Largest Mergers and Acquisitions by Corporations: 2002
Largest Mergers and Acquisitions by
Corporations: 2002
John Williamson
Technical Information Specialist
Resources, Science, and Industry Division
The worldwide rate of corporate mergers and acquisitions (M&A) activity declined
during 2001, and 2002 was a year of serious consolidation as corporations sought to1
restructure their operations through buying and selling of “non-essential” operations.
This report provides a listing of the largest mergers (announced value of at least two†
billion U.S. Dollars) or acquisitions for the year January 1, 2002 to December 31, 2002.
Completion dates for the mergers or acquisitions are included and merger or acquisition
failures noted. These data have been drawn from publicly available sources and have
not been otherwise verified by CRS.
Largest Mergers or Acquisitions: 2002 (ranked by value)
(All amounts cited are U.S. Dollars)
Acquirer, Sector, andTarget FirmDateDateValue
New Name (if applicable) and SectorAnnouncedCompleted($ billions)
* The designation “Pending” often indicates that regulatory approval needed for actual merger has not
been obtained.
Meiji LifeYasuda Mutual Life Insurance1/24/02April 2004206.04
Mutual insurance company Mutual insurance company(projected)
Pfizer, Inc.Pharmacia Corp.7/15/02Pending*52.16
Pharmaceuticals Pharmaceuticals
Taishin Financial Holding Co.Shin Kong Financial Holding Co.6/25/02Pending*29.743
Banking and finance Banking and finance
† For the top 25 mergers of 1998, see RS20502, Twenty-five Largest Mergers and Acquisitions by
Corporations: 1998; for the top 25 mergers of 1999, see RS20503, Twenty-five Largest Mergers
and Acquisitions by Corporations: 1999; for the top 25 mergers of 2000, see RS20504, Twenty-five
Largest Mergers and Acquisitions by Corporations: 2000; and for the top 25 mergers of 2001, see
RS20804, Twenty-five Largest Mergers and Acquisitions by Corporations: 2001.
1 Ratner, Juliana. “The nightmare on Wall Street continues MERGERS & ACQUISITIONS BAD
* RESTRUCTURING EXPERTS IN DRIVING SEAT” Financial Times, December 23, 2002. p.
Acquirer, Sector, andTarget FirmDateDateValue
New Name (if applicable) and SectorAnnouncedCompleted($ billions)
* The designation “Pending” often indicates that regulatory approval needed for actual merger has not
been obtained.
Crédit Agricole Crédit Lyonnais12/16/02Pending*20.04
Banking and finance Banking and finance
National Grid Group PlcLattice Group Plc4/22/0210/21/0217.93
Electric Power distribution Natural Gas pipeline company
National Grid Transco Plc.
Telia ABSonera Corporation Oyj3/26/0212/9/0217.54
Telecommunications Telecommunications
T e liaSo ne r a
HSBC Household International11/14/02Pending*14.24
Banking and finance Banking and finance
PanCanadian Energy Alberta Energy 1/27/024/8/0212.04
Energy company Energy company
EnCana Corporation
Northrop Grumman Inc.TRW Inc.2/22/0212/11/0211.84
Defense conglomerate Conglomerate
J.P. Morgan, Chase & Co.Providian Financial’s Credit card1/17/021/17/028.24
Banking and financebusiness
South African Breweries PlcMiller Brewing Company4/3/027/9/027.63
Brewing Brewing
SAB Miller Plc
Carnival Corp.P&O Princess Cruises Ltd.10/25/02Pending*7.36
Cruise line operator Cruise line operator
Carlyle GroupQwestDex (div. Qwest Inc.)8/20/0211/8/027.057
Welch Carson Anderson & Telephone directory publisher
Sto we
Royal Dutch ShellEnterprise Oil Plc4/2/025/10/026.2
Oil Oil
Vodafone PlcCegetel S.A.10/16/02Pending*6.195
Telecommunications Telecommunications
Simon Property Group, Inc.Rodamco North America N.V.1/14/025/3/025.83
Rouse Company Shopping center owner/
Westfield Holdings Ltd. operator
Shopping center owners/
CitigroupGolden State Bancorp5/22/0211/7/025.84
Banking, finance, insurance Banking and finance
Blackstone GroupTRW Inc. Auto parts div.11/19/02Pending*4.736
Investment group Conglomerate
Imperial Tobacco PlcReemtsma Cigarettenfabriken3/7/023/7/024.564
USA InteractiveTicketmaster Inc.6/3/0210/9/024.53
E-commerce E-commerce
Anthem Inc.Trigon Healthcare Inc.4/29/027/31/024.45
Health services provider Health services provider
Cadbury, Schweppes PlcAdamsDiv., Pfizer, Inc.12/17/02Pending*4.24
Soft drinks, confectionary Confectionary
Acquirer, Sector, andTarget FirmDateDateValue
New Name (if applicable) and SectorAnnouncedCompleted($ billions)
* The designation “Pending” often indicates that regulatory approval needed for actual merger has not
been obtained.
