002, 2003-2006, and for 2006, and the total dollar values of U.S. arms
deliveries to its top five purchasers in five specific regions for those same years. In addition, the
report provides a listing of the total dollar values of U.S. arms agreements with and deliveries to
its top 10 purchasers for the periods 1999-2002, 2003-2006, and for 2006. The data are official,
unclassified, United States Defense Department figures compiled by the Defense Security
Cooperation Agency (DSCA), unless otherwise indicated. The data have been restructured for this
report by DSCA from a fiscal year format to a calendar year format. Thus a year in this report
covers the period from January 1-December 31, and not the fiscal year period from October 1-1
September 30.
The following regional tables (Tables 1-5) provide the total dollar values of all U.S. defense
articles and defense services sold to the top five purchasers in each region indicated for the
calendar year(s) noted. These values represent the total value of all government-to-government
agreements actually concluded between the United States and the foreign purchaser under the 2
Foreign Military Sales (FMS) program during the calendar year(s) indicated. In Table 6, the total
dollar values of all U.S. defense articles and defense services sold to the top 10 purchasers
worldwide is provided for calendar year period noted. All totals are expressed as current U.S.
Table 1. Leading Purchasers of U.S. Defense Articles and Services, Total Values of
Africa Agreements Concluded
(in current U.S. dollars, rounded to nearest million)
Africa Africa Africa
Agreements Agreements Agreements
1999-2002 2003-2006 2006
1 Nigeria $21 million 1 Djibouti $28 million 1 Ethiopia $9 million
2 Kenya $7 million 2 Kenya $26 million 2 Uganda $3 million
3 Guinea $3 million 3 Ethiopia $14 million 3 Chad $2 million
4 Botswana $3 million 4 South Africa $13 million 4 Kenya $1 million
5 South Africa $3 million 5 Nigeria $12 million 5 Liberia $1 million
1 The Defense Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA) publishes an annual volume providing these data in a fiscal year
format. This publication is titled Foreign Military Sales, Foreign Military Construction Sales, and Military Assistance
Facts. It provides detailed U.S. annual transactions with countries and international organizations for the most recent
ten fiscal years, as of the date of publication, as well as aggregate data for these transactions since FY1950. See DSCA
website for this data under DSCA Facts Book at http://www.dsca.osd.mil/. For detailed worldwide arms transfer data
for U.S. and foreign suppliers and recipients, see CRS Report RL34187, Conventional Arms Transfers to Developing
Nations, 1999-2006, by Richard F. Grimmett.
2 Current U.S. law and regulations do not require U.S. companies to provide, routinely and systematically, data on arms
sales agreements actually concluded with foreign purchasers resulting from commercial licenses authorized by the U.S.
State Department. Thus, with one very notable exception relating to the United Arab Emirates (U.A.E.) in 2000, the
agreement data in the following tables do not include the values of U.S. licensed commercial sales.
Table 2. Leading Purchasers of U.S. Defense Articles and Services, Total Values of
American Republics Agreements Concluded
(in current U.S. dollars, rounded to nearest million)
American Republics American Republics American Republics
Agreements Agreements Agreements
1999-2002 2003-2006 2006
1 Chile $555 million 1 Canada $1.23 billion 1 Canada $480 million
2 Canada $447 million 2 Colombia $541 milliona 2 Colombia $179 million
3 Colombia $289 milliona 3 Brazil $162 million 3 Chile $40 million
4 Brazil $106 million 4 Chile $59 million 4 Argentina $10 million
5 Venezuela $55 million 5 Argentina $32 million 5 Mexico $10 million
a. Includes FMS sales related to international narcotics interdiction programs.
Table 3. Leading Purchasers of U.S. Defense Articles and Services, Total Values of
Asia Agreements Concluded
(in current U.S. dollars, rounded to nearest 10 million or 10th of a billion)
Asia Asia Asia
Agreements Agreements Agreements
1999-2002 2003-2006 2006
1 South Korea $3.5 billion 1 Australia $3.9 billion 1 Australia $2.6 billion
2 Japan $2.0 billion 2 Japan $3.4 billion 2 Japan $890 million
3 Singapore $1.6 billion 3 South Korea $1.7 billion 3 South Korea $540 million
4 Taiwan $1.1 billion 4 Taiwan $1.1 billion 4 Singapore $370 million
5 Australia $1.0 billion 5 Singapore $710 million 5 Thailand $60 million
Table 4. Leading Purchasers of U.S. Defense Articles and Services, Total Values of
Near East Agreements Concluded
(in current U.S. dollars, rounded to nearest 10 million or 10th of a billion)
Near East Near East Near East
Agreements Agreements Agreements
1999-2002 2003-2006 2006
1 U.A.E. $7.3 billiona 1 Saudi Arabia $4.5 billion 1 Israel 1.2 billion
2 Israel $6.7 billion 2 Egypt $4.3 billion 2 Saudi Arabia $1.1 billion
3 Egypt $6.5 billion 3 Israel $3.0 billion 3 Iraq $920 million
4 Saudi Arabia $2.7 billion 4 Kuwait $1.3 billion 4 Kuwait $390 million
5 Kuwait $1.6 billion 5 U.A.E. $1.2 billion 5 Egypt $280 million
a. Includes a $6.432 billion licensed commercial agreement concluded in 2000 for 80 F-16 fighter aircraft.