Friedman, Billings RamseyFBR Asset Investment11/15/02Pending*4.12
Group (FBR Group) Real estate investment trust
Holding company
Manulife Financial Corp.Canada Life Financial Corp.12/9/02Pending*4.16
Insurance company Insurance company
AOL TimeWarner, Inc.TimeWarner Entertainment (27.6%)8/21/02Pending*3.76
Conglomerate held by AT&T Comcast
TimeWarner Cable Inc. Cable television networks
New part owned subsidiary
Coca-Cola Femsa S.A.Panamerican Beverages Inc.12/23/02Pending*3.64
Beverage bottler Beverage bottler
Wendel InvestissementLeGrand S.A.7/28/02Pending*3.583
Kohlberg Kravis Roberts Electrical parts
Investment partnership
Univision Communications Inc.Hispanic Broadcasting Corp.6/12/02Pending*3.56
Spanish language broadcaster Spanish language broadcaster
Madison Dearborn PartnersJefferson Smurfit Plc.6/17/029/3/023.53
Investment group Paper packaging manufacturer
IBM PriceWaterho useCoopers 7/30/02 10/1/02 3.56
Information companyConsulting
Southern Cross Airports Corp.Sydney Airport Corp.6/25/026/25/023.22
Airport operator Airport operator
M&T BankAllfirst Bank9/26/02Pending*3.16
Banking and finance Banking and finance
BP PlcVeba Oel (49% not previously5/28/0210/2/023.054
Energypurchased) Oil company
Publicis S.A.BCom33/7/029/25/023.04
Advertising Advertising
Guidant Corp.Cook Group, Inc.7/30/02Pending*3.06
Medical device manufacturer Medical device manufacturer
Royal Dutch Shell Pennzoil-Quaker State Oil Company3/25/0210/1/022.94
Oil Oil
General Electric Co.Deutsche Bank A.G. 9/16/02Pending*2.96
Conglomerate U.S. financing unit
Banking and finance
Norsk Hydro (44% owned byVAW Aluminum AG (owned by E.1/7/023/12/022.83
Norwegian government)On AG)
Hydro Aluminum
Bertelsmann A.G.Zomba Music Group6/11/0211/26/022.746
Communications Recorded music producer
Del Monte Foods Co.H.J. Heinz Co. North American6/13/0212/20/022.72
Food food division
Deutsche Bahn A.G.Stinnes A.G.7/3/0210/18/022.74
Government-owned railway Transportation company
Acquirer, Sector, andTarget FirmDateDateValue
New Name (if applicable) and SectorAnnouncedCompleted($ billions)
* The designation “Pending” often indicates that regulatory approval needed for actual merger has not
been obtained.
Nestle S.A.Chef America Inc.8/6/029/12/022.63
Conglomerate Food
Xstrata AGGlencore International coal fields2/21/023/20/022.54
Minerals company Commodity trader
Cisco Systems Inc.Andiamo Systems8/20/02Pending*2.54
Networking router maker Storage area networking
David MurdockDole Food, Inc.9/23/02Pending*2.54
Investor Food company
E.ON A.G.TXU U.K. operations10/21/0210/21/022.56
Energy Energy
Crédit AgricoleFinaref12/23/02Pending*2.52
Banking and finance Software manufacturer
Nestle S.A.Dreyer’s Grand Ice Cream, Inc.6/17/02Pending*2.45
Conglomerate Ice cream maker
Barilla GroupKamps A.G.4/15/029/25/022.32
Food Food
Gecina S.A.Simco S.A.8/7/0210/2/022.32
Real estate Real estate
General Electric Co.ABB Ltd. financing division9/4/0211/29/022.36
Conglomerate Conglomerate
R.H. Donnelly Co.Sprint Inc., directory div.9/22/02Pending*2.234
Directory sales representative Directories
DSM N.V.Roche S.A.9/3/02Pending*2.214
Conglomerate Pharmaceuticals
America Movil S.A.Telecom Americas S.A.6/10/027/24/022.24
Telecommunications Telecommunications
General Electric Co. Inc.Instrumentarium Corp. Oy12/18/02Pending*2.22
Conglomerate Medical technology
Electricité de France, S.A.Seeboard div. AEP Corp. 6/18/026/18/022.15
Power company Power company
IBMRational Software12/5/02Pending*2.14
IT company Software company
Hitachi KKIBM, hard disk drive division6/04/0212/31/022.053
Conglomerate IT company
Petro-CanadaVeba oil fields (owned by BP plc)1/30/025/2/022.04
Oil company Oil Company
Scottish & Newcastle PlcHartwall Oyj2/14/027/3/022.04
Brewers Brewers
Saudi Basic IndustriesPetrochemical div. DSM N.V.4/4/026/30/022.04
Petrochemicals Conglomerate
Note: Values given for transactions are expressed as the value of the combined assets of the two firms when
there is a merger. In an acquisition, the value shown is the purchase price of the target corporation. These
figures sometimes vary from one source to another and can change as the market value of the company’s stock
changes; values are shown in U.S. Dollars. U.S. Dollar value can fluctuate with changes in exchange rates.
The values shown above are derived from the following sources:
1 Source for value: Mergers & Acquisitions.
2 Source for value: Mergerstat.
3 Source for value: The Wall Street Journal.
4 Source for value: The Financial Times.
5 Source for value: The Washington Post.
6 Source for value:
7 Source for value:
Sources: Mergerstat Online (; Mergers & Acquisitions Magazine, various issues;
The Wall Street Journal, various dates; The Financial Times, various dates; announcement and closing dates
from The Wall Street Journal or The Financial Times, various dates.