Table 5. Leading Purchasers of U.S. Defense Articles and Services, Total Values of
Europe Agreements Concluded
(in current U.S. dollars, rounded to nearest 10 million or 10th of a billion)
Europe Europe Europe
Agreements Agreements Agreements
1999-2002 2003-2006 2006
1 Greece $3.5 billion 1 Poland $3.9 billion 1 Turkey $850 million
2 U. K. $1.5 billion 2 Turkey $2.9 billion 2 Spain $660 million
3 Italy $1.2 billion 3 Greece $2.6 billion 3 Netherlands $270 million
4 Turkey $1.0 billion 4 U.K. $1.5 billion 4 Germany $190 million
5 Netherlands $910 million 5 Netherlands $1.1 billion 5 U.K. $150 million
Table 6. Leading Purchasers of U.S. Defense Articles and Services, Total Values of
Worldwide Agreements Concluded
(in current U.S. dollars, rounded to nearest 10 million or 10th of a billion)
Worldwide Worldwide Worldwide
Agreements Agreements Agreements
1999-2002 2003-2006 2006
1 U.A.E. $7.3 billiona 1 Saudi Arabia $4.5 billion 1 Australia $2.6 billion
2 Israel $6.7 billion 2 Egypt $4.3 billion 2 Israel $1.2 billion
3 Egypt $6.5 billion 3 Poland $3.9 billion 3 Saudi Arabia $1.1 billion
4 South Korea $3.5 billion 4 Australia $3.9 billion 4 Iraq $920 million
5 Greece $3.5 billion 5 Japan $3.4 billion. 5 Japan $890 million
6 Saudi Arabia $3.5 billion 6 Israel $3.0 billion 6 Turkey $850 million
7 Japan $2.0 billion 7 Turkey $2.9 billion 7 Spain $660 million
8 Kuwait $1.6 billion 8 Greece $2.6 billion 8 South Korea $540 million
9 Singapore $1.6 billion 9 South Korea $1.7 billion 9 Canada $480 million
10 U.K. $1.5 billion 10 U.K. $1.5 billion 10 Kuwait $390 million
a. Includes a $6.432 billion licensed commercial agreement in 2000 for 80 F-16 fighter aircraft.
The following regional tables (Tables 7-11) provide the total dollar values of all U.S. defense
articles and defense services delivered to the top five purchasers in each region indicated for the
calendar year(s) noted for all deliveries under the U.S. Foreign Military Sales (FMS) program.
These values represent the total value of all government-to-government deliveries actually
concluded between the United States and the foreign purchaser under the FMS program during
the calendar year(s) indicated.
In Table 12, the total dollar values of all U.S. defense articles and defense services actually
delivered to the top 10 purchasers worldwide is provided. The delivery totals are for FMS
deliveries concluded for the calendar year(s) noted.
Table 7. Leading Purchasers of U.S. Defense Articles and Services, Total Values of
Africa Deliveries Concluded
(in current U.S. dollars, rounded to nearest million)
Africa Africa Africa
Deliveries Deliveries Deliveries
1999-2002 2003-2006 2006
1 Nigeria $8 million 1 Kenya $17 million 1 Ethiopia $3 million
2 Ethiopia $7 million 2 Nigeria $16 million 2 Kenya $2 million
3 Kenya $7 million 3 Ethiopia $10 million 3 South Africa $2 million
4 Mali $2 million 4 South Africa $10 million 4 Uganda $2 million
5 Ghana $2 million 5 Djibouti $8 million 5 Botswana $2 million
Table 8. Leading Purchasers of U.S. Defense Articles and Services, Total Values of
American Republics Deliveries Concluded
(in current U.S. dollars, rounded to nearest million)
American Republics American Republics American Republics
Deliveries Deliveries Deliveries
1999-2002 2003-2006 2006
1 Canada $375 million 1 Canada $681 million 1 Chile $251 million
2 Colombia $300 milliona 2 Chile $457 million 2 Canada $215 million
3 Brazil $177 million 3 Colombia $179 milliona 3 Colombia $84 milliona
4 Venezuela $79 million 4 Brazil $87 million 4 Brazil $48 million
5 Argentina $54 million 5 Venezuela $38 million 5 Venezuela $8 million
a. Includes deliveries of defense articles and services previously sold that are related to international narcotics
Table 9. Leading Purchasers of U.S. Defense Articles and Services, Total Values of
Asia Deliveries Concluded
(in current U.S. dollars, rounded to nearest 10 million or 10th of a billion)
Asia Asia Asia
Deliveries Deliveries Deliveries
1999-2002 2003-2006 2006
1 Taiwan $5.8 billion 1 Taiwan $4.1 billion 1 Australia $1.7 billion
2 South Korea $3.2 billion 2 Australia $2.5 billion 2 Taiwan $970 million
3 Japan $1.9 billion 3 South Korea $2.4 billion 3 South Korea $610 million
4 Australia $1.2 billion 4 Japan $1.8 billion 4 Japan $560 million
5 Singapore $1.0 billion 5 Singapore $960 million 5 Singapore $370 million
Table 10. Leading Purchasers of U.S. Defense Articles and Services, Total Values of
Near East Deliveries Concluded
(in current U.S. dollars, rounded to nearest 10 million or 10th of a billion)
Near East Near East Near East
Deliveries Deliveries Deliveries
1999-2002 2003-2006 2006
1 Saudi Arabia $8.9 billion 1 Israel $5.2 billion 1 Israel $1.5 billion
2 Egypt $4.5 billion 2 Egypt $5.1 billion 2 Egypt $1.2 billion
3 Israel $3.3 billion 3 Saudi Arabia $4.4 billion 3 Saudi Arabia $1.0 billion
4 Kuwait $1.3 billion 4 Kuwait $910 million 4 Kuwait $300 million
5 Bahrain $530 million 5 U.A.E. $620 million 5 Oman $290 million
Table 11. Leading Purchasers of U.S. Defense Articles and Services, Total Values of
Europe Deliveries Concluded
(in current U.S. dollars, rounded to nearest 10 million or 10th of a billion)
Europe Europe Europe
Deliveries Deliveries Deliveries
1999-2002 2003-2006 2006
1 Greece $1.8 billion 1 Greece $3.2 billion 1 Netherlands $800 million
2 Turkey $1.6 billion 2 U.K. $1.6 billion 2 Poland $690 million
3 U.K. $1.6 billion 3 Netherlands $1.5 billion 3 Greece $440 million
4 Finland $1.5 billion 4 Turkey $980 million 4 U.K. $330 million
5 Netherlands $1.1 billion 5 Italy $890 million 5 Italy $280 million
Table 12. Leading Purchasers of U.S. Defense Articles and Services, Total Values of
Worldwide Deliveries Concluded
(in current U.S. dollars, rounded to nearest 10 million or 10th of a billion)
Worldwide Worldwide Worldwide
Deliveries Deliveries Deliveries
1999-2002 2003-2006 2006
1 Saudi Arabia $8.9 billion 1 Israel $5.2 billion 1 Australia $1.7 billion
2 Taiwan $5.8 billion 2 Egypt $5.1 billion 2 Israel $1.5 billion
3 Egypt $4.5 billion 3 Saudi Arabia $4.4 billion 3 Egypt $1.2 billion
4 Israel $3.3 billion 4 Taiwan $4.1 billion 4 Saudi Arabia $1.0 billion
5 South Korea $3.2 billion 5 Greece $3.2 billion 5 Taiwan $970 million
6 Japan $1.9 billion 6 Australia $2.5 billion 6 Netherlands $800 million
7 Greece $1.8 billion 7 South Korea $2.4 billion 7 Poland $690 million
8 Turkey $1.6 billion 8 Japan $1.8 billion 8 South Korea $610 million
9 U.K. $1.6 billion 9 U.K. $1.6 billion 9 Japan $560 million
10 Finland $1.5 billion 10 Netherlands $1.5 billion 10 Greece $440 million
Richard F. Grimmett
Specialist in International Security
rgrimmett@crs.loc.gov, 7-7675